Results about the new Coronavirus in Timor-Leste

Sun. 03 of May of 2020, 17:20h

Sérgio Lobo, Spokesperson of the Integrated Crisis Management Center (CIGC), released today, May 3, 2020, the results recorded so far in Timor-Leste, regarding the new coronavirus, in a press conference, held in Dili Convention Center.

So far, there have been 24 confirmed positive cases of people infected with the new Coronavirus and four probable cases. 20 patients (16 confirmed positive cases and 4 probable cases) have already recovered. There are no new positive cases.

A result of the test of 131 suspected cases is still awaited and 533 were negative.

A total of 255 people are in compulsory confinement and 61 people are in self-quarantine. 1898 citizens have already completed the fourteen-day quarantine period.


  • Government Decree N.º 8/2020, Abril 30
    Measures for the Implementation of the Declaration of State of Emergency introduced by Decree of the President of the Republic n.o 32/2020, de 27 de abril
    English version available soon, please see Portuguese version
  • Monetary support for households during the COVID-19 pandemic

  • Decree-Law Nº16/2020, of April 30
    Employment support measures during the COVID-19 pandemic

  • Decree-Law nº 17/2020, of April 30
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