08 di aprel 2020 April 08, 2020
Relato di dia Dia's story
ÚLTIMO INFORMASHON: Di e manera aki Gobièrnu di Kòrsou ke keda mantené komunidat informá di e kasonan relashoná na Corona Vírùs. LAST INFORMASHON: In the same way as the Government of Kòrsou ke keda maintained informed communities of the relaunching houses in the Corona Vírùs.
07 di aprel 2020 April 7, 2020
[TUMA NOTA]: En konekshon ku dianan liber, Liña 9320 lo ta será riba djabièrnè 10 di aprel, djadumingu 12 di aprel i djaluna 13 aprel. [TUMA NOTE]: In konekshon ku dianan liber, Line 9320 will be on the 10th of April, Sunday 12th of April and 13th of April.
Relato di dia Dia's story
ÚLTIMO INFORMASHON: Di e manera aki Gobièrnu di Kòrsou ke keda mantené komunidat informá di e kasonan relashoná na Corona Vírùs. LAST INFORMASHON: In the same way as the Government of Kòrsou ke keda maintained informed communities of the relaunching houses in the Corona Vírùs.
06 di aprel 2020 06 April 2020
Konferensha di prensa 6 di aprel 2020 Press conference on April 6, 2020
ÚLTIMO INFORMASHON: Di e manera aki Gobièrnu di Kòrsou ke keda mantené komunidat informá di e kasonan relashoná na Corona Vírùs. LAST INFORMASHON: In the same way as the Government of Kòrsou ke keda maintained informed communities of the relaunching houses in the Corona Vírùs.
05 di apr el 2020 April 5, 2020
Seshon diario di informashon riba Kòrsou i CORONA Vírùs. Seshon daily informashon riba Kòrsou i CORONA Vírùs.
ÚLTIMO INFORMASHON: Di e manera aki Gobièrnu di Kòrsou ke keda mantené komunidat informá di e kasonan relashoná na Corona Vírùs. LAST INFORMASHON: In the same way as the Government of Kòrsou ke keda maintained informed communities of the relaunching houses in the Corona Vírùs.
04 di aprel 2020 April 04, 2020
Seshon diario di informashon riba Kòrsou i CORONA Vírùs. Seshon daily informashon riba Kòrsou i CORONA Vírùs.
ÚLTIMO INFORMASHON: Di e manera aki Gobièrnu di Kòrsou ke keda mantené komunidat informá di e kasonan relashoná na Corona Vírùs. LAST INFORMASHON: In the same way as the Government of Kòrsou ke keda maintained informed communities of the relaunching houses in the Corona Vírùs.
03 di aprel 2020 April 3, 2020
Konferensha di prensa riba Kòrsou i CORONA Vírùs. Press conference on the shore of Kòrsou and CORONA Vírùs.
ÚLTIMO INFORMASHON: Di e manera aki Gobièrnu di Kòrsou ke keda mantené komunidat informá di e kasonan relashoná na Corona Vírùs. LAST INFORMASHON: In the same way as the Government of Kòrsou ke keda maintained informed communities of the relaunching houses in the Corona Vírùs.
02 di aprel 2020 April 2, 2020
Konferensha di prensa 2 di aprel 2020 Press conference April 2, 2020
ÚLTIMO INFORMASHON: Di e manera aki Gobièrnu di Kòrsou ke keda mantené komunidat informá di e kasonan relashoná na Corona Vírùs. LAST INFORMASHON: In the same way as the Government of Kòrsou ke keda maintained informed communities of the relaunching houses in the Corona Vírùs.
01 di aprel 2020 April 1, 2020
Konferensha di prensa promé di aprel. The press conference promises to open.
ÚLTIMO INFORMASHON: Di e manera aki Gobièrnu di Kòrsou ke keda mantené komunidat informá di e kasonan relashoná na Corona Vírùs. LAST INFORMASHON: In the same way as the Government of Kòrsou ke keda maintained informed communities of the relaunching houses in the Corona Vírùs.
31 di mart 2020 March 31, 2020
Seshon diario di informashon riba Kòrsou i CORONA Vírùs. Seshon daily informashon riba Kòrsou i CORONA Vírùs.
ÚLTIMO INFORMASHON: Di e manera aki Gobièrnu di Kòrsou ke keda mantené komunidat informá di e kasonan relashoná na Corona Vírùs. LAST INFORMASHON: In the same way as the Government of Kòrsou ke keda maintained informed communities of the relaunching houses in the Corona Vírùs.
30 di mart 2020 March 30, 2020
Laga nos KEDA KAS. Laga us KEDA KAS. NO duna e vírùs un “lift”. Do NOT give and see a lift. Si nos keda kas, ménos chèns e tin pa move. If we keda helmets, the menu chains and tin are not bad. Ora e no por move, e ta muri i nos ta libra di dje. Now and don't move, and you die and we give you a pound. Si bo tin pregunta, yama 9320. If you have any questions, call 9320.
[ANUNSIONAN DI TOKE DE KEDA]: Gobièrnu di Kòrsou Si abo NO mester traha den un proseso vital: KEDA KAS. [KEDA TOKE ANNOUNCER]: Kòrsou Government If I am NOT a Mester traha den vital process: KEDA KAS.
Konferensha di prensa Konferensha tells the press
ÚLTIMO INFORMASHON: Di e manera aki Gobièrnu di Kòrsou ke keda mantené komunidat informá di e kasonan relashoná na Corona Vírùs. LAST INFORMASHON: In the same way as the Government of Kòrsou ke keda maintained informed communities of the relaunching houses in the Corona Vírùs.
29 di mart 2020 March 29, 2020
Durante e próksimo dianan, Gobièrnu ta keda duna informashon kon bo por regla pa bo haña pèrmit pa kuida bo ser kerí òf famia ku ta keda na un otro lokashon. During the next day, the government ta keda dune informashon kon bo by rule pa bo hamit pa pa paida bo be kerí offer family ku ta keda in another lokashon.
Mientras tantu bo por keda duna e kuido te na momento ku duna mas informashon riba esaki. While so good for keda duna and kuido you at the moment ku duna but informashon above.
Awor bo por komuniká ku Kuerpo Polisial via WhatsApp tambe, si bo no haña nan na 917. Awor good for communicating with the Police Force via WhatsApp as well, if there is no nan 917.
Laga nos keda kas. Laga nos keda kas. NO duna e vírùs un “lift”. Do NOT give and see a lift. Si nos keda kas, ménos chèns e tin pa move. If we keda helmets, the menu chains and tin are not bad. Ora e no por move, e ta muri i nos ta libra di dje. Now and don't move, and you die and we give you a pound. Si bo tin pregunta, yama 9320. If you have any questions, call 9320.
ÚLTIMO INFORMASHON: Di e manera aki Gobièrnu di Kòrsou ke keda mantené komunidat informá di e kasonan relashoná na Corona Vírùs. LAST INFORMASHON: In the same way as the Government of Kòrsou ke keda maintained informed communities of the relaunching houses in the Corona Vírùs.
Último desaroyo tokante Corona Vírùs na Kòrsou Last outing tokante Corona Vírùs na Kòrsou
28 di mart 2020 March 28, 2020
Kòrsou tin Toke de Keda i pa medio di e komunikado aki bo por tuma nota di tur e detayenan. Kòrsou tin Toke de Keda is a medium of communication and good communication for tour notes and details.
ÚLTIMO INFORMASHON: Di e manera aki Gobièrnu di Kòrsou ke keda mantené komunidat informá di e kasonan relashoná na Corona Vírùs. LAST INFORMASHON: In the same way as the Government of Kòrsou ke keda maintained informative communities of the casonas relashoná in the Corona Vírùs.
Último desaroyo tokante Corona Vírùs na Kòrsou Last outing tokante Corona Vírùs na Kòrsou
27 di mart 2020 March 27, 2020
ÚLTIMO INFORMASHON: Di e manera aki Gobièrnu di Kòrsou ke keda mantené komunidat informá di e kasonan relashoná na Corona Vírùs. LAST INFORMASHON: In the same way as the Government of Kòrsou ke keda maintained informative communities of the casonas relashoná in the Corona Vírùs.
Último desaroyo 27-03-2020 Last job 27-03-2020
26 di mart 2020 March 26, 2020
ÚLTIMO INFORMASHON: Di e manera aki Gobièrnu di Kòrsou ke keda mantené komunidat informá di e kasonan relashoná na Corona Vírùs. LAST INFORMASHON: In the same way as the Government of Kòrsou ke keda maintained informed communities of the relaunching houses in the Corona Vírùs.
25 di mart 2020 March 25, 2020
ÚLTIMO INFORMASHON: Di e manera aki Gobièrnu di Kòrsou ke keda mantené komunidat informá di e kasonan relashoná na Corona Vírùs. LAST INFORMASHON: In the same way as the Government of Kòrsou ke keda maintained informed communities of the relaunching houses in the Corona Vírùs.
Klek riba e link pa sigui e relato di informashon riba Kòrsou i CORONA Vírùs di dia 25-03-2020 Klek riba and link pa sea and informashon story riba Kòrsou i CORONA Vírùs di dia 25-03-2020
Vários hende ta puntra kon e pakete di solidaridat por yuda suavisá e efektonan ekonómiko, finansiero i sosial ku Corona Vírùs negativamente a okashoná pa Kòrsou. Vários hende ta puntra kon e a package of solidarity for yuda suavisá and effectuono economic, financial and social cu Corona Vírùs negatively to okashoná by Kòrsou.
E próksimo dianan Gobièrnu ta bai saka splikashon mas den detaye di e pakete. And next day, the Government will give more details on the packages.
ÚLTIMO INFORMASHON: Di e manera aki Gobièrnu di Kòrsou ke keda mantené komunidat informá di e kasonan relashoná na Corona Vírùs. LAST INFORMASHON: In the same way as the Government of Kòrsou ke keda maintained informed communities of the relaunching houses in the Corona Vírùs.
Relato di dia 24-03-2020 Report of dia 24-03-2020
23 di mart 2020 March 23, 2020
[ÚLTIMO INFORMASHON]: Di e manera aki Gobièrnu di Kòrsou ke keda mantené komunidat informá di e kasonan relashoná na Corona Vírùs. [LAST INFORMASHON]: Tell the Kòrsou Government that the keda has kept informed communities of the Casona relashoná in the Corona Vírùs.
Konferensha di Prensa 23-03-2020 Konferensha Press 23-03-2020
22 di mart 2020 March 22, 2020
Relato di dia 22-03-2020 Statement of dia 22-03-2020
21 di mart 2020 March 21, 2020
Relato di dia | Dia's story | 21-03-2020 2015-03-21
20 di mart 2020 March 20, 2020
TUMA NOTA: No ta stroba ningun hende pa sali for di Kòrsou si bo tin bo pasashi pa hasi esaki. TUMA NOTE: You will not find any people to leave for Corsica if you have not started. Anteriormente Gobièrnu a komuniká ku esaki no ta posibel, pero a bin un kambio den esaki ie ta posibel pa hasi esaki. Previously, the government communicated that it was not possible, but that there was an exchange where it was possible not to start.
Di e manera aki Gobièrnu di Kòrsou ke keda mantené komunidat informá di e kasonan relatá na Corona Vírùs. Likewise, the Government of Kòrsou ke keda maintained informed communities of the houses reported in the Vírùs Crown.
Konferensha di Prensa 20 di mart 2020 Konferensha Press March 20, 2020
19 di mart 2020 March 19, 2020
Konferensha di Prensa 19-03-2020 Konferensha Press 19-03-2020
18 di mart 2020 March 18, 2020
Konferensha di prensa 18-03-2020 Konferensha says press 18-03-2020
17 di mart 2020 March 17, 2020
Konferensha di Prensa 17-03-2020 Konferensha Press 17-03-2020
16 di mart 2020 March 16, 2020
Awe tardi 6'or ta bai tin un Konferensha di Prensa adishonal pa asina Gobièrnu splika kiko ta e medidanan di prekoushon èkstra ku ta tuma pa asina sigui kombatí e Corona Vírùs. Awe late 6 o'clock he held an adishonal press conference by the government's government and told him about his previous appointment to be a combatant and Corona Vírùs.
No tin ningun motibu di pániko, esaki ta medidanan pa sigui protehá komunidat. I do not have any motive for panic, my being in the country is not a protected community.
Konferensha di Prensa 16-03-2020 Konferensha Press 16-03-2020
16 di mart 2020 March 16, 2020
Keda pendiente pa mas informashon durante e konferensha di prensa di awe djaluna, 16 di mart 2020 pa 11:30 di mainta. Keda pending pa informashon during the awe djaluna press conference, March 16, 2020 at 11:30 am.
15 di mart 2020 March 15, 2020
Skolnan ta sera algun dia pa por prepará miho pa coronavírùs. Skolnan will someday prepare for my coronavírùs.
Willemstad – Pa por tuma medida di prekoushon kontra di coronavírùs, skolnan básiko i avansá na Kòrsou ta sera por lo pronto pa algun dia, pa asina prepara e skolnan kontra di e menasa di coronavírùs. Willemstad - By the measure of preconception against coronavírùs, basic skolnan i advanced to Corsica this evening for a few days, then the company prepares and skolnan against the threat of coronavírùs. Pa motibu ku tin hopi pregunta tokante e desishon aki di Gobièrnu konhuntu ku direktivanan di skol, tin e siguiente informashon. Pa motibu ku tin hopi asks tokante and desishon aki of Government konhuntu ku directive of school, tin and following information.
Kiko ta desishon di Gobièrnu di Kòrsou pa ku seramentu di skolnan relashoná ku corona vírùs? Kiko ta desishon of the Government of Kòrsou pa ku oath of skolnan relashoná ku corona vírùs?
Riba 15 di mart 2020, Gobiernu a disidí ku: On March 15, 2020, the Government agreed:
- Lo sera tur skol parsialmente pa 1 siman (5 dia di trabou) entrante djamars 17 di mart te ku djaluna 23 di mart komo medida di prekoushon. The evening will be held partially by 1 week (5 days of work) inbound djamars March 17th te ku djaluna March 23th komo measure of prekoushon.
- E desishon aki ta konta pa enseñansa di fundeshi i sekundario (avansá) , inkluso skolnan privá. And desishon aki ta account not taught by fundeshi i sekundario (avansá), including skolnan privá. E no ta konta pa enseñansa superior (universitario) ku ta keda enkurashá pa tuma medidanan di prekoushon nesesario. And it would not count on higher education (university) as it would not be medically necessary. E ta konta pa krèshnan tambe. And it would be countered by Kreshnan too. Den kaso di eksepshon pa krèshnan, mester den konsulta ku Ministerio di Enseñansa. The case is said to have been resolved by the minister, in consultation with the Ministry of Education.
- Na e momentunan aki no tin indikashon ku e riesgo di kontaminashon di coronavírùs pa Kòrsou ta haltu ie virùs NO a plama riba Kòrsou. Na e momentunan aki no tin indicaashon ku and risk of contamination of coronavírùs by Kòrsou ta halt ie virùs NO on the shore of Corsica. A tuma e desishon di sera skol komo un medida di prekoushon, NO paso riesgo a subi drástikamente, pero pa duna skolnan tempu pa halsa e nivel di protekshon higieníko i pa ta mihó prepará. In the evening and evening, skol komo a measure of prekoushon, I do not risk to suffer drastically, but pa duna skolnan time pa halsa and level of protekshon hygieníko i pa ta mihó prepare.
- P'esei tambe a tuma e desishon pa sera parsial. I also tried to tuma and desishon pa partial evening. Gruponan i studiantenan ku tin ku prepara pa prueba di EFO (grupo 8) òf èksamen na skol avansá ta ekskluí for di esaki, pa evitá The students in the study group prepare for the EFO test (group 8) before exams are offered in order to exclude, in order to avoid, avoid lo kai atras i por sufri konsekuensianan desproporshonal riba termino largu. lo kai atras i to suffer a consequentialist disproportionate shoreline term. E riesgo di kontaminashon di coronavírùs pa Kòrsou no ta asina haltu na e momentunan aki, ku no por responsabilisá e efekto desproporshonal riba studiantenan ku mester pasa èksamen òf otro pruebanan. And the risk of contamination of coronavírùs by Kòrsou will not be stopped at any moment, but not for liability and the disproportionate effect upon the student's examination or examination.
- Pa direktivanan i maestronan esei ta nífika ku nan mester ta disponibel na tur momentu. By directing and mastering this essay you will be able to identify what is currently available. Esei por nifiká ku ta kontinuá ku sierto trabounan di forma adaptá p'asina fasilitá mas tantu ku ta posibel ku e impakto riba enseñansa ta minimal i ku skolnan i maestronan mes lo usa e tempu pa ta mihó prepará pa tur posibel senario. These tests will continue to work in a tailor-made way so that they are easier to use, as much as possible, and impact on the teaching of the minimum and the quality of the teacher and the time used to prepare for the possible scenario. Tur personal mester keda na disposishon i lo risibí instrukshon di kabes di skol, lo kual por inkluí instrukshon pa tei fisikamente presente na skol (por ehempel pa reunion di preparashon of evaluashon). As well as personal training and provision of instruction in school boards, the qualification may also include instruction for the physically present school (for example, a meeting for the preparation of an assessment).
- Lo evaluá e desishon aki riba djaweps 19 di mart. Evaluated and discharged aki riba djaweps March 19. Si ta nesesario Gobièrnu di Kòrsou lo anunsiá kualke desishon nobo basá riba e último desaroyonan ie nesesidat pa sigui òf amplia e medida. If necessary, the Government of Corsica announced the fact that they had decided on the basis of their last name and that they would not need to be a broad and measured offer.
Dikon a sera skolnan for di djamars pa studiantenan? What about skolnan for say diamonds by student?
Na e momentunan aki no tin indikashon ku e riesgo di kontaminashon di coronavírùs pa Kòrsou ta haltu ie virùs NO a plama riba Kòrsou. Na e momentunan aki no tin indicaashon ku and risk of contamination of coronavírùs by Kòrsou ta halt ie virùs NO on the shore of Corsica. Basá riba e echo ei, por tuma e desishon ku ta sera skolnan den tempu i no di inmediato entrante djaluna. Basa riba e echo ei, por tuma e desishon ku ta sera skolnan den tempo i did not immediately enter djaluna. Tambe por sera skolnan parsialmente, ku eksepshon di gruponan di prueba di EFO (grupo 8) òf èksamen na skol avansá. Also in the evening, in part, the EFO test group (group 8) offered an examination in advance. E rason prinsipal pa sera skolnan ta komo un medida di prekoushon, pa duna tempu i espasio dor di baha e aglomerashon di studiante i personanan, p'asina skolnan por ta mihó prepará pa e medidanan di higiena. And the main reason for evening skolnan ta komo a measure of prequoushon, for a while the spaces of pain of baha and agglomerashon of student i personanan, p'ina skolnan por ta mihó prepare pa and medidanan of hygiene. Riba djaluna e skolnan lo sigui normal p'asina por hasi preparashonnan nesesario i duna informashon na nan mes personal i na mayornan. On the day and skolnan it is normal for you to start preparing the necessary and give information in the personal but in the morning.
Dikon a sera skolnan parsial i no kompletu? Say a sera skolnan parsial and not complete?
Na e momentunan aki no tin indikashon ku e riesgo di kontaminashon di coronavírùs pa Kòrsou ta haltu ie virùs NO a plama riba Kòrsou. Na e momentunan aki no tin indicaashon ku and risk of contamination of coronavírùs by Kòrsou ta halt ie virùs NO on the shore of Corsica. Basá riba e echo ei, por tuma un desishon ku ta sera skolnan parsialmente, ku eksepshon di gruponan di prueba di EFO (grupo 8) òf èksamen na skol avansá. Basically, echo ei, by taking part in a partial exam, part of the EFO test group (group 8) offered exam in advance. Gruponan i studiantenan ku tin ku prepara pa prueba di EFO (grupo 8) òf èksamen na skol avansá ta ekskluí for di esaki, pa evitá nan lo kai atras i por sufri konsekuensianan desproporshonal riba termino largu. The students and the students prepare for the EFO test (group 8) offer examination in advance of the school to exclude them, to avoid delay and to suffer consequential disproportionate over time. A tuma e desishon aki mirando ku e riesgo di kontaminashon di coronavírùs pa Kòrsou no ta asina haltu ku por responsabilisá e efekto desproporshonal riba studiantenan ku mester pasa prueba di EFO na skol di fundeshi òf èksamen na skolnan avansá. The tuma and desishon aki looking at the risk of contamination of coronavírùs by Kòrsou no ta asina stop ku for the responsibility and the disproportionate effect on the student study of the EFO test at the fund school and offer examination at skolnan advance.
Kiko seramentu di skol ta nifiká pa direktiva i maestronan di skol? What kind of school will you provide for the school's board of directors?
A tuma e desishon di sera skol komo un medida di prekoushon, pero e situashon di riesgo médiko no ta alarmante na e momentunan aki. The tuma and desishon of evening skol komo a measure of precondition, but the situation of medical risk is not alarming in the moment. No tin indikashon ku e riesgo di kontaminashon di coronavírùs na Kòrsou a oumentá. No tin indicashon ku and risk of contamination of coronavírùs na Kòrsou a oumentá. E rason prinsipal pa sera skolnan ta komo un medida di prekoushon, pa duna tempu i espasio dor di baha e aglomerashon di studiante i personanan p'asina skolnan por ta mihó prepará i pa halsa e nivel di protekshon higieniko. And the main reason for evening skolnan ta komo a measure of prequoushon, for now time the space of baha and agglomeration of student and personanan p'ina skolnan por ta mihó prepare the pa halsa and level of protekshon hygieniko.
Pa direktivanan i maestronan esei ta nífika ku nan mester ta disponibel na tur momentu. By directing and mastering this essay you will be able to identify what is currently available. Esei por nifiká ku ta kontinuá ku sierto trabounan di forma adaptá p'asina fasilitá mas tantu ku ta posibel ku e impakto riba enseñansa ta minimal i ku skolnan i maestronan mes lo usa e tempu pa ta mihó prepará pa tur posibel senario. These tests will continue to work in a tailor-made way so that they are easier to use, as much as possible, and impact on the teaching of the minimum and the quality of the teacher and the time used to prepare for the possible scenario. Tur personal mester keda na disposishon i lo risibí instrukshon di kabes di skol, lo kual por inkluí instrukshon pa tei fisikamente presente na skol (por ehempel pa reunion di preparashon of evaluashon). As well as personal training and provision of instruction in school boards, the qualification may also include instruction for the physically present school (for example, a meeting for the preparation of an assessment).
Kiko ta bai pasa despues di un (1) siman ku skolnan ta será? What happens after one (1) week ku skolnan ta will be?
Djaweps 19 di mart lo evaluá e desishon relashoná ku seramentu parsial di skolnan. Djaweps March 19 evaluated him and desishon relashoná ku partially partial of skolnan. Si ta nesesario Gobièrnu di Kòrsou lo anunsiá kualke desishon nobo basá riba e último desaroyonan ie nesesidat pa sigui òf amplia e medida. If necessary, the Government of Corsica announced the fact that they had decided on the basis of their last name and that they would not need to be a broad and measured offer.
Pa mas informashon por tuma kontakto via: Don't hesitate to contact us for your contact:
WhatsApp 564 0440 WhatsApp 564 0440
Email: owcs.communicatie@gobiernu.cw Email: owcs.communicatie@gobiernu.cw
Sigui FB Gobiernu di Kòrsou Follow FB Government of Corsica
Website: www.gobiernu.cw Website: www.gobiernu.cw
A konfirmá un di tres kaso di To confirm a three-day case COVID-19. COVID-19. E situashon ta bou di kontrol. And situashon would have said control. A tuma algun desishon tokante skolnan. Tuma some desishon tokante skolnan.
Konferensha di prensa 15-03-2020 Konferensha says press 15-03-2020