Updates on COVID-19 (Coronavirus Disease 2019) Local Situation


Beware of Scam Emails and Calls!

We are aware of emails and calls by persons falsely claiming to be from the Ministry of Health (MOH) and asking recipients to update the Contact database, or asking for their bank card/ credit card details. Please note that the email and callers are not from MOH and MOH will not seek your personal or financial information over the phone. We urge recipients not to respond to them or to click on the links in the email. 

Please always verify the authenticity of instructions before offering any personal or financial information. You can verify the authenticity of emails or phone calls by calling the MOH hotline at 1800-333-9999. Thank you.

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Empowering you to manage your health and emotional well-being

Feeling worried, anxious or down during this COVID-19 period?

The MOH Office for Healthcare Transformation (MOHT), in partnership with Ministry of Social and Family Development (MSF), National Council of Social Service (NCSS) and Institute of Mental Health (IMH), has developed a trusted platform of resources and tools to help you manage your health and emotional well-being. Please click mindline.sg to visit the interactive website.

Clarifications on Misinformation

18 Apr 2020: There were false statements on the Singapore States Times Facebook page on the reporting of the COVID-19 cases in Singapore. Please click here for the facts of the case.

Disease Outbreak Response System Condition (DORSCON)



See press release 

The ‘Disease Outbreak Response System Condition' (DORSCON) is a colour-coded framework that shows you the current disease situation.  Click here to find out more. 

Total Number of Imported Cases in Singapore (as at 12 Aug 2020, 1200h)

774 (+11)
**Following further epidemiological investigations, 8 local cases have been reclassified as imported cases

Case Summary in Singapore (as at 12 Aug 2020, 1200h)

Active Cases# 


In Community Facilities*

Hospitalised (Stable)

Hospitalised (Critical)


See press release for more details.
#Active cases = In Community Facilities + Hospitalised (Stable) + Hospitalised (Critical)
*Patients who are clinically well but still test positive for COVID-19 are isolated and cared for at community facilities. 
^Excludes deaths unrelated to COVID-19 complications

Number of Swabs Tested (as at 11 Aug 2020)

Total Swabs Tested


Total Unique Persons Swabbed


Total Swabs Per 1,000,000 Total Population


Total Unique Persons Swabbed Per 1,000,000 Total Population


Sector-Related Advisories

MOH Corporate Website Icon Template.002
Click the icon above to view sector-related advisories pertaining to Phase 2 of Re-opening.

COVID-19 Situation Report

Click the icon above to view the daily situation report.

COVID-19 Symptom Checker

Click the icon above to access the COVID-19 symptom checker.

Find a PHPC Near You

Click the logo above to find a Public Health Preparedness Clinic (PHPC) near you.


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Travel Advisory (Updated 15 Jun 2020)

Health Advisory

Measures which apply to Inbound Travellers (updated 20 Jul 2020)

Global Situation

Global 20,162,474 confirmed
(214,985 new)
Africa909,574 confirmed
(6,325 new) 
Americas10,799,062 confirmed
(101,230 new)
Eastern Mediterranean 
1,669,933 confirmed
 (12,342 new)
Europe3,641,603 confirmed
(23,951 new)
South-East Asia2,757,822 confirmed
 (66,370 new)
Western Pacific383,739 confirmed
 (4,767 new)
Updated as at 12 Aug 2020
Extracted from WHO's Situation Report

For Queries, call

Please also refer to the FAQs for more information.  Do also beware of phishing calls impersonating MOH officers.   

National Care Hotline

If you need emotional or psychological support, please call the National CARE Hotline, or any of the helplines listed here.

For SHN Helpline, call


Key Questions on COVID-19

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Advice for Patients with Resp Infections
Click here for more infographics and Posters

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