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Due to the occurrence of the Coronavirus (COVID-19) in Seychelles, all our events and theme days are postponed until further notice.
Call the Department of Health hotline on 141 if you have any symptoms of COVID-19 or any health concerns on COVID-19.
Department of Health Seychelles
1 day ago
Some key queries of concern to the public answered by WHO HQ experts of the COVID-19 Global health response. Many practical advice to note therein. note that certain of these advise are applicable at all stages of an epidemic, whereas some are applicable when there is confirmed community transmission (as is the case in most countries globally). These sessions are done regularly and live-streamed, and queries can be posed directly to the speakers by anyone following online, live.
www.youtube.com/watch?v=1J4G02h3bGY ... See MoreSee Less
Live Q&A on COVID-19 with Dr Mike Ryan and Dr Maria Van Kerkhove! Ask your questions!
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