2020. 3. 22.(일) 10:00 2020. 3. 22. (Sun) 10:00

  • 전라북도 Jeollabuk do
    • 확진자 10 (격리 3 완치 7 ) 10 confirmed persons ( 3 isolates, 7 cured)
    • 자가격리 59 Self-contained 59
  • 대한민국 Republic of Korea
    • 확진자 8,897 (완치 2,909 사망 104 ) 8,897 confirmed cases ( 2,909 cure deaths, 104 deaths )
    • 의심환자 331,780 Suspected patients 331,780 people

코로나19, 함께하면 이겨낼 수 있습니다 Corona 19, we can overcome

Together, you can overcome, 1. Wash your hands thoroughly with soap for more than 30 seconds, 2. Cover your mouth and nose with a sleeve when you cough! 3. Wear a mask for respiratory symptoms such as cough 코로나바이러스감염증-19 바로가기 Coronavirus Infection- go directly

Millennium Emergency Jeollabuk-do

A beautiful mountainous river, a life of life, millennium Jeonbuk!

전라북도지사 송하진 입니다 I am Song Ha - jin, the governor of Jeollabuk-do

도지사에게 바란다 매니페스토/공약 Manifesto / Commitment to the Governor

오늘의 날씨 Today's weather

2020. 03. 22. (일) 2020. 03. 22. (Sun)

날씨정보 더보기 대기정보 더보기 More weather information More atmospheric information

정지 stop

팝업존 모아보기 Collect pop-up zones

정지 stop

  • Public welfare center multi-value sharing center
  • 21st Congressional Election Information for Elderly, Disabled, Resident Registered Persons, etc.
  • We are calling for active participation in the religious world to overcome Corona 19!
  • Temporary Deferral of the National Sports Festival for the National Life and Sports Festival We are pleased to announce that we are inevitably “delayed” to prevent the spread of corona 19 infectious diseases, which are getting worse recently. Opening period (2020.04.23. ~ 04.26.) → Provisional delay ※ In the future, the details of the operation period, etc. according to the progress of infectious diseases will be announced again after sufficient consultation with related organizations.
  • On April 15th, the 21st National Assembly election can be voted from the age of 18 (born on February 16, 200)!
  • Corona 19, Comprehensive Guide to Economic Support
  • Coronavirus Infection-19 Get quick information!
  • Make sure to report the production and sales of health masks / hand sanitizers. Report targets-Health masks and hand sanitizer producers-Sellers who sold more than 10,000 masks and hand sanitizers on the same day on the same sales report-Producers: Same-day production, exports, domestic shipments, inventory-sellers · Retails, etc.): Unit price, quantity sold, and deadline for reporting the sales-Same day results until 12:00 noon on the next day
  • Operating a small and medium-sized business reporting center for small and medium-sized businesses in Jeollabuk-do caused by the new corona virus 063-711-2012
  • Together we can overcome. New Coronavirus We are again! Will overcome.
  • 네이버블로그 Naver Blog

    빛나는 전북인 - 보릿고개 넘어 안동역에서 꽃핀 동전인생 가수 진성 인터뷰 보릿고개 넘어안동역에서 꽃핀 동전인생그야말로 「안동역에서」 열풍이다. Shining Jeonbukin-Interview with singer Jinsung , who bloomed at Andong Station beyond Borit Pass The coin life that bloomed at Andong Station beyond Borit Pass is really a craze at Andong Station. 가요 프로그램과 TV 예능, 오디션 프로그램 등에 출연하며 제2의 전성기를 보내고 있는 부안 출신 가수 진성(61). Jinsung (61), a singer from Buan who is in the second peak of his career by appearing on music programs, TV entertainment, and audition programs. 덕분에 중장년 팬은 물론 젊은 팬도 늘어나 팬층이 더욱 두터워졌다. Thanks to this, the number of young fans as well as middle-aged fans increased, making the fan base even thicker. 오가는 곳마다 사인 공세가 쏟아져도 기꺼이 시간을 내 팬과 소통하고 있는 그를 찾아갔다.노래로 설움 달래다그의 나이 세 살, 한창 돌봄과 사랑이 필요할 때 그의 곁에 엄마 아빠는 없었다. Even if the autograph offensive was pouring everywhere, he was willing to spend time communicating with my fans. 고아나 다름없이 자란 그는 끼니를 해결하기 위해 동네 어르신들 앞에서 노래를 부르기 시작했다. Growing up as an orphan, he began to sing in front of the elders in town to solve the meal. “7~8세 정도 됐을 때예요. “When I was about 7-8 years old. 동네 어머니들이 농사일할 때 논두렁에 서서 이미자, 송춘희, ....... When the local mothers were farming, they stood in the rice fields, Lee Mi-ja, Song Chun-hee, .......

  • 네이버블로그 Naver Blog

    전북도, 단기간 고강도 사회적 거리두기 전개(3.22) 집단감염 위험시설 운영제한 명령!사회적 거리두기도민 협조 당부 전북도가 코로나 19 사회적 거리두기 전국민 캠페인시 실시되는 가운데 단기간, 고강도 사회적 거리두기를 강력 전개합니다. Jeollabuk-do, short-term high-strength social distance positioning (3.22) Command to limit the operation of dangerous facilities for collective infection! 송하진 도지사는 22일 " 이번 단기간의 사회적 거리두기 운동이 당장은 도민과 상공인 등에게 불편함과 어려움을 줄 수 있지만 코로나 19 감염 차단과 지역감염 최소화로 이어져 지역경제를 회복키시는 효과를 불러올 것이다"며 "도민 모두의 건강과 장기적 관점의 지역경제 활성화를 위해 사회적 거리두기 캠페인에 적극적으로 참여해 주길 바란다"고 호소하였습니다. Governor Song Ha-jin said on the 22nd, "This short-term social distance movement can cause discomfort and difficulties for residents and businessmen at the moment, but it will lead to the prevention of corona 19 infection and the minimization of regional infections. "I hope to actively participate in the social distance campaign to vitalize the local economy from the perspective of health and long-term for all of the residents," he complained. ▶전라북도 코로나바이러스 감염증-19 일일상황을 확....... ▶ Coronavirus Infectious Diseases in Jeollabuk-do-19 Check the daily situation ...

생생TV Live TV Body away, mind close

몸은 멀리, 마음은 가깝게 모두를 배려하는 마음을 담은 거리두기몸의 거리는 멀... The body is far away, and the mind is close .