Situation update
Current situation COVID-19: New infections, hospitalisations in intensive care, deaths.

4.396 People tested positive for COVID-19 (residents)
Our services strive to improve the quality of the data that are submitted by the laboratories on a daily basis. New quality control procedures have led to corrections on the "residence" variable for previously published data.
- Difference to previous day (residents): +63
- Difference to previous day (non-residents): +11
- People tested positive for COVID-19 (residents + non-residents): 5.483
- Non-residents: 1.013
- Average age: 43 years
- Ratio men / women: 52%/ 48%

333.457 Persons tested since the beginning of the crisis (265.934 residents)
111 Deaths
39 Hospitalizations (COVID-19 and suspected cases)
Note on the data
Under the law on the mandatory reporting of infectious diseases, laboratories are required to report test results for certain infectious diseases within specified time limits. Thus, PCR test results regarding a Covid19 infection must be sent to the Health Inspectorate Division within one day. Nevertheless, delays longer than one day may occur and laboratories may send some PCR test results with a delay of several days. As a result of this catching-up on tests, retrospective corrections are made to the statistics presented on the website.
It should also be noted that the statistics reported each day always correspond to the situation of the previous day.
Source: COVID-19 research Taskforce
Next update: 19.07.2020 between 17:30 - 18:00
On weekends and public holidays the update is limited to the following three figures:
People tested positive for COVID-19
Persons tested since the beginning of the crisis
Coronaviruses (CoV) are a large family of viruses that cause symptoms ranging from the common cold to more serious illnesses, i.e. the Middle East Respiratory Syndrome (MERS) and Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS). The new coronavirus (nCoV) is a new strain of coronavirus that had not yet been identified in humans.
COVID-19 is the infectious disease caused by the latest discovered coronavirus (SARS-CoV-2). This new virus and disease were unknown before the outbreak in Wuhan, China, in December 2019.
COVID-19 infection remains mild in 80% of cases. In order to delay spreading among the general population and to protect vulnerable and fragile groups in the population, it is important to take a certain number of precautions.
What is a pandemic?
There is no universally applicable definition. However, it can be said that a pandemic is the increased and sustained propagation of an extraordinary infectious human disease that rapidly affects all parts of the world and a large part of the global population.
On 11 March, the World Health Organization (WHO) has declared the COVID-19 epidemic to be a global pandemic.
How is COVID-19 coronavirus spread?
The COVID-19 infection is transmitted by people carrying the virus. The disease can be spread from person to person through very small particles, so-called aerosols, and respiratory droplets expelled from the nose or mouth when a person coughs or sneezes.
COVID-19 can be contracted by inhaling aerosols or droplets from a sick person who has just coughed or sneezed. This is why it is important to keep a distance of more than two meters from a sick person and to respect basic hygiene measures. Droplets can persist for some time on objects or surfaces around the person in question. An infection with COVID-19 can occur if you touch these objects or surfaces and then touch your eyes, nose or mouth.
Is COVID-19 transmissible during sexual intercourse?
COVID-19 is not a sexually transmitted disease. However, the virus being present in the respiratory secretions and being able to be transmitted by direct contact of person to person, sexual intercourse is favorable to a transmission of the virus, if one of the partners is infected.
Can pets transmit COVID-19?
At this time, there is no evidence that pets such as dogs or cats can infect others with the new coronavirus.
However, following the infection of several cats (particularly in the United States), cat owners are advised to keep them indoors as much as possible and to avoid contact with people who do not live in the same household.
Dog owners are also advised to subject their dogs to the same rules of social distancing as humans when outside their home.
According to the World Health Organization, the predominant route of transmission remains human-to-human.
Because animals and humans can sometimes share diseases, people with COVID-19 should avoid close contact with their pets. Whenever possible, leave them with family and friends for the duration of the illness.
How should I behave in order to be as little exposed as possible?
Even though the government has implemented a deconfinement, this does not mean that there is no longer a risk of contamination with the virus. Indeed, as long as there is no effective treatment or vaccine, we will have to learn to live with the virus.
This is why you must continue to limit your outings and contacts , respect barrier gestures and wear a mask whenever it is not possible to keep a distance of two metres from people who do not live with you under the same roof. #NotWithoutMyMask
To facilitate the tracing of potentially contaminated people,remember to write down and update the list of people you have met recently (family members, friends, neighbours, colleagues, etc.).
The deconfinement is based on three principles:
- responsibility of everyone,
- solidarity towards others and vulnerable people in particular,
- discipline, which consists of rigorously following the barrier gestures.
What should I do to protect myself and to avoid being contaminated?
The same precautions should be taken as for any other respiratory infection.
- Most importantly: wash your hands regularly and properly.
- Do you cough or sneeze? Do it in a tissue or in the crease of the elbow. Throw the tissue in a bin with a lid.
- Avoid shaking hands or kissing.
- Avoid close contact with sick people (keep a distance of at least 2 meters).
- Avoid touching your face with your hands as much as possible.
- Limit your movements to the necessary.
- The mask is complementary to preventive measures.
When to wear a mask?
It is compulsory to cover your nose and mouth with a mask, scarf or bandana on public transport and for activities that are open to the public (shops, counters, recycling centres, fairs and exhibitions, markets).
Cultural, sports and leisure activities cannot accommodate the public if the conditions of wearing a mask and/or distancing are not respected.
Wearing a mask is also compulsory for gatherings of more than 20 people during which the distance of two meters cannot be respected.
In some sectors, these provisions may even be more restrictive.
Non-compliance with the wearing of a mask and/or seating distance is an offence punishable by a fine.
Who doesn't need to wear the mask?
Children under 6 years of age are not obliged to wear a mask. No child needs to wear the mask when participating in formal or non-formal educational activities.
Persons with special needs, who, because of their disability, cannot wear a mask, do not fall under this obligation, provided that they put other sanitary measures in place to prevent the spread of the virus. A medical certificate will attest to the impossibility of wearing the mask.
Public transport drivers do not need to wear the mask when the distance between them and users is at least two metres or when they are separated by a panel.
When an activity cannot be performed because of the mask (e.g. facial care), other sanitary measures must be put in place to avoid contagion. Thus, the professional may wear a visor in combination with the mask or wear an FFP2 mask when taking care of the client.
Religious, cultural and sports actors are also exempted from wearing masks while carrying out their activities.
Can plastic visors replace masks?
No, plastic visors are used to protect the eyes, but not the nose or mouth. Therefore, a visor alone cannot provide efficient protection against coronavirus.

How to handle masks?
Disposable masks distributed to residents and cross-border workers cannot be washed and have to be disposed of in a waste bin after having worn them for a maximum of 8 hours. The production and expiry dates marked on the boxes are printed according to the international format: year/month/day.
Handmade cloth masks, scarves or bandanas may on the other hand be worn more often, as long as they are washed at 60 degrees every day after use.
In order to get more information about the correct use of masks, please read these recommendations. For wearing a mask is merely a complementary means to barrier gestures which, although reducing the dissemination of droplets carrying the virus, can also present an additional risk of infection when not handled properly. This is why the World Health Organization considers that the widespread use of masks in the whole population is only justified if other preventive measures are impossible or difficult to implement.
Is having a beard compatible with wearing a mask?
In any case, the mask must fit tightly on the face, otherwise its effectiveness is not guaranteed. The beard must be clean and tied up like hair if it is long. This applies to surgical or crafted (fabric) masks.
On the other hand, to guarantee the airtightness of the FFP2 mask - used by healthcare professionals - the beard must not protrude beyond the outlines of the mask.
I am a cross-border worker, will I receive a box of masks?
Yes, all cross-border workers working in the Grand Duchy can benefit from a batch of 50 disposable surgical masks.
The army has set up twelve distribution sites for surgical masks across the country for cross-border workers. The sites will remain open daily until 24 May 2020.
All cross-border workers receive a letter with a voucher to collect their surgical masks at a site of their choice within two weeks after receipt of the letter. In order to avoid an excessive influx on the same date, the sending of the letters has been spread over 5 days.
Are gloves effective in protecting yourself against coronavirus?
In everyday activities, washing your hands regularly protects better against the coronavirus than wearing gloves. This is because gloves do not limit surface-to-surface transmission of the virus. Thus, if you touch coronavirus-contaminated surfaces or objects with your gloves on, the virus will contaminate your gloves and then contaminate surfaces and personal items (keys, phone, bag or wallet, etc.) when handling them.
The hydro-alcoholic solution does not disinfected gloves effectively. In addition, you shouldn't underestimate the risk of transferring the virus to your hands when taking off your gloves.
Overall, there are many disadvantages to wearing gloves:
- It gives a false sense of security and reduces the vigilance necessary for barrier gestures, which remains essential.
- It may increase coronavirus contamination.
- It has a negative impact on the environment as the majority of single-use gloves are neither recyclable nor biodegradable.
Under what conditions is it useful to wear gloves?
Single-use gloves should only be worn by healthcare professionals when providing care that requires physical, skin-to-skin contact with people who are potentially infected (with coronavirus or other infectious agents). Wearing gloves in the healthcare sector is indispensable for regular and correct hand hygiene.
Other than in the context of providing health care to a person with an infectious disease, the use of gloves is not recommended.
Single-use gloves are not intended for use in everyday activities.
I've recovered from COVID-19, am I immune?
This question is being studied, but so far there is no evidence that people who have recovered from the new coronavirus are immune and protected from a second infection. Therefore, the World Health Organization believes that issuing "immune passports" to people who have antibodies may provide a false sense of security and thus contribute to the spread of the pandemic.
Once you have recovered from the disease, be sure to apply barrier gestures and continue to protect yourself and others.
Who is considered vulnerable
Protection of the vulnerable population
Individuals are considered vulnerable if they are over 65 years of age or if they are already suffering from one of the conditions mentioned hereafter. Those conditions are:
- Diabetes
- Cardiovascular diseases
- Chronic diseases of the respiratory tract
- Cancer
- An immune deficiency due to a condition or therapy
- Morbid obesity (body mass index > 40 kg/m2)
Who are the vulnerable children?
COVID-19 infections in children are very different from that in adults, with children being mostly asymptomatic. Severe forms of COVID-19 in children remain uncommon.
Based on currently available data, children with chronic conditions in the following categories can be considered potentially vulnerable:
- certain chronic diseases of the respiratory tract;
- certain heart diseases;
- certain forms of immune deficiency due to a condition or therapy.
If in doubt, do not hesitate to contact your paediatrician.
You can also consult the CSMI's recommendations on this subject.
I am a vulnerable person, what should I do?
Stay at home and respect the barrier gestures.
If you absolutely have to go out, observe the following recommendations:
- go shopping outside of peak hours, if possible;
- if possible, do your grocery shopping online;
- avoid places where it is not possible to keep a security distance of at least 2 metres;
- avoid public transport.
If you need to exert an economic activity, contact your physician by teleconsultation. In this way, you will be able to clarify whether you can continue your economic activity. Your employer has to grant you a maximum of protection at your workplace, e.g. by enabling you to stay away from your colleagues as much as possible. (Information and recommendations for Businesses)
Is the new coronavirus dangerous for children?
COVID-19 infection most often progresses without severity in children. In Europe and the United States, deaths caused by COVID-19 among children remain the exception, and in these cases, the children were mostly suffering from a pre-existing condition, exposing them to an increased risk.
However, it cannot be ruled out that a child may have a severe form of COVID-19 or that a complication of the disease may occur. In case of doubt, medical advice will help to establish the diagnosis and to determine the course of treatment. Kawasaki disease, as well as other complications exceptionally described in COVID-19 children, are known to pediatricians and can be treated in Luxembourg.
Does the new coronavirus pose a threat to pregnant women or fetuses?
According to what is currently known, the COVID-19 does not seem to pose a particular threat to pregnant women. Pregnant women are therefore not subject to additional protective measures other than those normally recommended in the context of their pregnancy.
To this day, the coronavirus has not been associated with fetal anomalies or a heightened risk of a premature birth.
Source: ECDC:
Source: CDC:
What to do in case of anxiety?
The current crisis can be particularly worrying for people. Fear and anxiety can sometimes be overwhelming, especially in cases of social isolation.
- Choose reliable sources of information such as the government website and limit the amount of time you consume online media (check these media 1-2 times a day).
- Be aware of your anxiety. Observe when you feel anxious and try to understand why. Focus on the here and now, don't brood over uncertainties.
- Stay close to your usual routine.
- Talk to calm people.
How to avoid fake news contamination?
Since the beginning of the crisis, the coronavirus has been accompanied by another curse with sometimes fatal effects: fake news on social networks. Thus, in March, several hundred people died in Iran after ingesting methanol, believing that they could protect themselves against COVID-19. The consumption of volcanic ash, cocaine or bleach are other examples of false recommendations that endanger those who believe in them.
To make the distinction, trust only established sources of information and do not take medication without consulting your doctor.
For more information, please visit these sites:
What are the symptoms?
Symptoms vary from moderate to severe respiratory infection, accompanied by fever, coughing, breathing difficulties and fatigue.

Loss of sense of smell (anosmia) and/or taste, digestive problems as well as skin rashes, are other symptoms of the disease.
Seniors and people with pre-existing chronic illnesses are more vulnerable and at risk of complications.
The incubation period, the time between contamination and the appearance of the first symptoms of COVID-19 infection, is maximum 14 days.
What should I do if I have been in contact with someone who has tested positive?
It all depends on how long and how close your contact with the sick person has been. As a general rule, a contact lasting a quarter of an hour or more, without having maintained the distance of 2 metres and without wearing a mask at the time of this contact, is considered a close and direct contact requiring quarantine. Make sure to get tested 5 days after said contact; if the test results are negative, the quarantine can be lifted on day 7.
For contacts respecting the protective measures a self-monitoring period of 14 days is sufficient.
To facilitate the tracing of potentially contaminated people, remember to write down and update the list of people you have met recently (family members, friends, neighbours, colleagues, etc.).
The process of quarantine and self-monitoring is explained below under "Measures and medical treatment".
How does the contact tracing of a person who has tested positive work?
The person who tested positive is asked to provide the Health Inspectorate with the contact details of all close contacts they have had in the days prior to the test and/or before the onset of symptoms.
Afterwards, the identified people are informed that they have been in contact with a sick person (the identity of the sick person is only revealed if he or she agrees). The Health Inspectorate officers then inquire about the state of health of the contact and inform him/her about the necessary measures and precautions, including protective measures. Based on the information obtained it is decided whether and when a COVID-19 test should be carried out.
It is therefore essential that you remember who you have been in contact with over the last few days.
The personal data of those who test negative is deleted after 72 hours, while the data of those who test positive are kept for three months.
How do I know if I have COVID-19 or hay fever?
The pollen season has begun causing allergies that affect between fifteen and twenty percent of the population. Symptoms can be similar to those caused by a COVID-19 infection, especially for people with allergies who experience asthma and respiratory disorders.
A person with chronic asthma is usually very familiar with the symptoms of his disease and can easily differentiate these symptoms from those of a COVID-19 infection. Asthma attacks are usually not accompanied by fever, although it occurs in 80 per cent of cases of COVID-19. Respiratory disorders from asthma occur in time-limited asthmatic attacks and are marked by fairly typical wheezing. Respiratory troubles caused by COVID-19 are progressive and permanent over the day and are accompanied by dry coughing.
What if I have a health problem?
- In case of an emergency, always call 112!
- Consult your doctor by phone or through teleconsultation (eConsult).
- Go to the hospital emergency departments when you have a serious health problem.
- Outside the opening hours on weekdays (from 8 p.m. to 12 a.m.) and on weekends and public holidays (from 8 a.m. to 12 a.m.), you can visit one of the three medical centres in the country. To make an appointment, call the following telephone number: 20 33 31 11.
The medical centres in Luxembourg, Esch-Alzette and Ettelbruck will only receive patients who do not show symptoms of COVID-19. You will be asked to come alone and wearing a mask.
How does teleconsultation work?
teleconsultation is a form of medical practice like any other. It allows a physician, dentist or midwife to give a remote consultation using information and communication technologies.
To better understand how teleconsultation works, do not hesitate to view these explanatory videos:
- The first provides general information and information on how to register on the teleconsultation platform (Tutorial eConsult).
- The second explains how to make a medical appointment (Tutorial eConsult).
- The third is about the teleconsultation process (Tutorial eConsult).
- The fourth explains what happens after teleconsultation (and in particular the electronic sending of documents) (Tutorial eConsult).
How can I see my regular doctor?
The medical teleconsultation is well established, do not hesitate to privilege this mode of remote consultation. Your physician will then be able to quickly assess whether it is better for you to go to his practice or to be reoriented towards another form of care. This is because activities carried out in medical practices are once again allowed, regardless of the nature of the health problem.
In this case, you are asked to go to your appointment alone, if possible, and to keep to the set schedule to avoid contact with other patients in the waiting room.
On arrival, you will be asked to disinfect your hands and to put the surgical mask at your disposal. A professional will make sure that you do not have any signs of COVID-19.
In addition, the premises of the medical practice are equipped in such a way as to guarantee the maximum safety of staff, physician and patients. They are regularly disinfected and objects such as magazines, books or children's toys are removed from waiting rooms.
I urgently need a dentist, where can I go?
Dental practices are open, consult your doctor by phone or through teleconsultation (eConsult).
During weekends, you can go to the Centre hospitalier de Luxembourg (CHL) for urgent dental needs.
CHL - Centre
4, rue Ernest Barblé
L-1210 Luxembourg (Belair)
What types of tests are available?
There are two different types of tests: the diagnostic test that identifies the infection and the serological test that determines if you have ever been in contact with the virus and have produced antibodies against the disease.
Diagnostic tests (qRT-PCR)
This test allows to answer the question: "Am I contagious?"
The Health Directorate recommends this test for the following situations:
Any patient with symptoms suggesting a COVID-19 infection;
Any healthcare professionals who has had close contact (less than 2 metres, for at least 15 minutes) without adequate personal protective equipment with a person confirmed COVID-19 positive. Taking into account the average incubation period of 5-6 days and the fact that the infected person begins to be contagious 1-2 days before the onset of symptoms, testing is recommended between the 4th and 5th day after contact. As a precaution, the person potentially infected through unprotected contact must always wear a surgical mask at the workplace. Any staff member who becomes symptomatic is immediately removed from the workplace and tested.
Any person hospitalised or residing in a housing facility for vulnerable people, before the isolation is lifted.
Any person who died in a hospital or care facility, whose clinical picture is compatible with COVID-19, without etiological diagnosis, on post-mortem sampling.
This test is also used as part of the cluster test of the sectors whose activity will be resumed/have resumed as part of deconfinement and as part of the large-scale testing project to be implemented by the government at the end of May.
The purpose of this test is to look for genetic material of the virus. Specifically, a swab is taken from the nose (nasopharyngeal) or mouth (oropharyngeal).
If you need to be tested, remember to present your medical prescription to the testing laboratory. You do not need a prescription if you go to one of the Advanced care centres (Centre de soins avancés - CSA). In both cases, you will need to present your social security card and an identity document.
Serological tests
Serological tests can help answer the question "Did I have a COVID-19-infection?".
These tests can detect antibodies caused by a previous infection, thus confirming the appearance of acquired immunity (IgA, IgG) at the end of the infection, and make a retroactive diagnosis. They are not useful for the diagnosis of the acute infection.
Since antibody production is not detectable in symptomatic patients until the second week after the onset of symptoms, serological tests are not recommended for the early diagnosis of a COVID-19 infection in the first week after the onset of symptoms.
The serological test carried out by some private laboratories is done by taking a blood sample. It is not reimbursed by the CNS.
It is also used as part of the CON-VINCE research project, a prevalence study where it is combined with the PCR diagnostic test.
Caution: According to the data currently available, a positive serological test result does not indicate that the person is immune or that he or she can no longer be contagious.
How can I participate in the large-scale tests?
You will be invited by mail to get tested. In this letter, you will find information regarding the procedure, the link to the website and the password which will enable you to make an appointment online.
You can then go on a voluntary basis to one of the 17 test stations to perform PCR test by throat swab. This will help determine whether or not you are afflicted with COVID-19.
After the test you will be informed about the result by text message. If the result is positive, you will obtain all the necessary information on the isolation measure and you will be monitored by the National Health Directorate.
Individuals (residents and cross-border workers) invited to participate in the large-scale testing are selected on the basis of them belonging to a representative group of the population. Therefore, you do not need to contact the health authorities yourself to apply for participation in the large-scale testing as long as you have not received an invitation.
As a general rule, if you have symptoms of a respiratory infection or if you are in doubt about a possible COVID-19 contamination, you can contact your doctor.
For more information: large scale testing (FR)
Are the tests voluntary?
Yes, both the diagnostic PCR test and the serological test are voluntary.
Where do I have to go to find out if I have Coronavirus?
If needed, contact your physician via telephone or by teleconsultation eConsult. Do not go to a physician's office.
I am a cross-border worker, can I get tested in Luxembourg?
Yes, any person who is affiliated to the Luxembourg social security system and who falls into one of the cases for which tests are indicated can be tested in Luxembourg.
Can I have my children tested in Luxembourg?
Yes, if they are insured in the name of the cross-border worker.
Can I have another person in my household tested in Luxembourg (my husband/spouse/partner?
No, unless if he/she in turn is insured in Luxembourg.
Can I get tested in Luxembourg with a prescription from a French, Belgian or German physician?
Yes, under the principle of recognition of prescriptions within the EU.
What should I do if my test is positive?
The Health Directorate informs the authorities in the border countries that one of their nationals has been tested positive so that follow-up can be ensured in the country of residence. The regulations of the country of residence apply.
What is the purpose of a thoracic scanner in case of suspicion of COVID-19?
From Monday, 30 March, Luxembourg sets up four containers equipped with thoracic scanners to carry out a diagnosis at the emergency services. This is a device for patients with severe respiratory disorders, as COVID-19 can rapidly cause fatal bilateral pneumonia if not promptly managed in intensive care.
A thoracic CT scan can show signs indicating a COVID-19 infection and, if necessary, confirm a suspicion of lung damage, without having to wait for the PCR test result.
Can my family doctor prescribe a laboratory test to identify COVID-19?
A laboratory test carried out on medical prescription can identify the infection. Your personal physician is in the best position to assess the value of the test in your case.
If needed, contact your physician via telephone or by teleconsultation eConsult. Do not go to a physician's office.
If I am suspected of being infected with COVID-19 and a test was executed, who receives the result of the test?
The test result is sent to the physician who requested the test, through a secure channel, who communicates it to the patient without delay. The result is also sent to the Health Inspectorate, in application of the law of 1 August 2018 on the compulsory declaration of certain diseases. At the patient’s request, the result can also be passed on to his/her physician.
Can a blood test detect the presence of the virus?
No. Only a test on respiratory secretions is currently available to detect the presence of the new coronavirus.
Is there a vaccine against COVID-19?
At this stage, there is no vaccine yet. Research is ongoing.
I have been tested positive, what's the procedure?
If you have contracted the virus and your state of health allows it, you must stay at home in isolation for two weeks.
You will receive two mailings from the Health Directorate (Direction de la santé) within days of the start of your isolation:
- a set of masks you have to wear in case of contact with other people;
- an explanation on how you should behave to avoid contaminating others (e.g. what you should do) and an isolation order that will serve as your certificate of incapacity for work.
You will also be invited to be monitored at a distance, by registering voluntarily to the online application "Maela". This is a national remote monitoring system that allows medical teams to know if you are well or if you may need assistance.
Every day for two weeks, you are invited to answer a medical questionnaire sent to a team of professionals from the Health Directorate.
In this context, the website has been set up.
What does an isolation measure mean?
Isolation applies to people who have a confirmed infection with COVID-19. This measure is designed to prevent the infected person, who is contagious, from spreading the infection to his surroundings.

Isolation is prescribed by the physician for at least 14 days after the onset of symptoms. During this period of confinement at home, contact with other people must be avoided and a surgical mask must be worn whenever the infected person is in the presence of others.
What you and your family should do when you need to be isolated at home
What does a quarantine measure mean?
Quarantine applies to people who have had high-risk contact with a person with a confirmed infection (face-to-face contact for more than 15 minutes, unprotected physical contact, etc.).

These persons must stay at home for 7 days counting from the day of the confirmed diagnosis - the Health Inspectorate will provide them, if necessary, with a certificate of incapacity for work. During this period, all unprotected contact with other persons must be avoided.
On day 5, they will be asked to be tested for COVID-19 at a laboratory of their choice, using the prescription that has been sent to them. If the test is negative, the quarantine ends after day 7, i.e. two days after the test.
During the seven days following the quarantine, they must self-monitor and wear a mask when in contact with other people. If symptoms appear, they must immediately be tested again and placed in isolation.
What does an self-monitoring measure mean?
Self-monitoring lasts 14 days and applies to people who have had low-risk contact with a person with a confirmed infection. The purpose of self-monitoring is to detect symptoms of infection as soon as they appear. The person under self-monitoring measures his or her temperature twice a day and makes sure there are no breathing problems or coughing. During self-monitoring, normal activities can be continued.
What treatment exists for COVID-19 infection?
There is no specific treatment at this time, although research is ongoing. The treatment is therefore mainly symptomatic, i.e. it is similar to the treatment for a cough, respiratory problems or high temperature.
For more information:
The World Health Organization (WHO) recommends that no medications, including antibiotics, should be self-medicated to prevent or cure COVID-19.
Some specific treatments are being studied and will be tested in clinical trials. Thus, Luxembourg is taking part in the European trial called "Discovery", launched in six countries to test four treatments. The WHO is also due to launch a large international clinical trial.
The Ministry of Health also draws attention to the fact that many falsified medicines against COVID-19 are circulating through the illegal internet shopping channel. Obtaining medicines through this channel carries major risks and is prohibited.
Expected drug interactions with drugs used to treat COVID-19 :
What is the gradual exit strategy from confinement?
The Government's objective is to implement a gradual exit from confinement in phases while remaining cautious to avoid the onset of a second wave of the epidemic.To enable this gradual opening, it is essential to:
- guarantee, at all times, the necessary hospital capacities,
- maintain the possibility of reintroducing stricter measures in the event of a strong resurgence of the virus among the population,
- provide close monitoring of the evolution of the pandemic throughout the transition period out of confinement,
- ensure testing capacities and to support research in particular with regard to tests measuring the acquired immunity of the population.
In general, this means that all members of society must absolutely continue to
- apply the basic barrier gestures and support them with other specific measures to reduce as far as possible the risk of uncontrolled spread of the virus - including in the workplace,
- protect vulnerable people in particular.
Why has the government decided to limit or forbid certain activities, visits, events and others?
Taking into account the evolution of the coronavirus COVID-19 in our neighbouring
countries and on the national territory, it is necessary to take additional
measures to limit the spread of the virus in the population and to protect
those at risk. It has also become necessary to adapt the organisation of the health care system in order to cope with an increase in the number of people infected with the virus. The proposed measures take into account the pathogenic and contagious nature of the COVID-19 virus. In this context, the respect of appropriate distance rules in interpersonal relations is one of the most effective measures to limit the spread of the virus.
The situation also changed at the international level. As of 11 March, the World Health Organisation (WHO) has qualified the COVID-19 as a global pandemic. Moreover, the European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control (ECDC) published an updated risk assessment on March 12, underlining the 'necessity of an immediate targeted action' in order to dampen the impact of the pandemic. According to this appreciation, the risk of severe complications for elderly people and people with a chronic condition is high.
For more information: (FR)
Can I still visit elderly people in a care facility?
Family visits, access by health professionals and professionals providing personal care as well as residents' outings from residential facilities for the elderly are no longer subject to restrictions, provided that the "Temporary health recommendations of the Health Directorate for Individuals in the context of the COVID-19 health crisis " (Recommandations sanitaires temporaires de la Direction de la santé à l’attention des personnes physiques dans le cadre de la crise sanitaire liée au Covid-19) are respected.
Managers of residential facilities for the elderly are responsible for ensuring safety in their establishments and, in this context, ensure that the health recommendations issued by the Health Directorate are complied with.
For information on the conduct of visits and outings, interested parties should contact the structure directly.
Ministry of Family Affairs, Integration and the Greater Region
Temporary health recommendations by the Health Directorate for individuals in the context of the COVID-19 health crisis (Recommandations sanitaires temporaires de la Direction de la santé à l’attention des personnes physiques dans le cadre de la crise sanitaire liée au Covid-19) (FR)
Which protective measures are taken in hospital structures?
As of 4 May, hospitals are very gradually resuming their medical, surgical and care activities, based on the priority needs of patients. Ambulatory activities are subject to strict rules (staggering of patients to avoid crowded waiting rooms, strict compliance with time schedules, etc.).
The hospitals have, until 3 May, deployed their staff mainly to emergency and acute activities. In order to reduce the risk of the virus circulating in hospitals, medical, surgical and care activities which were not short-term indispensable were cancelled.
Can I visit my relatives in the hospital?
If you want to visit a relative who has been admitted to a hospital for an other reason than a COVID-19 infection, please be advised that a maximum of 2 visits per day are allowed, each for a maximum of one hour.
Every hospital as set up a compulsory screening at the hospital entrance. Wearing your mask and hand disinfection are also compulsory. A system of appointments has been put into place in order to avoid simultaneous visits in rooms with two beds.
Visits for patients who have been admitted due to a (suspected or confirmed) COVID-19 infection remain suspended, except under exceptional circumstances which need to be supported by medical advice, i.e. end of life situations or significant psychological distress, .
Visitors belonging to the category of vulnerable persons will not be able to go to the hospital for a visit, unless a duly motivated authorisation is given by their doctor.
Finally, the hospital may suspend visits if epidemiological circumstances so dictate.
Are our hospitals and health services prepared to accommodate a large number of patients?
Our hospitals remain prepared, as the scheme implemented at the beginning of the crisis is still active.
Can I invite people to my house?
Yes, you can invite people, but be sure to limit contact with people who are not part of your household. If you do intend to invite people, remember to respect the protective measures to limit the risk of contamination by a person who may be asymptomatic or who shows few symptoms of the disease. As soon as you become aware that a sick person is in your home, encourage him or her to leave the premises and to contact a doctor without delay.
If you invite more than twenty people at the same time, you must provide seating at a distance of two meters. If this distance cannot be respected, people must wear a mask. They must cover their nose and mouth when getting up and walking around.
If you have hired staff to serve your guests, they must wear the mask at all times.
Which activities are allowed under the condition of wearing a mask or physical distancing?
Restaurants, cafes, bars, other drinking establishments and venues for sports or cultural events such as theatres, cultural centres, concert halls, cinemas and places of worship are open to the public.
You can organise or participate in public or private events with more than twenty people indoors or outdoors (cultural or sports events, congresses, etc.), provided that the following two rules apply:
- People are seated in seats that have been designated for them,
- If the distance of two metres between the seats cannot be maintained, a mask must be worn.
Wearing a mask is compulsory for those supervising the event and for participants when they are not seated.
Compliance with these measures is also essential to enable restaurants, cafes, bars, consumer lounges and company canteens to function. If the space between the tables side by side does not allow a distance of at least 1.5 metres, they must be separated by a device such as a screen or panel. The consumption at the table is compulsory for customers.
Failure to comply with consumption at the table is an offence punishable by a fine.
The number of seats is limited to ten per table, unless the guests are cohabiting or belong to the same household. Once seated, guests may remove their masks, which they must put back on in order to move around or leave the establishment. Staff members who are in contact with clients must keep their masks on throughout their service.
All establishments of the Horeca sector (restaurants, bars and cafes) close at midnight at the latest.
The requirement of assigned seating is not applicable for demonstrations (exercise of the right to demonstrate) or for fairs, exhibitions or funeral ceremonies. Formal and non-formal educational activities are exempted from the double condition of seating and the wearing of masks, as well as religious, cultural and sports actors during the exercise of their activities.
Fairs, exhibitions and markets are open to the public. The wearing of a mask or any other device that covers a person's nose and mouth is compulsory at all times for exhibitors and for visitors when an interpersonal distance of two metres cannot be respected.
Further reading: Recommandations for individuals (FR)
Can I travel abroad?
Some countries currently require a medical certificate to prove that the person entering the country is not infected with the corona virus. If you travel to such a country, you can use this form to request a code for a diagnostic test (PCR test).
Before you start your trip, find out about all the measures and restrictions in force in the country of your destination.
To help you plan your travels in Europe, the European Commission has launched the Re-open EU platform providing real-time information on borders, available means of transport, travel restrictions, public health and safety measures (e.g. physical distancing or wearing a mask), as well as other practical information for travellers.
In general, if you wish to find out about the security situation in a destination outside the European Union, please consult the travel advisories of our neighbouring countries by following these links:
For practical information on the country or countries you wish to visit or for rapid assistance in the event of problems abroad, you can declare your stay before leaving to the Ministry of Foreign and European Affairs as part of the "Lëtzebuerger am Ausland" initiative.
For any further information, these are the contact numbers of the Ministry of Foreign and European Affairs:
During office hours: 247-82386
Outside of office hours and on weekends: 247-82300
For all other questions related to COVID-2019, please consult the websites of the Luxembourg Government, the European Center for Disease Prevention and Control (ECDC) or the World Health Organization (WHO)