New coronavirus

The Federal Council is planning to ease further measures from 11 May. Classroom teaching at primary and lower secondary schools will again be permitted. Shops, markets, museums, libraries and restaurants will be able to reopen under strict compliance with precautionary measures.

The Federal Council still categorises the situation in Switzerland as extraordinary under the terms of the Epidemics Act. It issued a series of measures aimed at protecting the population, which are now gradually being eased: further details can be found on the page on federal government measures. Information on the current situation, recommendations for the public, people at high risk, the workplace, and health professionals can be found here.

Continue to follow the rules on hygiene and social distancing. The new coronavirus must not be allowed to spread again.


Situation in Switzerland

Data on confirmed cases of coronavirus infections and deaths, the epidemiological situation, information about the tracing app, the search for antibodies, the advisory body, press conferences and news can all be found here.


Situation international

Data on confirmed cases of coronavirus infections and deaths due to the disease and in the affected areas can be found here.


Measures, ordinance and explanations

The Federal Council’s aim in issuing these measures is to curb the spread of the new coronavirus. It is now planning to gradually ease these measures.


New coronavirus: Contact information and links

New coronavirus: Infoline phone numbers, links to federal and cantonal authority websites and other useful websites.


Downloads in various languages

How to protect yourself and others: here you can find a series of posters, videos and instructions to download and share. They are available in a wide range of languages, incl. the languages of Switzerland’s migrant population.


Protect yourself and others

The Federal Council is calling on us to carry on protecting ourselves and others. Find out here how best to do that. Continue to follow the rules on hygiene and social distancing. And be aware of what to do if you experience symptoms.


People at especially high risk

The new coronavirus represents a particular danger for people over 65 years of age and those with a pre-existing condition. They may become seriously ill. What should they, as well as younger and healthy people, pay attention to?


Recommendations regarding self-isolation and self-quarantine

If we want to stop the spread of the new coronavirus, we need to act responsibly: That means self-isolating if you’re ill yourself, and self-quarantining if you have had close contact with someone displaying symptoms of illness.


Recommendations for the workplace and schools

The Federal Council is gradually easing measures and restrictions. Establishments and schools will have to comply with strict requirements to protect public health. Safety recommendations and hygiene and social distancing rules continue to apply.


Recommendations for everyday life

‘Stay home and stay healthy’: The current situation is having a huge impact on our daily lives. How can we best deal with this challenge? Find out here how you can look after your health and where you can get help if you need it.


Recommendations for travellers

There is a risk of contracting the new coronavirus almost anywhere in the world. Many countries have closed their borders. International travel is practically impossible.


Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) about the new coronavirus

Do you have any questions regarding the risk of infection, travel and tourism, symptoms, diagnosis and treatment, and protecting yourself from infection? You will find many answers here.


Easy-to-read language

All people have many questions about the corona virus.
Certainly you too!
You can get sick. You can protect yourself.
There are rules and prohibitions.
Here will you find information.


Sign language

All people have many questions about the coronavirus.
Certainly you too!
You can get sick. You can protect yourself.
There are rules and prohibitions.
Here will you find information.


COVID-19, symptoms and treatment, origins of the new coronavirus

What are the symptoms of COVID-19, and how might the illness progress? Can it be treated? What do you have to beware of if you have symptoms? And where did the new coronavirus first appear? Find out here.


Health insurance arrangements

Find out here about health and accident insurance arrangements in connection with the novel coronavirus, including coverage of medical expenses, tariffs and financing.

Last modification 04.05.2020

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