코로나19 상황판 2020. 4. 4 / 00:00 기준 Corona 19 situation version April 4, 2020 / As of 00:00

경기도 Gyeonggi-do
562 확진자 누계 562 Total Accumulators
357 현재 입원환자 357 Current inpatients
199 퇴원자 199 discharged
6 사망자 6 dead
대한민국 Republic of Korea
환자현황 Patient Status
10,156 확진환자 10,156 confirmed patients
3,654 치료중(격리중) 3,654 Under treatment (in isolation)
6,325 완치(격리해제) Completed 6,325 (disengagement)
177 사망 177 deaths

출처 : 질병관리본부 발생동향 GO Source: Disease Management Headquarters GO

경기도 31개 시ㆍ군 확진환자 현황 Status of confirmed cases in 31 cities and counties in Gyeonggi-do

Gyeonggi-do area map

1 One

20 20

6 6

10 10

13 13

3 3

29 29

12 12

20 20

1 One

72 72

116 116

47 47

8 8

16 16

2 2

18 18

1 One

000 000

000 000

000 000

7 7

53 53

5 5

24 24

10 10

5 5

31 31

10 10

3 3

19 19

담당부서 감염병관리과 Department of Infectious Disease Management

담당자 박병희 Contact Person Park Byeong-hee

031-8008-5436 031-8008-5436

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