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코로나19 총력대응 Corona 19

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  2. 코로나19 총력대응>보건의료>코로나바이러스-19>발생동향 Corona 19 Total Response> Health Care> Coronavirus-19> Occurrence

발생동향 Occurrence

전국 현황 ('20.3.25. 00:00기준) Nationwide status (as of '20 .3.25. 00:00)

구분 division 총계 sum 확진환자 A confirmed patient *의심환자 * Suspect patient
소계 sub Total 격리 해제 Isolate quarantine 격리 중 In quarantine 사망 Dead 소계 sub Total 검사 중 Under examination 결과 음성 Result negative
3.25(수) 3.25 (Wed) 357,896 357,896 9,137 9,137 3,730 3,730 5,281 5,281 126 126 348,759 348,759 14,278 14,278 334,481 334,481
3.24(화) 3.24 (Tue) 348,582 348,582 9,037 9,037 3,507 3,507 5,410 5,410 120 120 339,545 339,545 15,440 15,440 324,105 324,105

경상북도 현황 ('20.3.25. 08:00기준) Gyeongsangbuk-do (as of 20.3.25. 08:00)

범례 (단위:명) Legend (Unit: person)

  • 숫자 확진환자 Confirmed patient
49 38 17 48 61 5 36 15 2 587 6 43 1 1 2 142 8 21 49 6 70 49 38 17 48 61 5 36 15 2 587 6 43 1 1 2 142 8 21 49 6 70
구분 division 확진환자현황 Confirmed patient status 검사현황 Inspection Status 접촉자 Contact
system 격리중 In containment 해제 release 사망 Dead system 검사중 Under examination 음성 voice system 격리중 In containment 음성 voice
3.25(수) 3.25 (Wed) 1,207 1,207 665 665 511 511 31 31 1,489 1,489 1,212 1,212 277 277 11,058 11,058 2,100 2,100 8,958 8,958
3.24(화) 3.24 (Tue) 1,203 1,203 692 692 482 482 29 29 1,530 1,530 1,460 1,460 70 70 10,507 10,507 1,635 1,635 8,872 8,872

※ 모니터링 : 음성 결과 후 14일 미경과자 ※ Monitoring: 14 days after negative result

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담당부서 : Department in charge:
복지건강국 보건정책과 Welfare and Health Bureau Health Policy Division
전화번호 : Phone number :
054-880-3788 054-880-3788
업데이트 날짜 : Update Date:
2020.03.02 2020.03.02

부서별 Departmental


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