On December 31, 2019 an outbreak of a novel (new) coronavirus (COVID-19) was detected in Wuhan, China. As the situation continues to evolve, Health Authorities at international, national and local levels continue to monitor, gather information, assess risk and respond.
Current Risk Status
Updated: March 12, 2020
The COVID-19 pandemic continues to evolve rapidly worldwide with more countries reporting cases and an overall increase in case numbers. Manitoba announced its first laboratory-confirmed presumptive positive COVID-19 case on March 12.
As the COVID-19 pandemic evolves, we all have a role to play in slowing its spread and minimizing its impact on our health care system and in our communities.
Manitoba Health, Seniors and Active Living is recommending the following:
Strategies for all Manitobans:
- minimizing prolonged (more than 10 minutes), close (less than two meters/ six feet) contact between other individuals in public,
- avoiding greetings that involve touching such as handshakes,
- disinfecting frequently used surfaces,
- following public health advice related to self-monitoring and self-isolation if you have travelled or have been exposed to someone ill with the virus, and
- considering avoiding travel, crowded places and events, especially if you are at higher risk (e.g. seniors and those with underlying medical conditions)
Strategies for Schools and Educational Institutions:
- ensuring ill staff and students stay home from school, and supporting those who are self-isolating at home to ensure they do not fall behind in their studies,
- reducing large group, and crowded activities,
- increasing desk distance between students, and
- considering implementing virtual or online classrooms, to reduce the number of people in classrooms
Strategies for Employers:
- relaxing sick leave policies, such as the requirement for sick notes, to encourage those who are ill to say home and prevent the spread of illness to coworkers or customers
- allowing employees to work from home if possible
- discontinuing non-essential work-related travel outside of Manitoba, and
- encouraging virtual meetings to reduce prolonged, close contact between individuals.
For more information about social distancing measures, like those listed above, click here.
Think ahead, plan and prepare for if COVID-19 becomes common in your community and/ or if you or someone you provide care (e.g., children) for becomes sick. More information is available here.
For more information on how to reduce your risk of infection see the Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19) factsheet.
Advice for Travelers and Contacts of COVID-19 CasesSelf-isolation is recommended for the following groups for 14 days after departing the area, or since their last known contact or exposure.
Self-monitoring for symptoms of COVID-19 is recommended for the following groups for 14 days after return to Manitoba, or since their last known contact or exposure.
International travelers who develop cold or flu-like symptoms within 14 days of returning to Manitoba should contact Health Links-Info Santé to determine if testing for COVID-19 should be considered. In cases where testing is not recommended, they should stay home (self-isolate) until they are well. Information on self-monitoring, self-isolation, and what to do while waiting for COVID-19 test results can be found at:
Canadian SituationAs of March 11, 2020, 103 cases of COVID-19 have been confirmed in Canada. Cases have been reported in Alberta, British Columbia, Ontario, and Quebec. For the most current numbers, see the Public Health Agency of Canada's COVID-19: Outbreak update website. |
For a complete list of countries reporting COVID-19 cases see the most current WHO Coronavirus Disease situation report or click on the Johns Hopkins Coronavirus COVID-19 Global Case map dashboard.
(click on map image below for most current case numbers)
Total Number of Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19) Completed Lab Tests:
Date (as of) |
Number of People with Completed Tests |
March 11, 2020 |
403 |
Total Number of Confirmed and Presumptive Positive Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19) Cases:
Date (as of) |
Number of People Confirmed Positive * |
Number of People Presumptive Positive** |
March 12, 2020 |
0 |
3 |
- A confirmed positive case has tested positive at both Cadham Provincial Laboratory and the National Microbiology Laboratory.
- A presumptive positive case has tested positive at Cadham Provincial Laboratory and is awaiting confirmatory testing results from the National Microbiology Laboratory.
Communicable Disease
Control (CDC) Health Links – Info Santé |