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Public Health Wales statement on Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak

This statement will be updated daily at 2pm

Updated: 2:00pm Thursday 26 March

Starting today, we will be publishing our Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19) statement daily at 2pm.  This is to make sure that the way we report data is consistent with the other UK nations.  We realise how important it is to keep people updated about the spread of Coronavirus, and we ask that the public and media bear with us while this new reporting system is put in place.

Dr Robin Howe, Incident Director for the Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak response at Public Health Wales, said:

“113 new cases have tested positive for Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19) in Wales, bringing the total number of confirmed cases to 741, although the true number of cases is likely to be higher.
“Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19) is now circulating in every part of Wales.

“Six further deaths have been reported to us of people who had tested positive for Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19), taking the number of deaths in Wales to 28.

“We offer our condolences to the family and friends affected, and we ask those reporting on the situation to respect patient confidentiality.”

As reported previously, the UK and Welsh Government have introduced new measures.

New rules on staying at home, and away from others

The single most important action we can all take in fighting coronavirus is to stay at home in order to protect the NHS and save lives.

When we reduce our day-to-day contact with other people, we will reduce the spread of the infection. Three new measures have been introduced:

  1. Requiring people to stay at home, except for very limited purposes
  2. Closing non-essential shops and community spaces
  3. Stopping all gatherings of more than two people in public
Everybody must comply with these new measures. The relevant authorities, including the police, will be given the powers to enforce them – including through fines and dispersing gatherings.

These measures are effective immediately. The Welsh Government, working with UK Government, will keep these measures under constant review and relax them if the evidence shows this is possible.

Staying at home

You should only leave the house for one of four reasons:
  1. Shopping for basic necessities, for example food and medicine, which must be as infrequent as possible
  2. One form of exercise a day, for example a run, walk, or cycle - alone or with members of your household
  3. Any medical need, or to provide care or to help a vulnerable person
  4. Travelling to and from work, but only where this absolutely cannot be done from home
These four reasons are exceptions.  Even when doing these activities, you should be minimising time spent outside of the home and ensuring you are two metres apart from anyone outside of your household.

These measures must be followed by everyone.  Separate advice is available for individuals or households who are isolating, and for the most vulnerable who need to be shielded.

If you work in a critical sector outlined in in UK Government guidance, or your child has been identified as vulnerable, you can continue to take your children to school.  Where parents do not live in the same household, children under 18 can be moved between their parents’ homes.

For the guidance in full, visit the Department of Health and Social Care website:  

Dr Howe said: “People no longer need to contact NHS 111 if they think they may have contracted Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19).  Advice about the virus is available on the Public Health Wales website at

“Symptoms include a high temperature, where you feel hot to touch on your chest or back, and a new, continuous cough.  This means coughing a lot, for more than an hour, or three or more coughing episodes in 24 hours.  If you usually have a cough, it may be worse than usual.

“Anyone with a suspected coronavirus illness should not go to a GP surgery, pharmacy or hospital.  They should only contact NHS 111 if they feel they cannot cope with their symptoms at home, their condition gets worse, or their symptoms do not get better after seven days.

“Only call 999 if you are experiencing a life-threatening emergency, do not call 999 just because you are on-hold to 111.  We appreciate that 111 lines are busy, but you will get through after a wait.

“The public play a very important role in slowing the spread of infection. By strictly following the latest measures, you will protect yourself, protect the most vulnerable and help to reduce the pressure on NHS Wales and minimise the impact of the virus.”

Numbers of confirmed cases by local health board (Amended 2:55pm 26/03/2020) - We have now corrected the health board table so it shows the right number of cases for Swansea Bay and Powys health boards. The overall number of cases in Wales is unchanged. Thanks for your patience.

Health Board

New cases

Cumulative cases

Aneurin Bevan



Betsi Cadwaladr



Cardiff and Vale



Cwm Taf Morgannwg



Hywel Dda



Swansea Bay






Resident outside Wales



To be confirmed



Wales Total






Datganiad Cymraeg

Diweddariad: 2pm Dydd Iau, 26 Mawrth 2020

Dywedodd Dr Robin Howe, Cyfarwyddwr Digwyddiad ar gyfer yr ymateb i'r achos o'r Coronafeirws Newydd (COVID-19) yn Iechyd Cyhoeddus Cymru:

“Mae 113 o achosion newydd wedi profi’n bositif am Coronafeirws Newydd (COVID-71) yng Nghymru, gan ddod ÃÆ’¢ chyfanswm yr achosion a gadarnhawyd i 741 – er bod gwir nifer yr achosion yn debygol o fod yn uwch.  

“Mae Coronafeirws Newydd (COVID-19) bellach yn cylchredeg ym mhob rhan o Gymru.

“Mae chwe pherson ychwanegol a gafodd brawf positif am Coronafeirws Newydd (COVID-19) wedi marw, sy’n dod ÃÆ’¢ nifer y marwolaethau yng Nghymru i 28.

“Estynnwn ein cydymdeimlad i’r teuluoedd a'r ffrindiau sydd wedi'u heffeithio, a gofynnwn i'r rhai sy'n adrodd ar y sefyllfa barchu cyfrinachedd cleifion.”

Fel yr adroddwyd o’r blaen, mae Llywodraeth y DU a Llywodraeth Cymru wedi cyflwyno mesurau newydd.

Rheolau newydd ar aros gartref ac aros i ffwrdd oddi wrth bobl eraill

Y camau pwysicaf y gallwn ni i gyd eu cymryd wrth ymladd coronafeirws yw aros gartref er mwyn amddiffyn y GIG ac achub bywydau.

Pan fyddwn yn lleihau ein cyswllt o ddydd i ddydd ÃÆ’¢ phobl eraill, byddwn yn lleihau lledaeniad yr haint. Cyflwynwyd tri mesur newydd:

  1. Ei gwneud yn ofynnol i bobl aros gartref, ac eithrio at ddibenion cyfyngedig iawn
  2. Cau siopau nad ydynt yn gwerthu nwyddau hanfodol ac ardaloedd cymunedol
  3. Atal mwy na dau berson rhag ymgynnull yn gyhoeddus

Mae’n rhaid i bawb gydymffurfio ÃÆ’¢’r mesurau newydd hyn. Bydd gan yr awdurdodau perthnasol, gan gynnwys yr heddlu, bwerau i'w gorfodi – gan gynnwys trwy ddirwyon a gwasgaru grwpiau sy’n ymgynnull.

Mae’r mesurau yn dod i rym ar unwaith. Bydd Llywodraeth Cymru, gan weithio gyda Llywodraeth y DU, yn adolygu'r mesurau hyn yn gyson ac yn eu llacio os yw'r dystiolaeth yn dangos bod hyn yn bosibl.

Aros Gartref

Dim ond am un o bedwar rheswm y dylech chi adael y tÅ·:

  1. Siopa am nwyddau angenrheidiol, er enghraifft bwyd a meddyginiaeth, mor anaml ÃÆ’¢ phosibl
  2. Un math o ymarfer corff y dydd, er enghraifft rhedeg, cerdded neu feicio – ar eich pen eich hun neu gydag aelodau o'ch cartref
  3. Unrhyw angen meddygol, neu i ddarparu gofal neu i helpu person sy’n agored i niwed
  4. Teithio i'r gwaith ac yn ÃÆ’´l, ond dim ond lle na ellir gwneud hyn gartref

Mae’r pedwar rheswm hyn yn eithriadau.  Hyd yn oed pan fyddwch yn gwneud y gweithgareddau hyn, dylech gwtogi ar yr amser a dreulir y tu allan i'r cartref gan sicrhau bod dau fetr rhyngoch chi ac unrhyw un y tu allan i'ch cartref.

Rhaid i bawb ddilyn y mesurau hyn.  Mae cyngor ar wahÃÆ’¢n ar gael i unigolion neu aelwydydd sy'n ynysu, ac i'r rhai mwyaf agored i niwed y mae angen eu gwarchod.

Os ydych chi'n gweithio mewn sector allweddol a amlinellir yng nghanllawiau Llywodraeth y DU, neu os yw'ch plentyn wedi’i nodi i fod yn agored i niwed, gallwch barhau i fynd ÃÆ’¢'ch plant i'r ysgol.  Lle nad yw rhieni’n byw yn yr un cartref, gall plant dan 18 oed symud rhwng cartrefi eu rhieni.

Ewch i wefan yr Adran Iechyd a Gofal Cymdeithasol am y canllawiau llawn:  

Meddai Dr Howe: “Nid oes angen i bobl gysylltu ag NHS 111 mwyach os ydynt yn credu bod ganddynt Coronafeirws Newydd (COVID-19).  Gellir dod o hyd i gyngor am y feirws hwn ar wefan Iechyd Cyhoeddus Cymru ar 

“Mae’r symptomau yn cynnwys tymheredd uchel, lle rydych chi'n teimlo'n boeth wrth gyffwrdd ÃÆ’¢’ch brest neu'ch cefn, a pheswch newydd, parhaus.  Mae hyn yn golygu pesychu llawer, am fwy nag awr, neu dri phwl o beswch neu fwy mewn 24 awr.  Os oes gennych beswch fel arfer, gallai fod yn waeth na'r arfer.

Ni ddylai unrhyw un yr amheuir bod ganddo/ganddi salwch coronafeirws fynd i bractis meddyg teulu, fferyllfa nac ysbyty.  Dim ond os yw'n teimlo na all ymdopi ÃÆ’¢'i symptomau gartref, fod ei gyflwr yn gwaethygu, neu os nad yw ei symptomau’n gwella ar ÃÆ’´l saith niwrnod y dylai gysylltu ÃÆ’¢ NHS 111.

Peidiwch ÃÆ’¢ ffonio 999 oni bai eich bod yn profi argyfwng sy’n peryglu bywyd. Peidiwch ÃÆ’¢ ffonio 999 dim ond oherwydd eich bod yn aros i 111 ateb eich galwad ffÃÆ’´n.  Rydym yn deall bod llinellau 111 yn brysur, ond bydd rhywun yn ateb eich galwad ar ÃÆ’´l i chi aros.

Mae'r cyhoedd yn chwarae rhan bwysig iawn wrth arafu lledaeniad yr haint. Wrth ddilyn y mesurau diweddaraf yn llym, byddwch yn amddiffyn eich hun a’r rhai mwyaf agored i niwed, ac yn helpu i leihau’r pwysau ar GIG Cymru ac yn lleihau effaith y feirws.”

Nifer yr achosion wedi'u cadarnhau yn ol bwrdd iechyd lleol (Diwygiwyd 2:55pm 26/03/2020) - Rydym bellach wedi cywiro tabl y byrddau iechyd fel ei bod yn dangos y nifer cywir o achosion ar gyfer byrddau iechyd Bae Abertawe a Powys. Mae'r nifer gyffredinol yr achosion yng Nghymru heb newid. Diolch am eich amynedd.

Bwrdd Iechyd

Achosion newydd

Achosion cronnus

Aneurin Bevan



Betsi Cadwaladr



Caerdydd a'r Fro



Cwm Taf Morgannwg



Hywel Dda



Bae Abertawe






Yn byw y tu allan i Gymru



I’w cadarnhau



Cyfanswm Cymru


