Information on the number of confirmed cases of coronavirus and those who have died as a result of the infection, as well as the report on the epidemiological situation in Switzerland, can be found here.
Current situation in Switzerland
11.4.2020, 8 am, cases confirmed in Switzerland:
No. of people tested positive (for coronavirus): 24,900
Deaths: 831 people
The figures published here are based on notifications received until early morning. They generally correspond to the date on which the sample was taken by the doctor. The figures contained in the report and in the Excel table may therefore differ from those communicated by the cantons.
You can find links to graphics on:
The graphic showing the development over time is based on the date on which cases were reported. This is generally the date on which the test was conducted. Figures relating to the last two or three days are provisional as there is sometimes a delay in reporting.
Evaluations are limited to data sets for which details regarding age, sex and the canton of residence are complete. Data from the Principality of Liechtenstein are excluded. This accounts for the difference in the figures shown in the graphics and the figures published above.
Highest priority: To protect the public
The Federal Council’s highest priority is to protect the public. It is important that we all continue to follow the recommendations and stay at home – even at Easter and even if the weather is fine. That way we can continue to curb the spread of the new coronavirus.
You will find detailed information on the ‘Protect yourself and others’ site or at www.foph-coronavirus.
Current situation – International
11 April 2020, 7 am:
Cases of new coronavirus infections have been confirmed in more than 200 countries or regions.
Confirmed cases, more than | Deaths, more than | |
Italy | 147 500 | 18 500 |
France | 90 500 | 13 000 |
Germany | 122 000 | 2 500 |
Austria | 13 500 | 300 |
Globally | 1 696 000 | 102 500 |
In the majority of cases the illness is mild. However, people aged over 65 and those with an existing pre-illnesscould become seriously ill.
Affected areas: why is reference no longer being made to ‘affected areas’?
There is now a risk of becoming infected with new coronavirus in almost all parts of the world. As of 9 March we will therefore no longer be referring to ‘affected areas’.
Press conference on 11 april 2020, 2 pm
27.3.2020: Evaluation of anonymised data on gatherings
9.4.2020: Online-game «Bunny Madness: Stay at home – Don’t get caught!»
Last modification 11.04.2020
Due to the extraordinary situation we are unable to respond in writing to enquiries.
Please refer instead to our webpages, which are continuously updated.
Under Contacts and links you will find contact information for the FOPH, other federal agencies and the cantons.