
Apr 28, 2020

COVID-19 in Alberta



Figure 1: COVID-19 cases in Alberta by day and case status. Recovered is based on the assumption that a person is recovered 14 days after a particular date (see data notes tab), if they did not experience severe outcomes (hospitalized or deceased).

Figure 2: Cumulative COVID-19 cases in Alberta by route of suspected acquisition. Only includes COVID-19 cases where case report forms have been received.

Figure 3: COVID-19 cases in Alberta by day and case status. Probable cases include cases where the lab confirmation is pending. Current day is partial.


Number and rate of COVID-19 cases in Alberta by age group

Figure 4: Number and rate of COVID-19 cases in Alberta by age group

COVID-19 cases in Alberta by age group and gender

Figure 5: COVID-19 cases in Alberta by age group and gender

Table 1. COVID-19 cases in Alberta by age group and gender
Female Male Unknown All
Age Count Percent Count Percent Count Percent Count Percent
Under 1 year 9 0 8 0 0 0 17 0
1-4 years 49 1 48 1 0 0 97 2
5-9 years 39 1 52 1 0 0 91 2
10-19 years 202 4 175 4 1 0 378 8
20-29 years 301 6 316 7 0 0 617 13
30-39 years 447 9 521 11 2 0 970 20
40-49 years 507 10 627 13 0 0 1,134 23
50-59 years 343 7 380 8 0 0 723 15
60-69 years 203 4 195 4 0 0 398 8
70-79 years 94 2 76 2 0 0 170 4
80+ years 159 3 94 2 0 0 253 5
Unknown 0 0 1 0 1 0 2 0
All 2,353 49 2,493 51 4 0 4,850 100

Healthcare Workers

Table 2. Healthcare workers among COVID-19 cases
Total Active Recovered Died
Calgary Zone 347 132 215 0
Central Zone 11 2 9 0
Edmonton Zone 74 15 59 0
North Zone 29 12 17 0
South Zone 23 17 6 0
Alberta 484 178 306 0
Status of Healthcare workers is self-reported and might be different from other sources. Please note these are not necessarily healthcare workers who were infected at work.

Severe outcomes

Rate of total hospitalizations, ICU admissions, and deaths among COVID-19 cases in Alberta

Figure 6: Rate of total hospitalizations, ICU admissions, and deaths among COVID-19 cases in Alberta

Total hospitalizations, ICU admissions and deaths (ever) among COVID-19 cases in Alberta by age group. Each ICU admission is also included in the total number of hospitalizations.This is based on totals rather than current hospitalizations and ICU admissions.

Figure 7: Total hospitalizations, ICU admissions and deaths (ever) among COVID-19 cases in Alberta by age group. Each ICU admission is also included in the total number of hospitalizations.This is based on totals rather than current hospitalizations and ICU admissions.

Table 3. Total Hospitalizations, ICU admissions and deaths (ever) among COVID-19 cases in Alberta by age group
Age Group
Count Count Case rate Pop. rate Count Case rate Pop. rate Count Case rate Pop. rate
Total 4850 202 4.2 4.6 47 1.0 1.1 80 1.6 1.8
Under 1 year 17 0 0.0 0.0 0 0.0 0.0 0 0.0 0.0
1-4 years 97 0 0.0 0.0 0 0.0 0.0 0 0.0 0.0
5-9 years 91 0 0.0 0.0 0 0.0 0.0 0 0.0 0.0
10-19 years 378 2 0.5 0.4 2 0.5 0.4 0 0.0 0.0
20-29 years 617 5 0.8 0.8 1 0.2 0.2 1 0.2 0.2
30-39 years 970 16 1.6 2.3 1 0.1 0.1 1 0.1 0.1
40-49 years 1134 30 2.6 5.0 5 0.4 0.8 1 0.1 0.2
50-59 years 723 32 4.4 5.8 11 1.5 2.0 2 0.3 0.4
60-69 years 398 31 7.8 6.8 11 2.8 2.4 8 2.0 1.8
70-79 years 170 40 23.5 16.3 11 6.5 4.5 14 8.2 5.7
80+ years 253 46 18.2 33.9 5 2.0 3.7 53 20.9 39.0
Unknown 2 0 0.0 NA 0 0.0 NA 0 0.0 NA
Based on total hospitalizations and ICU admissions ever.
Row percent is out of the number of cases in each age group.
Each ICU admission is also included in the total number of hospitalization
Case rate (per 100 cases)
Population rate (per 100,000 population)

Figure 8: Number of current COVID-19 patients in hospital, ICU and non-ICU

Figure 9: Rate of new hospitalizations (7-day rolling average, average of current day and previous 6 days) by admission date, Alberta, Calgary, Edmonton and South Zones. Hospitalization in other Zones are still low.


Figure 10: Cumulative COVID-19 cases in Alberta by zone and date reported to Alberta Health

Figure 11: Rate of COVID-19 cases (per 100,000 population) in Alberta and by zone

Table 4. COVID-19 cases in Alberta by zone
Zone Count Percent
Calgary Zone 3,366 69
Central Zone 84 2
Edmonton Zone 486 10
North Zone 202 4
South Zone 685 14
Unknown 27 1
All 4,850 100

Geographies can be displayed by municipality or local geographic area (LGA). When viewing by municipality, regions are defined by rural municipalities, city boundaries, and urban service areas; smaller regions (i.e. towns, villages, and reserves) are incorporated into the corresponding rural area. Cases without a postal code or incorrect postal codes are not included. Location information missing/invalid for: 44 case(s).

Laboratory testing

Figure 12: People tested for COVID-19 in Alberta by day

Table 5. COVID-19 testing in Alberta
Number (n)
Test volume 138,681
People tested 131,772

Table 6. Number of people tested for COVID-19 in Alberta by zone
Zone Count Percent
Calgary Zone 59,003 45
Central Zone 11,431 9
Edmonton Zone 40,373 31
North Zone 10,476 8
South Zone 7,749 6
Unknown 2,740 2
All 131,772 100

People tested for COVID-19 in Alberta by age group and gender

Figure 13: People tested for COVID-19 in Alberta by age group and gender

Table 7. People tested for COVID-19 in Alberta by age group and gender
Female Male Unknown All
Age Count Percent Count Percent Count Percent Count Percent
Under 1 year 539 0 631 0 0 0 1,170 1
1-4 years 1,757 1 1,993 2 0 0 3,750 3
5-9 years 1,573 1 1,703 1 0 0 3,276 2
10-19 years 2,999 2 2,659 2 2 0 5,660 4
20-29 years 11,505 9 7,234 5 11 0 18,750 14
30-39 years 17,506 13 11,336 9 17 0 28,859 22
40-49 years 14,100 11 8,935 7 9 0 23,044 17
50-59 years 12,136 9 7,305 6 11 0 19,452 15
60-69 years 8,105 6 5,800 4 7 0 13,912 11
70-79 years 3,701 3 3,193 2 1 0 6,895 5
80+ years 4,260 3 2,725 2 0 0 6,985 5
Unknown 3 0 8 0 8 0 19 0
All 78,184 59 53,522 41 66 0 131,772 100
Count represents the number of people tested

Cumulative and daily test positivity rate for COVID-19 in Alberta.

Figure 14: Cumulative and daily test positivity rate for COVID-19 in Alberta.

Positivity rate for COVID-19 in Alberta by zone.

Figure 15: Positivity rate for COVID-19 in Alberta by zone.

Data export

Data are subject to change. Fluctuations are expected as cases are investigated and updated. Current day is partial. Data are provided for export in excel and csv formats.

Data notes

Data sources

The Provincial Surveillance Information system (PSI) is a laboratory surveillance system which receives positive results for all Notifiable Diseases and diseases under laboratory surveillance from Alberta Precision Labs (APL). The system also receives negative results for a subset of organisms such as COVID-19. The system contains basic information on characteristics and demographics such as age, zone and gender.

Recovered is based on the assumption that a case is recovered 14 days after a particular date. For confirmed cases, we used specimen collected date and for probable cases, this is the date reported to Alberta Health.

Information such as hospitalizations and ICU admissions are received through enhanced case report forms sent by Alberta Health Services (AHS).


The content and format of this report are subject to change. Cases are under investigation and numbers may fluctuate as cases are resolved. Data included in the interactive data application are up-to-date as of midday of the date of posting.