Coronavirus: Situation in Switzerland

Data on confirmed cases of coronavirus infections and deaths due to the disease, the epidemiological situation, the search for antibodies, the advisory body, press conferences and news can all be found here.

Epidemiological situation in Switzerland and the Principality of Liechtenstein

From 17 September 2020, the daily situation reports will be published from Monday to Friday. A meaningful overview of the epidemiological situation and trends is provided by the weekly analytical situation report. It is published every Thursday morning.

30.10.2020, 8am New* Total since the start
of the epidemic
Laboratory-confirmed cases
COVID-19 tests 38,211 1,933,386
* from 29.10.2020, 8am

The following data are available from 18 cantons and the Principality of Liechtenstein. The figures are updated at least every Wednesday and Friday.

Contact Tracing
People in isolation 31,410
Of whom contacts in quarantine 26,333
Additional people in quarantine after arrival in Switzerland 7,438

Daily report

The number of newly registered cases in 72 hours over the weekend corresponds with the number of cases reported during this period.
As before, the cases are displayed by case date in the graph for the past 4 weeks, so that an evaluation of the weekend figures to the day is possible with a few days delay.

Situation report on the epidemiological situation in Switzerland and the Principality of Liechtenstein available in German (PDF, 333 kB, 30.10.2020); French (PDF, 266 kB, 30.10.2020) or Italian (PDF, 434 kB, 30.10.2020)

Data from the situation report available in German (XLS, 28 kB, 30.10.2020); French (XLS, 28 kB, 30.10.2020) or Italian (XLS, 28 kB, 30.10.2020)

The figures published here are based on notifications received early today from laboratories, medical practices and hospitals. They may therefore differ from those communicated by the cantons.

Previous situation and weekly reports

2020_Q1 (ZIP, 9 MB, 28.08.2020)
2020_Q2 (ZIP, 55 MB, 28.08.2020)
2020_Q3 (ZIP, 45 MB, 05.10.2020)
2020_Q4 (ZIP, 12 MB, 30.10.2020)

2020_Q1 (ZIP, 12 MB, 28.08.2020)
2020_Q2 (ZIP, 75 MB, 28.08.2020)
2020_Q3 (ZIP, 46 MB, 05.10.2020)
2020_Q4 (ZIP, 12 MB, 30.10.2020)

2020_Q1 (ZIP, 5 MB, 28.08.2020)
2020_Q2 (ZIP, 62 MB, 28.08.2020)
2020_Q3 (ZIP, 56 MB, 05.10.2020)
2020_Q4 (ZIP, 14 MB, 30.10.2020)

Since calendar week 25 (second quarter of 2020), weekly reports on the epidemiological situation have also been published. All previous reports are included in the above ZIP files.

Graphical representation of data

Below you can find links to charts.


Distribution by canton, age and sex (in German or French)


Development over time (in German or French)


Conducted tests (in German or French)

Laboratory confirmed COVID-19 cases over time

The graphic shows the geographical distribution of confirmed COVID-19 cases over time.

COVID-19 management: Strategic basis at federal and cantonal level

The federal government and the cantons have interrelated tasks in the management of COVID-19. This results in a need to coordinate assessments, reconcile measures and define processes. This brief strategy paper sets out to clarify the basic principles governing these issues over the months to come. It aims to protect the health of the population in Switzerland and minimise the impact of the outbreak and spread of SARS-CoV-2 as far as possible.

PDF: COVID-19 management: Strategic bases of the Swiss Conference of the Cantonal Ministers of Public Health (GDK) and the FDHA-FOPH (in German (PDF, 768 kB, 22.10.2020) and French (PDF, 779 kB, 22.10.2020))

Monitoring and interim report  

On the Monitoring page you will find current reports on the population’s mobility behaviour, the monitoring of precautionary measures and the economic situation. The reports to date on compliance monitoring are similarly posted there.

Interim report regarding the new coronavirus in Switzerland and in the Principality of Liechtenstein

The report sets out the general epidemiological situation and the impact of the measures taken by the government with regard to the new coronavirus. It is being released to coincide with the first phase of measures being eased.

COVID-19: Epidemiological interim report, dated 27 April 2020, available in German (PDF, 1 MB, 07.05.2020); French (PDF, 1 MB, 07.05.2020) or Italian (PDF, 1 MB, 07.05.2020)

SwissCovid app and contact tracing, vaccine against Covid-19, search for antibodies, scientific advisory body


SwissCovid app and contact tracing

Contact tracing is used to identify people who have been in close contact with persons who have been infected with the coronavirus. The SwissCovid app supports this process: it establishes whether we have been in close physical contact with an infected person. In this way, we can break the chains of transmission.

Vaccine against Covid-19

Intensive research on vaccines is being conducted around the world. The federal government is holding talks with various vaccine manufacturers with a view to concluding agreements and ensuring Switzerland has access to a vaccine.

Search for antibodies

How many people in Switzerland have already had the new coronavirus? Does having the infection and recovering from it mean you are then immune? A national study by the Swiss School of Public Health (SSPH+), a network comprising 12 Swiss universities, has launched a national study to find the answers to these questions.

Based on a proposal by Professor Milo Puhan, Head of the Institute of Epidemiology at the University of Zurich, the study aims to establish:

  • how many people in Switzerland have already been infected with new coronavirus;
  • if having the infection creates immunity from renewed infection;
  • if so, how long this immunity lasts.

This will involve testing and examining around 25,000 members of the general public and people in specific professional groups at regular intervals up to October 2020. A blood test determines whether a person has had the virus: the presence of antibodies in the blood indicates that they have.

We are providing funding and expertise for this study. The findings will provide valuable information which will help the cantons and the federal government to determine how to proceed in dealing with the coronavirus pandemic, and to decide on a vaccination programme in Switzerland at a later date.


Scientific advisory body

The Swiss National COVID-19 Science Task Force (SN-STF) serves as a scientific advisory body to the federal government. Its members are researchers from across the entire university landscape. The SN-STF contributes to efforts to manage the coronavirus pandemic by making its scientific and research expertise available to the political authorities responsible.

The task force is headed by Professor Martin Ackermann (ETH Zurich and Eawag) together with a steering committee comprising Professor Manuel Battegay (University of Basel), Professor Monika Bütler (University of St. Gallen) and Professor Samia Hurst (University of Geneva).

The SN-STF has been mandated by the Federal Department of Home Affairs (FDHA) and the FOPH.

Further information may be found on the website of the Swiss National COVID-19 Science Task Force.

Press conference, 30 October 2020, 2pm

Press releases

Java script is required to display press releases. If you are unable or unwilling to activate Java script you may use the link below to access the Federal Administration News Portal, where you can read the announcements.

To the Federal Administration News Portal

Further information

Easy-to-read language

Rules and prohibitions of the Federal Council, information about the corona virus, when you have to stay at home

Sign language

The rules and prohibitions of the Federal Council, information about the corona virus, when you have to stay at home

Measures and ordinances

Measures, easing of measures, conditions for reopening, permitted events or activities, still prohibited, criminal provisions, explanations

Last modification 30.10.2020

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We are unable to respond to enquiries related to COVID-19 in writing.

Please refer instead to our webpages, which are continuously updated.

Under Contacts and links you will find contact information for the FOPH, other federal agencies and the cantons.

Print contact

Are you experiencing symptoms? Take the coronavirus check! Click here.