Coronavirus in Scotland

Protect yourself and others:

  • stay at home
  • only go outside for essential food, health and work reasons
  • stay 2 metres (6 feet) away from other people
  • wash your hands regularly                
  • wash your hands as soon as you get home

Coronavirus symptoms

  • high temperature or fever
  • a new, continuous cough
  • shortness of breath 

Health advice

Health advice can be found on: NHS Inform.

A free helpline can give advice if you do not have symptoms, but are looking for general advice: 0800 028 2816.

The latest information and advice for professionals and organisations is on the Health Protection Scotland website.

Overseas visitors to Scotland, regardless of their residency status, are exempt from NHS charges for both the diagnosis and treatment of coronavirus (COVID-19)

Scottish test numbers: 31 March 2020

A total of 15,895 people in Scotland have been tested. Of these:

  • 13,902 tests were confirmed negative
  • 1,993 tests were positive
  • 60 patients who tested positive have died

Please note: delays to reporting over the weekend have contributed to the increase in total test figures and deaths confirmed today.

Health board

Positive cases

Ayrshire and Arran




Dumfries and Galloway




Forth Valley




Greater Glasgow and Clyde












The latest numbers will publish at 2pm each day.

The Department of Health publishes UK figures on behalf of all UK Chief Medical Officers. Test results from Scotland are included in the overall UK figure.

Help your community and volunteering advice

Information on how to help your community is on the Ready Scotland website.

Business advice

If you run a business you can get advice by calling the helpline: 0300 303 0660.  It is open Monday to Friday, 8.30am to 5.30pm. Select option 1 to speak to the COVID-19 team.

The Find Business Support website gives the latest information and advice.

Benefits and employment rights 

Advice about benefits and employment rights is on Citizens Advice Scotland.

Advice for parents

Advice for parents is on the ParentClub website.

Travel, visa and passport advice

You must stay at home, do not travel unless for food, health and essential work.

Guidance for British people travelling abroad: Travel advice: coronavirus (COVID-19).

Travel advice and country specific information can be found at: FitForTravel.

Guidance for visa holders and applicants in Scotland, and British nationals overseas who need to apply for a passport: Visa and passport advice (COVID-19)

Our approach

Our approach is guided by the Chief Medical Officer, and we continue to monitor the situation closely and to work with the WHO and international community.

We are working with the Welsh Government, Northern Ireland Executive, and the UK Government to respond to the ongoing outbreak.