New coronavirus

More and more people are contracting the new coronavirus in Switzerland. If that is to change, we must all act responsibly and stay at home. Only then will we be able to limit the number of people who become seriously ill and prevent our healthcare system from becoming overwhelmed.

Switzerland finds itself in an extraordinary situation. The Federal Council has issued a series of measures aimed at the population, organisations and institutions, and the cantons. The aim is to curb the spread of the coronavirus and assure the provision of healthcare. Further details can be found under Federal government measures. Information on the current situation, recommendations for the public, people at high risk, the workplace, and health professionals can be found here.


Current situation – Switzerland and international

Information on the number of confirmed cases of coronavirus and those who have died as a result of the infection, as well as the report on the epidemiological situation in Switzerland, can be found here.


Federal government measures

The Federal Council’s aim in issuing these measures is to curb the spread of the new coronavirus, protect people at especially high risk and assure the provision of healthcare.


New coronavirus: Contact information and links

New coronavirus: Infoline phone numbers, links to federal and cantonal authority websites and other useful websites.


Downloads in various languages

Posters, videos, factsheets… information in numerous world languages to download and share.


Protect yourself and others

How can you protect yourself against the new coronavirus? You can find out just how to do that in the section on ‘How to protect yourself and others’. Follow the rules on hygiene and what to do if you experience symptoms.


People at especially high risk

The new coronavirus represents a particular danger for people over 65 years of age and those with a pre-existing condition. They may become seriously ill. What should they, as well as younger and healthy people, pay attention to?


Recommendations regarding self-isolation and self-quarantine

Not everyone carrying the coronavirus necessarily displays symptoms of the illness or feels ill. In order to stop the unhindered spread of the virus we need to act responsibly through self-isolation and self-quarantine.


Recommendations for the workplace

The recommendations for the workplace are aimed at employers and workers. These recommendations and the more stringent measures imposed by the federal government have an impact on the workplace. Find out more here.


Recommendations for travellers

There is a risk of becoming infected with the new coronavirus in almost all parts of the world. Increasing numbers of countries are introducing measures such as border closures. Expect travel restrictions on international journeys.


Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) about the new coronavirus

Do you have any questions regarding the risk of infection, travel and tourism, symptoms, diagnosis and treatment, and protecting yourself from infection? You will find many answers here.


Easy-to-read language

All people have many questions about the corona virus.
Certainly you too!
You can get sick. You can protect yourself.
There are rules and prohibitions.
Here will you find information.


Sign language

All people have many questions about the coronavirus.
Certainly you too!
You can get sick. You can protect yourself.
There are rules and prohibitions.
Here will you find information.


COVID-19, symptoms and treatment, origins of the new coronavirus

What are the symptoms of COVID-19, and how might the illness progress? Can it be treated? And where did the new coronavirus first appear? Find out here.

Last modification 30.03.2020

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