2020. 3. 29.(일) 08:00 2020. 3. 29. (Sun) 08:00

  • 전라북도 Jeollabuk do
    • 확진자 12 (격리 5 완치 7 ) 12 confirmed persons ( 5 isolated, 7 cured)
    • 자가격리 43 Self-contained 43
  • 대한민국 Republic of Korea
    • 확진자 9,583 (완치 5,033 사망 152 ) 9,583 confirmed cases ( 5,033 cure deaths, 152 deaths )
    • 의심환자 395,677 Suspected patients 395,677

코로나19, 함께하면 이겨낼 수 있습니다 Corona 19, we can overcome

Together, you can overcome, 1. Wash your hands thoroughly with soap for more than 30 seconds, 2. Cover your mouth and nose with a sleeve when you cough! 3. Wear a mask for respiratory symptoms such as cough 코로나바이러스감염증-19 바로가기 Coronavirus Infection- go directly

Millennium Emergency Jeollabuk-do

A beautiful mountainous river, a life of life, millennium Jeonbuk!

전라북도지사 송하진 입니다 I am Song Ha - jin, the governor of Jeollabuk-do

도지사에게 바란다 매니페스토/공약 Manifesto / Commitment to the Governor

오늘의 날씨 Today's weather

2020. 03. 29. (일) 2020. 03. 29. (Sun)

  • Sunny

    전주시 28℃ 28 ℃ in Jeonju

  • Sunny

    군산시 28℃ Gunsan City 28 ℃

날씨정보 더보기 대기정보 더보기 More weather information More atmospheric information

정지 stop

공지사항 Notice

공고/고시 Announcement / Notice

팝업존 모아보기 Collect pop-up zones

정지 stop

  • Please take courage to report it! The Special Support Group for Telegram Digital Sex Victims will be with you to the end! Emergency call for women
  • Livestock farming appropriate rearing area calculator
  • Guide to Election of the 21st National Assembly for the Elderly, Disabled, Resident Registration, etc.
  • We are calling for active participation in the religious world to overcome Corona 19!
  • Temporary Deferral of the National Sports Festival for the National Life and Sports Festival We are pleased to announce that we are inevitably “delayed” to prevent the spread of corona 19 infections, which are getting worse recently. Opening period (2020.04.23. ~ 04.26.) → Provisional delay ※ In the future, the details of the operation period, etc. according to the progress of infectious diseases will be announced again after sufficient consultation with related organizations.
  • On April 15th, the 21st National Assembly election can be voted from the age of 18 (born on February 16, 200)!
  • Corona 19, Comprehensive Guide to Economic Support
  • Coronavirus Infection-19 Get quick information!
  • Make sure to report the production and sales of health masks / hand sanitizers. Report targets-Health masks and hand sanitizer producers-Sellers who sold more than 10,000 masks and hand sanitizers on the same day on the same sales report-Producers: Same-day production, exports, domestic shipments, inventory-sellers · Retails, etc.): Sales unit price, quantity sold, and deadline for reporting the sales-Same day results until 12:00 noon on the next day
  • Operation of a small and medium-sized business reporting center for small and medium-sized businesses in North Jeolla Province caused by the new corona virus 063-711-2012
  • Together we can overcome. New Coronavirus We are again! Will overcome.
  • 네이버블로그 Naver Blog

    전주동물원 유동혁 사육사 - 행복하게, 즐겁게, 안전하게 동물을 아끼고 사랑하는 친구 동물을 아끼고 사랑하는유동혁 사육사때론 부모처럼 때론 친구처럼 동물의 보호자 역할을 하고 있는 사육사. Jeonju Zoo Zoo Donghyuk Zookeeper-Happily, happily and safely, animal-loving and loving friend Zoo-dong Yoo Dong- hyuk, a zookeeper who sometimes acts as a protector of animals like a parent and sometimes a friend. 동물을 아끼고 사랑하는 마음 그 이상으로 동물과 교감하며 더 나은 환경에서 생활할 수 있도록 가까이서 돕고 있는 전주동물원 유동혁 사육사(32)를 만났다.오랫동안 꿈꿔온 사육사올해 사육사 5년 차인 유동혁 씨. I met Dongju Hyuk, a 32-year-old breeder who dreamed for a long time in this year's breeder. 어린 시절 동물을 좋아했던 마음이 지금의 그를 있게 했다. His love of animals as a child made him present. “「동물의 세계」나 사육사가 나온 TV프로그램을 보며 동물에 관심을 갖게 됐어요. “I became interested in animals when I watched the“ Animal World ”or a TV program featuring a zookeeper. 막연히 동물을 좋아하면서 함께 생활해보고 싶다는 생각을 했죠. I vaguely liked animals and thought I wanted to live with them. 사랑에 이유가 없는 것처럼 동물을 좋아하는 데 특별한 이유는 없었어요. There was no particular reason for liking animals, as there was no reason for love. 그러다 고등학교에 진학하면서 동....... Then, while going to high school, Dong ...

  • 네이버블로그 Naver Blog

    전북도, 해외입국자 자가격리 조치 관리 강화 도내 모든 해외입국자 대상코로나 19 진단 검사 실시 최근 해외유입 코로나 19 환자 급증에 따라 전북도가 해외 입국자에 대한 강력 관리체제에 돌입합니다. Jeollabuk-do, strengthening self-isolation measures management for overseas immigrants Conducting a corona 19 diagnostic test for all foreign immigrants in the province With the recent surge in overseas corona 19 patients, Jeollabuk-do is entering a strong management system for overseas immigrants. 전북도는 28일, 도내로 들어오는 모든 해외 입국자를 자가격리 조치하는 등 강력한 해외 입국자 관리체에제 돌입한다고 밝혔습니다. On the 28th, Jeollabuk-do announced that it would enter into a strong overseas immigration management system, including self-isolation measures for all foreign immigrants entering the province. 전북 유입 해외입국자전원 진단검사 13일 이후 들어오는도내 해외입국자코로나 19 전수 진단 검사 실시27일부터 해외입국자 대상자가격리 관리 강화된 해외입국자 관리방안 추진 중앙 관리체계보다 엄격하고 확대된 방역체계 추진도내 해외입국자 전원자가격리 조치 해외입국 도내 거주자(13일 이후)신분증 소지, 주소시 보건소 방문무료진단검사 실....... All foreign immigrants entering Jeonbuk After the 13th diagnostic inspection of the overseas immigrants in Coronado 19 Conducting a full-scale diagnostic test Starting on the 27th, the management of the price of foreign immigrants has been strengthened. Measures for self-employed person residing abroad Residents in the province (after the 13th), holding an identification card and visiting the public health center at the address.

생생TV Live TV Strong social distance practice

강력한 사회적 거리두기 실천편 어마어마한! Powerful social distance-separating practice is enormous! 15일간의 사회적 거리두기!이번에는 강력... Stay social for 15 days!