Coronavirus numbers in London

In the 24-hour period ending 5pm Sunday 26 April, it was announced that a further 87 people who tested positive for COVID-19 were confirmed to have died in hospitals in the Greater London area. 

This brought the total number of reported deaths in London hospitals of patients who tested positive for COVID-19 to 4,693.  

In the week ending 10 April, 84% of deaths from COVID-19 took place in a hospital, 16% took place in homes, care homes and hospices.

These data are published by NHS England and updated daily with the deaths from the most recently completed reporting period.

Announced deaths by reporting period ending 5pm

Deaths by reporting period

  Rest of England London
17 April 563 221
18 April 400 82
19 April 348 81
20 April 646 132
21 April 492 173
22 April 425 89
23 April 461 126
24 April 595 116
25 April 272 64
26 April 242 87

Source: NHS COVID-19 Daily Deaths

Occurrences and delays in reporting

Confirmation of COVID-19 diagnosis, death notification and reporting in central figures can take up to several days. The totals reported at 5pm on each day will likely not include all deaths that occurred on that day or on recent prior days.  Additionally, these figures do not include deaths outside hospital, such as those in care homes.   

The data published by NHS England includes both date of occurrence and reporting. Deaths by date of occurrence and cumulative deaths are plotted below. Due to the delay in reporting, recent data is expected to be revised upwards in coming days. 

deaths by date of occurance

cumulative deaths

Source: NHS COVID-19 Daily Deaths  

Note: recent data (shaded region) is likely to change.

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