Dienststelle Gesundheit und Sport gesundheit.lu. Health and Sport Service gesundheit.lu. ch ch

Coronavirus – COVID-19 (SARS-CoV-2) Coronavirus - COVID-19 (SARS-CoV-2)

Information for healthcare professionals

Informationen für Gesundheitsfachpersonen Information for healthcare professionals

Federal information

Informationen Bund Confederation information

Information from the canton of Lucerne

Informationen Kanton Canton information

  • Informationen des Kantons Information from the canton
Hotline and FAQ of the Canton of Lucerne

Hotline und FAQs Hotline and FAQs

Media releases from the Canton of Lucerne

Medienmitteilungen Kanton Media releases canton

  • Medienmitteilungen Media releases

Dienststelle Department
Gesundheit und Sport Health and sport

Meyerstrasse 20 Meyerstrasse 20

Postfach 3439 Box 3439

6002 Luzern 6002 Lucerne

Standort Location

Telefon 041 228 60 90 Telephone 041 228 60 90

E-Mail e-mail

Kantonsarzt Cantonal doctor

Dr. Dr. med. med. Roger Harstall Roger Harstall
Telefon 041 228 60 88 Telephone 041 228 60 88

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