Public Health Wales statement on Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak
This statement will be updated daily at 2pm
Updated: 2:00pm Sunday 21 June
NOTE: As part of the ‘Test, Trace, Protect’ strategy, Public Health Wales is undertaking focused sampling and testing programmes in response to local outbreaks. As expected, this focused testing will inevitably result in higher numbers of positive tests included in the daily numbers for Wales. Details of local outbreaks will be outlined in separate communications.
NOTE: Testing data for Wales is underreported today due to technical issues. We are working to resolve this and these results will be included in the figures as soon as the issue has been resolved.
Dr Giri Shankar, Incident Director for the Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak response at Public Health Wales, said:
“Public Health Wales welcomes the First Minister’s announcement on Friday that non-essential retailers are able to open on Monday 22 June, providing that they are able to comply with social distancing measures.
“The announcement adds that further relaxation of lockdown measures, including the lifting of the restriction on non-essential travel to around five miles, is planned for Monday 6 July, providing that community transmission continues to reduce.
“It is important to note that until a further announcement is made by Welsh Government, then the current measures remain in place - as a general rule, people should not travel more than five miles from home. This will help to reduce the risk of coronavirus spreading as people begin to travel more.
“Future relaxation of lockdown measures will also be dependent on everyone following advice set out in the ‘Test, Trace, Protect’ strategy, including self-isolating when required. Complying with social distancing and hygiene measures remain extremely important.
“Screening programmes in Wales will start sending invitations and reminders to eligible individuals again, beginning with Cervical Screening Wales from the end of June. This follows a pause in screenings due to the Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic.
“We have been in unprecedented times, and pausing the invitations for these programmes was a difficult recommendation for us to make. However we had to ensure that NHS services were able to focus as matter of priority to respond to the Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic, as well as to reduce the need for participants’ travel and potential contact with others at the peak of the pandemic.
“Invitations and reminders for individuals who are now overdue screening will be sent based on clinical priority.
“Revised lockdown arrangements also apply to people in Wales who have been told to ‘shield’ from the virus. They are able to go outside and meet people from another household, provided they keep a two-metre distance.
“England has begun to further ease some of its lockdown restrictions. People who live alone in England are now also able to form a support bubble with another household, while individuals accessing public transport are now required to wear face coverings. Please note that these arrangements do not apply in Wales.
“Contact tracing continues in Wales as part of the Welsh Government’s ‘Test, Trace, Protect’ strategy. Contact tracing is the process of identifying people who have come in contact with an individual with Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19) in order to prevent the risk of others spreading the infection in our communities.
“Anyone who has a positive Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19) test will be contacted by a team of contact tracers, and asked for details of everyone they have had close contact with while they have had symptoms.
“Please keep a note of your activities so you can easily remember your whereabouts on a given day, along with who were in contact with. This is for everyone’s benefit and we are grateful for your continued cooperation.
“If you are asked to self-isolate, you should also comply with this request to prevent further spread of the virus.
“You do not need to have any concerns about providing names to the tracing team. Tracers are trained staff and personal information that you provide will handled in line with data protection regulations and will not be shared widely.
“Information about the symptoms of Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19) to look out for is available on the Public Health Wales website, or members of the public can use the NHS Wales symptom checker.
“Anyone experiencing Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19) symptoms can now apply for a home testing kit using the new UK online portal. For further information and a link to the booking website, visit: or This will be supported by a national 119 phone service, through which people can also order a home test.
“We are encouraging everyone to download the Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19) Symptom Study app, which has been supported by Welsh Government. The app allows users to log daily symptoms to help build a clearer picture of how the virus is affecting people. For more information, including how to download the app, visit
“Anyone with a suspected coronavirus illness should not go to a GP surgery, pharmacy or hospital. They should only contact NHS 111 if they feel they cannot cope with their symptoms at home, their condition gets worse, or their symptoms do not get better after seven days.
“Only call 999 if you are experiencing a life-threatening emergency, do not call 999 just because you are on hold to 111. We appreciate that 111 lines are busy, but you will get through after a wait.
"We also want to reinforce the message from NHS Wales that urgent and emergency care services for physical and mental health are still open and accessible.
“For parents, if your child is unwell and you are concerned you should seek help. If you have urgent dental pain you should still call your dentist. If you have a health complaint that is worrying you and won’t go away you should call your GP practice. If you or a family member are seriously ill or injured you should dial 999 or attend your nearest Emergency Department.”
Diweddarwyd: 2:00yp Dydd Sul 21 Mehefin
NODER: Fel rhan o’r strategaeth ‘Profi, Olrhain, Diogelu’, mae Iechyd Cyhoeddus Cymru yn cynnal rhaglenni samplu a phrofi gyda ffocws fel ymateb i achosion lleol. Yn ôl y disgwyl, bydd y profi ffocws hwn yn arwain yn anochel at niferoedd uwch o brofion positif yn y niferoedd dyddiol ar gyfer Cymru. Bydd manylion am achosion lleol yn cael eu hamlinellu mewn gohebiaeth ar wahân.
NODER: Mae’r data profi ar gyfer Cymru yn cael eu tangofnodi heddiw oherwydd problemau technegol. Rydyn ni’n gweithio i ddatrys y broblem hon a bydd y canlyniadau hyn yn cael eu cynnwys yn y ffigurau cyn gynted ag y bydd y mater wedi cael ei ddatrys.
Dywedodd Dr Giri Shankar, y Cyfarwyddwr Digwyddiadau ar gyfer yr ymateb i'r achosion o’r Coronafeirws Newydd (COVID-19) yn Iechyd Cyhoeddus Cymru:
“Mae Iechyd Cyhoeddus Cymru yn croesawu cyhoeddiad y Prif Weinidog ddydd Gwener bod manwerthwyr nad ydynt yn hanfodol yn gallu agor ddydd Llun 22 Mehefin, ar yr amod eu bod yn gallu cydymffurfio â mesurau cadw pellter cymdeithasol.
“Yn ogystal, dywed y cyhoeddiad bod llacio’r mesurau cyfyngiadau symud ymhellach, gan gynnwys codi’r cyfyngiad ar deithio nad yw’n hanfodol i oddeutu pum milltir, ar y gweill ar gyfer dydd Llun 6 Gorffennaf, ar yr amod bod trosglwyddo cymunedol yn parhau i leihau.
“Mae’n bwysig nodi, hyd nes y gwneir cyhoeddiad pellach gan Lywodraeth Cymru, fod y mesurau cyfredol yn aros mewn grym - fel rheol gyffredinol, ni ddylai pobl deithio mwy na phum milltir o’u cartrefi. Bydd hyn yn helpu i leihau'r risg y bydd y coronafeirws yn lledaenu wrth i bobl ddechrau teithio mwy.
Bydd llacio’r mesurau cyfyngiadau symud yn y dyfodol hefyd yn dibynnu ar bawb yn dilyn y cyngor a nodir yn y strategaeth ‘Profi, Olrhain, Diogelu’, gan gynnwys hunanynysu pan fo angen. Mae cydymffurfio â mesurau cadw pellter cymdeithasol a hylendid yn parhau i fod yn hynod bwysig.
“Bydd rhaglenni sgrinio yng Nghymru yn dechrau anfon gwahoddiadau a nodiadau atgoffa at unigolion cymwys eto, gan ddechrau gyda Sgrinio Serfigol Cymru o ddiwedd mis Mehefin ymlaen. Mae hyn yn dilyn saib mewn sgrinio oherwydd pandemig y Coronafeirws Newydd (COVID-19).
“Rydyn ni wedi bod mewn cyfnod digynsail, ac roedd oedi’r gwahoddiadau ar gyfer y rhaglenni hyn yn argymhelliad anodd i ni ei wneud. Fodd bynnag, roedd yn rhaid i ni sicrhau bod gwasanaethau'r GIG yn gallu canolbwyntio ar ymateb i bandemig y Coronafeirws Newydd (COVID-19) fel blaenoriaeth, yn ogystal â lleihau'r angen am i gyfranogwyr deithio a chysylltiad posibl ag eraill pan oedd y pandemig ar ei anterth.
“Bydd gwahoddiadau a nodiadau atgoffa i unigolion sydd bellach yn hwyr yn cael eu sgrinio yn cael eu hanfon yn seiliedig ar flaenoriaeth glinigol.
“Mae’r trefniadau cyfyngiadau symud diwygiedig hefyd yn berthnasol i bobl yng Nghymru y dywedwyd wrthynt am ‘warchod’ eu hunain rhag y feirws. Gallant fynd y tu allan a chwrdd â phobl o gartref arall, ar yr amod eu bod yn cadw pellter o ddau fetr.
“Mae Lloegr wedi dechrau codi rhai o’r cyfyngiadau symud ymhellach. Mae pobl sy'n byw ar eu pennau eu hunain yn Lloegr hefyd yn gallu ffurfio swigen gefnogol gyda chartref arall bellach, tra bo gofyn i unigolion sy'n defnyddio trafnidiaeth gyhoeddus wisgo gorchuddion wyneb erbyn hyn. Nid yw'r trefniadau hyn yn berthnasol yng Nghymru.
“Mae olrhain cysylltiadau yn parhau yng Nghymru fel rhan o strategaeth ‘Profi, Olrhain, Diogleu’ Llywodraeth Cymru. Olrhain cysylltiadau yw'r broses o adnabod pobl sydd wedi dod i gysylltiad ag unigolyn â’r Coronafeirws Newydd (COVID-19) er mwyn atal y risg y bydd eraill yn lledaenu'r haint yn ein cymunedau.
“Bydd tîm o olrheinwyr cysylltiadau’n cysylltu ag unrhyw un sydd wedi cael prawf positif am y Coronafeirws Newydd (COVID-19), a gofynnir am fanylion pawb y mae wedi bod mewn cysylltiad agos â nhw tra oedd ganddo symptomau.
“Gwnewch nodyn o'ch gweithgareddau er mwyn i chi allu cofio’n hawdd ble oeddech chi ar ddiwrnod penodol, ynghyd â gyda phwy y buoch mewn cysylltiad. Mae hyn er budd pawb ac rydym yn ddiolchgar am eich cydweithrediad parhaus.
“Os gofynnir i chi hunanynysu, dylech hefyd gydymffurfio â'r gofyniad hwn er mwyn atal y feirws rhag lledaenu ymhellach.
“Nid oes angen i chi fod ag unrhyw bryderon ynghylch darparu enwau i'r tîm olrhain. Mae’r olrheinwyr yn staff hyfforddedig a bydd yr wybodaeth bersonol rydych chi'n ei darparu’nn cael ei thrin yn unol â rheoliadau diogelu data ac ni fydd yn cael ei rhannu'n eang.
“Mae gwybodaeth am symptomau’r Coronafeirws Newydd (COVID-19) i gadw llygad amdanynt ar gael ar wefan Iechyd Cyhoeddus Cymru, neu gall aelodau'r cyhoedd ddefnyddio gwiriwr symptomau GIG Cymru.
“Gall unrhyw un sy’n profi symptomau’r Coronafeirws Newydd (COVID-19) wneud cais am becyn prawf cartref yn awr gan ddefnyddio porth ar-lein newydd y DU. I gael rhagor o wybodaeth a dolen i'r wefan archebu, ewch i: neu Cefnogir hyn gan wasanaeth ffôn 119 cenedlaethol, lle gall pobl hefyd archebu prawf cartref.
“Rydym yn annog pawb i lawrlwytho’r ap Astudio Symptomau’r Coronafeirws Newydd (COVID-19), a sydd wedi cael cefnogaeth gan Lywodraeth Cymru. Mae'r ap yn caniatáu i ddefnyddwyr logio symptomau’n ddyddiol i helpu i greu darlun cliriach o sut mae'r feirws yn effeithio ar bobl. Am ragor o wybodaeth, gan gynnwys sut i lawrlwytho'r ap, ewch i
“Ni ddylai unrhyw un sy’n amau bod ganddo/ganddi salwch y coronafeirws fynd i feddygfa, fferyllfa nac ysbyty. Dim ond os yw'n teimlo na all ymdopi â'i symptomau gartref, fod ei gyflwr yn gwaethygu, neu os nad yw ei symptomau’n gwella ar ôl saith niwrnod y dylai gysylltu â NHS 111.
“Peidiwch â ffonio 999 oni bai eich bod yn profi argyfwng sy’n peryglu eich bywyd. Peidiwch â ffonio 999 dim ond oherwydd eich bod yn aros i 111 ateb eich galwad ffôn. Rydym yn deall bod llinellau 111 yn brysur, ond bydd rhywun yn ateb eich galwad ar ôl i chi aros.
“Hoffwn hefyd gadarnhau’r neges gan GIG Cymru fod gwasanaethau gofal brys ar gyfer iechyd meddwl ac iechyd corfforol ar agor o hyd.
“I rieni, os yw'ch plentyn yn sâl a'ch bod yn pryderu, dylech ofyn am help. Os oes gennych boen deintyddol brys, dylech ffonio'ch deintydd o hyd. Os oes gennych broblem iechyd sy'n eich poeni ac nad yw’n mynd i ffwrdd, dylech ffonio'ch meddygfa. Os ydych chi, neu aelod o'r teulu, yn ddifrifol wael neu wedi'ch anafu, dylech ddeialu 999 neu fynd i'ch Adran Achosion Brys agosaf.”