Daily situation update

  • 12.486 Number of PCR tests performed

    Per 100.000 inhabitants: 1.994

  • 238 People tested positive for COVID-19

    Per 100.000 inhabitants: 38,01

    Positivity rate in %: 1,91

    Reproduction rate: 1,05

  • 146 Hospitalizations

    Normal care: 116
    Intensive care: 29+1

    New deaths: 3
    Total deaths: 749

  • 95.657 Total vaccines administered

    1. Dose: 73.152
    2. Dose: 22.505

  • 3.082 Vaccinations per day

    1. Dose: 2.240
    2. Dose: 842

It should also be noted that the statistics reported each day always correspond to the situation of the previous day.
Source: Ministry of Health
Next update: 02.04.2021

Under the law on the mandatory reporting of infectious diseases, laboratories are required to report test results for certain infectious diseases within specified time limits. Thus, PCR test results regarding a COVID-19 infection must be sent to the Health Inspectorate Division within one day. Nevertheless, delays longer than one day may occur and laboratories may send some PCR test results with a delay of several days. As a result of this catching-up on tests, retrospective corrections are made to the statistics presented on the www.covid19.lu website.

Last update