As of 22 June, almost all of the measures put in place to fight the coronavirus have been lifted. Only the ban on large-scale events for over 1000 people is set to remain in place until the end of August.
Advisory message: There may be a delay in updating all of the content on our website to reflect the current situation regarding the easing of measures. If in doubt, the latest information can be found in the press release dated 19 June. Thank you for your understanding.
Regulations and bans due to the coronavirus
On 28 February, the Federal Council began to introduce measures to protect the public from the coronavirus; these were gradually tightened up until 21 March. In view of the epidemiological situation in Switzerland, it again began to ease these measures from the end of April. You will find information about the regulations currently in force under Measures, ordinance and explanations.
SwissCovid app
The SwissCovid app is available from 25 June. You will find details under SwissCovid app and contact tracing.
Personal responsibility remains important
Washing your hands regularly with soap and water and keeping your distance are still the best ways of preventing infection. Continue to observe the rules on hygiene and social distancing as the coronavirus should not be allowed to spread again.
Coronavirus Infoline: +41 58 463 00 00, 6am to 11pm
Last modification 23.06.2020