New coronavirus

As of 6 June, the Federal Council will relax further measures. Many leisure, entertainment and sports activities currently restricted will then be permitted as long as attendance lists are taken, and precautionary measures and rules on hygiene and social distancing are observed.

The Federal Council still categorises the situation in Switzerland as extraordinary under the terms of the Epidemics Act. It issued a series of measures aimed at protecting the population, which are now gradually being eased: further details can be found under ‘Measures, ordinance and explanations’. Information on the current situation, and guidance for people at especially high risk, the workplace, and health professionals can be found here.

Continue to follow the rules on hygiene and social distancing. The new coronavirus must not be allowed to spread again.

Coronavirus Infoline: +41 58 463 00 00, 6am–11pm



Situation in Switzerland

Cases of coronavirus infections and deaths, epidemiological situation, tracing chains of transmission, SwissCovid app, search for antibodies, advisory body, press conferences, news


International situation

Cases of coronavirus infections and deaths in neighbouring countries


Measures and ordinance

Measures, easing of measures, conditions for reopening, permitted events or activities, still prohibited, criminal provisions, explanations


Contact information and links

New coronavirus: Infoline phone numbers, links to federal and cantonal authorities, and other useful websites


Downloads in various languages

Information campaign ‘Protect yourself and others’: posters, videos and instructions in different languages, incl. those of Switzerland’s migrant population


Protect yourself and others

Rules on hygiene and social distancing: keep your distance, wash your hands, cough/sneeze into a paper tissue/the crook of your arm, stay at home if you experience symptoms, recommendations on wearing masks and working from home


People at especially high risk

Dangerous underlying medical conditions and how to handle them, information for carers, visits to nursing homes and hospitals


Isolation and quarantine

Explanations of terms, aims of isolation and quarantine, what to do in the event of symptoms and contact with infected persons


Requirements for sets of precautionary measures

For businesses/institutions, children and schools, gastronomy sector, medical practices, public transport, sport and recommendations for employers


Recommendations for everyday life

Tips to stay physically active, offerings concerning stress, loneliness or threatening behaviour, smoking, drinking, online gaming and other addictions


Recommendations for travellers

Travelling within Switzerland and abroad, entering Switzerland


Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Infection, tests, pregnancy, symptoms, treatment, protection, masks, funerals, easing of measures, SwissCovid app, children, school, sport, travel


Easy-to-read language

Rules and prohibitions of the Federal Council, information about the corona virus, when you have to stay at home


Sign language

The rules and prohibitions of the Federal Council, information about the corona virus, when you have to stay at home


COVID-19, symptoms and treatment, origins of the new coronavirus

Symptoms of disease, range of illness severity, treatment, COVID-19, new coronavirus


Health insurance arrangements

Coverage of medical expenses, tariffs and financing

Last modification 03.06.2020

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