2020. 3. 20.(금) 10:00 March 20, 2020 (Fri) 10:00

  • 전라북도 Jeollabuk do
    • 확진자 10 (격리 3 완치 7 ) 10 confirmed persons ( 3 isolates, 7 cured)
    • 자가격리 35 Self-isolation 35
  • 대한민국 Republic of Korea
    • 확진자 8,652 (완치 2,233 사망 94 ) 8,652 confirmed cases ( 2,233 people who had cured deaths, 94 people )
    • 의심환자 316,664 Suspected patients 316,664

코로나19, 함께하면 이겨낼 수 있습니다 Corona 19, we can overcome

Together, you can overcome, 1. Wash your hands thoroughly with soap for more than 30 seconds, 2. Cover your mouth and nose with a sleeve when you cough! 3. Wear a mask for respiratory symptoms such as cough 코로나바이러스감염증-19 바로가기 Coronavirus Infection- go directly

Millennium Emergency Jeollabuk-do

A beautiful mountainous river, a life of life, millennium Jeonbuk!

전라북도지사 송하진 입니다 I am Song Ha - jin, the governor of Jeollabuk-do

도지사에게 바란다 매니페스토/공약 Manifesto / Commitment to the Governor

오늘의 날씨 Today's weather

2020. 03. 21. (토) 2020. 03. 21. (Sat)

  • Sunny

    전주시 28℃ 28 ℃ in Jeonju

  • Sunny

    군산시 28℃ Gunsan City 28 ℃

날씨정보 더보기 대기정보 더보기 More weather information More atmospheric information

정지 stop

팝업존 모아보기 Collect pop-up zones

정지 stop

  • Public welfare center multi-value sharing center
  • 21st Congressional Election Information for Elderly, Disabled, Resident Registered Persons, etc.
  • We are calling for active participation in the religious world to overcome Corona 19!
  • Temporary Deferral of the National Sports Festival for the National Life and Sports Festival We are pleased to announce that we are inevitably “delayed” to prevent the spread of corona 19 infections, which are getting worse recently. Opening period (2020.04.23. ~ 04.26.) → Provisional delay ※ In the future, the details of the operation period, etc. according to the progress of infectious diseases will be announced again after sufficient consultation with related organizations.
  • On April 15th, the 21st National Assembly election can be voted from the age of 18 (born on February 16, 200)!
  • Real Estate Transaction Order Disruption Reporting Center
  • Corona 19, Comprehensive Guide to Economic Support
  • Coronavirus Infection-19 Get quick information!
  • Make sure to report the production and sales of health masks / hand sanitizers. Report targets-Health masks and hand sanitizer producers-Sellers who sold more than 10,000 masks and hand sanitizers on the same day on the same sales report-Producers: Same-day production, exports, domestic shipments, inventory-sellers · Retails, etc.): Unit price, quantity sold, and deadline for reporting the sales-Same day results until 12:00 noon on the next day
  • Operating a small and medium-sized business reporting center for small and medium-sized businesses in Jeollabuk-do caused by the new corona virus 063-711-2012
  • Together we can overcome. New Coronavirus We are again! Will overcome.
  • 네이버블로그 Naver Blog

    전북 가볼만한곳 부안 향교·서외리 당간 - 문화재 보러 떠나는봄 힐링여행 세월의 흔적이 느껴지는명소에서 봄 만끽하기추웠던 겨울이 물러가고 봄바람이 솔솔 불던 어느 날,부안읍 서외리 좁은 어느 골목길을 돌아 들어서면 만나는 오랜 세월의 흔적이 엿보이는 홍살문. Places to visit Buan Hyanggyo / Seoori-ri, Jeollabuk-do-Spring Healing Trip to See Cultural Properties Enjoy the spring in a place where you can feel the traces of the winter One day when the cold winter retreats and the spring breeze blows, and when you turn around a narrow alleyway in Seooe-ri, Buan-eup Hongsalmun where the traces of it can be seen. 그 뒤로는 파란 하늘 아래 아늑하게 자리한 부안향교를 만나게 됩니다. After that, you will meet Buan Hyanggyo, which is cozyly situated under the blue sky. 향교 입구에 즐비하게 서 있는 비석군이 인상적인 풍경입니다.부안에서 즐기는 특별한 여행 오늘은 부안에 있는 향교로 봄맞이 여행 삼아 산책하듯 떠나볼텐데요.향교가 어떤 곳인지 우선 알아봐야겠죠? The monument that stands tall at the entrance of Hyanggyo is impressive. A special trip in Buan Today, I'm going to take a spring trip to Hyanggyo in Buan as a walk. 향교는 조선 시대의 지방에서 유학을 교육하기 위한 교육기관입니다. Hyanggyo is an educational institution for educating students to study abroad in the Joseon Dynasty. 부안향교는 전체적인 구조가 계단식으로 배치가 되어 있어 흥미로운 형태인데요. Buan Hyanggyo is an interesting form because the overall structure is arranged in a staircase. 향교 내에는 대성전....... In Hyanggyo, Daeseongjeon ...

  • 네이버블로그 Naver Blog

    전북 진안 마이산에 대한 오해와 진실 - 마이산이 커지고 있다? Misunderstanding and truth about Maisan, Jinan, Jeollabuk-do-Is Maisan growing? 호기심 여행 성장기가 온 마이산?여러분은 혹시 지금 키가 커지고 계시나요? Curiosity Travel Mai-san, who has grown up, are you getting taller now? 너무 뜬금없는 질문인가요? Is this a question that isn't too big? 사람들에게는 각자 다른 신체 성장기간이 있습니다. People have different body growth periods. 성장 시기가 비교적 일찍 일어나는 사람도 있고, 성인이 돼서도 신체 성장이 이뤄지는 사람이 있습니다.그런데 최근에 마이산의 키가 커졌다고 합니다. Some people grow up relatively early, and some grow up even when they become adults. 마이산은 크게 암마이봉과 수마이봉으로 나뉘어지는데요. Maisan is divided into Ammaibong and Sumaibong. 기존의 암마이봉의 높이는 686m, 수마이봉은 680m였습니다. The height of the existing Ammaibong was 686m and the Sumaibong was 680m. 하지만 최근에 마이산의 키를 다시 측정해본 결과 암마이봉 687.4m, 수마이봉 681.1m로 각각 1.4m, 1.1m씩 성장했습니다. However, as a result of re-measuring the height of Maisan recently, it grew by 1.4m and 1.1m, respectively, to 687.4m in Ammaibong and 681.1m in Sumaibong. 이 높이 값은 마이산이 도립공원으로 지정된 이후 41년 만에 변한 수치인데요. This height value has changed since 41 years after Maisan was designated as a provincial park. 아니 사람인 나도 이제는 키....... No, I am a person, now I am tall ...

생생TV Live TV Body away, mind close

몸은 멀리, 마음은 가깝게 모두를 배려하는 마음을 담은 거리두기몸의 거리는 멀... The body is far away, and the mind is close .