Publication - Transparency data
Coronavirus (COVID-19): daily data for Scotland
This is updated each day to provide the latest available data on COVID-19 in Scotland.
- Published:
- 26 Jun 2020
Scottish numbers: 26 June 2020
- 17 new confirmed cases of COVID-19*
- 0 new reported deaths of people who have tested positive
* as of 15 June this includes confirmed cases where people have been tested through the UK Government (UKG) testing programme as well as those through NHS Scotland labs.
A total of 248,381 people in Scotland have been tested through NHS Scotland labs and UKG to date. Of these:
- 230,168 were confirmed negative
- 18,213 were positive
This will be an underestimate of the number of cases. Not everyone with the virus will display symptoms and not all those with symptoms will be tested.
Of the people who have tested positive:
- 4,042 inpatients have been discharged from hospital since 5th March
- 467 were in hospital last night: 5 of whom were in intensive care; plus 12 more people in intensive care with suspected COVID-19
- 2,482 have died
Previous data for the figures reported are available at: Trends in daily data.
Data by health board
Health Board |
Total confirmed cases to date |
People in hospital at midnight (confirmed) |
People in intensive care at midnight (confirmed or suspected) |
Ayrshire and Arran |
1,253 |
* |
* |
Borders |
345 |
* |
* |
Dumfries and Galloway |
285 |
* |
* |
Fife |
929 |
49 |
* |
Forth Valley |
1,064 |
* |
* |
Grampian |
1,417 |
46 |
* |
Greater Glasgow and Clyde |
4,844 |
215 |
* |
Highland |
374 |
7 |
* |
Lanarkshire |
2,717 |
33 |
* |
Lothian |
3,148 |
108 |
6 |
Orkney |
9 |
* |
* |
Shetland |
54 |
* |
* |
Tayside |
1,767 |
5 |
* |
Eileanan Siar (Western Isles) |
7 |
* |
* |
Golden Jubilee National Hospital |
n/a |
* |
* |
Scotland |
18,213 |
467 |
17 |
This table now includes confirmed cases where people have been tested through the UK Government (UKG) testing programme as well as those through NHS Scotland labs. Case numbers are by board of residence (if postcode is not known, location of test is used); numbers of inpatients are by location of the hospital.
(n/a – number of cases not applicable for Golden Jubilee National Hospital)
* less than five
Numbers in hospital were previously reported in this table as the total of confirmed and suspected. However from 5 May 2020 onwards these are confirmed only. This is due to discontinuity in suspected cases due to increased levels of screening.
Please note: For 26/06/20, the cumulative number of cases reported by NHS Fife has decreased by one from 25/06/2020 due to a revised result by a submitting lab.
On 25 June there were:
- 4,351 tests carried out by NHS Scotland in hospitals, care homes or the community, making a total of 260,099 COVID-19 tests through NHS labs to date
- 1,035 drive through and mobile tests were carried out by the UKG Regional Testing Centres (RTCs) in Scotland, bringing the total of those to 88,189 tests
As of 22 June:
- At least 50,338 key workers or symptomatic family members had been tested through NHS laboratories. Of those tested approximately 45% were healthcare workers or their families, 46% were social care staff and family members and 6% were from the rest of the public sector, including the prison service and firefighters.
Care homes
On 25 June there were:
- 313 (29%) adult care homes with a current case of suspected COVID-19. This number relates to care homes who have notified the Care Inspectorate of at least one suspected case of COVID-19, and have not subsequently notified they no longer have any cases
- 689 (64%) adult care homes which have lodged at least one notification for suspected COVID-19 to the Care Inspectorate since the start of the epidemic. 529 of these care homes have reported more than one case of suspected COVID-19
- 6,543 cumulative cases of suspected COVID-19 in care homes. This is an increase of 20 suspected cases on the previous day.
Over the week commencing 15 June:
- 3,300 care home staff tests were carried out through NHS labs, bringing the total to 25,635.
- At least 14,896 individual care home staff were tested. This includes staff tested via UKG routes and the NHS Care Portal who are not captured in number of NHS lab tests above. (Note this is based on new data reported by NHS Boards and does not yet include all care homes.)
- 2,601 care home resident tests were carried out, bringing the total through NHS labs to 20,156. This includes tests on care home residents in hospital. Care home residents in hospital may be tested several times during their hospital stay, and prior to discharge.
- At least 2,520 individual residents in care homes were tested, based on new data reported by NHS Boards. This does not yet include figures from all care homes.
Please see Definitions and Sources, and the Coronavirus (Covid-19): additional data about adult care homes in Scotland document, for information about why the two sources on care home testing are not comparable.
Further weekly information is available about COVID-19 in care homes, including cases by size, sector and location, and deaths reported to the Care Inspectorate.
Community health and care
On 25 June there were:
- 2,661 calls to 111 and 431 calls to the Coronavirus Helpline. The number of calls to 111 includes all calls, whether or not they relate to COVID-19.
- 1,764 Scottish Ambulance Service (SAS) attendances, of which 229 were for suspected COVID-19. SAS took 162 people to hospital with suspected COVID-19.
- 776 people delayed in hospital. This is 836 less than the baseline period (04/03 weekly return)
As at 22 June:
- 180,707 people in Scotland are identified as at high clinical risk of COVID-19 and are advised to shield.
- Almost three quarters (131,545 people) are aged 55 or over and 2% (3,934) are children under the age of 16. Demographic breakdowns of those on the shielding list at 1 June were published in the PHS Coronavirus (COVID-19) weekly report for Scotland on 10 June.
- Local authorities have had direct contact with 90% of those advised to shield (either through proactive contact or receipt of calls) to discuss support needs.
As at 23 June:
- A total of 99,603 people are registered with the shielding SMS service.
- There were 51,828 individuals signed up for weekly food box deliveries and 46,561 registered for priority supermarket delivery. Individuals can sign up for these services either via SMS registration or by contacting their local authority.
Health and social care staff
- 4,606 NHS staff, or around 2.8% of the NHS workforce, reported as absent on 25 June due to a range of reasons related to COVID-19
- 1,801 staff were reported as absent in adult care homes due to COVID-19, based on returns received from 688 (64%) adult care homes as at 23 June. Staff absent due to COVID-19 represents 5.0% of all adult care home staff (36,257) for whom a return was provided
The absence figures for NHS staff and care home staff are calculated in different ways and caution should be exercised in making comparisons – see the data sources and definitions document for full details.
Deaths of health and social care workers related to COVID-19
As at 23 June, we have been notified by Health Boards or the Care Inspectorate of 7 deaths of healthcare workers and 12 deaths of social care workers, related to COVID-19. We are not able to confirm how many of these staff contracted COVID-19 through their work. We update this information every Wednesday.
About this data and other data sources
Previous data is available at: Trends in daily data. Also available as open data at
The data reported is management information based on a range of operational systems. While checks are completed before publication to ensure data robustness, due to the speed of reporting these data are not currently subject to the full range of processes and quality assurance that would be required for Official Statistics. For more information about the data please see Data definitions and sources.
The latest numbers will publish at 2pm each day.
COVID-19: modelling the epidemic in Scotland
The Scottish Government, like other governments around the world, is responding to the COVID-19 pandemic. A key part of this response is to model the potential spread and level of the virus in Scotland, and to compare the Scottish experience to other parts of the UK and other countries around the world. The results of this work are used to help the Scottish Government and the wider public sector, and in particular the health service, plan and put in place what is needed to keep us safe and treat people who have virus e.g. to decide how many Intensive Care Beds (ICU) we need for Covid patients. Modelling reports are available on the Coronavirus (COVID-19): modelling the epidemic publications page
More data on COVID-19 deaths
A weekly report on COVID-19 related deaths (including those where COVID-19 is suspected) is available from National Records of Scotland (NRS). This report provides a breakdown of deaths by age, sex, setting (hospital, care home or home) and area (NHS Board area and Local Authority). It is updated every Wednesday.
Read more:
More data on people affected by COVID-19
Public Health Scotland reports on the demographic characteristics (age, sex, deprivation) of people affected by COVID-19. It also looks at some of the wider impacts of the virus on the healthcare system, comparing recent trends in activity with historic norms. It is updated every Wednesday.
Read more:
Related information
General information about coronavirus is available at: