서울시 ('시 기준) Seoul City (as of

376 376

확진자 Confirmer

88 88

퇴원 Discharge

0 0

사망 Dead

65,952 65,952

의심환자 Suspected patient

4,131 4,131

검사중 Under examination

61,821 61,821

결과음성 Result voice

8,648 8,648

자가격리자 Self-container

2,166 2,166

감시중 Under surveillance

6,472 6,472

감시해제 Release monitoring

대한민국 ('시 기준) Republic of Korea (as of

9,332 9,332

확진자 Confirmer

4,528 4,528

퇴원 Discharge

139 139

사망 Dead

367,629 367,629

의심환자 Suspected patient

  • Corona 19 Seoul PathwayCorona 19 Seoul Pathway
  • Support for emergency living expenses in SeoulSupport for emergency living expenses in Seoul
  • Know-how in everyday lifeKnow-how in everyday life