Public Health Wales statement on Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak
This statement will be updated daily at 2pm
Updated: Tuesday 8 September 2020
Dr Giri Shankar, Incident Director for the Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19)
outbreak response at Public Health Wales, said:
Health Wales supports the restrictions which are being put in place by the
Welsh Government and Caerphilly Council. These measures are essential to
limit the spread of Coronavirus and bring transmission under control.
measures include the mandatory wearing of face coverings in indoor spaces such
as shops by everyone over the age of 11, limitations on travel in and out of
the county, and only allowing people from different households to meet
outdoors, not indoors – this includes extended households.
can be a very serious illness, especially for older people or those with
existing conditions, and a decision to introduce wide ranging restrictions such
as these is not taken lightly. We remind the public that they have a
vital role in preventing the spread of Coronavirus, and that adhering to these
restrictions is of the utmost importance.”
“I would appeal to everyone in the Caerphilly area that if you have even
the mildest of COVID-19 symptoms – a high temperature or fever, a new and
persistent cough, or a loss or change in your sense of smell or taste, or even
if you feel generally unwell with no explanation, to make use of the local
testing units.
“In order to manage high demand for testing in the county, then the
walk-in local testing unit at Caerphilly Leisure Centre will continue operating
for a further week, until Tuesday 15 September.
“An additional drive-through testing unit has also been established at
the Caerphilly County Borough Council offices in Tredomen Business Park, Ystrad
Mynach. This site will also be
operational until Tuesday 15 September, and its opening hours are 8am to 6pm.
“As children return to schools, I understand that parents will be
concerned at reports of positive cases.
I would urge you to follow advice from the school or local authority and
only withdraw children from school when asked to do so. Social distancing measures that are in place
are designed to prevent the spread of the disease beyond the ‘bubbles’
established in schools.
“Again it is important that children maintain regular handwashing
throughout the day, and on returning home, and parents’ help with this is
“We are now seeing a steady increase in cases in a number of communities
across Wales, and our investigations show that many of these have been
transmitted due to a lack of social distancing.
“This has resulted in the spread of the virus to other groups of people.
“We continue to appeal to everyone to please remember that, even if you
feel that you would not be badly affected by COVID-19 if you were to test
positive, should you pass it on to older or more vulnerable family members,
friends or colleagues it could be extremely serious and even fatal.
“Coronavirus has not gone away.
It remains the responsibility of everyone to help prevent the spread of
this virus – that is, by self-isolating when asked to do so, staying two metres
away from others, and by washing hands regularly.
also want to remind the public that if you have recently travelled outside the
UK there may be restrictions on your return – these restrictions may be
different in Wales than in other parts of the UK, and now include Portugal and
some Greek Islands. Advice on travelling
abroad, including the latest information on quarantine requirements on
returning home, can be found on the Welsh Government and FCO websites.
returning to Wales from countries which have been identified as high risk must
quarantine in accordance with the Foreign and Commonwealth Office regulations
even if they are not experiencing any COVID-19 symptoms or have had a negative
test result.
with suspected symptoms of COVID-19 infection - a high temperature, a new,
continuous cough, or a loss of smell or taste (anosmia) - must self-isolate and
seek an urgent test.
“Getting a coronavirus test is free and simple to do,
either by visiting or
by calling the free number 119.
cases must isolate for 10 days, with members of their household isolating for
14 days until the risk of passing on further infection has gone. Combined,
these simple but effective actions will ensure the virus does not spread.
Updates on current incidents
“Public Health Wales can confirm that we are
responding to cases of Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19) in Drefach Cricket and
Football Club. We manage any clusters of Coronavirus appropriately,
including by providing advice around infection prevention and control, and by
supporting contact tracing where required.
“We are aware of a small number of COVID-19 cases in Porth and Penygraig
in Rhondda Cynon Taff. Where clusters of cases are identified, Public Health
Wales, Rhondda Cynon Taf County Borough Council and Cwm Taf Morgannwg University Health
Board work with local partners to implement our planned response.
“Test Trace Protect teams are working with those affected and contacting
those people who have been in contact with a person who has tested
positive. A proportion of the positive cases in this incident are from
the young adult age group and disappointingly, some have been
reluctant to share details of where they have been and who they have been
in contact with.
“By not giving the Test Trace Protect teams accurate
information, these people are placing their own family members and friends at
risk. We are urging them to think about other members of their communities, put
simply, they are risking other people's health and other people's lives, especially
if they are symptomatic, not staying at home and mixing in the
local community.
“As we move through the recovery phase of the Coronavirus
pandemic, we expect to see clusters in different settings, as with the incidents
described above. We manage any clusters of Coronavirus appropriately,
including by providing advice around infection prevention and control, and by
supporting contact tracing where required.
“We remind the public and business owners that
Coronavirus is still circulating in the community.
Contact tracing and general information
“Contact tracing continues as part of the Welsh Government’s Test,
Trace, Protect strategy. Anyone who has a positive Coronavirus test will be
contacted by a team of contact tracers, and asked for details of everyone they
have had close contact with while they have had symptoms.
“Please keep a note of your activities so you can easily remember your
whereabouts on a given day, along with who you were in contact with.
“If you are asked to self-isolate, you should do so to prevent further
spread of the virus.
“Tracers are trained staff and personal information that you provide
will handled in line with data protection regulations and will not be shared
“Information about the symptoms of Coronavirus is available on the
Public Health Wales website, or via the NHS 111 Wales symptom checker.
“Anyone experiencing Coronavirus symptoms can apply for a home testing
kit by visiting, or by calling the
national 119 phone service.
“Anyone with suspected coronavirus should not go to a GP surgery,
pharmacy or hospital. They should only contact NHS 111 if they feel they cannot
cope with their symptoms at home, their condition gets worse, or their symptoms
do not get better after seven days.
“Only call 999 if you are experiencing a life-threatening emergency, do
not call 999 just because you are on hold to 111. We appreciate that 111 lines
are busy, but you will get through after a wait.
“Public Health Wales’ user-friendly data dashboard takes information
from a range of different sources. The total number of positive cases now
includes those reported from non-NHS Wales laboratories, which are subject to
ongoing de-duplication, refinement and reconciliation. This may result in
fluctuation of the total positive cases as this process takes place.”
Diweddarwyd: Dydd Mawrth 8 Medi 2020
Dywedodd Dr Giri Shankar, Cyfarwyddwr Digwyddiad ar gyfer yr ymateb i'r
achos o'r Coronafeirws Newydd (COVID-19) yn Iechyd Cyhoeddus Cymru:
“Mae Iechyd Cyhoeddus Cymru yn cefnogi’r cyfyngiadau sy’n cael eu rhoi
ar waith gan Lywodraeth Cymru a Chyngor Caerffili. Mae'r mesurau hyn yn
hanfodol i gyfyngu ar ymlediad Coronafeirws ac i ddod â throsglwyddiad dan
“Mae’r mesurau’n cynnwys ei gwneud yn orfodol gwisgo gorchuddion wyneb
mewn lleoedd dan do, fel siopau, i bawb dros 11 oed, cyfyngiadau ar deithio i
mewn ac allan o’r sir, a dim ond caniatáu i bobl o wahanol aelwydydd gwrdd yn
yr awyr agored, nid y tu mewn – mae hyn yn cynnwys aelwydydd estynedig.
“Gall Coronafeirws fod yn salwch difrifol iawn, yn enwedig i bobl hŷn
neu’r sawl sydd â chyflyrau presennol, ac ni phenderfynir cyflwyno cyfyngiadau
eang fel y rhain heb gryn ystyriaeth. Rydym yn atgoffa’r cyhoedd bod
ganddyn nhw rôl hanfodol i’w chwarae wrth atal Coronafeirws rhag lledaenu, a
bod cadw at y cyfyngiadau hyn o’r pwys mwyaf.”
“Byddwn yn gofyn i bawb yn ardal Caerffili, hyd yn oed os oes gennych
symptomau ysgafn o COVID-19 – tymheredd uchel neu dwymyn, peswch newydd a
pharhaus, neu os ydych wedi colli’ch synnwyr arogli neu flasu, neu ei fod wedi
newid, neu hyd yn oed os ydych chi'n teimlo'n sâl yn gyffredinol ac nid oes
esboniad, i fynd i gael prawf yn yr unedau profi lleol.
“Er mwyn cwrdd â’r galw mawr am brofion yn y sir, bydd yr uned brofi
gerdded i mewn leol yng Nghanolfan Hamdden Caerffili yn parhau i weithredu am
wythnos arall, tan ddydd Mawrth 15 Medi.
“Mae uned brofi drwy ffenest y car ychwanegol hefyd wedi’i sefydlu yn
swyddfeydd Cyngor Bwrdeistref Sirol Caerffili ym Mharc Busnes Tredomen, Ystrad
Mynach. Bydd y safle hwn hefyd yn
weithredol tan ddydd Mawrth 15 Medi, a'i oriau agor yw 8am tan 6pm.
“Wrth i blant ddychwelyd i’r ysgolion, rwy’n deall y bydd rhieni’n
pryderu oherwydd adroddiadau o achosion positif. Byddwn yn eich annog i ddilyn cyngor yr ysgol
neu'r awdurdod lleol a dylech chi dynnu plant o'r ysgol dim ond pan ofynnir i
chi wneud hynny Mae’r mesurau cadw
pellter cymdeithasol sydd ar waith wedi’u cynllunio i atal yr afiechyd rhag
lledaenu y tu hwnt i’r ‘swigod’ a grëwyd mewn ysgolion.
“Unwaith eto mae’n bwysig bod plant yn parhau i olchi eu dwylo’n
rheolaidd drwy gydol y dydd ac wrth ddychwelyd adref, ac mae’n hanfodol i rieni
eu cynorthwyo gyda hyn.
“Rydym bellach yn gweld cynnydd cyson mewn achosion mewn nifer o
gymunedau ledled Cymru, ac mae ein hymchwiliadau’n dangos bod llawer o’r rhain
wedi cael eu trosglwyddo oherwydd diffyg cadw pellter cymdeithasol.
“Mae hyn wedi arwain at ledaenu’r feirws i grwpiau eraill o bobl.
“Rydym yn parhau i ofyn i bawb gofio, hyd yn oed os ydych yn meddwl na
fyddai COVID-19 yn effeithio'n wael arnoch pe baech yn profi'n bositif am y
feirws, pe byddech yn ei drosglwyddo i aelodau hŷn neu fwy agored i niwed o
deulu, ffrindiau neu gydweithwyr, gallai fod yn hynod o ddifrifol a hyd yn oed
yn angheuol.
“Nid yw Coronafeirws wedi diflannu.
Cyfrifoldeb pawb o hyd yw helpu i atal y feirws hwn rhag lledaenu. Hynny
yw, trwy hunanynysu pan ofynnir i unigolion wneud hynny, aros dau fetr i ffwrdd
oddi wrth eraill a thrwy olchi’ch dwylo yn rheolaidd.
ogystal, hoffwn atgoffa’r cyhoedd os ydych chi wedi teithio y tu allan i’r DU
yn ddiweddar, gallai fod cyfyngiadau wrth i chi ddychwelyd – gallai’r
cyfyngiadau hyn fod yn wahanol yng Nghymru o’u cymharu â rhannau eraill o’r DU,
ac maent bellach yn cynnwys Portiwgal a rhai Ynysoedd Groeg. “Gellir dod o hyd i gyngor ar deithio dramor,
gan gynnwys yr wybodaeth ddiweddaraf am y gofynion cwarantin wrth ddychwelyd
adref, ar wefan Llywodraeth Cymruac ar wefan y
Swyddfa Dramor a Chymanwlad.
i unrhyw un sy’n dychwelyd i Gymru o wledydd y nodwyd eu bod yn risg uchel osod
ei hun dan gwarantin yn unol â rheoliadau’r Swyddfa Dramor a Chymanwlad hyd yn
oed os nad oes ganddo unrhyw symptomau COVID-19 neu os yw wedi cael prawf
i unrhyw un yr amheuir bod ganddynt symptomau COVID-19, sef tymheredd uchel,
peswch newydd a pharhaus neu golli synnwyr blasu neu arogli (anosmia),
hunanynysu a chael prawf ar unwaith.
“Mae mynd ati i gael prawf
Coronafeirws yn rhad ac am ddim ac yn syml, a gellir gwneud hyn naill ai trwy
ymweld â neu trwy ffonio'r rhif rhad ac am ddim 119.
i achosion a gadarnhawyd ynysu am 10 diwrnod, a rhaid i aelodau o’u cartrefi
ynysu am 14 diwrnod hyd nes bod y perygl o drosglwyddo’r haint ymhellach wedi
mynd. Gyda’i gilydd, bydd y camau syml ond effeithiol hyn yn sicrhau nad yw’r
feirws yn lledaenu.
Diweddariadau ar ddigwyddiadau
“Gall Iechyd Cyhoeddus Cymru gadarnhau ein bod yn ymateb i achosion o
Coronafeirws Newydd (COVID-19) yng Nghlwb Criced a Phêl-droed Drefach.
Rydym yn rheoli unrhyw glystyrau o Coronafeirws yn briodol, trwy roi cyngor ar
atal a rheoli heintiau a thrwy gefnogi olrhain cysylltiadau pan fo angen.
“Rydym yn ymwybodol o nifer fach o achosion o COVID-19 ym Mhorth a
Phenygraig yn Rhondda Cynon Taf. Lle mae clystyrau o achosion yn cael eu nodi,
mae Iechyd Cyhoeddus Cymru, Cyngor Bwrdeistref Sirol Rhondda Cynon Taf a Bwrdd
Iechyd Prifysgol Cwm Taf Morgannwg yn gweithio gyda phartneriaid lleol i
weithredu ein hymateb wedi’i gynllunio.
“Mae timau Profi Olrhain Diogelu yn gweithio gyda’r rhai yr effeithiwyd
arnynt ac yn cysylltu â’r bobl hynny sydd wedi bod mewn cysylltiad ag unigolyn
sydd wedi cael prawf positif. Mae cyfran o’r achosion positif yn y
digwyddiad hwn o’r grŵp oedran oedolion ifanc ac, er mawr siom, mae rhai wedi
bod yn gyndyn o rannu manylion o ble maen nhw wedi bod ac â phwy maen nhw wedi
bod mewn cysylltiad.
“Trwy beidio â rhoi gwybodaeth fanwl i’r timau Profi Olrhain Diogelu,
mae’r bobl hyn yn rhoi eu teuluoedd a’u ffrindiau eu hunain mewn perygl. Rydym
yn eu hannog i feddwl am aelodau eraill o’u cymunedau – yn syml, maen nhw’n
rhoi iechyd a bywydau pobl eraill mewn perygl, yn enwedig os ydyn nhw’n dangos
symptomau, os nad ydyn nhw’n aros gartref ac os ydyn nhw’n cymysgu yn y gymuned
“Wrth i ni symud at gyfnod adfer
pandemig y Coronafeirws, byddwn yn disgwyl gweld clystyrau mewn gwahanol
leoliadau, fel gyda’r digwyddiadau a ddisgrifir uchod. Rydym yn rheoli
unrhyw glystyrau o Coronafeirws yn briodol, trwy roi cyngor ar atal a rheoli
heintiau a thrwy gefnogi olrhain cysylltiadau pan fo angen.
“Rydym yn atgoffa’r cyhoedd a
pherchnogion busnes bod Coronafeirws yn mynd ar led yn y gymuned o hyd.
Olrhain cysylltiadau a gwybodaeth
“Mae olrhain cysylltiadau yn parhau fel rhan o strategaeth Profi,
Olrhain, Diogelu Llywodraeth Cymru. Bydd tîm o swyddogion olrhain cysylltiadau
yn cysylltu ag unrhyw un sydd wedi cael prawf positif am Coronafeirws, a
gofynnir am fanylion pawb y mae wedi bod mewn cysylltiad agos â nhw tra bod
ganddo symptomau.
“Cadwch nodyn o'ch gweithgareddau er mwyn i chi allu cofio’n hawdd ble
oeddech chi ar ddiwrnod penodol, ynghyd â gyda phwy yr oeddech mewn cysylltiad
â nhw.
“Os gofynnir i chi hunanynysu, dylech wneud hyn er mwyn atal y feirws
rhag lledaenu ymhellach.
“Mae olrheinwyr yn staff hyfforddedig a bydd yr wybodaeth bersonol rydych
chi'n ei darparu yn cael ei thrin yn unol â rheoliadau diogelu data ac ni fydd
yn cael ei rhannu'n eang.
“Mae gwybodaeth am symptomau Coronafeirws ar gael ar wefan Iechyd
Cyhoeddus Cymru, neu drwy holiadur symptomau GIG Cymru.
“Gall unrhyw un sydd â symptomau Coronafeirws wneud cais am becyn profi
gartref trwy fynd i, neu trwy
ffonio’r gwasanaeth ffôn 119 cenedlaethol.
“Ni ddylai unrhyw un yr amheuir bod ganddo/ganddi coronafeirws fynd i
bractis meddyg teulu, fferyllfa nac ysbyty. Dim ond os yw'n teimlo na all
ymdopi â'i symptomau gartref, fod ei gyflwr yn gwaethygu, neu os nad yw ei
symptomau’n gwella ar ôl saith niwrnod y dylai gysylltu â NHS 111.
“Peidiwch â ffonio 999 oni bai eich bod yn profi argyfwng sy’n peryglu
bywyd. Peidiwch â ffonio 999 dim ond oherwydd eich bod yn aros i 111 ateb eich
galwad ffôn. Rydym yn deall bod llinellau 111 yn brysur, ond bydd rhywun yn
ateb eich galwad ar ôl i chi aros.
“Mae dangosfwrdd data hawdd ei ddefnyddio Iechyd Cyhoeddus Cymru yn
casglu gwybodaeth o ystod o ffynonellau gwahanol. Mae cyfanswm nifer yr
achosion positif bellach yn cynnwys y rhai yr adroddwyd amdanynt o labordai nad
ydynt yn eiddo i GIG Cymru, sy’n ddarostyngedig i ddad-ddyblygu, mireinio a
chysoni parhaus. Gallai hyn arwain at amrywiad yng nghyfanswm nifer yr achosion
positif wrth i’r broses hon fynd rhagddi.”