2020. 4. 15.(수) April 15, 2020 (Wed)

  • 전라북도 Jeollabuk do
    • 확진자 17 (격리 8 격리해제 9 ) 17 confirmed persons ( 8 quarantined and 9 quarantined)
  • 대한민국 Republic of Korea
    • 확진자 10,591 (격리 2,750 격리해제 7,616 사망 225 ) 10,591 confirmed persons ( 2,750 quarantines, 7,616 quarantine and 225 deaths )
  • 시군 확진자 17 17 confirmed municipalities
    • 전주시 9 Jeonju 9 people
    • 군산시 5 Gunsan City 5 people
    • 익산시 1 Iksan 1 person
    • 정읍시 0 Jeongeup 0 people
    • 남원시 0 Namwon 0 people
    • 김제시 1 Gimje City 1 person
    • 완주군 0 Wanju-gun 0 people
    • 진안군 0 Jinan-gun 0 people
    • 무주군 0 Muju-gun 0 people
    • 장수군 1 Jangsu-gun 1 person
    • 임실군 0 Imsil-gun 0 people
    • 순창군 0 Sunchang-gun 0 people
    • 고창군 0 Gochang-gun 0 people
    • 부안군 0 Buan-gun 0 people

코로나19, 함께하면 이겨낼 수 있습니다 Corona 19, we can overcome

Together, you can overcome, 1. Wash your hands thoroughly with soap for more than 30 seconds, 2. Cover your mouth and nose with a sleeve when you cough! 3. Wearing a mask for respiratory symptoms such as cough 4. Informing medical staff of overseas travel when visiting a medical institution 코로나바이러스감염증-19 바로가기 Coronavirus Infection- go directly

Millennium Emergency Jeollabuk-do

A beautiful mountainous river, a life of life, millennium Jeonbuk!

전라북도지사 송하진 입니다 I am Song Ha - jin, the governor of Jeollabuk-do

도지사에게 바란다 매니페스토/공약 Manifesto / Commitment to the Governor

오늘의 날씨 Today's weather

2020. 04. 15. (수) 2020. 04. 15. (Wed)

  • Sunny

    전주시 28℃ 28 ℃ in Jeonju

  • Sunny

    군산시 28℃ Gunsan City 28 ℃

날씨정보 더보기 대기정보 더보기 More weather information More atmospheric information

정지 stop

팝업존 모아보기 Collect pop-up zones

정지 stop

  • Who decided the size of the gong gimbap
  • Intensive reporting period of safety risk factors in spring (April 20th, April 1st ~ May 31st, 2010) Participation target: Anyone can report: Campsites, amusement parks, amusements to be reported to the Safety Newspaper App or Safety Newspaper Portal (www.safetyreport.go.kr) Facility risk factors Rockfall risk, road and trail damage, fire safety, fire, illegal parking, etc. Safety neglecting practices Other general safety and health risk factors ※ You can download the Safety Newspaper app from the Play Store or App Store.
  • Cheer up, small business! Corona 19 Overcoming Crisis Small Business Support Application Request Information Utility Fees, Card Fees, Social Insurance Fees, Confirmed Visits Small Business Stores, Good Landlords
  • Climate Change Science Campaign 2020 Destiny Symphony Climate Change
  • Establishment of a reporting center and reporting of safety newspapers
  • 네이버블로그 Naver Blog

    우리 동네 작은 가게 (14) - 전북 누수 인테리어 전문 업체 '공간의 온도' '전북의 재발견'에서는 도 홍보 소식지 '얼쑤전북'에 게재된 '우리 동네 작은가게'를 매월 15일, 블로그에 소개할 예정입니다. My local small shop (14)-Jeonbuk leak interior specialist 'Space temperature' and 'Rediscovery in Jeonbuk' will introduce 'My local small shop', published in 'Eulsu Jeonbuk', a publicity newsletter on the blog on the 15th of every month. is. '우리 동네 작은가게'는 지역경제 활성화를 위해 전라북도경제통상진흥원 지원을 받아 창업한 가게임을 알려드립니다. We are pleased to inform you that the 'Small Store in My Town' was founded with the support of the Jeollabuk-do Economic and Trade Promotion Agency to revitalize the local economy. 누수 없는 따뜻한 공간 디자인하는'공간의 온도'전주시 서신동 원룸가에 위치한 인테리어 업체 '공간의 온도'는 인테리어 분야 중 누수를 전문으로 하고 있다. 'Temperature of space' designing a warm space without leaks 'Interior temperature of space', an interior company located in the studio in Seoshin-dong, Jeonju, specializes in leaks. 이곳은 깔끔한 시공으로 누수로 인해 골머리를 앓고 있는 고객들의 고민을 덜어주며 큰 신뢰를 받고 있다.2018년 4월에 문을 연 '공간의 온도'는 누수 인테리어, 누수 도배, 누수....... This is a clean construction that has received great trust from customers who are troubled by leaks, and has received great trust. 'The temperature of space' opened in April 2018 is leaking interior, leaking water, leaking ... ..

  • 네이버블로그 Naver Blog

    코로나 19가 바꾼 일상 – 전북농산물로 삼시세끼 집밥 만들기 제철 농산물로삼시세끼 집밥먹고면역력 높이기코로나 19가 이렇게 장기간 이어질지 누가 알았을까요?사회적 거리두기가 연장되고 초중고 개학이 연기되면서 무기한 집콕 생활이 이어지고 있습니다.이럴 때일수록 제일 고민이 많은 사람은? Daily life changed by Corona 19-Making 3 meals of rice with Jeonbuk agricultural products Eat 3 meals of rice with seasonal produce to increase immunity Who knew that Corona 19 would last for a long time? Who is the most anxious about this? 바로 가족의 일거수일투족을 책임지고 있는 엄마들이겠죠. These are the mothers who are responsible for the family's every move. 외식문화가 줄어들고 삼시세끼 집밥으로 온 가족 식생활이 바뀌고 있는 요즘에는 더욱 그렇습니다. This is even more so nowadays, as the food culture is shrinking and the whole family's eating habits are changing with three-time home-cooked meals. ”오늘은 뭐 먹지? "What are you eating today? 내일은 뭐 먹을까?“ 엄마들의 입버릇 같은 이 말은 일상이 된 지 오래입니다. What shall we eat tomorrow? ”These words, like the habits of mothers, have long been a routine. 그렇다면 매일 먹는 집밥! Then eat daily rice! 좀 더 맛있고 건강하게 먹어볼 수는 없을까요?바로바로 우리 지역 농산물로 삼시세끼 집밥 만들어보기! Can't you eat more deliciously and healthily? Just make three meals of rice with our local produce! 그동안 잦은 외식....... In the meantime, frequent eating out .......

생생TV Live TV Irobok, go to drive through!

아이로복, 드라이브 스루에 가다! Irobok, go to drive through! 로복아이 로복삐입파워 온완충 FLEX도대체 여기서 무... Lobok Eye Lobop Beep Power On buffer FLEX