Public Health Wales statement on Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak
This statement will be updated daily at 2pm
Updated: Monday 31 August
“Cardiff and Vale Test Trace Protect and Public Health Wales have identified at least sixteen confirmed cases of COVID-19 from three different parties who were on TUI Flight 6215 from Zante to Cardiff on 25 August. Seven out of the sixteen were infectious at the time of flying. As a result, we are advising that all passengers on this flight are considered close contacts and must self-isolate.
“These passengers will be contacted shortly, but meanwhile, they must self-isolate at home as they may become infectious, even without developing symptoms. Anyone with symptoms should book a test without delay.
“Our investigations into a number of cases of Coronavirus have indicated that a lack of social distancing, in particular by a minority of the 20-30 year age group, has resulted in the spread of the virus to other groups of people. “I would make a direct appeal to young people to remember that even if they feel that they would not be badly affected by COVID-19 if they were to test positive for it, if they were to pass it on to older or more vulnerable family members, friends or colleagues it could be extremely serious, even fatal.“Despite the lower infection rates in Wales, Coronavirus has not gone away. It remains the responsibility of everyone to help prevent the spread of this virus – that is, by self-isolating when asked to do so, staying two metres away from others, and by washing hands regularly.
“Particularly over this Bank Holiday weekend, we are also issuing a reminder to everyone of the importance of social distancing to keep everyone in Wales safe.“Public Health Wales reminds the public that if you have recently travelled outside the UK there may be restrictions on your return. Advice on travelling abroad, including the latest information on quarantine requirements on returning home, can be found on the Welsh Government and FCO websites.
“Anyone returning to Wales from countries which have been identified as high risk must quarantine in accordance with the Foreign and Commonwealth Office regulations even if they are not experiencing any COVID-19 symptoms or have had a negative test result.
"Anyone with suspected symptoms of COVID-19 infection - a high temperature, a new, continuous cough, or a loss of smell or taste (anosmia) - must self-isolate and seek an urgent test.
"Confirmed cases must isolate for 10 days, with members of their household isolating for 14 days until the risk of passing on further infection has gone. Combined, these simple but effective actions will ensure the virus does not spread.
Updates on current incidents
“Public Health Wales is reiterating its call for customers of the North and South Wales Bank pub in Wrexham to be vigilant for symptoms of COVID-19.
“While the positive cases that have been identified in this incident have been among the staff, and staff-customer interaction appears to have mostly followed social distancing requirements, there is still a small risk that customers could be affected.
“Immediate contacts of those who have tested positive have been identified and contacted. Anyone who was in the pub between 9-20 August 2020 and develops even mild symptoms should immediately self-isolate and get a test.
“Getting a coronavirus test is free and simple to do, either by visiting or by calling the free number 119.
“We continue to work in close partnership with Betsi Cadwaladr University Health Board and Wrexham Council to deliver multi-agency activity in Wrexham to monitor and respond to cases of Coronavirus.
“We are monitoring a number of small clusters of COVID-19 cases in Cardiff, with investigation and management supported by the Cardiff Test, Trace and Protect team. No outbreak has been declared.
“As we move through the recovery phase of the Coronavirus pandemic, we expect to see clusters in different settings. We manage any clusters of Coronavirus appropriately, including by providing advice around infection prevention and control, and by supporting contact tracing where required.
“We remind the public and business owners that Coronavirus is still circulating in the community.
Contact tracing and general information
“Contact tracing continues as part of the Welsh Government’s Test, Trace, Protect strategy. Anyone who has a positive Coronavirus test will be contacted by a team of contact tracers, and asked for details of everyone they have had close contact with while they have had symptoms.
“Please keep a note of your activities so you can easily remember your whereabouts on a given day, along with who you were in contact with.
“If you are asked to self-isolate, you should do so to prevent further spread of the virus.
“Tracers are trained staff and personal information that you provide will handled in line with data protection regulations and will not be shared widely.
“Information about the symptoms of Coronavirus is available on the Public Health Wales website, or via the NHS 111 Wales symptom checker.
“Anyone experiencing Coronavirus symptoms can apply for a home testing kit by visiting, or by calling the national 119 phone service.
“Anyone with suspected coronavirus should not go to a GP surgery, pharmacy or hospital. They should only contact NHS 111 if they feel they cannot cope with their symptoms at home, their condition gets worse, or their symptoms do not get better after seven days.
“Only call 999 if you are experiencing a life-threatening emergency, do not call 999 just because you are on hold to 111. We appreciate that 111 lines are busy, but you will get through after a wait.
“Public Health Wales’ user-friendly data dashboard takes information from a range of different sources. The total number of positive cases now includes those reported from non-NHS Wales laboratories, which are subject to ongoing de-duplication, refinement and reconciliation. This may result in fluctuation of the total positive cases as this process takes place.”
Diweddarwyd: Dydd Llun 31 Awst 2020
Dywedodd Dr Giri Shankar, Cyfarwyddwr
Digwyddiad ar gyfer yr ymateb i'r achos o'r Coronafeirws Newydd (COVID-19) yn
Iechyd Cyhoeddus Cymru:
"Mae gwasanaeth Profi Olrhain Diogelu ac
Iechyd Cyhoeddus Cymru wedi nodi o leiaf un ar bymtheg o achosion COVID-19
wedi’u cadarnhau gan dri pharti gwahanol a oedd ar daith hedfan TUI 6215 o Zante
i Gaerdydd ar 25 Awst. Roedd
saith o'r un ar bymtheg yn heintus ar adeg y daith hedfan. O ganlyniad, rydym
yn ystyried pob teithiwr oedd ar yr awyren hon yn gysylltiadau agos a bydd yn
rhaid iddynt hunanynysu.
“Bydd rhywun
yn cysylltu â’r teithwyr hyn maes o law, ond yn y cyfamser, rhaid iddynt
hunanynysu gartref gan y gallant fod yn heintus, hyd yn oed heb ddatblygu
symptomau. Dylai unrhyw un sydd â symptomau archebu prawf ar unwaith.
“Mae ein hymchwiliadau i’r nifer o achosion o Coronafeirws wedi nodi bod diffyg cadw pellter cymdeithasol, yn enwedig gan leiafrif o’r grŵp oedran 20-30 oed, wedi arwain at ledaenu’r feirws ymysg grwpiau eraill o bobl.
"Hoffwn apelio’n uniongyrchol i bobl ifanc i gofio, hyd yn oed os ydynt yn meddwl na fyddai COVID-19 yn effeithio'n wael arnynt pe byddent yn profi'n bositif am y feirws, pe byddent yn ei drosglwyddo i aelodau hŷn neu fwy agored i niwed o deulu, ffrindiau neu gydweithwyr, gallai fod yn hynod o ddifrifol, hyd yn oed yn angheuol.
Er gwaethaf y ffaith bod cyfraddau
heintio yn is yng Nghymru, nid yw Coronafeirws wedi diflannu. Cyfrifoldeb pawb o hyd yw helpu i atal y
feirws hwn rhag lledaenu. Hynny yw, drwy hunanynysu pan ofynnir i unigolion
wneud hynny, aros dau fetr i ffwrdd oddi wrth eraill a thrwy olchi’ch dwylo yn
“Yn arbennig dros y penwythnos Gŵyl y Banc hwn, rydym
hefyd yn atgoffa pawb o bwysigrwydd cadw pellter cymdeithasol er mwyn cadw pawb
yng Nghymru'n ddiogel.
“Mae Iechyd Cyhoeddus Cymru yn croesawu'r mesurau cloi
diweddaraf i gael eu llacio gan Lywodraeth Cymru, sy'n golygu y gall pobl
ymweld â phreswylwyr cartrefi gofal dan do.
Mae canllawiau ar gyfer cartrefi gofal wedi'u cyhoeddi a bydd mesurau
cadw pellter cymdeithasol yn dal ar waith.
"Os ydych
wedi teithio y tu allan i'r DU yn ddiweddar, rydym hefyd am eich atgoffa y
gallai fod cyfyngiadau ar waith ar ôl i chi ddychwelyd. Gellir dod o hyd i gyngor ar deithio dramor,
gan gynnwys yr wybodaeth ddiweddaraf am ofynion cwarantin ar ôl dychwelyd
adref, ar wefan Llywodraeth
Cymru a gwefan FCO.
"Rhaid i unrhyw un sy'n dychwelyd i Gymru o wledydd
y nodwyd eu bod yn risg uchel fynd i gwarantin yn unol â rheoliadau'r Swyddfa
Dramor a Chymanwlad hyd yn oed os nad ydynt yn profi unrhyw symptomau COVID-19
neu os ydynt wedi cael canlyniad prawf negatif.
“Rhaid i unrhyw un sydd â symptomau posibl o haint
COVID-19 - tymheredd uchel, peswch newydd, parhaus, neu golli arogl neu flas
(anosmia) - hunanynysu a gofyn am brawf brys.
"Rhaid i achosion a gadarnhawyd ynysu am 10 diwrnod,
gydag aelodau o'u cartref i ynysu am 14 diwrnod nes bod y risg o drosglwyddo’r
haint ymhellach wedi diflannu. Gyda'i gilydd, bydd y camau syml ond effeithiol
hyn yn sicrhau nad yw'r feirws yn lledaenu.
Yr wybodaeth
ddiweddaraf am ddigwyddiadau cyfredol
Iechyd Cyhoeddus Cymru yn galw eto ar gwsmeriaid tafarn North and South Wales Bank yn Wrecsam i gadw llygad am symptomau
bod yr achosion positif a nodwyd yn yr achos hwn wedi bod ymhlith y staff, a'i
bod yn ymddangos bod y cysylltiad rhwng staff a chwsmeriaid wedi dilyn gofynion
cadw pellter cymdeithasol ar y cyfan, mae risg fach o hyd y gallai effeithio ar
cysylltiadau uniongyrchol y rhai a gafodd brawf positif wedi’u nodi ac mae
rhywun wedi cysylltu â nhw. Dylai unrhyw
un a oedd yn y dafarn rhwng 9-20 Awst 2020 ac sy'n datblygu symptomau ysgafn
hyd yn oed hunanynysu ar unwaith a chael prawf.
cael prawf coronafeirws yn rhad ac am ddim ac yn syml i'w wneud, naill ai drwy
fynd i neu drwy ffonio’r rhif am
ddim, 119.
"Rydym yn parhau i weithio mewn partneriaeth agos â
Bwrdd Iechyd Prifysgol Betsi Cadwaladr a Chyngor Wrecsam i ddarparu
gweithgarwch amlasiantaethol yn Wrecsam i fonitro ac ymateb i achosion o’r Coronafeirws.
yn monitro nifer o glystyrau bach o achosion COVID-19 yng Nghaerdydd, gyda thîm
Profi, Olrhain, Diogelu Caerdydd yn cefnogi ymchwiliadau a rheolwyr. Nid oes
unrhyw achos wedi'i ddatgan.
i ni symud drwy gyfnod adfer y pandemig Coronafeirws, rydym yn disgwyl gweld
clystyrau mewn gwahanol leoliadau. Rydym yn rheoli unrhyw glystyrau o’r
Coronafeirws yn briodol, gan gynnwys drwy ddarparu cyngor ar atal a rheoli
heintiau, a thrwy gefnogi’r tîm olrhain cysylltiadau lle bo angen.
yn atgoffa'r cyhoedd a pherchnogion busnes bod Coronafeirws yn dal ar led yn y
cysylltiadau a gwybodaeth gyffredinol
"Mae olrhain cysylltiadau yn parhau yn
rhan o strategaeth Profi, Olrhain, Diogelu Llywodraeth Cymru. Bydd tîm olrhain cysylltiadau
yn cysylltu ag unrhyw un sydd wedi cael prawf Coronafeirws positif, ac yn gofyn
am fanylion pawb y maent wedi cael cysylltiad agos â nhw tra maent wedi cael
"Gwnewch nodyn o'ch gweithgareddau er
mwyn i chi allu cofio lle rydych wedi bod yn hawdd ar ddiwrnod penodol, ynghyd
â phwy yr oeddech mewn cysylltiad â nhw.
"Os gofynnir i chi hunanynysu, dylech
wneud hynny i atal y feirws rhag lledaenu ymhellach.
"Mae’r staff olrhain cysylltiadau wedi’u
hyfforddi a bydd yr wybodaeth bersonol y byddwch yn ei rhoi yn cael ei thrin yn
unol â rheoliadau diogelu data ac ni fydd yn cael ei rhannu'n eang.
“Mae gwybodaeth am symptomau Coronafeirws ar
gael ar wefan Iechyd Cyhoeddus Cymru, neu drwy ddefnyddio gwiriwr
symptomau GIG Cymru.
“Gall unrhyw un sy'n cael symptomau
Coronafeirws wneud cais am becyn profi gartref drwy fynd i,
neu drwy ffonio’r gwasanaeth ffôn 119 cenedlaethol.
“Ni ddylai unrhyw un yr amheuir bod
ganddo/ganddi coronafeirws fynd i bractis meddyg teulu, fferyllfa nac ysbyty.
Dim ond os yw'n teimlo na all ymdopi â'i symptomau gartref, fod ei gyflwr yn
gwaethygu, neu os nad yw ei symptomau’n gwella ar ôl saith niwrnod y dylai
gysylltu â NHS 111.
“Peidiwch â ffonio 999 oni bai eich bod yn
profi argyfwng sy’n peryglu bywyd. Peidiwch â ffonio 999 dim ond oherwydd eich
bod yn aros i 111 ateb eich galwad ffôn. Rydym yn deall bod llinellau 111 yn
brysur, ond bydd rhywun yn ateb eich galwad ar ôl i chi aros.
"Mae dangosfwrdd data hawdd ei
ddefnyddio Iechyd Cyhoeddus Cymru yn cymryd gwybodaeth o amrywiaeth o wahanol
ffynonellau. Mae cyfanswm nifer yr achosion positif bellach yn cynnwys y rhai a
gofnodwyd o labordai nad ydynt yn rhan o GIG Cymru, sy'n destun dad-ddyblygu,
mireinio a chysoni parhaus. Gall hyn arwain at amrywiadau yng nghyfanswm yr
achosion positif wrth i'r broses hon fynd rhagddi."