covid 19 poster


What You Need To Know About COVID-19

COVID-19 is an infectious disease of growing global concern. This page is to provide up-to-date information and links for Falkland Islanders and others so they can stay well informed and take steps to protect their health.

Below are a set of frequently asked questions. These will be updated so please check regularly. As well, there are downloadable information sheets and posters for your use., and links to useful overseas information sources.

Latest Update

Support Package Applications

Frequently Asked Questions

Information you can use   (Translations: Spanish, Filipino, Zimbabwean)

Useful Links

Latest Update

COVID-19 Public Update - 7 April 2020

KEMH Update:

This morning a further 20 test results were received from the laboratory in the UK.

The latest test results show three further positive results for COVID-19 in the Falkland Islands.

That takes the total of positive results to five, all individuals are currently serving at Mount Pleasant Complex, and two of whom have been receiving care at KEMH.

The other three individuals are in isolation at the Base as part of the ongoing MPC arrangements for dealing with possible cases.

As of Saturday 4 April, 137 samples have been taken and tested in the UK. 131 have been tested as negative. The remaining six swabs were from the five individuals who have now tested positive for COVID-19.

The first person to test positive for COVID-19 and who was cared for at KEMH has recovered.

A second patient from MPC, admitted last week and who is now confirmed by the latest results to have had COVID-19, remains in the isolation section of the hospital receiving care.

The young girl who came down with a serious respiratory condition unrelated to COVID-19 was being cared for in the non-isolation part of the hospital and is much improved. She was discharged at lunchtime today 7 April.

KEMH is requesting that the public not use the walkway from St Marys Walk (North) down to the Secretariat (South) which is located at the East end of the hospital. The walkway goes through KEMH grounds and is used for hospital purposes.

Travel between Stanley and MPC
The Falkland Islands Government is continuing to work closely with BFSAI to manage movements between Stanley and Mount Pleasant Complex.

BFSAI have existing measures in place to restrict movement from MPC to Stanley.

FIG are working to support BFSAI around these travel arrangements in an effort to minimise travel between the two locations and to ensure only essential journeys are undertaken.

In ensuring the integrity of journeys between MPC and Stanley, the RFIP will be carrying out selective checks on vehicles.

Anyone travelling from MPC must have written authorisation with them.

People travelling in from Camp may get stopped, in which case they will be offered advice on social distancing.

Guidance on Self-Isolation and Social distancing:

The Government is strengthening guidance around Self-Isolation and Social Distancing, to reflect that there are a number of distinct groups being asked to act responsibly and self-isolate for the good of the community.
Each group has different reasons for being in isolation, and the guidance is specific to each.
Here are the groups currently being advised, and guidance to them, along with Social Distance guidance for everyone. This guidance will later be available on the website

1. Quarantine
If you have recently arrived in the islands you must self-isolate for 14 days just in case you have Covid-19 and don’t realise it. Some people who have Covid-19 don’t feel ill but we don’t want to take the risk that you could infect others around you.
So are self-isolating for the protection of others.
In practical terms this means that you should not be leaving your house for any reason You should be asking other people to do your shopping etc and leaving this on the porch for you.
If you live with other people then you need to be able to live separately from the others in the same house. This means
• Being able to have a separate bedroom and bathroom
• Always being able to be 2 metres apart from other people if you are in the same room
• Cleaning all surfaces after you have touched them
If you can’t do this then you either need to quarantine yourself somewhere else or the entire household must quarantine together. If you want more help with this please contact KEMH on 28000

2. High risk individuals
Due to a multitude of factors, such as age and underlying health conditions, you have been identified as being at high risk of developing complications if you were to contract Covid-19 and so have been asked to self-isolate for 12 weeks.
So you are asked to self-isolate for your own protection.
This means
• Stay at home – ask for help in getting groceries etc and get these left on the porch. Do not go to school, work or public areas.
• Separate yourself from other people in your home, particularly if they are not self isolating. Ideally be in a separate room with the windows open.
• If you have two bathrooms then use a different one. If not then you should use it last ideally and clean it afterwards if possible.
• Wash your hands regularly and thoroughly.
• Avoid sharing household items such as cups, glasses, towels, bedding etc.
• Do not have visitors in your home.
• You can go out for a walk in the fresh air if you stay 1-2m away from other people. Try not to share a car. If you do share a car then open the windows.

3. Symptomatic Individuals
Due to your symptoms we believe that you may have contracted Covid-19 and so you are asked to self-isolate for a minimum of 14 days, which must include at least 7 days symptom free. (You also need to contact KEMH to report your symptoms and get further advice re the need for a swab etc).
So you are asked to self-isolate for the protection of others.
This means that you should not be leaving your house for any reason, apart from brief exercise or a drive in your car, alone. You should be asking other people to do your shopping etc and leaving this on the porch for you.
If you live with other people then you need to maintain social distancing from them WITHIN the household. This means not sharing a bed and ideally not sharing a bathroom. If you do have to share a bathroom then you need to clean it regularly after each use. You should also be regularly wiping down common high touch surfaces such as light switches etc.
If it is impossible for you to socially distance within your household then you either need to quarantine yourself somewhere else or the entire household must self-isolate.
Advice to everyone regarding Social Distancing
Everyone is currently being advised to maintain good social distancing. This means not coming within 2 metres of other people who do not live with you.
Assuming that none of you have any symptoms (and are not on the moderate or high risk groups) then you do not currently need to maintain social distancing within your household although you should be taking sensible precautions such as regular hand washing and wiping down of common touch areas such as light switches and toilet flushes.
If you are returning from contact outside of your household, such as coming home from work, then you need to wash your hands and change your clothes (washing the work related clothes at a minimum of 60 degrees) on arriving home.
If you have children who regularly transfer between two households then this should be kept to a minimum but is still allowed.
If anyone in one of the households becomes symptomatic then the children should remain in whichever household they are currently in until the 14 days self-isolation period has ended.

  • Advice around the Falkland Islands Government’s COVID-19 response can change. Please watch out for further statements from the Government in local media and through the FIG and Community Facebook pages, the web and other channels.

Shopping the clever way:

Our supermarkets and other stores are doing a wonderful job providing services for the community, but there are ways you can assist them in keeping up the great work.

The West Store has noted over the weekend that family groups have started coming in together to shop. The store has in place a two-metre separation rule for shoppers and staff, so please respect this and if possible ONLY send one person to do the shop.

They also have a delivery service, which means you can order and have the goods delivered to your home.

The Chandlery limits shoppers to 20-maximum in store at one time, which they say is working well.

They also have a delivery service but are noting some people are using the service for their daily
shopping needs – it would be better if they plan for a weekly order to ease the mounting pressure on making deliveries.

Kelper Stores is also asking that people come singly to do their shopping. The stores also offer a delivery service or prepare your order for you to come and collect.

Support Package Applications Now Open

Applications can now be made for the Falkland Islands Government’s support package that was announced on 25 March 2020 for private sector employers with employees, as well as the self-employed who have been affected by the COVID-19 pandemic.  

The Government is doing this to reinforce and support the strong public health action which the Falkland Islands Government is taking to protect the population and minimise the social and economic impact of this challenging issue.

How to apply:

Application forms along with other guidance are available through:

Falkland Islands Government - Here

Falkland Islands Development Corporation –

The Falkland Islands Development Corporation (FIDC) is tasked to develop the commercial sector of the Falkland Islands by being one of the principal partners delivering the Economic, Rural and Tourism Strategies.

If you need assistance filling out the forms, contact Sian Davies, Business Development Officer, at FIDC telephone 51211.

Relevant documents will be translated into Spanish and Filipino and posted to the websites within the next few days.

The package provisions apply to the following categories.

  • All employees with symptoms who are advised by KEMH to self-isolate for 14 days will continue to be paid by their employer (regardless of whether they are entitled to leave or sick pay). Employers will be able to seek reimbursement of the costs of this measure from the Government, up to a cap of £1,250 for the 14 calendar days per employee for the period of isolation.

  • All self-employed people with symptoms who are advised in writing by KEMH to self-isolate for 14 calendar days will similarly be able to claim a sum of up to £1,250 for the 14 calendar days of self-isolation.

  • All “vulnerable” self-employed people who are advised in writing by KEMH to self-isolate for an initial period of 3 months, and who are unable to work from home, will be able to claim a sum of up to £2,500 per month for the period of isolation.

  • All “vulnerable” employees who are advised by KEMH to self-isolate for an initial period of 3 months, and who are unable to work from home, will continue to be paid by their employer (regardless of whether they are entitled to leave or sick pay). Employers will be able to seek reimbursement for this measure from the Government, up to a cap of £2,500 per employee per month for the period of isolation.

  • When private sector employees without symptoms are
    • a) advised by KEMH to self-isolate due to a household member being symptomatic with a fever and with that household member having been advised by KEMH to self-isolate; or
    • b) advised by the government to stay home due to being classified as a non-essential worker.
    • and who in both instances cannot work from home, they will continue to be paid by their employer (regardless of whether they are entitled to leave or sick pay) for a period of up to 14 days.

  • When self-employed people without symptoms are
    • a) advised by KEMH to self-isolate due to a household member being symptomatic with a fever and with that household member having been advised by KEMH to self-isolate.
    • or b) advised by the government to stay home due to being classified as a non-essential worker,
    • and who in both instances cannot work from home, they will be able to claim a sum of up to £1,250 for a period of up to 14 calendar days.

All funds will be considered taxable and subject to the usual deductions from payroll.

If employees or self-employed persons are able to work from home during any period of isolation, we would expect them to do so and not to claim re-imbursement from Government.

These measures are designed to ensure that everyone can make the right choice to take necessary public health measures, for the benefit of all, whilst ensuring that the impact on the economy is minimised.

The Government will be announcing further measures to assist the private sector more generally within the next several days.

In addition, the Government continues to offer a range of benefits and allowances to Falkland Islands residents through the Department of Health and Social Services.

COVID-19 Frequently Asked Questions

This information was last updated on 17 March, 2020.


Information you can use

Here is more information you can read. These can be downloaded and printed out.

The material covers:

Covid-19 - What you need to know

Covid-19 - What you need to know
Created: 2020-04-03 | Size: 108.68 KB


Feeling Unwell Poster

Feeling Unwell - Poster
Created: 2020-03-06 | Size: 192.49 KB


A COVID-19 information leaflet

COVID-19 Information Leaflet
Created: 2020-03-05 | Size: 468.66 KB


 All about flu

Flu Leaflet
Created: 2020-03-05 | Size: 473.55 KB


Information for schools

COVID-19 Information For Schools
Created: 2020-03-05 | Size: 326.1 KB


Information for hotels and lodges

COVID-19 Advice For Hotels
Created: 2020-03-05 | Size: 266.56 KB
COVID-19 Cleaning Information
Created: 2020-03-05 | Size: 256.59 KB


What is Social Distancing

Social Distancing
Created: 2020-03-20 | Size: 128.77 KB
Social Distancing - Spanish
Created: 2020-03-27 | Size: 60.51 KB
Social Distancing - Filipino
Created: 2020-03-29 | Size: 107.03 KB
Social Distancing - Zimbabwean
Created: 2020-04-06 | Size: 97 KB


Self-isolation – 10 tips

Self-isolation - 10 tips
Created: 2020-03-05 | Size: 324.72 KB
Self-isolation - 10 tips - Spanish
Created: 2020-03-27 | Size: 27.41 KB
Self-isolation - 10 tips - Filipino
Created: 2020-03-27 | Size: 61.26 KB
Self-isolation - 10 tips - Zimbabwean
Created: 2020-04-06 | Size: 124.31 KB


SPANISH COVID-19 Latest Updates

COVID-19 Public Update - 6 April 2020 - Spanish
Created: 2020-04-07 | Size: 55.82 KB
COVID-19 Public Update - 5 April 2020 - Spanish
Created: 2020-04-06 | Size: 39.13 KB
COVID-19 Public Update - 3 April 2020 - Spanish
Created: 2020-04-06 | Size: 41.01 KB

FILIPINO COVID-19 Latest Updates

COVID-19 Public Update - 6 April 2020 - Filipino
Created: 2020-04-07 | Size: 101.67 KB
COVID-19 Public Update - 5 April 2020 - Filipino
Created: 2020-04-06 | Size: 91.04 KB
COVID-19 Public Update - 3 April 2020 - Filipino
Created: 2020-04-06 | Size: 89.12 KB

ZIMBABWEAN COVID-19 Latest Updates


Useful links concerning COVID-19

The following links cover the latest global information and from the UK.

World Health Organization information is here:

National Health Service information is here:

UK Government latest information and advice: