Updates on COVID-19 (Coronavirus Disease 2019) Local Situation

27 Mar 2020


[Joint statement by the Singapore Tourism Board, Enterprise Singapore and Singapore Police Force]

Following yesterday’s announcement that all entertainment venues will be closed from 26 March, 2359 hours till 30 April, we are aware a number of nightlife operators intend to host “farewell” events tonight that could result in large numbers of people congregating...

The Multi-Ministry Taskforce’s decision to enforce stricter safe distancing measures aims to significantly reduce the risks of seeding new local COVID-19 clusters, which could strain our healthcare system further.

From now until the stricter measures kick in on 26 March 2020, 2359 hours, nightlife operators must continue to strictly implement safe distancing measures announced by the Ministry of Health on 20 March 2020. Events with 250 or more participants must be suspended, while operators of events with fewer than 250 participants must implement all necessary precautionary measures, including ensuring a distance of at least a metre between all participants and reduce mingling amongst participants.

These safe distancing measures are enforceable. Officers from government agencies including the Singapore Police Force will be on the ground to monitor the situation and carry out enforcement action over the next two days. The Traffic Police will also be conducting island-wide enforcement operations against drink-driving during this period. We will not hesitate to take action against anyone who fails to comply.

During this time, we appeal to Singaporeans to exercise good judgement and social responsibility. This will play an important part in keeping fellow Singaporeans and our loved ones safe in the midst of this global pandemic.

Clarifications on Misinformation

23 Mar 2020: MOH would like to clarify that the World Health Organisation (WHO) had reaffirmed that the COVID-19 virus is spread mainly through droplets. However, the WHO noted that certain specialised procedures performed in healthcare settings may cause the virus to be aerosolised, and recommended that healthcare professionals take extra precautions in such settings. All hospitals in Singapore have put in place these extra precautions since the start of the outbreak.

21 Mar 2020: MOH is aware of a message requesting for volunteers to man our call centre. We wish to clarify that this is not true. 

We advise members of the public to not speculate and/or spread unfounded rumours. Please visit www.moh.gov.sg for updates on the COVID-19 situation and click here for past clarifications.

Total Number of Imported Cases in Singapore (as of 26 Mar 2020, 1200h)

392 (+28)
Singapore Residents & Long Term Pass Holders
347 (+26)45 (+2)

Case Summary in Singapore (as of 26 Mar 2020, 1200h)

Active Cases#


Discharge to Isolation*

Hospitalised (Stable)

Hospitalised (Critical)


See press release for more details.
#Active cases = Hospitalised (Stable) + Hospitalised (Critical)
*Patients who are clinically well enough to be discharged from medical care but still test positive for COVID-19 will be isolated and care for at Concord International Hospital, Mount Elizabeth Hospital, and the Community Isolation Facility at D’Resort NTUC . Please see press release.

Disease Outbreak Response System Condition (DORSCON)



See press release 

The ‘Disease Outbreak Response System Condition' (DORSCON) is a colour-coded framework that shows you the current disease situation.  Click here to find out more. 

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Latest Updates



26 Mar 2020Promulgation of Regulations Under Infectious Diseases Act
26 Mar 2020Implementing Safe Distancing Measures at Shopping Malls and Standalone Stores - Singapore Tourism Board (STB)
26 Mar 2020[Updated] Implementing Safe Distancing Measures at Retail Establishments - Singapore Tourism Board (STB)
26 Mar 2020Twelve More Cases Discharged; 52 New Cases of COVID-19 Infection Confirmed
25 Mar 2020Travellers Arriving In Singapore Will Receive Advance Notification Of Stay-Home Notice Requirements - Immigration & Checkpoints Authority (ICA) 
25 Mar 2020Five More Cases Discharged; 73 News Cases of COVID-19 Infection Confirmed 
25 Mar 2020[Updated] Advisory for Individuals Sharing Residential Spaces with Persons issued Stay-Home Notice (25 Mar 2020) (25 Mar 2020)
25 Mar 2020[Updated] MOH Health Advisory for Persons issued Stay-Home Notice (25 Mar 2020 2050h)
25 Mar 2020Measures to Prevent Congregations of Foreign Workers and Foreign Domestic Workers - Ministry of Manpower (MOM) 
25 Mar 2020Employers Advised To Plan For More Sustainable Housing Options For Their Workers Usually Housed In Malaysia - Ministry of Manpower (MOM)
25 Mar 2020Singapore Permanent Resident Failed To Declare Recent Travel History To Indonesia - Immigration & Checkpoints Authority (ICA)
25 Mar 2020Entry Approval and Stay-Home Notice Requirements for Work Pass Holders from Malaysia - Ministry of Manpower (MOM)
25 Mar 2020Stepped Up Precautionary Measures against COVID-19 in Parliament - Parliament of Singapore 
25 Mar 2020Ministerial Statement by Minister Lawrence Wong on Update on Whole-of-Government Response to COVID-19
25 Mar 2020Statement by Mr Gan Kim Yong, Minister for Health, at Parliament, on the Update on Whole-of-Government Response to COVID-19
Click here for past updates.

Public Health Travel Advisory (Updated 18 Mar 2020)

     In view of the heightened risk of further importation of COVID-19 to Singapore, Singaporeans are advised to defer all travel abroad with immediate effect. 

     This supercedes our earlier advisory announced on 15 March to defer all non-essential travel abroad. The expansion of the travel advisory is to reduce the risk of Singaporeans being infected with the virus when abroad, and spreading it to other Singaporeans when they return.

     As Singapore’s measures will evolve according to the global situation, Singaporeans should check the MOH website (https://www.moh.gov.sg/covid-19) for the latest measures.

Health Advisory

     We urge Singaporeans to remain calm and vigilant. Singaporeans can continue to play their part by being socially responsible, practising good personal hygiene habits and complying with safe distancing measures. (click here to view other MOH Health Advisories). 

     Members of the public should adopt the following precautions at all times:

  • Avoid close contact with people who are unwell or showing symptoms of illness;
  • Observe good personal hygiene;
  • Practise frequent hand washing with soap (e.g. before handling food or eating, after going to toilet, or when hands are dirtied by respiratory secretions after coughing or sneezing);
  • Wear a mask if you have respiratory symptoms such as a cough or runny nose;
  • Cover your mouth with a tissue paper when coughing or sneezing, and dispose the soiled tissue paper in the rubbish bin immediately; and
  • Seek medical attention promptly if you are feeling unwell.

Measures which apply to Inbound Travellers

Health Declaration Via The SG Arrival Card E-Service (updated as at 23 Mar 2020) 
    From 27 March 2020, 0900  hours, all travellers arriving in Singapore, including residents [Singapore Citizens (SC), Permanent Residents (PR)], and Long-Term Pass (LTP) holders (Student’s Pass, Dependant’s Pass, Work Pass and Long-Term Visit Pass Holders), must submit a health declaration before proceeding with immigration clearance[1]. They will have to do so via the SG Arrival Card (SGAC) e-Service[2]. The health declaration will be made available before 27 March 2020 as part of the SGAC e-Service, so that travellers who are due to arrive in Singapore after 27 March, 0900 hours, can complete it in advance of their arrival.

    Please refer to this press release for more information.

[1] The Ministry of Health (MOH)’s press release dated 22 March 2020 announced that all short-term visitors (from anywhere in the world) will not be allowed to enter or transit through Singapore from 23 March 2020, 2359 hours. The Ministry of Manpower (MOM) will only allow the entry/return of Work Pass holders, including their dependents, for those providing essential services, such as in healthcare and transport.


[2] The beta version of the SGAC e-Service had been rolled out on a trial basis since August 2019 to allow short-term visitors to submit information about their visit to Singapore electronically in advance of their arrival, which replaces the requirement to fill in the paper-based disembarkation/embarkation cards. As of February 2020, ICA had cleared over 560,000 electronic SGAC records submitted by short-term visitors.


Border Restrictions (updated as at 22 Mar 2020)

     From 23 March 2020, 2359h, all short-term visitors (from anywhere in the world) will not be allowed to enter or transit through Singapore. MOH will therefore suspend the processing of all ASEAN Health Clearance applications until further notice.  

14-day Stay-Home Notice (SHN) for all Travellers (updated as at 18 Mar 2020)

    From 20 March 2020, 2359 hours, all Singaporeans, Permanent Residents, Long Term Pass holders and short term visitors entering Singapore will be issued a 14-day Stay-Home Notice (SHN)[1]. They will have to provide proof of the place where they will serve the 14-day SHN, for example a hotel booking covering the entire period, or a place of residence they or their family members own.  This is to further reduce the risk of further importation leading to community spread in Singapore.

     Please refer to this press release for more information.  

[1] The SHN will not apply to travellers transiting in Singapore without leaving the transit area.

COVID-19 swab test at checkpoint (updated as at 13 Mar 2020)

     From 13 Mar 2020, travellers entering Singapore and exhibiting fever and/or other symptoms of respiratory illness are required to undergo a COVID-19 swab test at the checkpoint, regardless of travel history. With immediate effect, all such travellers will also be issued a 14-day SHN, which they will have to serve in full even if the result of the swab test is negative. Those who meet the clinical suspect case definition will be conveyed to the hospital for follow-up.

     Singapore Permanent Residents and long-term pass holders who refuse testing may have their immigration facilities and work pass privileges revoked or the validity shortened. All travellers, including Singapore Citizens, who do not comply with the testing or who cannot be contacted subsequently may face penalties and can be prosecuted under the Infectious Diseases Act.

     Please refer to this press release for more information. 


Global 462,684 confirmed
(49,219 new)
Western Pacific Region99,058 confirmed
(1,292 new)
European Region250,287 confirmed
(29,771 new)
South-East Asia Region2,536 confirmed
 (192 new)
Eastern Mediterranean Region
32,442 confirmed
 (2,811 new)
Regions of the Americas75,712 confirmed
 (14,878 new)
African Region1,937 confirmed
 (275 new)

WHO Risk Assessment

Global LevelVery High

Updated as at 26 Mar 2020
Extracted from WHO's Situation Report

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