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What You Need To Know About COVID-19
COVID-19 is an infectious disease of global concern. This page is to provide up-to-date information and links for Falkland Islanders and others so they can stay well informed and take steps to protect their health.
Below are a set of frequently asked questions. These will be updated so please check regularly. As well, there are downloadable information sheets and posters for your use., and links to useful overseas information sources.
Protecting Your Workforce During COVID-19
Information you can use (Translations: Spanish, Filipino)
Latest Update
COVID-19 Public Update – 24 April 2020
The latest test results received by KEMH from the UK show one positive results for COVID-19 out of 16 swabs tested. This now brings our total to 13 positive cases.
The positive was for an individual at Mount Pleasant Complex, who is in isolation as part of the on-going MPC arrangements for dealing with cases.
353 samples have now been tested in the UK.
11 out of 12 individuals who have earlier tested positive for COVID-19 in the Falkland Islands have now completed self-isolation or treatment while another individual remains in self-isolation.
If you had a swab taken from KEMH recently, it’s important to note that you need to wait to hear directly from the hospital as to your test result.
Staff are phoning anyone affected within a day of receiving back results, and there's no need to contact the hospital.
If you are waiting for the result of a swab, you must continue to follow advice issued to you by the hospital until KEMH get in touch with you.
Remember: If you feel unwell with flu-like symptoms and are worried you might have COVID-19. phone the Hospital on 28000. Staff will provide advice. DO NOT come to KEMH.
The KEMH would like to thank all patients for adapting to the changes we have had to make at the hospital; we understand how difficult this uncertain time is and we are grateful to you all for working with us.
The Primary Care service is still open and we want to keep in touch with you and your important health concerns. Patients who need regular monitoring are being contacted. However, even in this pandemic, we need you to stay in touch about your health. Please let us know if you have any new lumps or bumps, moles changing shape, palpitations, pelvic pain, abnormal bleeding, suspicious weight loss or any other symptoms you are concerned about.
If you have such a concern, please call the hospital on 28000 between 8am – 4.30pm, Monday – Friday and request a telephone appointment with a GP or Nurse Practitioner.
If we then need to see you in person we will let you know and you will be given a face to face appointment, regardless of whether you live in Stanley or Camp. Please do not ignore important health concerns.
The availability of appointments will, of course, very much depend on how the current situation develops so we ask that you bear with us. Thank you for your continued understanding and support.
The UK Armed Forces have introduced an oxygen generation plant to increase the supply of oxygen to King Edward VII Memorial Hospital, and supplement the existing oxygen concentrator plant.
A Royal Air Force C-17 Globemaster delivered the equipment to British Forces South Atlantic Islands as part of the UK Government’s support to the Overseas Territories during the Coronavirus pandemic.
Thanks to the work of Armed Forces personnel and Ministry of Defence civilians and contractors, in conjunction with the Hospital’s engineering department, KEMH will now have even more capacity to treat patients with breathing difficulties.
The C-17 was deployed from 99 Squadron, Royal Air Force based at RAF Brize Norton. A team from 5001 Sqn RAF Wittering will shortly deploy to assist in the installation and maintenance of the oxygen generation plant.
Due to the COVID-19 outbreak causing problems in UK and to the DHL courier service, obtaining a new British passport from the Falkland Islands will take longer than usual.
If your passport is due to expire in the next six months or was issued before 31 October 2010 it is important that you apply for a new passport as early as possible.
The date of issue is important as some documents were issued for periods of more than 10 years and we are advised that any validity beyond 10 years from the date of issue may not be acceptable for travel in countries other than the UK.
If you have any queries or need to renew your passport please contact the Customs and Immigration Service on 27340 or email admin@customs.gov.fk
Please do not attempt to renew your passport using the online system available for British citizens resident overseas as you will have to send all of your original documents, including your current passport, by post to the United Kingdom.
It’s very understandable if you are feeling anxious and stressed about COVID-19.
If you do feel you need to reach out for help in the Falklands, there are people ready to listen to your concerns and provide support. Feeling worried does not necessarily mean that you have a mental health problem.
There is a 7-day service for your emotional wellbeing provided by the KEMH CPN team.
Please contact KEMH on 28082.
There are also other contacts you may find helpful:
The UK-based charity Samaritans : 51515 or email jo@samaritans.org
NSPCC: 28888
Citizens Advice Bureau: 55355
The NHS website Every Mind Matters has plenty of resources and tips to help you.
If you have any concerns or queries regarding financial matters, welfare or safeguarding
concerns for yourself, your family or someone you know, please contact Social Services on 27296. They operate a 24-hour service and an after-office hours you can call on 28100.
This Saturday is ANZAC Day. Every year we commemorate ANZAC day to remember the Australian and New Zealand Army Corps which served during the First World War, and the fallen in other conflicts since. This day is the anniversary of the landings at Gallipoli in 1915.
We have a kinship with Australia and New Zealand, with a shared community spirit and culture. We embrace those who have chosen to live with us in the Falkland Islands, as those Falkland Islanders who have moved to Australia and New Zealand have been welcomed there.
Unfortunately, because of COVID-19 we are unable to hold the traditional gatherings of memorial associated with ANZAC Day this year. However we hope that all those in the Falklands can watch this year’s small ANZAC Day Memorial on FITV, and hold their own moments of remembrance at home (The Memorial will be held at 07.15.)
ANZAC day is a time to remember with affection the courage of people and the value of friendship - to honour those that have sacrificed their lives and to acknowledge those who suffer from the effects of war. We do not celebrate victory or glorify war - we celebrate the human spirit - the spirit of ANZAC.
Advice around the Falkland Islands Government’s COVID-19 response can change. Please watch out for further statements from the Government in local media and through the FIG and Community Facebook pages, the web page fig.gov.fk/covid-19 and other channels.
KEMH has put into effect its well-developed plans for handling COVID-19 cases.
Patients requiring emergency treatment of any sort including respiratory, and cold like symptoms are asked to contact the hospital on 28000 and discuss their condition with a member of the clinical staff who will then advise.
Routine GP and Dental appointments have been suspended. Those affected will be contacted by KEMH.
The Pharmacy is able to take prescription requests. But please do NOT come to the Pharmacy solely for the purpose of ordering a prescription, nor if you have COVID-19 like symptoms. Please either e-mail pharmacyoffice@kemh.gov.fk or call 28011 to leave a message on the answerphone.
The Education Department is providing childcare for the children of essential key workers to enable them to go to work. Parents in this category have been contacted directly.
The emergency childcare remains open during the school holidays. Schools and playgrounds remain closed. For queries, please call 27294.
We are currently advising everyone to reduce all non-essential activities until further notice; everyone should stay at home where they can, and work from home where possible.
Essential activities, at this stage, include critical and key work, where this cannot be done from home. As of April 22, the building sector has also been permitted to resume operation, subject to it following guidance on operating safely in a COVID-19 environment.
Essential work categories are available on our fig.gov.fk/covid-19 website under the 26 March update.
If you are unclear about where your function or activities sit please contact the Secretariat on 28450.
The Falkland Islands Government’s support package announced on 25 March 2020 is for private sector employers with employees, as well as the self-employed who have been affected by the COVID-19 pandemic.
The Government is doing this to reinforce and support the strong public health action which the Falkland Islands Government is taking to protect the population and minimise the social and economic impact of this challenging issue.
How to apply –
Application forms along with other guidance are available through:
Falkland Islands Government -
Falkland Islands Development Corporation
If you need assistance filling out the forms, contact Sian Davies, Business Development Officer, at FIDC telephone 51211.
The Falkland Islands Government are looking for members of the public to join the Community Volunteers to help those who are currently self-isolating. Vicky Collier is the Volunteer Coordinator.
If you are interested in being a volunteer, email volunteers@sec.gov.fk with your name and the following information:
• Contact details
• What would you like to volunteer for
• Any particular skills you can offer
• If you are happy for your contact details to be shared
If you are in self-isolation or know someone who is that may need support contact Vicky on volunteers@sec.gov.fk or 27451.
While the Falkland Islands Government Office in London is closed all staff are working from home to help all Islanders in the UK, Falkland Islands organisations, FIG, and anyone traveling to and from the Islands. Please do not hesitate to contact them:
For Airbridge – Please contact our Travel Co-Ordinator Teryn Joshua on either 07984 096 726 or travel@falklands.gov.fk.
For Medical – Please contact our Medical Co-Ordinator Gemma Clayphan on 07399 163140 or reception@falklands.gov.fk.
For Students – Please contact the Deputy Representative Michael Betts on deputyrep@falklands.gov.fk.
For all other queries regarding COVID-19 or any other issues, we can be reached via 020 7222 2542 (message will provide a range of contact information) or reception@falklands.gov.fk
Executive Council is meeting regularly to consider response and make other policy related to the COVID-19 response. MLAs are also meeting regularly to consider COVID19 related matters.
What to do if you feel unwell and are worried you might have COVID-19.
If you have flu-like symptoms, phone the Hospital on 28000. Staff will provide advice. DO NOT come to KEMH directly.
The symptoms of COVID-19 are:
• a cough
• a high temperature
• sore throat
• shortness of breath
• aches and pains in muscles and joints
But these symptoms do not necessarily mean you have the illness. The symptoms are similar to other illnesses that are much more common, such as cold and flu.
Please remember the importance of good public health hygiene measures:
• Always cough and sneeze into a tissue and dispose of the tissue safely in a bin and wash your hands afterwards. If you do not have a tissue, sneeze and cough into the crook of your elbow.
• If you are unwell with any infectious illness, please act responsibly and stay away from people and crowds and isolate yourself as much as possible.
• Avoid close contact with people who appear unwell and avoid sharing personal items.
• Wash your hands regularly with soap and water for 20 seconds or use a disinfectant, especially after coughing and sneezing, and always before handling and consuming food and after using the toilet.
COVID-19 Public Update – 23 April 2020
If you had a swab taken from KEMH recently, it’s important to note that you need to wait to hear directly from the hospital as to your test result.
Swabs are being sent to the UK regularly on the South Atlantic Airbridge and are typically processed within 36 hours of arrival.
Staff are phoning anyone affected within a day of receiving back results, and there's no need to contact the hospital.
If you are waiting for the result of a swab, you must continue to follow advice issued to you by the hospital until KEMH get in touch with you.
337 samples have now been tested in the UK, with 12 COVID-19 positive results in the Falkland Islands to date.
11 of the 12 individuals have now completed self-isolation or treatment.
Remember: If you feel unwell with flu-like symptoms and are worried you might have COVID-19. phone the Hospital on 28000. Staff will provide advice. DO NOT come to KEMH
Yesterday, Executive Council considered two reports regarding further legislative proposals responding to the challenges posed by COVID-19.
Executive Council considered the provisions put in place in the UK, including the Coronavirus Act 2020, and other laws.
It agreed that specific provision should be made in the Falkland Islands in the following areas:
- Health service indemnification – providing a safety net in relation to any claims made against healthcare workers as a result of COVID-19.
- Courts and Tribunals – to bolster provision for use of video and audio technology in respect of court and tribunal hearings.
This will be done by way of a Bill to be presented to the Legislative Assembly.
Executive Council also agreed that provision should be made in relation to restrictions on movement, events, gatherings and premises.
A detailed report was presented to Executive Council accompanied by the draft Infectious Diseases Control (Coronavirus) (No 2) Regulations 2020. The draft regulations were approved by Executive Council and will be made shortly.
The regulations provide for the move, when necessary, to formal restrictions being imposed – along similar lines to the UK lock-down. So, people could be directed to stay at home, and businesses could be directed to close.
The regulations can be applied to all of the Falkland Islands or to specific parts of the Islands, as necessary.
Clear communication of the restrictions will be required before any are brought into effect. Guidance will be published summarising the regulations.
Authorities will seek to engage with the community, explain requirements, and encourage compliance, before other forms of enforcement.
The regulations introduce a significant restriction on the rights and freedoms provided by the Constitution.
This is considered to be a necessary and proportionate approach in light of the challenges posed by COVID-19.
Safeguards in the regulations will require regular review of any restrictions, and the regulations will only remain in force for 12 months.
LATAM has confirmed that the Saturday schedule Mount Pleasant-Punta Arenas-Santiago air service will not be operating during May.
The airline however hopes it may resume in early June.
As previously announced it has been agreed between the Falkland Islands Government and LATAM to continue the suspension of the Sao Paulo Wednesday schedule until 14 May.
We will provide further updates on the Chile and Brazil connections when further information becomes available. FIG is reviewing every two weeks with LATAM and monitoring long-haul flight operations.
Yesterday we highlighted an incident where a Stanley resident and a contractor failed to follow FIG public health advice.
We did so to remind everyone that the collective effort, of every person on the island, is needed.
Recent social media comments have unfairly singled out different sections of the community, but we would like to make it clear that the contractor concerned is a permanent resident of the Falkland Islands. This information is being shared as it is important for our community to understand that everyone has a part to play.
The swift introduction of stringent measures by BFSAI and our local population continuing to behave appropriately is critical to the continued success of these measures.
We would like to thank everyone who is thinking twice before making journeys to MPC as well as those whose journeys are essential and who are actively supporting the Approved Travel procedure; these joint efforts have undoubtedly made a difference.
We know that COVID-19 is putting a strain on us all, and its understandable if you are anxious.
There are things you can do however to ease some of the stress.
These include:
- Avoiding too much exposure to news and social media
• Limitingthe time you spend talking about the coronavirus
• If you have children, lettingthem talk about their worries but reassure them that it’s going to be okay.
• Checking on your friends and neighbours (especially more vulnerable people) and offer to help out where you can.
• Looking after yourself! Do things that make you feel relaxed and safe.
• Staying in touch with friends and family.
If you do feel you need to reach out for help in the Falklands, there are people ready to listen to your concerns and provide support. Feeling worried does not necessarily mean that you have a mental health problem.
There is a 7-day service for your emotional wellbeing provided by the KEMH CPN team.
Please contact KEMH on 28082.
There are also other contacts you may find helpful:
The UK-based charity Samaritans : 51515 or email jo@samaritans.org
NSPCC: 28888
Citizens Advice Bureau: 55355
The NHS website Every Mind Matters has plenty of resources and tips to help you.
If you have any concerns or queries regarding financial matters, welfare or safeguarding
concerns for yourself, your family or someone you know, please contact Social Services on 27296. They operate a 24-hour service and an after-office hours you can call on 28100.
Advice around the Falkland Islands Government’s COVID-19 response can change. Please watch out for further statements from the Government in local media and through the FIG and Community Facebook pages, the web page fig.gov.fk/covid-19 and other channels.
KEMH has put into effect its well-developed plans for handling COVID-19 cases.
Patients requiring emergency treatment of any sort including respiratory, and cold like symptoms are asked to contact the hospital on 28000 and discuss their condition with a member of the clinical staff who will then advise.
Routine GP and Dental appointments have been suspended. Those affected will be contacted by KEMH.
The Pharmacy is able to take prescription requests. But please do NOT come to the Pharmacy solely for the purpose of ordering a prescription, nor if you have COVID-19 like symptoms. Please either e-mail pharmacyoffice@kemh.gov.fk or call 28011 to leave a message on the answerphone.
The Education Department is providing childcare for the children of essential key workers to enable them to go to work. Parents in this category have been contacted directly.
The emergency childcare remains open during the school holidays. Schools and playgrounds remain closed. For queries, please call 27294.
We are currently advising everyone to reduce all non-essential activities until further notice; everyone should stay at home where they can, and work from home where possible.
Essential activities, at this stage, include critical and key work, where this cannot be done from home. As of April 22, the building sector has also been permitted to resume operation, subject to it following guidance on operating safely in a COVID-19 environment.
Essential work categories are available on our fig.gov.fk/covid-19 website under the 26 March update.
If you are unclear about where your function or activities sit please contact the Secretariat on 28450.
The Falkland Islands Government’s support package announced on 25 March 2020 is for private sector employers with employees, as well as the self-employed who have been affected by the COVID-19 pandemic.
The Government is doing this to reinforce and support the strong public health action which the Falkland Islands Government is taking to protect the population and minimise the social and economic impact of this challenging issue.
How to apply –
Application forms along with other guidance are available through:
Falkland Islands Government -
Falkland Islands Development Corporation
If you need assistance filling out the forms, contact Sian Davies, Business Development Officer, at FIDC telephone 51211.
The Falkland Islands Government are looking for members of the public to join the Community Volunteers to help those who are currently self-isolating. Vicky Collier is the Volunteer Coordinator.
If you are interested in being a volunteer, email volunteers@sec.gov.fk with your name and the following information:
• Contact details
• What would you like to volunteer for
• Any particular skills you can offer
• If you are happy for your contact details to be shared
If you are in self-isolation or know someone who is that may need support contact Vicky on volunteers@sec.gov.fk or 27451.
While the Falkland Islands Government Office in London is closed all staff are working from home to help all Islanders in the UK, Falkland Islands organisations, FIG, and anyone traveling to and from the Islands. Please do not hesitate to contact them:
For Airbridge – Please contact our Travel Co-Ordinator Teryn Joshua on either 07984 096 726 or travel@falklands.gov.fk.
For Medical – Please contact our Medical Co-Ordinator Gemma Clayphan on 07399 163140 or reception@falklands.gov.fk.
For Students – Please contact the Deputy Representative Michael Betts on deputyrep@falklands.gov.fk.
For all other queries regarding COVID-19 or any other issues, we can be reached via 020 7222 2542 (message will provide a range of contact information) or reception@falklands.gov.fk
Executive Council is meeting regularly to consider response and make other policy related to the COVID-19 response. MLAs are also meeting regularly to consider COVID19 related matters.
What to do if you feel unwell and are worried you might have COVID-19.
If you have flu-like symptoms, phone the Hospital on 28000. Staff will provide advice. DO NOT come to KEMH directly.
The symptoms of COVID-19 are:
• a cough
• a high temperature
• sore throat
• shortness of breath
• aches and pains in muscles and joints
But these symptoms do not necessarily mean you have the illness. The symptoms are similar to other illnesses that are much more common, such as cold and flu.
Please remember the importance of good public health hygiene measures:
• Always cough and sneeze into a tissue and dispose of the tissue safely in a bin and wash your hands afterwards. If you do not have a tissue, sneeze and cough into the crook of your elbow.
• If you are unwell with any infectious illness, please act responsibly and stay away from people and crowds and isolate yourself as much as possible.
• Avoid close contact with people who appear unwell and avoid sharing personal items.
• Wash your hands regularly with soap and water for 20 seconds or use a disinfectant, especially after coughing and sneezing, and always before handling and consuming food and after using the toilet.
COVID-19 Public Update – 22 April 2020
As part of our regular updates we are keeping people informed of test results as they are returned to us from the United Kingdom.
KEMH would however like to remind people who have been swabbed that they need to wait to hear directly from the hospital concerning their personal test results.
Staff are phoning anyone affected within a day of receiving results, and there's no need to contact the hospital.
If you are waiting for the result of a swab, you must continue to follow advice issued to you by the hospital until KEMH get in touch with you.
337 samples have now been tested in the UK, with 12 COVID-19 positive results in the Falkland Islands to date.
11 of the 12 individuals have now completed self-isolation or treatment.
Remember: If you feel unwell with flu-like symptoms and are worried you might have COVID-19. phone the Hospital on 28000. Staff will provide advice. DO NOT come to KEMH
The prospect of much faster testing of Falkland Island swabs for potential COVID-19 is closer, with the expected arrival of an analyser machine.
The machine will mean tests can be done without swabs having to be sent to the UK.
The analyser and related equipment is scheduled to arrive by the end of the week.
There will then be a number of days of introduction, machine calibration and training at KEMH. That will be followed by trial tests to ensure accuracy, before swabs can begin to be processed locally.
We will update on progress next week.
The emergence of COVID -19 and its spread has placed enormous pressure on the global wool selling system.
Markets in several key wool producing countries are now closed
In combination with a number of other factors, wool prices are now some 40 to 50 per cent below prices achieved a year ago, and sales of the Falkland wool clip has reduced to zero in the last 2 to 4 weeks. Currently 71% of the Falkland Island wool clip is unsold (around 5,860 bales).
As one of a number of industry focused economic measures in light of the COVID-19 pandemic, Executive Council has today agreed to support Falkland Island Wool Producers.
It has authorised the Department of Natural Resources to develop a programme to purchase their unsold wool.
This will be a one-time offer with price set as at March 2020.
The Department expects to have a detailed programme launched before the end of May.
Work in the building sector has been able to resume today.
Executive Council agreed to the move on Friday, contingent on latest test results received yesterday from the UK.
FIG Chief Executive Barry Rowland said the sector reopening requires strict observation of the Government guidance issued on Monday on how to safely operate in a COVID-19 environment, including maintaining social distancing.
The change will be subject to daily review, based on test results and other circumstances.
Mr Rowland said if the guidance was not followed, the restrictions could be reinstated.
FIG have consistently advised and reminded the public that we are working jointly to minimise non-essential movement and contact between MPC and Stanley to help reduce risk of COVID-19.
Unfortunately, this advice wasn’t heeded and a Stanley resident engaged in contact with an individual from MPC.
This is against FIG public health advice, and it also encouraged someone to breech the MPC rules and requirements for contractors.
This is a flagrant disregard of the advice, yesterday the resident was requested to self-isolate for 14 days.
FIG have asked for the community to support the joint efforts already in place and this is a reminder for people to follow the advice for the benefit of everyone.
The contractor’s employment has been terminated and is currently placed in quarantine.
It is understandable if you are worried about your safety and that of your loved ones at this time of COVID-19. Feeling worried does not necessarily mean that you have a mental health problem.
However there are people ready to listen to your concerns and provide support.
This starts with a 7-day service for your emotional wellbeing provided by the KEMH CPN team.
Please contact KEMH on 28082.
There are also many useful ways you can reduce the unease and anxiety you might be feeling.
These include:
• Avoiding too much exposure to news and social media
• Limit the time you spend talking about the coronavirus
• If you have children, let them talk about their worries but reassure them that it’s going to be okay.
• Check on your friends and neighbours (especially more vulnerable people) and offer to help out where you can.
• Look after yourself! Do things that make you feel relaxed and safe.
• Stay in touch with friends and family.
There are also other contacts you may find helpful:
The UK-based charity Samaritans : 51515 or email jo@samaritans.org
NSPCC: 28888
Citizens Advice Bureau: 55355
The NHS website Every Mind Matters has plenty of resources and tips to help you.
If you have any concerns or queries regarding financial matters, welfare or safeguarding concerns for yourself, your family or someone you know, please contact Social Services on 27296. They operate a 24-hour service and an after-office hours you can call on 28100. You can also call the Early Help Service for advice or support on 52281 or earlyhelp@sec.gov.fk
And don’t forget our new Community Volunteers, headed by Vicky Collier. It’s a way to get involved in supporting others, plus for those who want support themselves.
Their email is volunteers@sec.gov.fk
The Materials Section of the Public Works Department would like to inform the public that tomorrow, 23 April, the quarry will re-open for the collection of materials.
In line with the current social distancing measures there will now be a system in place when purchasing aggregate:
- All orders must be placed at least one working day before customers want to collect
• On placing an order customers will be given clear collection instructions
• Customers collecting aggregate will not be permitted to exit their vehicle and all weighbridge tickets will be posted or emailed to the customer
• If there are a lot of customers requiring aggregates at once you will be allocated a collection slot on confirmation of your order
Orders cannot be made in person at the quarry. DO NOT go to the quarry without a confirmed pre-order as you will not be permitted to be loaded.
For further information or to place an order, please contact the Quarry Manager, Marc Short on quarry@pwd.gov.fk or 27176/51043 during normal working hours.
Advice around the Falkland Islands Government’s COVID-19 response can change. Please watch out for further statements from the Government in local media and through the FIG and Community Facebook pages, the web page fig.gov.fk/covid-19 and other channels.
COVID-19 Public Update April 20 2020
A further 18 swabs are on their way to the UK for COVID-19 testing.
A batch of 64 swabs were processed last Friday, with none of them reported as positive for COVID-19.
All 11 individuals who have so far tested positive for COVID-19 in the Falkland Islands have now completed self-isolation or treatment.
In total 319 samples have been sent to the UK so far.
Remember: If you feel unwell with flu-like symptoms and are worried you might have COVID-19. phone the Hospital on 28000. Staff will provide advice. DO NOT come to KEMH directly.
In light of the announcement at the weekend by Her Majesty the Queen, and following consultation between His Excellency the Governor and Buckingham Palace, it has been decided to cancel the Queen’s Birthday Parade on 21 April 2021.
During these difficult days, the people of the Falkland Islands wish Her Majesty a safe and peaceful birthday. His Excellency the Governor and Elected Members would also wish to take this opportunity to thank all who had been preparing to mark the event tomorrow.
Executive Council on Friday agreed in principle that construction activity on the Islands can resume this Wednesday, 22 April.
Chief Executive Barry Rowland said the final decision would be subject to test swab results from the UK expected to be received tomorrow, Tuesday 21 April.
He said ExCo had considered the issues carefully, included the fact there were still no cases reported in Stanley, and that new measures had been introduced to control movement to and from Mount Pleasant Complex.
Guidance by the Government (see below) is being issued to the sector regarding safe COVID-19 working practices and maintaining social distancing.
Mr Rowland said if the guidance was not followed, the restrictions could be reinstated.
This change would be subject to daily review, based on test results and other circumstances.
Building material merchants will be able to supply building materials to the trade provided they follow safe COVID-19 working practices.
The provision does not include routine servicing or improvement work on residential or commercial properties, although repairs could still be carried out in an emergency provided previous guidelines are followed.
The government has today published guidance for the building sector on operating under COVID-19 conditions.
These are exceptional circumstances and the industry must comply with the latest Falkland Island Government advice on COVID-19 at all times.
The Site Operating Procedures are based on Public Health England (PHE) guidance and information provided by the Falkland Islands Government Chief Medical Officer;
Anyone undertaking construction activities during the COVID-19 pandemic needs to ensure they are protecting their workforce and minimizing the risk of spread of infection. This includes considering how personnel travel to and from site.
This guidance is intended to introduce consistent measures on construction sites of all types and sizes, in line with the Government’s recommendations on social distancing and ensure employers and individuals make every effort to comply.
Where it is not possible to follow the social distancing guidelines in full in relation to a particular activity, an operator should consider whether that activity needs to continue for the site to continue to operate, and if so, take all mitigating actions possible to reduce the risk of transmission.
The health and safety requirements of any construction activity must not be compromised at this time. If an activity cannot be undertaken safely, it should not take place
Emergency services also have limited resources and may not be able to respond as quickly as usual. This should be taken into consideration in the planning of work activities, first aid, fire and emergency responses. There are also limitations on the availability of aeromedical evacuations.
Organisations must have in place effective arrangements for monitoring and reviewing their compliance with Government and industry guidance. Sites should also remind the workforce at every opportunity of the Site Operating Procedures which are aimed at protecting them, their colleagues, families and the Falkland Islands population.
The full guidance is available at fig.gov.fk/covid-19 under Protecting Your Workforce During COVID-19.
It includes:
- When and How to Travel to Work
- Social Distancing
- What to do if a worker falls sick
- Driving of vehicles at work
- How to manage work site movements.
- Safe hygiene requirements
- Work Planning to avoid Close Working.
- Enhanced cleaning of site surfaces.
- Advice for tradespersons carrying out essential repairs.
A package of new measures to help our businesses, private sector employees and households was announced on Friday.
The suite of new measures is to assist businesses, private sector employees and households as they adjust to the economic effects of the Covid-19 Pandemic.
The measures when taken together represent a comprehensive approach to addressing the cash flow needs of private sector workers and households and the liquidity needs of micro, small and medium sized businesses over the next three months.
The measures proposed are together comprised of:
- a job retention scheme to assist with employee retention and to support income stability for households;
- an enhanced unemployment subsidy system to support income stability for households where individuals have been economically dismissed;
- direct non-repayable grants to businesses to assist with liquidity;
- provision of government backed loan guarantees for businesses to assist with liquidity, subject to approval of the Secretary of State;
- reductions in electricity rates to support businesses and households
- a waiver of utility service charges for a period of ninety days
- existing government mechanisms that can be accessed during times of need
You can find more detail under latest updates on the web page www.fig.gov.fk/covid-19
Advice around the Falkland Islands Government’s COVID-19 response can change. Please watch out for further statements from the Government in local media and through the FIG and Community Facebook pages, the web page fig.gov.fk/covid-19 and other channels.
KEMH has put into effect its well-developed plans for handling COVID-19 cases.
Patients requiring emergency treatment of any sort including respiratory, and cold like symptoms are asked to contact the hospital on 28000 and discuss their condition with a member of the clinical staff who will then advise.
Routine GP and Dental appointments have been suspended. Those affected will be contacted by KEMH.
The Pharmacy is able to take prescription requests. But please do NOT come to the Pharmacy solely for the purpose of ordering a prescription, nor if you have COVID-19 like symptoms. Please either e-mail pharmacyoffice@kemh.gov.fk or call 28011 to leave a message on the answerphone.
There are many sources of help, support or advice that you can reach out to during these uncertain times.
If you have any concerns or queries regarding financial matters, welfare or safeguarding concerns for yourself, your family or someone you know, please contact Social Services on 27296. They operate a 24-hour service and an after-office hours you can call on 28100. Issues can also be raised by contacting KEMH and its CPN Service. You can also call the Early Help Service for advice or support on 52281 or earlyhelp@sec.gov.fk
Alternatively, if you are worried about something or fearful for your safety or are concerned about a friend or neighbour, you can also reach Social Services by writing your name (or remain anonymous), phone number or email address on a piece of paper with a safe time to call and drop it into one a number of collection boxes in Stanley and they will get back to you at the time you ask. These boxes are at
⦁ The Chandlery
⦁ The West Store
⦁ The Kelper Stores
⦁ IJS Reception
You can also use these boxes to make suggestions on how we, as professionals, can help you through these times of uncertainty. All suggestions will be looked at and answers given if required.
It is understandable if you are worried about your safety and that of your loved ones during the COVID-19 pandemic. Local support is available as a 7-day service from the emotional wellbeing team at KEMH on 28082.
You may also find the following contacts helpful:
Samaritans (UK based charity): 51515 or email jo@samaritans.org
NSPCC: 28888
Citizens Advice Bureau: 55355
The Education Department is providing childcare for the children of essential key workers to enable them to go to work. Parents in this category have been contacted directly.
The emergency childcare remains open during the school holidays. Schools and playgrounds remain closed. For queries, please call 27294.
We are currently advising everyone to reduce all non-essential activities until further notice; everyone should stay at home where they can, and work from home where possible.
Essential activities, at this stage, include critical and key work, where this cannot be done from home.
Essential work categories are available on our fig.gov.fk/covid-19 website under the 26 March update.
If you are unclear about where your function or activities sit please contact the Secretariat on 28450.
The Falkland Islands Government’s support package announced on 25 March 2020 is for private sector employers with employees, as well as the self-employed who have been affected by the COVID-19 pandemic.
The Government is doing this to reinforce and support the strong public health action which the Falkland Islands Government is taking to protect the population and minimise the social and economic impact of this challenging issue.
How to apply –
Application forms along with other guidance are available through:
Falkland Islands Government -
Falkland Islands Development Corporation
If you need assistance filling out the forms, contact Sian Davies, Business Development Officer, at FIDC telephone 51211.
The Falkland Islands Government are looking for members of the public to join the Community Volunteers to help those who are currently self-isolating. Vicky Collier is the Volunteer Coordinator.
If you are interested in being a volunteer, email volunteers@sec.gov.fk with your name and the following information:
- Contact details
- What would you like to volunteer for
- Any particular skills you can offer
- If you are happy for your contact details to be shared
If you are in self-isolation or know someone who is that may need support contact Vicky on volunteers@sec.gov.fk or 27451.
While the Falkland Islands Government Office in London is closed all staff are working from home to help all Islanders in the UK, Falkland Islands organisations, FIG, and anyone traveling to and from the Islands. Please do not hesitate to contact them:
For Airbridge – Please contact our Travel Co-Ordinator Teryn Joshua on either 07984 096 726 or travel@falklands.gov.fk.
For Medical – Please contact our Medical Co-Ordinator Gemma Clayphan on 07399 163140 or reception@falklands.gov.fk.
For Students – Please contact the Deputy Representative Michael Betts on deputyrep@falklands.gov.fk.
For all other queries regarding COVID-19 or any other issues, we can be reached via 020 7222 2542 (message will provide a range of contact information) or reception@falklands.gov.fk
Executive Council is meeting regularly to consider response and make other policy related to the COVID-19 response. MLAs are also meeting regularly to consider COVID19 related matters.
What to do if you feel unwell and are worried you might have COVID-19.
If you have flu-like symptoms, phone the Hospital on 28000. Staff will provide advice. DO NOT come to KEMH directly.
The symptoms of COVID-19 are:
- a cough
- a high temperature
- sore throat
- shortness of breath
- aches and pains in muscles and joints
But these symptoms do not necessarily mean you have the illness. The symptoms are similar to other illnesses that are much more common, such as cold and flu.
Please remember the importance of good public health hygiene measures:
- Always cough and sneeze into a tissue and dispose of the tissue safely in a bin and wash your hands afterwards. If you do not have a tissue, sneeze and cough into the crook of your elbow.
- If you are unwell with any infectious illness, please act responsibly and stay away from people and crowds and isolate yourself as much as possible.
- Avoid close contact with people who appear unwell and avoid sharing personal items.
- Wash your hands regularly with soap and water for 20 seconds or use a disinfectant, especially after coughing and sneezing, and always before
Government unveils comprehensive COVID-19 support package - 17 April
The Falkland Islands Government has today announced a suite of new measures to assist businesses, private sector employees and households as they adjust to the economic effects of the Covid-19 Pandemic.
The measures when taken together represent a comprehensive approach to addressing the cash flow needs of private sector workers and households and the liquidity needs of micro, small and medium sized businesses over the next three months.
A sector specific package of measures for wool farmers and other sectors are being considered separately.
The measures proposed are together comprised of:
- a job retention scheme to assist with employee retention and to support income stability for households;
- an enhanced unemployment subsidy system to support income stability for households where individuals have been economically dismissed;
- direct non-repayable grants to businesses to assist with liquidity;
- provision of government backed loan guarantees for businesses to assist with liquidity, subject to approval of the Secretary of State;
- reductions in electricity rates to support businesses and households
- a waiver of utility service charges for a period of ninety days
- existing government mechanisms that can be accessed during times of need
The following summary provides a general overview of the measures but should not be relied upon as definitive guidance, which shall be provided in due course. The application of one or all of these measures may be contingent on the status of the government’s response to the Pandemic. Government will advise of any changes as and when they occur.
1. A new job retention “furlough” scheme
Businesses may find themselves in a position where they are unable to pay their employees’ wages and salaries due to a significant reduction of revenues over a protracted 90 day period. Similarly, self-employed workers may face a serious reduction of their income. Under this measure, if an employer is unable to operate or have limited or no work for the employee because of Covid-19, and if the employer and employee both agree, the employer would be able to keep the employee on the payroll at 80% of salary. This is known as being ‘on furlough’.
- With respect to employees, the new scheme will cover
- 80% of salary for furloughed employees for a period of up to 90 days
- 80% of salary for employees on reduced hours, proportional to the percentage of hours not worked for a period of up to 90 days.
- With respect to self-employed workers:
- the new scheme will cover 80% of the last two years’ average monthly net earnings for a period of up to 90 days .
For both employees and self-employed workers, there will be a cap of £2,500 per
All payments will be considered taxable in the hands of recipients.
The recently announced Private Sector Employee Support Scheme will continue to apply to those who are required by KEMH to isolate or who are on the vulnerable list. However, non-essential workers required to stay at home by the government would now be covered under the new Job Retention Scheme effective April 24, 2020.
2.0 Unemployment Subsidy System
A new unemployment subsidy system will be targeted at workers who are dismissed as a result of the crisis. This measure will provide financial reassurance to those who have been dismissed, through no fault of their own, as a result of the Covid-19 pandemic.
- The unemployment subsidy will cover 60% of the last monthly salary for a period of up to 90 days
- There will be a cap of £2,500 per month.
All payments will be considered taxable in the hands of recipients.
This measure will have an effective eligibility date of March 20, 2020.
3.0 Direct Grants to targeted micro, small and medium enterprises
Some businesses may face high solvency risks due to a significant or critical reduction in demand for their goods or services. The government would provide financial support to temporarily support the economic viability of two broad classifications of firms with two different types of direct, non-repayable grants.
Micro and Small Businesses
The level of each individual grant will:-
- will be targeted to businesses below £500,000 in turnover;
- will be calculated so it avoids being an unnecessary windfall;
- will range from zero to a total of £20 thousand for a 90 day period; and
- All payments will be considered taxable.
Micro, Small and Medium Sized Businesses in the Hospitality Sector and the Human Health and Social Work activities sectors
The level of each individual grant:-
- will be targeted to businesses below £1,000,000 in turnover;
- will be calculated so it avoids being an unnecessary windfall;
- will range from zero to a total cap of £30 thousand in total a 90 day period; and
- All payments will be considered taxable.
The government is targeting May 1 for this programme to be “application ready”.
4.0 Government Guaranteed Loans for businesses
The government intends to further explore the establishment of a Government guaranteed commercial loan scheme that would allow businesses to apply for a partially government guaranteed loan up to a government authorized maximum. Among other considerations, such a scheme would require approval from the Secretary of State.
5.0 Service Charge Waiver
Service Charges will effectively be “waived” for a period of three months.
The reduction in rates to zero will benefit all households and businesses with premises.
The start date for this reduction will be advised in due course but will occur as soon as possible.
6.0 Electricity Credit
The price of electricity will be reduced from 23p to 18p per unit for a 90 day period.
This measure will apply to all businesses and households.
The start date for this reduction will be advised in due course but will occur as soon as possible.
7.0 Other Financial Measures
Following discussion with the government, Standard Chartered Bank is now in the process of designing measures to support those of its borrowers affected by the current challenging circumstances. The Bank will consider up to 3 months payment holidays on all existing lending product lines for those customers that contact the Bank and provide a summary or evidence of hardship. Customers can contact the Bank directly for guidance.
8.0 Other General Measures
In addition to these new measures, Falkland Island residents are reminded that there are other existing avenues that could be pursued if they are experiencing financial hardship as a result of the pandemic.
- Some residents may be eligible to apply for contribution credits to the Falkland Islands Pension Scheme.
- If you are experiencing difficulty paying taxes as a result of the pandemic consider having a discussion with the Falkland Islands Government Taxation Office to explain your situation.
- If you are in FIG housing and experiencing difficulty paying your rent as a result of the pandemic consider having a conversation with the Housing Office to explain your situation.
COVID-19 Public Update - 17 April 2020
A batch of 64 swabs have been processed today in the UK, with none of them reported as positive for COVID-19.
In total 319 samples have been sent to the UK so far – with 11 COVID-19 individuals having positive results returned.
KEMH is continuing to collect further swabs for despatch on the next South Atlantic Airbridge.
There are now no patients with COVID-19 symptoms at KEMH.
Both patients who had tested positive and received treatment at the KEMH have recovered and been discharged.
Nine other individuals, also from Mount Pleasant Complex, have been in isolation there as part of the ongoing MPC arrangements for dealing with cases. 4 of them have now completed their isolation.
As part of the BFSAI contribution to the Falkland Islands COVID-19 response, six members of the 16 Medical Regiment team are now beginning to work alongside staff at KEMH, having completed self-isolation after arriving from the UK.
Along with their specialist skills, the team has brought with it medical supplies and equipment, and six additional ventilators, to add to the hospital's own nine ventilators.
Remember: If you feel unwell with flu-like symptoms and are worried you might have COVID-19. phone the Hospital on 28000. Staff will provide advice. DO NOT come to KEMH directly.
Executive Council has this afternoon passed a comprehensive package of new measures to help our businesses, private sector employees and households.
This is being released as a separate press statement this evening.
With a southbound Airbridge arriving tonight, we are emphasising to ALL those coming off the flight that it is vitally important that you and your relatives or family understand and follow guidance on self isolation that specifically applies to you.
Under guidance released April 7 by the Government, new arrivals are in a category called Quarantine.
You must self-isolate for 14 days just in case you have COVID-19 and don’t realise it. Some people who have COVID-19 don’t feel ill but we don’t want to take the risk that you could infect others around you.
So you are self-isolating for the protection of others.
In practical terms this means that you should not be leaving your house for any reason You should be asking other people to do your shopping etc and leaving this on the porch for you.
If you live with other people then you need to be able to live separately from the others in the same house. This means:
- Being able to have a separate bedroom and bathroom
• Always being able to be 2 metres apart from other people if you are in the same room
• Cleaning all surfaces after you have touched them
If you can’t do this then you either need to quarantine yourself somewhere else or the entire household must quarantine together. If you want more help with this please contact KEMH on 28000.’
The RFIP want to remind people that holding parties is a breach of the social distancing protocols currently advised by the Government.
Social Distancing means staying at least two metres away from others – it’s an effective way to reduce the risk of COVID-19 spreading.
Inviting people to your house is a no-no, especially for parties.
Even if your practise social distancing, visitors will be touching lots of surfaces in your house and this increases the risk of spread.
The Government has been listening to the requirements of the community to ensure supplies and livestock get to where they need to be in West Falkland and other islands served by the Concordia Bay.
The service has been reduced in order to ensure it can keep operating through the COVID-19 response.
However large amounts of supplies are being delivered – with a completed supply run to the SE island, and delivery of six containers, 80,000 litres of fuel and 48 bottles of gas to Fox Bay and 29,100 litres of fuel to Port Howard this week.
With the assistance and support of Workboat Services Ltd, a schedule for the next 3 weeks has been designed to facilitate customer and community requirements. If you require details, or have queries and specific requests, phone their office, or email admin@workboat.co.fk
WSL advises its current services are:
Islands Service:
To continue as per the previously amended schedule.
No passengers.
Contact between crew and personnel ashore to be kept to a minimum.
Crew are not permitted to go ashore unless absolutely necessary
One off trips (e.g. for livestock) will be scheduled on a case by case basis, please contact the office with any requirements.
Ferry Service:
Two ferry crossings per week.
Vehicles only - No passengers
If vehicles are to be loaded/unloaded by crew then they must be at New Haven/Port Howard for at least three days before shipment.
If not then drivers are to drive their vehicles on to the ship and leave as quickly as possible, minimising contact with crew. In this case a driver must be available at the far side to collect.
23rd April 1200 NHN, 1400 PHD
25th April 1200 NHN, 1400 PHD
23rd and 24th April – Cargo receiving for West Islands
27th April - 3rd May West Islands (as scheduled already)
4th May 1200 NHN, 1400 PHD
7th May 1200 NHN, 1400 PHD
Advice around the Falkland Islands Government’s COVID-19 response can change. Please watch out for further statements from the Government in local media and through the FIG and Community Facebook pages, the web pagefig.gov.fk/covid-19 and other channels.
COVID-19 Public Update - 16 April 2020
A new batch of swabs for COVID-19 testing have been sent to UK on the South Atlantic Airbridge.
The 64 swabs will be processed at a specialist laboratory. In total 319 samples have been sent to the UK so far.
The number of COVID-19 cases in the Falkland Islands remains at 11.
Of the 11 Covid-19 cases, nine individuals are in isolation at the Mount Pleasant Complex as part of the ongoing MPC arrangements for dealing with cases.
Another individual continues to receive care at KEMH while a second was discharged from the hospital last week.
KEMH now has a COVID-19 pod where patients can come for assessments by a Doctor.
Anyone attending the pod is to park adjacent to 11 Thatcher Drive, which is opposite the Secretariat and Attorney General's office, and walk to wait for a member of staff.
There are directions painted on the ground and signs positioned for your guidance. This is the only route to access the pod, as the east end walkway from St Mary's Walk is not open to the public,
The access road to the KEMH East Ward entrance is to be kept free from all parked cars except those visiting the COVID19 Pod.
In addition this entrance will be used for the delivery and storage of additional oxygen supplies. FIG staff MUST NOT smoke around FIG premises in this area. This is with immediate effect.
Remember: If you feel unwell with flu-like symptoms and are worried you might have COVID-19. phone the Hospital on 28000. Staff will provide advice. DO NOT come to KEMH directly.
Members will consider a package of measures tomorrow that will address issues being faced by businesses and households.
The Chief Executive and the Director of Policy and Economic Development will make an announcement tomorrow, Friday 17 April
With a southbound Airbridge due to arrive tomorrow, we are emphasising to ALL travellers arriving that it is vitally important that you and your relatives or family understand and follow guidance on self isolation that specifically applies to you.
Under guidance released April 7 by the Government, new arrivals are in category called Quarantine.
You must self-isolate for 14 days just in case you have Covid-19 and don’t realise it. Some people who have Covid-19 don’t feel ill but we don’t want to take the risk that you could infect others around you.
So you are self-isolating for the protection of others.
In practical terms this means that you should not be leaving your house for any reason You should be asking other people to do your shopping etc and leaving this on the porch for you.
If you live with other people then you need to be able to live separately from the others in the same house. This means:
- Being able to have a separate bedroom and bathroom
• Always being able to be 2 metres apart from other people if you are in the same room
• Cleaning all surfaces after you have touched them
If you can’t do this then you either need to quarantine yourself somewhere else or the entire household must quarantine together. If you want more help with this please contact KEMH on 28000.
Further to previous announcements regarding the LATAM service to Sao Paulo, it has been agreed between the Falkland Islands Government and LATAM to continue the suspension of the Wednesday schedule until 14 May 2020.
Another review will take place at the end of this month to review the status of the global and local pandemic status, the effect on long haul international travel, and in particular demand and reconnections to the United Kingdom & Europe.
There are no further updates yet on the Saturday schedule Mount Pleasant-Punta Arenas-Santiago. This service is suspended until 2 May.
Further updates will be published as soon as more information is available.
We would like to advise that all inbound and outbound Stanley based civilian passengers must be booked onto approved commercial airport transport for travel to and from MPC.
Please contact pa.desis@sec.gov.fk for information on airport travel for Camp based passengers.
This is to minimise journeys in and out of MPC in line with current COVID19 arrangements.
Advice around the Falkland Islands Government’s COVID-19 response can change. Please watch out for further statements from the Government in local media and through the FIG and Community Facebook pages, the web pagefig.gov.fk/covid-19 and other channels.
KEMH has put into effect its well-developed plans for handling COVID-19 cases.
Patients requiring emergency treatment of any sort including respiratory, and cold like symptoms are asked to contact the hospital on 28000 and discuss their condition with a member of the clinical staff who will then advise.
Routine GP and Dental appointments have been suspended. Those affected will be contacted by KEMH.
The Pharmacy is able to take prescription requests. But please do NOT come to the Pharmacy solely for the purpose of ordering a prescription, nor if you have COVID-19 like symptoms. Please either e-mail pharmacyoffice@kemh.gov.fk or call 28011 to leave a message on the answerphone.
There are many sources of help, support or advice that you can reach out to during these uncertain times.
If you have any concerns or queries regarding financial matters, welfare or safeguarding concerns for yourself, your family or someone you know, please contact Social Services on 27296. They operate a 24-hour service and an after-office hours you can call on 28100. Issues can also be raised by contacting KEMH and its CPN Service. You can also call the Early Help Service for advice or support on 52281 or earlyhelp@sec.gov.fk
Alternatively, if you are worried about something or fearful for your safety or are concerned about a friend or neighbour, you can also reach Social Services by writing your name (or remain anonymous), phone number or email address on a piece of paper with a safe time to call and drop it into one a number of collection boxes in Stanley and they will get back to you at the time you ask. These boxes are at
⦁ The Chandlery
⦁ The West Store
⦁ The Kelper Stores
⦁ IJS Reception
You can also use these boxes to make suggestions on how we, as professionals, can help you through these times of uncertainty. All suggestions will be looked at and answers given if required.
It is understandable if you are worried about your safety and that of your loved ones during the COVID-19 pandemic. Local support is available as a 7-day service from the emotional wellbeing team at KEMH on 28082.
You may also find the following contacts helpful:
Samaritans (UK based charity): 51515 or email jo@samaritans.org
NSPCC: 28888
Citizens Advice Bureau: 55355
The Education Department is providing childcare for the children of essential key workers to enable them to go to work. Parents in this category have been contacted directly.
The emergency childcare remains open during the school holidays. Schools and playgrounds remain closed. For queries, please call 27294.
We are currently advising everyone to reduce all non-essential activities until further notice; everyone should stay at home where they can, and work from home where possible.
Essential activities, at this stage, include critical and key work, where this cannot be done from home.
Essential work categories are available on our fig.gov.fk/covid-19 website under the 26 March update.
If you are unclear about where your function or activities sit please contact the Secretariat on 28450.
The Falkland Islands Government’s support package announced on 25 March 2020 is for private sector employers with employees, as well as the self-employed who have been affected by the COVID-19 pandemic.
The Government is doing this to reinforce and support the strong public health action which the Falkland Islands Government is taking to protect the population and minimise the social and economic impact of this challenging issue.
How to apply –
Application forms along with other guidance are available through:
Falkland Islands Government -
Falkland Islands Development Corporation
If you need assistance filling out the forms, contact Sian Davies, Business Development Officer, at FIDC telephone 51211.
The Falkland Islands Government are looking for members of the public to join the Community Volunteers to help those who are currently self-isolating. Vicky Collier is the Volunteer Coordinator.
If you are interested in being a volunteer, email volunteers@sec.gov.fk with your name and the following information:
• Contact details
• What would you like to volunteer for
• Any particular skills you can offer
• If you are happy for your contact details to be shared
If you are in self-isolation or know someone who is that may need support contact Vicky on volunteers@sec.gov.fk or 27451.
The public are reminded that all household waste should be bagged and sealed and then placed in your outdoor bins. Any excess or overflow of waste will not be collected by the refuse personnel. However, members of the public will have the opportunity to dispose of this excess waste by placing their bin bags into the refuse truck themselves during the bin collection.
If you have any concerns or questions regarding the disposal of household waste then please contact the PWD Maintenance Manager on 27178 or 53900 or email maintenance.manager@pwd.gov.fk
While the Falkland Islands Government Office in London is closed all staff are working from home to help all Islanders in the UK, Falkland Islands organisations, FIG, and anyone traveling to and from the Islands. Please do not hesitate to contact them:
For Airbridge – Please contact our Travel Co-Ordinator Teryn Joshua on either 07984 096 726 or travel@falklands.gov.fk.
For Medical – Please contact our Medical Co-Ordinator Gemma Clayphan on 07399 163140 or reception@falklands.gov.fk.
For Students – Please contact the Deputy Representative Michael Betts on deputyrep@falklands.gov.fk.
For all other queries regarding COVID-19 or any other issues, we can be reached via 020 7222 2542 (message will provide a range of contact information) or reception@falklands.gov.fk
Executive Council is meeting regularly to consider response and make other policy related to the COVID-19 response. MLAs are also meeting regularly to consider COVID19 related matters.
What to do if you feel unwell and are worried you might have COVID-19.
If you have flu-like symptoms, phone the Hospital on 28000. Staff will provide advice. DO NOT come to KEMH directly.
The symptoms of COVID-19 are:
• a cough
• a high temperature
• sore throat
• shortness of breath
• aches and pains in muscles and joints
But these symptoms do not necessarily mean you have the illness. The symptoms are similar to other illnesses that are much more common, such as cold and flu.
Please remember the importance of good public health hygiene measures:
• Always cough and sneeze into a tissue and dispose of the tissue safely in a bin and wash your hands afterwards. If you do not have a tissue, sneeze and cough into the crook of your elbow.
• If you are unwell with any infectious illness, please act responsibly and stay away from people and crowds and isolate yourself as much as possible.
• Avoid close contact with people who appear unwell and avoid sharing personal items.
• Wash your hands regularly with soap and water for 20 seconds or use a disinfectant, especially after coughing and sneezing, and always before
COVID-19 Public Update - 15 April 2020
The number of COVID-19 cases in the Falkland Islands remains at 11. This includes the six positive cases of COVID-19 identified yesterday.
Of the 11 Covid-19 cases, nine individuals are in isolation at the Mount Pleasant Complex as part of the ongoing MPC arrangements for dealing with cases. Another individual continues to receive care at KEMH while a second was discharged from the hospital last week.
In total, 255 samples have been processed to date in the UK.
Further swabs will be sent to the UK on the next South Atlantic Airbridge.
Meanwhile the KEMH are asking that any patients coming to the hospital for COVID-19 assessments by a Doctor are to park adjacent to 11 Thatcher Drive, which is opposite the Secretariat and Attorney General's office, and walk to the KEMH COVID-19 Pod to wait for a member of staff.
There are directions painted on the ground and signs positioned for your guidance.
The access road to the KEMH East Ward entrance is to be kept free from all parked cars except those visiting the COVID19 Pod.
In addition this entrance will be used for the delivery and storage of additional oxygen supplies. FIG staff MUST NOT smoke around FIG premises in this area. This is with immediate effect.
The east end walkway from St Mary's Walk is not open to the public, and should not be used by anyone going to the Pod.
BFSAI have stringent restrictions in place and are working hard to reduce movement from MPC to Stanley; this is in order to limit travel to that which is essential only.
FIG has explored options including the introduction of a process so that essential travel is specifically authorised; this will support efforts already in place by BFSAI.
As of yesterday, we have introduced a registration scheme under which all journeys to and from MPC will need to be approved.
The scheme is intended to reduce travel between the two population centres and thereby minimise the risk of COVID-19 across the Falklands.
Monitoring will continue over the coming days and weeks. Please only travel between the two locations if absolutely necessary; we ask the public for their support in this.
Anyone travelling from MPC must have written authorisation with them.
People travelling in from Camp may get stopped, in which case they will be offered advice on social distancing.
Persons who use the MPA road for reasons, such as travel to and around Camp, do not need to register.
In relation to the registration process itself enquiries should be addressed to your employer in the first instance or pa.desis@sec.gov.fk
You can also access the form on the fig.gov.fk/covid-19 web page.
We would like to advise that all inbound and outbound Stanley based civilian passengers must be booked onto approved commercial airport transport for travel to and from MPC.
Please contact pa.desis@sec.gov.fk for information on airport travel for Camp based passengers.
This is to minimise journeys in and out of MPC in line with current COVID19 arrangements.
The Falkland Islands Government is constantly evaluating the level of its COVID-19 response and will advise the public if there is to be a change in present restrictions.
The 14 day period of payroll support for non-essential workers, who cannot work from home, as allowed for in the Private Sector and Self-Employment Support Scheme was yesterday extended to April 24.
Executive Council also agreed earlier this week to exempt diagnosis and treatment for suspected or confirmed COVID-19 from the existing charging regime. This is to ensure all persons present in the Falkland Islands have confidence to access appropriate health advice and treatment in relation to COVID‐19.
If there is something you want to know about the Government’s COVID-19 response, please tune into Let’s Talk at 7pm tonight on the Falkland Islands Radio Service.
A panel comprising the Chief Executive Barry Rowland, Chief Medical Officer Dr Rebecca Edwards and MLA Leona Roberts will be taking your questions.
Questions can be sent beforehand to engineer@radio.co.fk or call 55955 during the programme.
The Government of South Georgia & the South Sandwich Islands patrol vessel the MV Pharos SG will return to Stanley on Thursday 16 April. The vessel has been kept isolated since February even during its port calls to the Falklands.
There have been no COVID-19 cases on South Georgia or on MV Pharos SG. Therefore any personnel from South Georgia or departing the Pharos are coming from a COVID-19 free area.
Onboard are six members of staff are transiting the Falkland’s en-route to the UK. They are due to depart the Falklands on the Airbridge this Sunday 19 April. They will remain on the Pharos until departure for the flight. There will be no interaction between the vessel and shore-side activities.
GSGSSI would like to take this opportunity to thank its many partners in the Falklands, with particular thanks to Byron Marine for their sustained hard work in help MV Pharos SG continue normal operations.
The public are reminded that all household waste should be bagged and sealed and then placed in your outdoor bins. Any excess or overflow of waste will not be collected by the refuse personnel. However, members of the public will have the opportunity to dispose of this excess waste by placing their bin bags into the refuse truck themselves during the bin collection.
The public are also reminded that wheelie bins should always be treated as being unhygienic and therefore the wearing of appropriate personal protective equipment i.e. gloves is recommended. The refuse personnel will be wearing their own personal protective equipment.
If you have any concerns or questions regarding the disposal of household waste then please contact the PWD Maintenance Manager on 27178 or 53900 or email maintenance.manager@pwd.gov.fk
There are many sources of help, support or advice that you can reach out to during these uncertain times.
If you have any concerns or queries regarding financial matters, welfare or safeguarding concerns for yourself, your family or someone you know, please contact Social Services on 27296. They operate a 24-hour service and an after-office hours you can call on 28100. Issues can also be raised by contacting KEMH and its CPN Service. You can also call the Early Help Service for advice or support on 52281 or earlyhelp@sec.gov.fk
You can also reach Social Services by writing your name and contact information on a piece of paper and drop it into one a number of collection boxes in Stanley. These are at.
Boxes are available at:
⦁ The Chandlery
⦁ The West Store
⦁ The Kelper Stores
⦁ IJS Reception
Alternatively, you can also contact the Community Volunteers for additional support and a listening ear at volunteers@sec.gov.fk or on 22829
It is understandable if you are worried about your safety and that of your loved ones during the COVID-19 pandemic. Local support is available as a 7-day service from the emotional wellbeing team at KEMH on 28082.
You may also find the following contacts helpful:
Samaritans (UK based charity): 51515 or email jo@samaritans.org
NSPCC: 28888
Citizens Advice Bureau: 55355
Advice around the Falkland Islands Government’s COVID-19 response can change. Please watch out for further statements from the Government in local media and through the FIG and Community Facebook pages, the web page fig.gov.fk/covid-19 and other channels.
KEMH has put into effect its well-developed plans for handling COVID-19 cases.
Patients requiring emergency treatment of any sort including respiratory, and cold like symptoms are asked to contact the hospital on 28000 and discuss their condition with a member of the clinical staff who will then advise.
Routine GP and Dental appointments have been suspended. Those affected will be contacted by KEMH.
The Pharmacy is able to take prescription requests. But please do NOT come to the Pharmacy solely for the purpose of ordering a prescription, nor if you have COVID-19 like symptoms. Please either e-mail pharmacyoffice@kemh.gov.fk or call 28011 to leave a message on the answerphone.
The Education Department is providing childcare for the children of essential key workers to enable them to go to work. Parents in this category have been contacted directly.
The emergency childcare remains open during the school holidays. Schools and playgrounds remain closed.
For queries, please call 27294.
We are currently advising everyone to reduce all non-essential activities until further notice; everyone should stay at home where they can, and work from home where possible.
Essential activities, at this stage, include critical and key work, where this cannot be done from home.
Essential work categories are available on our fig.gov.fk/covid-19 website under the 26 March update.
If you are unclear about where your function or activities sit please contact the Secretariat on 28450.
Following receipt of the most recent test results, the situation will be reviewed again.
The Falkland Islands Government’s support package announced on 25 March 2020 is for private sector employers with employees, as well as the self-employed who have been affected by the COVID-19 pandemic.
The Government is doing this to reinforce and support the strong public health action which the Falkland Islands Government is taking to protect the population and minimise the social and economic impact of this challenging issue.
How to apply –
Application forms along with other guidance are available through:
Falkland Islands Government -
Falkland Islands Development Corporation
If you need assistance filling out the forms, contact Sian Davies, Business Development Officer, at FIDC telephone 51211.
The Falkland Islands Government are looking for members of the public to join the Community Volunteers to help those who are currently self-isolating. Vicky Collier is the Volunteer Coordinator.
If you are interested in being a volunteer, email volunteers@sec.gov.fk with your name and the following information:
• Contact details
• What would you like to volunteer for
• Any particular skills you can offer
• If you are happy for your contact details to be shared
If you are in self-isolation or know someone who is that may need support contact Vicky on volunteers@sec.gov.fk or 27451.
While the Falkland Islands Government Office in London is closed all staff are working from home to help all Islanders in the UK, Falkland Islands organisations, FIG, and anyone traveling to and from the Islands. Please do not hesitate to contact them:
For Airbridge – Please contact our Travel Co-Ordinator Teryn Joshua on either 07984 096 726 or travel@falklands.gov.fk.
For Medical – Please contact our Medical Co-Ordinator Gemma Clayphan on 07399 163140 or reception@falklands.gov.fk.
For Students – Please contact the Deputy Representative Michael Betts on deputyrep@falklands.gov.fk.
For all other queries regarding COVID-19 or any other issues, we can be reached via 020 7222 2542 (message will provide a range of contact information) or reception@falklands.gov.fk
Executive Council is meeting regularly to consider response and make other policy related to the COVID-19 response. MLAs are also meeting regularly to consider COVID19 related matters.
Regular portfolio and other meetings are postponed until mid-April 2020.
What to do if you feel unwell and are worried you might have COVID-19.
If you have flu-like symptoms, phone the Hospital on 28000. Staff will provide advice. DO NOT come to KEMH directly.
The symptoms of COVID-19 are:
• a cough
• a high temperature
• sore throat
• shortness of breath
• aches and pains in muscles and joints
But these symptoms do not necessarily mean you have the illness. The symptoms are similar to other illnesses that are much more common, such as cold and flu.
Please remember the importance of good public health hygiene measures:
• Always cough and sneeze into a tissue and dispose of the tissue safely in a bin and wash your hands afterwards. If you do not have a tissue, sneeze and cough into the crook of your elbow.
• If you are unwell with any infectious illness, please act responsibly and stay away from people and crowds and isolate yourself as much as possible.
• Avoid close contact with people who appear unwell and avoid sharing personal items.
• Wash your hands regularly with soap and water for 20 seconds or use a disinfectant, especially after coughing and sneezing, and always before
COVID-19 Public Update PM - 14 April 2020
Processing of a large batch of test results sent to the UK has been completed overnight, with six further positive cases of COVID-19 identified. The individuals are located at the Mount Pleasant Complex.
We have now received a total of 11 positive COVID-19 results. These individuals are being isolated at MPC in line with their normal public health measures.
One of the positive individuals continues to receive care at KEMH while a second positive patient was discharged from the hospital last week.
118 swabs were sent on the South Atlantic Airbridge at the weekend, for processing at a specialist laboratory.
In total, 255 samples have been processed to date in the UK.
A regular assessment of supplies in, and on the way to the islands is being carried out by the Falkland Islands Government.
Overall the supply position appears good with no major pressures.
All domestic fuel products are in good supply and no problems are foreseen.
Supermarkets and stores did initially report some unusual buying activity as customers stocked up, with milk being an example where stock was in shorter supply than normal, but new deliveries have arrived in the past week.
Full stock orders are already en route for future shipping deliveries to the supermarkets, and there are only occasional issues with some items also being in heavy demand in the UK.
A key message remains that there is no need for people to alter their shopping patterns.
Stores remain open for shopping, but please respect any social distancing rules they have in place, and send only one person to do the shopping.
If you are utilising home delivery, please send in fewer but bigger shopping orders to help the stores to meet demand.
FIG will continue to work closely with our businesses to monitor the situation.
On April 2 the government launched the Private Sector and Self-Employment Support Scheme, in part, as a response to the Public Update that we provided on March 26 in which we advised all non-essential workers to stay home effective March 27. We realise that the 14 day period of payroll support for non-essential workers, who cannot work from home, as allowed for in the Support Scheme effectively expired at midnight April 10.
From 10 April, this date has now been extended for a further period of 14 days until April 24 for non-essential workers who as a result of government advice are required to stay home and who cannot work from home. All other conditions of the Support Scheme remain the same.
A wider package of measures to support individuals and business is also under consideration by the Government and will be considered by ExCo this week.
The Falkland Islands Government is constantly evaluating the level of its COVID-19 response and will advise the public if there is to be a change in present restrictions.
Details of who is covered, and how to apply, under the Support Scheme can be found on the fig.gov.fk/covid-19 web page.
Yesterday ExCo today agreed to exempt diagnosis and treatment for suspected or confirmed Covid‐19 from the existing charging regime ensuring that there is a public health benefit for all persons present in the Falkland Islands to have confidence to access appropriate health advice and treatment in relation to Covid‐19.
For further information please refer to ExCo Paper 54/20 Covid-19: Exemption for Health Service Charging
KEMH would like to invite civilians who reside in Stanley and have had cause to travel between Stanley and Mount Pleasant Complex within the last 14 days, to call the hospital to arrange for a surveillance COVID-19 swab to be taken.
Please call the KEMH reception on 28000 to make an appointment for your swab to be taken.
BFSAI have stringent restrictions in place and are working hard to reduce movement from MPC to Stanley; this is in order to limit travel to that which is essential only.
FIG has explored options including the introduction of a process so that essential travel is specifically authorised, this will support efforts already in place by BFSAI.
From today we have introduced a registration scheme under which all journeys will need to be approved.
The scheme is intended to reduce travel between the two population centres and thereby minimise the risk of COVID19 across the Falklands.
Monitoring will continue over the coming days and weeks. Please only travel between the two locations if absolutely necessary; we ask the public for their support in this.
Anyone travelling from MPC must have written authorisation with them.
People travelling in from Camp may get stopped, in which case they will be offered advice on social distancing.
Persons who use the MPA road for reasons, such as travel to and around Camp, do not need to register.
In relation to the registration process itself enquiries should be addressed to your employer in the first instance or pa.desis@sec.gov.fk
You can also access the form on the fig.gov.fk/covid-19 web page
Please remember that people should only be in the company of people from their own household. Anything else is not appropriate.
Social distancing is very tangible and effective way to protect all our community from COVID-19. If you play your part, you protect yourself, and everyone else.
The Registration Officer would like to remind the public that the final date to return the Electoral Form V (Request for Information from Householder), is Wednesday 15 April 2020.
Failure to return the form may result in your name being removed from the Register of Electors.
In line with the current social distancing measures if you are unable to complete and return your form please contact the Registration Officer on 27271 or email registrargeneral@townhall.gov.fk as confirmation of your details by phone or email are being accepted for this year’s Canvass.
There are many sources of help, support or advice that you can reach out to during these uncertain times.
If you have any concerns or queries regarding financial matters, welfare or safeguarding concerns for yourself, your family or someone you know, please contact Social Services on 27296.
They operate a 24 hour service and an after-office hours you can call on 28100.
Issues can also be raised by contacting KEMH and its CPN Service (see below under YOUR WELLBEING).
You can also call the Early Help Service for advice or support on 52281 or earlyhelp@sec.gov.fk
Alternatively, you can also contact the Community Volunteers for additional support and a listening ear at volunteers@sec.gov.fk or on 22829
It is understandable if you are worried about your safety and that of your loved ones during the COVID-19 pandemic. It is natural that we want to know exactly what is going on, but the current level of uncertainty and lack of control can make us feel unsafe and anxious.
Local support is available as a 7-day service from the emotional wellbeing team at KEMH on 28082.
You may also find the following contacts helpful:
Samaritans (UK based charity): 51515 or email jo@samaritans.org
NSPCC: 28888
Citizens Advice Bureau: 55355
Advice around the Falkland Islands Government’s COVID-19 response can change. Please watch out for further statements from the Government in local media and through the FIG and Community Facebook pages, the web pagefig.gov.fk/covid-19 and other channels.
COVID-19 Public Update - 9 April 2020
Our next daily update will be on Monday 13 April
The results of the next set of test swabs taken in the Falkland Islands should be known early next week.
The samples will be sent on the next northbound Airbridge, scheduled to leave on Sunday and then transferred to a laboratory for processing.
There remain five confirmed COVID-19 cases, all individuals currently serving at Mount Pleasant Complex.
One of these individuals continues to receive care at KEMH while a second was discharged from the hospital earlier this week.
The other three individuals are in isolation at the Base as part of the ongoing MPC arrangements for dealing with possible cases.
137 samples in total have been tested so far in the UK. 131 have been tested as negative. The remaining six swabs were from the five individuals who have now tested positive for COVID-19.
BFSAI and RFIP have worked together over the last 24 hours to understand journeys between MPC and Stanley.
Monitoring will continue over the coming days and weeks.
Please only travel between the two locations if absolutely necessary; we ask the public for their support in this.
FIG is also currently exploring the introduction of a process so that essential travellers are specifically authorised, this will support efforts already in place by BFSAI. Further details will come forward in due course.
The Airbridge is scheduled to arrive Friday 10 April - all arriving passengers will be quarantined in accordance with existing BFSAI arrangements. No arriving personnel will be accommodated at Hillside.
Meanwhile the FIRS is scheduled to arrive on Sunday 12 April.
BFSAI and FIG have jointly agreed that no vehicles will be permitted to be examined by the Biosecurity Team for a minimum of 72 hours after they are offloaded in line with guidance; this is to afford protection to all involved.
This means that no vehicles are to be collected until all relevant inspections have been undertaken and the vehicle has been officially released.
The Biosecurity Team thank for your understanding and patience. The FIG Veterinary Service has also reviewed arrangements so that all animal movements are managed as safely as possible, affording staff with appropriate protection.
The Chief Executive, Barry Rowland has outlined how the Falkland Islands Government will be proceeding in response to COVID-19 in coming days. This is a summary of his comments:
On 20 March 2020 we took action under our infectious diseases plan. We did this because we were not able to test for COVID-19 on the Falkland Islands, air links with the UK were disrupted, and a number of individuals had been identified with symptoms consistent with COVID-19. In the face of potential small clusters of cases emerging in Stanley we took steps to protect the community.
On 26 March 2020, we took further action. At that time, we had still not received test results from the UK. We had clusters of individuals presenting with symptoms consistent with COVID-19. As a result, we took the decision to close schools and nurseries, and to ask people to reduce all non-essential activities. This was the right thing to do.
Since then we have received test results for all of those in the apparent clusters. All were negative for COVID-19.
At this stage in accordance with our infectious diseases plan, we were therefore considering easing some but not all restrictions, so that some could get back to work, until such time as the circumstances changed again. Since then we have had the news of five positive tests for COVID-19, all involving those serving at Mount Pleasant Complex. We also received a further tranche of negative test results. In total, to date 131 individuals have tested negative for COVID-19. At this time it is right to carefully reflect on these results and any connection between them before deciding what further action to take.
Our key objective is to protect lives. In the face of this global pandemic, the primary focus is to manage the immediate health risks. However, we must do this in a way which is proportionate to the circumstances in which we find ourselves, and we must also have regard to the need to keep the economy of the Islands going, to ensure that work can continue, where it is safe to do so.
It remains the case that no positive cases have been identified in Stanley. Our hospital has received key supplies of medicines equipment, and skilled staff, and is better-placed to respond. We still do not have testing capability on the Islands, but with more regular air links re-established, the delay in test results has been minimised.
It is important that we learn from good practice from around the world, but it is equally important that we adapt and apply that good practice to the circumstances as they are now in the Falkland Islands. We should continue to practice social distancing, so far as we can and follow the wider public health advice.
At this stage and after careful thought we feel that the existing restrictions should remain in place at least until we have further information from results expected early next week. This will allow time to see how the circumstances at MPC develop, and whether any cases develop in Stanley. I can assure you that we will keep under constant review whether the current restrictions should all remain in place.
On 2 April the government launched the Private Sector and Self-Employment Support Scheme in part as a response to the Public Update that we provided on 26 March in which we advised all non-essential workers to stay home.
We realise that the 14-day period of payroll support for non-essential workers as allowed for in the Support Scheme is now expiring.
We will be making an announcement on Monday morning to address this issue.
The Falkland Islands Government recently carried out a business survey in conjunction with the Chamber of Commerce that resulted in 283 responses.
Top Concerns Identified
- 84% of businesses reported they have already experienced a negative and direct impact on their businesses
· Key impacted areas across all businesses are operations, customer demand, business finances and liquidity
· Employee availability was a key concern for businesses and organizations
· Sectors experiencing the greatest impact include the hospitality sector and social and community functions like daycare
Measures so far
We have introduced a Private Sector Employee and Self- Employed Support Scheme that provided certain types of support for a period of fourteen days for those required to isolate because of hospital advice or upon the general advice of government to stay home due to not being classified as being in an essential occupation. It also provides assistance for a period of up to three months for those classified by KEMH as vulnerable.
Measures under consideration
A second broader set of measures is now under consideration that will address other issues being faced by businesses and households.
Business Issues
Some examples of the types of issues being faced by businesses include:
· Retention of labour – How do I retain my staff for extended periods of time if the economic effects of the pandemic persist?
· Liquidity – Will I have enough cash to cover my fixed costs or to keep operating when my sales are critically affected?
· How can my business survive for the period of time that the Pandemic will be affecting sales?
Household Issues
Households have similar issues to businesses in many ways:
Falkland Island residents will be asking how they will be able to pay the household bills - costs like food, utilities, mortgages, rents - if they have been laid off or if they have been instructed to stay home for an extended period of time and cannot earn a wage.
What are we doing next?
- We have considered the feedback from the business survey.
· We have looked at what other countries are doing to help businesses and households.
· We are analysing what measures would be best suited to solving the problems identified through our consultations and research.
· We anticipate being in a position in the near future where we can announce decisions.
The Government this week strengthened guidance around Self-Isolation for those who have arrived on Airbridge flights in recent weeks.
This group is described as being in Quarantine. This is self-isolation for the protection of others.
So if you are in this group, it’s important that you update yourself with the advice below.
If you have recently arrived in the islands you must self-isolate for 14 days just in case you have Covid-19 and don’t realise it. Some people who have Covid-19 don’t feel ill but we don’t want to take the risk that you could infect others around you.
In practical terms this means that you should not be leaving your house for any reason. You should be asking other people to do your shopping etc and leaving this on the porch for you.
If you live with other people then you need to be able to live separately from the others in the same house.
This means –
- Being able to have a separate bedroom and bathroom
• Always being able to be 2 metres apart from other people if you are in the same room
• Cleaning all surfaces after you have touched them
If you can’t do this then you either need to quarantine yourself somewhere else or the entire household must quarantine together. If you want more help with this please contact KEMH on 28000.
The inbound flight TOW2232 is scheduled to arrive at MPC on Friday 10 April at 2030 hrs local.
The Northbound flight TOW2233 is scheduled to leave MPC on Sunday 12 April at 0130hrs local.
ETA - RAF Brize Norton: Monday 13 April at 0055 hrs (UK local).
Enhanced Social distancing is enforced.
Only report to the Air Terminal if you have been informed that you are travelling on this rotation.
Due to limited payload, passengers will not be able to take excess baggage over their entitlement on their booking.
Please check the BFSAI Facebook page for any updates.
It is understandable if you are worried about your safety and that of your loved ones during the COVID-19 pandemic. It is natural that we want to know exactly what is going on, but the current level of uncertainty and lack of control can make us feel unsafe and anxious.
Here are some tips to reduce this:
• Avoid excessive exposure to news and social media - Seek information updates at specific times of day, once or twice a day, from reputable sources.
• Limit the time you spend talking about the virus, and ask people to respect your decision not to discuss it.
• Reassure children that it’s going to be okay. Let them talk about their worries, but limit their exposure to news, social media and adult conversations.
• Control the things you can control – wash your hands, avoid touching your face and follow social distancing guidelines. Check on your friends and neighbours (especially more vulnerable people) and offer to help out where you can.
• Look after yourself! Do things that make you feel relaxed and safe.
• Stay in touch with friends and family via phone and social media.
Local support is also available as a 7-day service from the emotional wellbeing team at KEMH on 28082.
You may also find the following contacts helpful:
Samaritans (UK based charity): 51515 or email jo@samaritans.org
NSPCC: 28888
Citizens Advice Bureau: 55355
Falkland Island Community Volunteers: volunteers@sec.gov.fk or 22829
To celebrate the birthday of Her Majesty the Queen on Tuesday 21 April 2020, 10.30am, the Falkland Islands and Royal Standard flags will be raise on Victory Green.
This will include a 21 Gun Salute. Due to COVID-19 and the requirement to social distance, the normal parade will not be held and the public are encouraged not to attend the event. The flags will be raised by the Falkland Islands Defence Force in the presence of His Excellency the Governor and MLA Stacy Bragger on behalf of the Legislative Assembly.
Advice around the Falkland Islands Government’s COVID-19 response can change. Please watch out for further statements from the Government in local media and through the FIG and Community Facebook pages, the web pagefig.gov.fk/covid-19 and other channels
COVID-19 Public Update - 8 April 2020
There is no change today in the status of COVID-19 cases in the Falkland Islands.
As of yesterday, there were five confirmed cases, all individuals currently serving at Mount Pleasant Complex,
One of these individuals continues to receive care at KEMH while a second has now been discharged from the hospital.
The other three individuals are in isolation at the Base as part of the ongoing MPC arrangements for dealing with possible cases.
137 samples in total have been tested so far in the UK. 131 have been tested as negative. The remaining six swabs were from the five individuals who have now tested positive for COVID-19.
KEMH continues to take test swabs and these will be sent to the UK on the next northbound Airbridge flight.
As has already been reported BFSAI have stringent restrictions in place and are working hard to reduce movement from MPC to Stanley; this is in order to limit travel to that which is essential only.
BFSAI and RFIP are working collaboratively with stop checks to identify the reasons for journeys to understand if they are essential or not. Reducing movement between the two locations is an important measure.
Both communities have a vital part to play. Please think about why you are travelling and if it is essential.
This reduction in travel between the two locations is in place for good reason, please do not ignore this advice.
FIG and BFSAI are also jointly reviewing business practice to identify if changes can be made to conduct activity in a different way to further reduce the need for travel.
Ask yourself before you undertake any journey do you really need to travel and please work with us at this difficult time.
Executive Council has approved measures to restrict non-essential visitors to the Falkland Islands, in order to help delay the spread of the COVID-19 virus here.
This measure will seek to protect the local community and reduce demand on the King Edward VII Memorial Hospital.
This means that visitor permits will not be granted.
This does not affect returning residents - individuals holding Falkland Islands status, PRP, work permit holders, and resident permit holders. Nor does it affect BFSAI personnel and MoD contractors.
Only by exception may persons outside of the above categories be permitted entry; this is on a case by case basis for a specific reason and only if approved by the Principal Immigration Officer.
The number of confirmed cases around the world has risen sharply in recent weeks. The World Health Organization acknowledges measures that restrict the movement of people may prove temporarily useful in places with few international connections and limited medical capacity.
They are advised to be short in duration and proportionate to the risk to public health.
This measure will ensure that residents and key workers can continue to come to the Islands whilst minimising any unnecessary travel.
Separate measures are already in place around the management of arriving travellers, to ensure that they isolate from the community for an appropriate period on arrival.
Due to the current suspension of the LATAM services from Chile and Brazil the implications of these changes currently fall mainly on the South Atlantic Airbridge connection which is still operational.
Travellers that fall outside of the categories listed above will not be permitted to travel on this service unless this is approved in writing by the Principal Immigration Officer in advance.
These restrictions apply to all travellers who require a visitor permit regardless of how they wish to travel to the Falklands, whether by air or sea.
Around the world, international restrictions on visitors have been applied, and so this proposed move is both proportionate and in-step with the response of other nations.
Executive Council will review these measures no later than 31 May 2020 in order to determine whether they remain appropriate.
• If you have any questions please email the Customs & Immigration Service at immigrationofficer@customs.gov.fk or telephone +500 27340.
• Please note that the office is closed to the public at this time and queries will only be dealt with over the phone or by email.
The Government yesterday strengthened guidance around Self-Isolation for those who have arrived on Airbridge flights.
This group is described as being in Quarantine. This is self-isolation for the protection of others.
So if you are in this group, it’s important that you update yourself with the advice below.
If you have recently arrived in the islands you must self-isolate for 14 days just in case you have Covid-19 and don’t realise it. Some people who have Covid-19 don’t feel ill but we don’t want to take the risk that you could infect others around you.
In practical terms this means that you should not be leaving your house for any reason. You should be asking other people to do your shopping etc and leaving this on the porch for you.
If you live with other people then you need to be able to live separately from the others in the same house.
This means –
- Being able to have a separate bedroom and bathroom
• Always being able to be 2 metres apart from other people if you are in the same room
• Cleaning all surfaces after you have touched them
If you can’t do this then you either need to quarantine yourself somewhere else or the entire household must quarantine together. If you want more help with this please contact KEMH on 28000.
The Falkland Islands Government continues to assist British Antarctic Survey (BAS) around repatriating staff now that their summer season has concluded.
39 out of the 150 staff have so far been repatriated through the Falkland Islands and onto the UK. This will continue over the next month and a half.
To reassure the community, there have been no COVID-19 cases in Antarctica and staff are coming from an effectively quarantined area.
BAS is ensuring there will be no impact on the community and around 90 staff are or will be staying on the cruise ship, Hebridean Sky, currently in Falkland Island waters, before they return to the UK in early May.
You can help our supermarkets and stores keep up the great service they are providing during the COVID-19 response.
The West Store is reminding it has in place a two-metre separation rule for shoppers and staff, so please respect this and if possible ONLY send one person to do the shop.
They also have a delivery service, which means you can order and have the goods delivered to your home.
Kelper Stores is also asking that people come singly to do their shopping. The stores also offer a delivery service or prepare your order for you to come and collect.
The Chandlery also have a delivery service but are noting some people are using the service for their daily shopping needs – it would be better if they plan for a weekly order to ease the mounting pressure on making deliveries.
As well, they would prefer people when possible to please use the store rather than home deliveries this will enable the Chandlery to offer an improved service to the High-risk people in isolation.
Advice around the Falkland Islands Government’s COVID-19 response can change. Please watch out for further statements from the Government in local media and through the FIG and Community Facebook pages, the web page https://www.fig.gov.fk/covid-19 and other channels.
COVID-19 Public Update - 7 April 2020
KEMH Update:
This morning a further 20 test results were received from the laboratory in the UK.
The latest test results show three further positive results for COVID-19 in the Falkland Islands.
That takes the total of positive results to five, all individuals are currently serving at Mount Pleasant Complex, and two of whom have been receiving care at KEMH.
The other three individuals are in isolation at the Base as part of the ongoing MPC arrangements for dealing with possible cases.
As of Saturday 4 April, 137 samples have been taken and tested in the UK. 131 have been tested as negative. The remaining six swabs were from the five individuals who have now tested positive for COVID-19.
The first person to test positive for COVID-19 and who was cared for at KEMH has recovered.
A second patient from MPC, admitted last week and who is now confirmed by the latest results to have had COVID-19, remains in the isolation section of the hospital receiving care.
The young girl who came down with a serious respiratory condition unrelated to COVID-19 was being cared for in the non-isolation part of the hospital and is much improved. She was discharged at lunchtime today 7 April.
KEMH is requesting that the public not use the walkway from St Marys Walk (North) down to the Secretariat (South) which is located at the East end of the hospital. The walkway goes through KEMH grounds and is used for hospital purposes.
Travel between Stanley and MPC
The Falkland Islands Government is continuing to work closely with BFSAI to manage movements between Stanley and Mount Pleasant Complex.
BFSAI have existing measures in place to restrict movement from MPC to Stanley.
FIG are working to support BFSAI around these travel arrangements in an effort to minimise travel between the two locations and to ensure only essential journeys are undertaken.
In ensuring the integrity of journeys between MPC and Stanley, the RFIP will be carrying out selective checks on vehicles.
Anyone travelling from MPC must have written authorisation with them.
People travelling in from Camp may get stopped, in which case they will be offered advice on social distancing.
Guidance on Self-Isolation and Social distancing:
The Government is strengthening guidance around Self-Isolation and Social Distancing, to reflect that there are a number of distinct groups being asked to act responsibly and self-isolate for the good of the community.
Each group has different reasons for being in isolation, and the guidance is specific to each.
Here are the groups currently being advised, and guidance to them, along with Social Distance guidance for everyone. This guidance will later be available on the website fig.gov.fk/covid-19
1. Quarantine
If you have recently arrived in the islands you must self-isolate for 14 days just in case you have Covid-19 and don’t realise it. Some people who have Covid-19 don’t feel ill but we don’t want to take the risk that you could infect others around you.
So are self-isolating for the protection of others.
In practical terms this means that you should not be leaving your house for any reason You should be asking other people to do your shopping etc and leaving this on the porch for you.
If you live with other people then you need to be able to live separately from the others in the same house. This means
• Being able to have a separate bedroom and bathroom
• Always being able to be 2 metres apart from other people if you are in the same room
• Cleaning all surfaces after you have touched them
If you can’t do this then you either need to quarantine yourself somewhere else or the entire household must quarantine together. If you want more help with this please contact KEMH on 28000
2. High risk individuals
Due to a multitude of factors, such as age and underlying health conditions, you have been identified as being at high risk of developing complications if you were to contract Covid-19 and so have been asked to self-isolate for 12 weeks.
So you are asked to self-isolate for your own protection.
This means
• Stay at home – ask for help in getting groceries etc and get these left on the porch. Do not go to school, work or public areas.
• Separate yourself from other people in your home, particularly if they are not self isolating. Ideally be in a separate room with the windows open.
• If you have two bathrooms then use a different one. If not then you should use it last ideally and clean it afterwards if possible.
• Wash your hands regularly and thoroughly.
• Avoid sharing household items such as cups, glasses, towels, bedding etc.
• Do not have visitors in your home.
• You can go out for a walk in the fresh air if you stay 2m away from other people. Try not to share a car. If you do share a car then open the windows.
3. Symptomatic Individuals
Due to your symptoms we believe that you may have contracted Covid-19 and so you are asked to self-isolate for a minimum of 14 days, which must include at least 7 days symptom free. (You also need to contact KEMH to report your symptoms and get further advice re the need for a swab etc).
So you are asked to self-isolate for the protection of others.
This means that you should not be leaving your house for any reason, apart from brief exercise or a drive in your car, alone. You should be asking other people to do your shopping etc and leaving this on the porch for you.
If you live with other people then you need to maintain social distancing from them WITHIN the household. This means not sharing a bed and ideally not sharing a bathroom. If you do have to share a bathroom then you need to clean it regularly after each use. You should also be regularly wiping down common high touch surfaces such as light switches etc.
If it is impossible for you to socially distance within your household then you either need to quarantine yourself somewhere else or the entire household must self-isolate.
Advice to everyone regarding Social Distancing
Everyone is currently being advised to maintain good social distancing. This means not coming within 2 metres of other people who do not live with you.
Assuming that none of you have any symptoms (and are not on the moderate or high risk groups) then you do not currently need to maintain social distancing within your household although you should be taking sensible precautions such as regular hand washing and wiping down of common touch areas such as light switches and toilet flushes.
If you are returning from contact outside of your household, such as coming home from work, then you need to wash your hands and change your clothes (washing the work related clothes at a minimum of 60 degrees) on arriving home.
If you have children who regularly transfer between two households then this should be kept to a minimum but is still allowed.
If anyone in one of the households becomes symptomatic then the children should remain in whichever household they are currently in until the 14 days self-isolation period has ended.
- Advice around the Falkland Islands Government’s COVID-19 response can change. Please watch out for further statements from the Government in local media and through the FIG and Community Facebook pages, the web pagefig.gov.fk/covid-19 and other channels.
Shopping the clever way:
Our supermarkets and other stores are doing a wonderful job providing services for the community, but there are ways you can assist them in keeping up the great work.
The West Store has noted over the weekend that family groups have started coming in together to shop. The store has in place a two-metre separation rule for shoppers and staff, so please respect this and if possible ONLY send one person to do the shop.
They also have a delivery service, which means you can order and have the goods delivered to your home.
The Chandlery limits shoppers to 20-maximum in store at one time, which they say is working well.
They also have a delivery service but are noting some people are using the service for their daily
shopping needs – it would be better if they plan for a weekly order to ease the mounting pressure on making deliveries.
Kelper Stores is also asking that people come singly to do their shopping. The stores also offer a delivery service or prepare your order for you to come and collect.
COVID-19 Public Update – 6 April 2020
KEMH Update:
There has been no change in the number of COVID-19 confirmed cases today, with further test results due from the UK expected late tomorrow.
Yesterday it was announced a second positive test result had been received for COVID-19, involving an individual at the Mount Pleasant Complex who has been resident there for some time.
More recently the individual has been in isolation there as part of the ongoing MPC arrangements for dealing with possible cases.
The young girl who came down with a serious respiratory condition unrelated to COVID-19 is being cared for in the non-isolation part of the hospital and is continuing to improve.
The Falkland Islands Government is working closely with BFSAI to manage movements between Stanley and Mount Pleasant Complex.
The first patient to test positive for COVID-19 is also from MPC and has been in the isolation section at King Edward Memorial Hospital receiving care. Their condition is improving.
A second patient under care in isolation at KEMH is improving. They were admitted last week from MPC. Their test result is due this week.
As of Saturday, 137 samples have been taken and we have received 116 results. 114 have been negative and 2 have been positive. 1 was not tested as it was from one of the patients that we already had a positive result for.
The remaining 20 samples have now arrived by Airbridge in the UK for laboratory testing.
Once we have received the results the Government will consider whether the existing restrictions need to continue. A statement on the status of the current restrictions will be announced on Wednesday by the Chief Executive.
New arrivals must self-isolate:
For the sake of our community, people who arrive back in the Falkland Islands must follow the strict guidance to self-isolate.
Those returning on the Airbridge must self-isolate for 14 days from their arrival.
That means staying AT HOME as stated in the guidance.
It is vital you follow the guidelines given to you when you arrive.
It's essential for our community that you do this and we thank those who are self-isolating.
Please also note that any household where an arriving person or persons is staying must ensure that the new arrival self-isolates for 14 days. If the new arrival is not able to isolate from other members of the household, the whole household MUST self-isolate for 14 days.
For further guidance on how to self-isolate, go to the 'Information You Can Use' section of the fig.gov.fk/covid-19 web page and see the self-isolation advice sheet. I
The Education Department has been liaising closely with parents of returning students around the self-isolation requirements and will continuing contact with families should they have issues, such as accommodation, that need support. The Department can be reached on 27289.
- Advice around the Falkland Islands Government’s COVID-19 response can change. Please watch out for further statements from the Government in local media and through the FIG and Community Facebook pages, the web page fig.gov.fk/covid-19 and other channels.
Port contract signed:
The Falkland Islands Government is pleased to announce that it has completed and signed a contract with BAM Nuttall for the design and build of a new port in Stanley Harbour.
It follows the announcement in February 2020 that BAM Nuttall had been selected as development partner after an extensive global procurement process.
Development and Commercial Services portfolio holder, MLA Dr Barry Elsby, welcomed the contract signing.
“Whilst COVID-19 may be dominating our thoughts at this time, we will be ready to start work with BAM Nuttall on the first steps towards delivering this vital national infrastructure once the restrictions related to CÖVID-19 are lifted. The absolute need for a new port to support our fishing and other industries remains.”
Due to the current circumstances, stakeholder engagement with key industry sectors will not begin immediately. The situation will be kept under review, with a view to starting as soon as practicable.
Martin Bellamy, BAM Nuttall’s Managing Director, said: "BAM is proud to be working with the Falkland Islands Government to develop a new port that will support the local economy and facilitate for future forecasted economic growth. We look forward to initially engaging with the key stakeholders and working with Falkland Islanders to develop such a critical piece of infrastructure.”
The new facility will be in the vicinity of the current port in Stanley Harbour, offering new facilities that will benefit key users in the fishing, tourism and shipping sectors, as well as many other parts of the economy.
It is highly important that COVID-19 advice is followed.
This is especially so for anyone in the community who is advised to self-isolate. This is a very tangible and effective way you can play your part and keep yourself and our community safe.
Our guidance on social distancing is also very important to follow. It helps reduce the chance of COVID-19 being passed from person to person. There are information sheets available on fig.gov.fk/covid-19 and watch out for our Facebook handy messages.
KEMH has put into effect its well-developed plans for handling COVID-19 cases.
Patients requiring emergency treatment of any sort including respiratory, and cold like symptoms are asked to contact the hospital on 28000 and discuss their condition with a member of the clinical staff who will then advise.
If you have been asked by the Hospital to self-isolate because you have cold/flu symptoms AND you have developed a fever (a high temperature), your whole household – all those living with you, must self-isolate for 14 days
Those in the community identified as vulnerable by KEMH staff have since Wednesday, 25 March, been advised to be in isolation for up to 12 weeks.
Routine GP and Dental appointments have been suspended. Those affected will be contacted by KEMH.
The Pharmacy is able to take prescription requests. But please do NOT come to the Pharmacy solely for the purpose of ordering a prescription, nor if you have COVID-19 like symptoms. Please either e-mail pharmacyoffice@kemh.gov.fk or call 28011 to leave a message on the answerphone.
The FIGO office in London advise that until further notice, there will be a new fortnightly rotation for civilian passenger Southbound flights.
The rotation pattern is as follows:
SAA1:Southbound civilian (April 3, completed)
SAA2: Freight (7 April)
SAA3: BFSAI passengers (10 April)
SAA4: Freight (14 April)
Therefore, the next Southbound civilian passenger flight will be 17 April. Northbound civilian passengers can be booked on each Northbound flight as normal, but please note that numbers will be restricted and journeys should only be made if they are essential.
We are currently advising everyone to reduce all non-essential activities until further notice; everyone should stay at home where they can, and work from home where possible.
Essential activities, at this stage, include critical and key work, where this cannot be done from home.
Essential work categories are available on our fig.gov.fk/covid-19 website under the 26 March update.
If you are unclear about where your function or activities sit please contact the Secretariat on 28450.
The Education Department is providing childcare for the children of essential key workers to enable them to go to work. Parents in this category have been contacted directly.
If you think you have been missed, please call 27294. If you have not been contacted, please do not try to bring your child to school.
Schools and playgrounds remain closed.
Applications can now be made for the Falkland Islands Government’s support package that was announced on 25 March 2020 for private sector employers with employees, as well as the self-employed who have been affected by the COVID-19 pandemic.
The Government is doing this to reinforce and support the strong public health action which the Falkland Islands Government is taking to protect the population and minimise the social and economic impact of this challenging issue.
How to apply --
Application forms along with other guidance are available through:
Falkland Islands Government -
Falkland Islands Development Corporation
If you need assistance filling out the forms, contact Sian Davies, Business Development Officer, at FIDC telephone 51211.
The Falkland Islands Government are looking for members of the public to join the Community Volunteers to help those who are currently self-isolating. Vicky Collier is the Volunteer Coordinator.
Community Volunteers will assist in a range of duties:
- Delivering goods
- Running errands for those in isolation (shopping, banking, post etc.)
- Schedule and make telephone calls
- Schedule and make video calls
- To run a puzzle swap/bank
- To run a board games swap/bank
- To give free advice on technology over the phone
If you are interested in being a volunteer, email volunteers@sec.gov.fk with your name and the following information:
- Contact details
- What would you like to volunteer for
- Any particular skills you can offer
- If you are happy for your contact details to be shared
If you are in self-isolation or know someone who is that may need support contact Vicky on volunteers@sec.gov.fk or 27451.
While the Falkland Islands Government Office in London is closed all staff are working from home to help all Islanders in the UK, Falkland Islands organisations, FIG, and anyone traveling to and from the Islands. Please do not hesitate to contact them:
For Airbridge – Please contact our Travel Co-Ordinator Teryn Joshua on either 07984 096 726 or travel@falklands.gov.fk.
For Medical – Please contact our Medical Co-Ordinator Gemma Clayphan on either 07903 379 006 or reception@falklands.gov.fk.
For Students – Please contact the Deputy Representative Michael Betts on deputyrep@falklands.gov.fk.
For all other queries regarding COVID-19 or any other issues, we can be reached via 020 7222 2542 (message will provide a range of contact information) or reception@falklands.gov.fk
Executive Council is meeting regularly to consider response and make other policy related to the COVID-19 response. MLAs are also meeting regularly to consider COVID19 related matters.
Regular portfolio and other meetings are postponed until mid-April 2020.
What to do if you feel unwell and are worried you might have COVID-19.
If you have flu-like symptoms, phone the Hospital on 28000. Staff will provide advice. DO NOT come to KEMH directly.
The symptoms of COVID-19 are:
- a cough
- a high temperature
- sore throat
- shortness of breath
- aches and pains in muscles and joints
But these symptoms do not necessarily mean you have the illness. The symptoms are similar to other illnesses that are much more common, such as cold and flu.
Please remember the importance of good public health hygiene measures:
- Always cough and sneeze into a tissue and dispose of the tissue safely in a bin and wash your hands afterwards. If you do not have a tissue, sneeze and cough into the crook of your elbow.
- If you are unwell with any infectious illness, please act responsibly and stay away from people and crowds and isolate yourself as much as possible.
- Avoid close contact with people who appear unwell and avoid sharing personal items.
- Wash your hands regularly with soap and water for 20 seconds or use a disinfectant, especially after coughing and sneezing, and always before handling and consuming food and after using the toilet.
COVID-19 Public Update – 5 April 2020
Second COVID-19 case
"Following the receipt of test results from the UK on Friday 3 April which confirmed a case of COVID-19 who was a patient in isolation at the King Edward VII Memorial Hospital in Stanley, further test results were received on Saturday 4 April which identified a second positive case.
This individual is at the Mount Pleasant Complex and has been resident there for some time. More recently the individual has been in isolation there as part of the ongoing arrangements for dealing with possible cases.
The Chief Medical Officer Dr Rebecca Edwards has liaised with officials at BFSAI to ensure all necessary isolation precautions remain in place. The confirmed case in the hospital who is not on a ventilator remains in isolation and is in a stable condition.
Dr Edwards stated that there is no requirement to change existing guidance to the public, and advised that the published advice on hand washing, self-isolation and social distancing should continue to be adhered to and she thanked members of the public for their cooperation"
As of yesterday, 137 samples have been taken and we have received 116 results. 114 have been negative and 2 have been positive. 1 was not tested as it was from one of the patients that we already had a positive result for. The remaining 20 are in transit to the UK on the South Atlantic Airbridge.
COVID-19 Public Update – 3 April 2020
First case of COVID-19 announced:
87 negative results have been received from the UK but unfortunately today, we have received one positive test.
An inpatient in the hospital who is in isolation has tested positive for the COVID-19 virus.
The patient was admitted from the Mount Pleasant Complex on 31 March as they became unwell and medical staff observed a range of COVID-19 like symptoms.
They have been cared for with all necessary isolation precautions and continues to be so.
The patient, who is not on a ventilator, is in a stable condition and being carefully looked after by the hospital staff.
Chief Medical Officer Dr Rebecca Edwards said: "We knew the day would come when we would have our first confirmed case, and in some respects we are fortunate that we have been COVID-19 free until now, as we have taken this time to plan our approach within the hospital and also from a wider perspective.”
“We have reorganised the hospital and staffing arrangements, and put our supplies and pharmaceuticals in place, which many countries were not in a position to do before they identified their first cases.”
“Members of the public will be concerned about this development; however, the KEMH has been undertaking strict isolation procedures for patients with infection to ensure that any risk of cross infection, from patients to staff, or patient to patient is negligible. We are working with BFSAI on tracing people who may have come into contact with the individual; this is an effective way to identify people who may have been in contact, so suitable next steps can be taken.”
Dr Edwards thanked members of the community for how well they had responded to the Government’s wider COVID-19 response.
“I ask that they continue with existing arrangements for working from home, if you have been advised to do so, self-isolation when advised to do so by KEMH staff and carry on with regular hand washing and social distancing.in line with all the guidance that has been continuously provided.”
Of another 129 samples taken to date, 87 negative results have been received from the UK along with one positive result.
Results for the 41 other samples are awaited.
Samples will continue to be taken and sent to the UK on the regular Airbridge flights.
Search for missing crew member:
A crew member has been reported overboard from the jigger Sky Max 101.
The incident was reported at 10 minutes past midnight this morning to South Korean authorities in the first instance. The vessel was operating approximately 122 nautical miles north of Stanley.
The FIG Department of Natural Resources was alerted at 10.20am. It has requested vessels nearby to assist with the search.
The Fishery Protection Vessel Protegat was immediately deployed to the area, with an ETA of midnight tonight.
Protegat will search for 24 to 48 hours.
New arrivals must self-isolate:
The Airbridge due to arrive this evening at MPA at 2120hrs is carrying a number of returning students and other passengers.
For ALL travellers arriving it is vitally important to isolate yourselves for 14 days.
This is essential for our community that you do this and we are grateful to those passengers who arrived in the islands on Friday 27 March, who have already been in isolation for one week.
Should passengers not isolate themselves for 14 days after arriving in the islands we would have to consider enforcing stricter regulations.
Please also note that any household where an arriving person or persons is staying must ensure that the new arrival self-isolates for 14 days. If the new arrival is not able to isolate from other members of the household, the whole household MUST self-isolate for 14 days.
Bus transport arrangements have been put in place by the Falkland Islands Government for ALL returning residents.
Those who have pre-arranged Approved Transport will travel with their original provider. All others will travel on additional Approved Transport and be brought from MPA to Stanley.
Family and friends should not travel to MPA to collect any passengers arriving on this flight unless you are travelling directly to Camp.
The Education Department has been contacting parents of any arriving students to discuss their arrangements. If you have not been contacted, please phone the department on 27289.
The Department has been liaising closely with parents around the self-isolation requirements and will continuing contact with families should they have issues, such as accommodation, that need support.
Airbridge Northbound:
British Forces South Atlantic Islands advises that the next Northbound flight TOW2233 is scheduled to leave MPA on Sunday 5 April 2020 at 0330hrs local.
Check-in times for TOW2233 are as follows:
4 Apr Phase 1: 1900 - 2000 hrs local
Phase 2: 2300 - 2359 hrs local
Board Through: 2300 - 2359 hrs local
ETA - RAF Brize Norton: Monday 6 Apr 20 at 0150 hrs (UK local).
Airbridge schedule in April:
The FIGO office in London is delighted to announce, that until further notice, there will be a new fortnightly rotation for civilian passenger Southbound flights. The rotation is as follows:
SAA1: FIG passengers (3 April)
SAA2: Freight (7 April)
SAA3: BFSAI paseengers (10 April)
SAA4: Freight (14 April)
Therefore, the next Southbound civilian passenger flight will be 17 April.
Northbound civilian passengers can be booked on each Northbound flight as normal, but please note that numbers will be restricted and journeys should only be made if they are essential.
LATAM flights update:
The Santiago flight route has been suspended until 2nd May, 2020.
The Sao Paolo flight route it is suspended until 23rd April, and the situation will be reviewed nearer the time as to a possible extension of that suspension.
Support Package applications open:
Applications can now be made for the Falkland Islands Government’s support package that was announced on 25 March 2020 for private sector employers with employees, as well as the self-employed who have been affected by the COVID-19 pandemic.
The Government is doing this to reinforce and support the strong public health action which the Falkland Islands Government is taking to protect the population and minimise the social and economic impact of this challenging issue.
How to apply --
Application forms along with other guidance are available through:
Falkland Islands Government -
Falkland Islands Development Corporation
If you need assistance filling out the forms, contact Sian Davies, Business Development Officer, at FIDC telephone 51211.
ndertaken by Mr Mike Gershon, who last visited the schools and carried out a review in March 2019.
The report is clear that both of the schools now offer a very good standard of education for their students. In the primary school the quality of educational provision remains excellent. The report highlights the rapid, positive progress that the secondary school has made in the last 12 months with by securing better teaching; raising aspirations for students and staff, and developing focused leadership and management at all levels.
On 3 April 2020 the Office of Qualifications and Examinations Regulation (Ofqual) published the details of how they intend to award GCSE grades. Their advice applies to the Science, Mathematics, Spanish, History, Food and Nutrition, Technology and Textiles courses taught at FICS. iGCSES (Geography, Music, PE and Computing) and the Health and Social Care are being dealt with separately, and the Education Department expect to receive guidance on this process in due course.
Over the next couple of months, FICS staff will be determining and submitting a teacher assessed grade for each of the subjects that our students were due to complete this year. This will involve looking at all that we know about our students in order to reach a fair and very carefully considered judgement. The objective professional judgement will involve a thorough scrutiny of the full range of evidence we have, which has been gathered over the two years of a course. For any students with access arrangements, these will be taken into consideration as part of the process. Teachers will not do this is isolation and the process will be moderated at each stage.
Once the grades have been submitted to the awarding bodies, they will undergo a process of statistical moderation to ensure that awarding is consistent across all centres. The current intention is that examination boards will issue final results slightly earlier in the year than is usual, but there is no final date for this at present.
Join our Volunteers:
Nearly 40 people have signed up for the Community Volunteers programme. The Co-ordinator is Vicky Collier. If you want to help, are in self-isolation or know someone who is that may need support contact Vicky on volunteers@sec.gov.fk or 27451.
You can see further details of how to help lower down in this Update.
- Advice around the Falkland Islands Government’s COVID-19 response can change. Please watch out for further statements from the Government in local media and through the FIG and Community Facebook pages, the web page fig.gov.fk/covid-19 and other channels.
COVID-19 Public Update – 2 April 2020
KEMH update:
The Falkland Islands continues to have no confirmed COVID-19 tests.
124 samples have been taken to date, and results received so far for 86 of these from the UK. They are all negative for COVID-19.
Samples will continue to be taken and sent to the UK on the regular Airbridge flights.
A young girl who had required ventilator support is recovering. She is no longer on a ventilator but continues to receive care in the hospital. Her test was negative for COVID-19, and showed that she had a serious but different viral respiratory condition.
She is no longer in the isolation section of the hospital.
There are two patients currently at KEMH who were earlier transferred from MPA for care and observation.
Neither are receiving ventilation care but are in the isolation section of the hospital as a precaution.
Samples have been taken from both patients for UK testing.
Application process being outlined:
The Falkland Islands Government is today releasing details of how people can apply for
the Falkland Islands Government’s initial support package for private sector employees, private sector employers and the self-employed affected by the COVID-19 pandemic.
We are doing this to reinforce and support the public health action which the Falkland Islands Government is taking to protect the population and minimise social and economic impact of this challenging issue.
The measures are part of a wider package of support for the Falklands Islands community and economy.
On Friday 3 April 2020 the Director of Policy and Economic Development, Andrew Gaule will provide a radio update on the Governments recently announced support package for the private sector employees and the self-employed.
Supplies to the island:
MV Scout voyage 429 is in and unloading at FIPASS.
Cargo for the next Scout voyage 431 is already en route south to Uruguay, with the voyage due to arrive in Stanley in late April as per the published schedule.
SAAS have also advised that customer cargo is already booked for the following voyage 433 (arriving Stanley in late May) and voyage 435 (arriving Stanley in late June).
There are no anticipated difficulties at present with any part of the sea freight logistics that feed the scheduled Scout service.
Although some items are currently unavailable locally due to unusual purchasing patterns, the majority of stock is at normal levels, which for most major suppliers is sufficient to fulfil 1 to 3 months expected sales.
FIG will continue to work closely with the business sector and our logistics partners to ensure our supply links remain strong.
Concordia Bay:
Workboat Services Ltd's prime aim is to maintain the critical supply line to outer islands and West Falkland; in order to achieve this, it is vital to protect the crew of the Concordia Bay from illness.
With that aim, the schedule for April has been cancelled and a new schedule to resupply West Falkland and the Islands has been released.
These delivery voyages are for vital supplies, e.g. food, fuel, general consumables after which vehicles, building materials and other general cargo will be accommodated if there is capacity.
However if you have a specified urgent requirement please contact Workboat Services and they will try to assist if possible. It is vital to enable efficient use of the Concordia Bay that users of the Concordia Bay contact Workboat Services well in advance. Their email is admin@workboat.co.fk
The SE Islands delivery for all SE islands, Fox Bay and Port Howard will now take place as follows
Cargo Receiving: 8 and 9 April
Deliveries: 13 – 19 April.
(Please note that cargo will be accepted for Port Howard on this voyage)
The next West Islands delivery for all the Western islands will take place as follows
Cargo receiving: 23 and 24 April
Deliveries: 27 April – 3 May.
Please note that these dates may well change as circumstances change.
Repatriation advisory:
People may have noticed that the UK Government has been arranging repatriation flights for stranded British Nationals (UK tourists and business travellers) unable to return because of disruption to air routes.
The Falkland Islands Government would like to clarify that these flights are not for repatriating British Nationals who are in effect ‘resident’ or working in the Falkland Islands.
As people are aware, the LATAM commercial air routes have ceased for a month, but the Military Airbridge flights are still operating, flying twice a week back to the UK.
Anyone, from any country who is currently in the Islands who needs to discuss their personal situation further should talk to their employer either in the private sector, or if employed by Government, contact their manager.
The Government recognises this is a stressful time for all, particularly those with family in other countries.
Airbridge advisory from British Forces South Atlantic Islands:
The inbound flight TOW2232 is scheduled to arrive at MPC on Friday 3 April at 2120 hrs local.
The Northbound flight TOW2233 is scheduled to leave MPC on Sunday 5 Apr 20 at 0330hrs local.
Check-in times for TOW2233 are as follows:
4 Apr Phase 1: 1900 - 2000 hrs local
Phase 2: 2300 - 2359 hrs local
Board Through: 2300 - 2359 hrs local
ETA - RAF Brize Norton: Monday 6 Apr 20 at 0150 hrs (UK local).
Enhanced Social distancing is enforced. Only report to the Air Terminal if you have been informed that you are travelling on this rotation. Due to limited payload, passengers will not be able to take excess baggage over their entitlement on their booking.
FIGO update:
On the advice of the UK Prime Minister, the Falkland Islands Government Office in London is closed and all staff are working from home. Despite this we are working as normal and remain available to help all Islanders in the UK, Falkland Islands organisations, FIG, and anyone traveling to and from the Islands. Please do not hesitate to contact them, they are there to help.
If as a result of COVID-19 you are in need of additional help, whether that be financially or with practical things like shopping, please do not hesitate to contact us and we will do our best to help in any way we can, whether that is putting you in contact with help locally or signposting you to another source of help.
Points of Contact
Airbridge – Please contact our Travel Co-Ordinator Teryn Joshua on either 07984 096 726 or travel@falklands.gov.fk.
Medical – Please contact our Medical Co-Ordinator Gemma Clayphan on either 07903 379 006 or reception@falklands.gov.fk.
Students – Please contact the Deputy Representative Michael Betts on deputyrep@falklands.gov.fk.
For all other queries regarding COVID-19 or any other issues, we can be reached via 020 7222 2542 (message will provide a range of contact information due to office being forced to close until further notice) or reception@falklands.gov.fk.
- Advice around the Falkland Islands Government’s COVID-19 response can change. Please watch out for further statements from the Government in local media and through the FIG and Community Facebook pages, the web page fig.gov.fk/covid-19 and other channels.
It is highly important that COVID-19 advice is followed.
This is especially so for anyone in the community who is advised to self-isolate. This is a very tangible and effective way you can play your part and keep yourself and our community safe.
Our guidance on social distancing is also very important to follow. It helps reduce the chance of COVID-19 being passed from person to person. There are information sheets available on fig.gov.fk/covid-19 and watch out for our Facebook handy messages.
We are currently advising everyone to reduce all non-essential activities until further notice; everyone should stay at home where they can, and work from home where possible.
Essential activities, at this stage, include critical and key work, where this cannot be done from home.
Essential work categories are available on our fig.gov.fk/covid-19 website under the 26 March update.
If you are unclear about where your function or activities sit please contact the Secretariat on 28450.
COVID-19 Public Update – 1 April 2020
KEMH update:
Members of the public will be aware that we have had a young child as an inpatient in the hospital on a ventilator with Covid-19 type symptoms. We are pleased to report that we have now received test results back from the UK and she does not have Covid-19 which is welcome news.
She has been diagnosed with a different but serious viral respiratory infection for which she has been receiving treatment. We can report that as of this morning she has come off the ventilator and is breathing of her own accord which again is good news, although she remains seriously unwell.
Yesterday we received test results for 29 specimens sent to the UK – all of which were negative.
We await results on a further 30 specimens which we are hoping will be available later today.
Further specimens will be returning on the next Airbridge scheduled to leave for UK.
A patient was admitted with COVID-19 like respiratory problems from MPA yesterday following a chest x-ray and is being looked after as a precautionary measure in the isolation area of the hospital. The patient is not being ventilated. Specimens have been taken and will be sent back to the UK for testing.
KEMH can also confirm that a fisherman was flown out by medevac to Chile yesterday with a severe hand injury which requires highly specialist complex surgery.
Keeping our sea links strong:
The Falkland Islands Government can confirm that the normal shipping services supplying goods to the Falkland Islands remain in place and understands that major suppliers are expecting new stock to arrive in April as planned.
Further orders also expected to arrive on future scheduled shipping dates. Although some items are currently unavailable locally due to unusual purchasing patterns, the majority of stock is at normal levels, which for most major suppliers is sufficient to fulfil 1 to 3 months expected sales.
Local suppliers already operate at the end of a long supply chain and are experienced in forecasting demand and managing stock levels several months in advance.
FIG will continue to work closely with the business sector and our logistics partners to ensure our supply links remain strong.
Business support:
FIG recognizes that the current set of measures in relation to private sector workers and the self-employed are time limited and mostly targeted at providing income for those who are sick, quarantined or asked to stay home under certain circumstances.
FIG is currently working on a further package of measures to assist the private sector both generally and in terms of the effects on specific sectors.
We hope to be in a position to make an announcement within the next few days that will address general issues affecting the private sector with sector specific responses following at a later date.
Working with the Chamber of Commerce, FIG has now surveyed the business community about how the situation is affecting them, and this is proving useful in developing appropriate policy responses.
On Thursday the Government will set out and publish how claims to the Government for eligible wage costs can be submitted by businesses and the self-employed.
The next Airbridge is due to arrive in the islands on the evening of Friday 3 April and depart early hours of the morning on Sunday 5 April.
The Falkland Islands Government will continue to work with the MoD to ensure that key essential passengers including medical staff are able to still travel over this period.
Please see below under AIRBRIDGE for further longer-term information about future Airbridge operations.
Volunteers are signing up:
The new Community Volunteers programme is attracting strong support. Co-ordinator Vicky Collier says 26 people contacted the team on just its first day yesterday.
You can see further details of how to help lower down in this Update.
- Advice around the Falkland Islands Government’s COVID-19 response can change. Please watch out for further statements from the Government in local media and through the FIG and Community Facebook pages, the web page fig.gov.fk/covid-19 and other channels.
It is highly important that COVID-19 advice is followed.
This is especially so for anyone in the community who is advised to self-isolate. This is a very tangible and effective way you can play your part and keep yourself and our community safe.
Our guidance on social distancing is also very important to follow. It helps reduce the chance of COVID-19 being passed from person to person. There are information sheets available on fig.gov.fk/covid-19 and watch out for our Facebook handy messages.
We are currently advising everyone to reduce all non-essential activities until further notice; everyone should stay at home where they can, and work from home where possible.
Essential activities, at this stage, include critical and key work, where this cannot be done from home.
Essential work categories are available on our fig.gov.fk/covid-19 website under the 26 March update.
If you are unclear about where your function or activities sit please contact the Secretariat on 28450.
COVID-19 Public Update – 31 March 2020
KEMH capability:
King Edward Memorial Hospital is well positioned to provide care should there be COVID-19 cases requiring a serious level of care.
Director of Health and Social Services David O’Neill said the 29-bed hospital has been reconfigured to handle potential cases, while also preserving space for other patients.
A number of KEMH’s beds will be purposed for care of the more seriously ill. KEMH has plans to manage up to seven ventilated patients if the need arises. As well, the hospital has a number of other devices that assist breathing, but which are non-invasive.
In light of the worldwide Covid-19 situation, a range of enhancements have been put in place, including the recruitment of extra anaesthetic and surgical staff, and other medical staff. There are currently 10 senior medical staff to lead the care.
The hospital continues to augment its stocks of drugs and medical supplies through air arrivals, and test samples are being sent for processing in the United Kingdom.
In addition to KEMH’s pre-existing local capacity, the Ministry of Defence (MoD) has deployed a team of six staff to supplement and be embedded the FIG medical team and under the direction of the Chief Medical Officer.
Test results:
KEMH is awaiting further test results from the UK and these are expected by tomorrow. The hospital has so far received 28 test results back from the UK which are all negative for COVID-19.
The Chief Medical Officer, Dr Rebecca Edwards, said the results were good news, although test results are not 100 per cent accurate. That meant the government response would continue to be based on the assumption that it is still likely there is COVID-19 on the Islands.
Care continues for a child who remains in the King Edward Memorial Hospital in a critical but stable condition.
Airbridge Update:
With the resumption of South Atlantic Airbridge it is currently expected that the schedule will be two flights per week, with the focus on essential freight whilst both the MoD and FIG ensure that vital supplies are in place.
The Southbound flights will not be available for routine passenger transport for up to four weeks. There will, however, be an increased allowance of seating on the next Southbound flight for FIG passengers.
We will look to take advantage of this opportunity to get as many people south as we can. There will be no immediate restriction on the numbers of Northbound passengers.
The Falkland Islands Government will continue to work with the MoD to ensure that key essential passengers including medical staff are able to still travel over this period.
FIGO are in contact with all passengers and are working closely with FIG, BFSAI to provide advice. If you have an existing booking for April and May, you will be contacted shortly. Please wait to be contacted.
British Antarctic Survey:
With its research season coming to a close, British Antarctic Survey (BAS) will now be repatriating around 150 staff over the next two months through the Falkland Islands and onto the UK.
To reassure the community, there have been no COVID-19 cases in Antarctica and staff are coming from an effectively quarantined area. BAS is ensuring there will be no impact on the community and are in negotiations with the Cruise Ship, Hebridean Sky to accommodate their teams before they return to the UK.
The Falkland Islands Government are looking for members of the public to join the Community Volunteers. Volunteers will work with those in our community who are currently self-isolating. Read below for more details on how to help.
Advice around the Falkland Islands Government’s COVID-19 response can change. Please watch out for further statements from the Government in local media and through the FIG and Community Facebook pages, the web page fig.gov.fk/covid-19 and other channels.
New stage in Government COVID-19 response - 26 March 2020
The King Edward Memorial Hospital is currently dealing with a critically ill child, who is suspected to have COVID-19. Until this is confirmed by test, this remains a matter of clinical judgment.
As a result of this, the Falkland Islands Government is moving its response to the next stage, in accordance with our Infectious Disease Plan and other preparations. Our thoughts go out to the child, the child’s family and friends.
We still do not have any confirmed cases of COVID-19 in the Falkland Islands, until test results are received from the UK. We hope to be able to test within the Islands soon but cannot currently do so.
From tomorrow we are closing all schools until at least the start of the new term on 4 May 2020. We are also instructing all nurseries to close for the same period.
From Monday, the Education Department will be open to provide childcare for the children of essential key workers. The Education Department will be contacting parents directly who fall into this category. If you have not been contacted, please do not try to bring your child to school.
All children’s play parks will be closed until further notice.
If you have been asked by King Edward Memorial Hospital to self-isolate because you have cold/flu symptoms AND you have developed a fever (a high temperature), your whole household – all those living with you, must self-isolate for 14 days.
Anyone whose family member arrives by plane into the Falkland Islands must ensure that their family member self-isolates for 14 days. If they are not able to isolate from other members of the household, the whole household must self-isolate.
We are now advising everyone to reduce all non-essential activities until further notice; everyone should stay at home where they can, and work from home where possible.
Please follow our guidance on social distancing. Essential activities, at this stage, include critical and key work, where this cannot be done from home. Essential work categories are listed below.
These actions are ESSENTIAL to protect everyone, especially the most vulnerable, and ensure that the demand on the health service is limited.
The situation will be kept under constant review. It could change, and, when test results are known, we may step up, or scale back some restrictions. We hope to have the next set of test results back over the next few days.
Advice and guidance is available on our website, fig.gov.fk/covid-19 and from the King Edward Memorial Hospital.
Critical / Key Services:
Health and social care - including:
- Doctors, nurses, midwives, paramedics, social workers, care workers and any other frontline health and social care staff who need to remain at work
- Support and specialist staff required to maintain the sector
Key public services - including:
- Those essential to the running of the justice system
- Those responsible for the management of the deceased
- Media and broadcasters who are providing public service broadcasting and the Government Communications team
Government - administrative occupations essential to delivering:
- The response to coronavirus
- Key regulatory services
- Essential public services, including the payment of benefits, and key treasury functions
Food and other necessary goods - including:
Those involved in food production, processing, distribution, sale and delivery
Public safety and national security - including:
- Police and required support staff
- Fire and rescue service employees
- Those maintaining border security
- Prison and probation staff
Transport - including:
- Those who'll keep FIGAS and ferry passenger and freight and passenger transport supporting the response
- Shipping links including SAAS
- Port operators
Utilities, communication and financial services - including:
Staff needed for:
- Essential financial services provision
- Electricity and water sectors, including sewerage
- Fuel supply
- Information technology and data infrastructure sector
Key staff working in the following sectors:
- Telecommunications
- Emergency repair workers
- Accommodation providers
- Postal services
- Agricultural workers
Note. If you are unclear about where your function or activities sit please contact the Secretariat on 28450
Infectious Diseases Control Regulations - 24 March 2020
- The Infectious Diseases Control (Coronavirus) Regulations 2020 were published in the Gazette yesterday, 23 March, and came into force.
- The Regulations do not become operational until the Governor makes a declaration of a serious and imminent threat to public Health in the Falkland Islands. [The Governor has now made such a declaration concerning COVID-19; on the advice of the Chief Medical Officer.]
- The Regulations also require the Governor to make a declaration of what constitutes an “infected area” under the Regulations. [The Governor has now made such a declaration; concerning countries, territories and areas classified by the World Health Organisation as having local transmission of COVID-19].
- These declarations have an enabling effect only (they do not result in any automatic change). They allow the Regulations to be used by medical officers as a tool; if necessary and proportionate. The Regulations also contain powers of enforcement. However, it is emphasised that efforts will be made to achieve necessary public health protections on the basis of guidance and voluntary practice in the first instance.
The regulations can be viewed at:
Summary – Next stage in COVID-19 Response - 20 March 2020
The Falkland Islands Government has today (Friday, March 20) moved to the next stage of its response to the global COVID-19 situation.
While there are still no confirmed cases on the Islands, the Chief Medical Officer, Dr Rebecca Edwards, says it is now likely COVID-19 is present here.
Dr Edwards said that it would be ideal to confirm positive cases through laboratory testing.
“However, the time to get results back from the UK, compounded by air-link disruptions, means that we feel it is important to take a cautious approach, with steps that will maximise the effect of our actions.
“In light of this, and that we have a number of people already self-isolating at our instruction, together with small clusters of cases developing, we consider it likely that some of these cases may be COVID-19. It is prudent that we now act on this likelihood.”
“It is very important that none of us over-react. We need to follow sound health practices to keep ourselves safe. Our health services have been preparing for this stage and we are putting those steps into action.”
We are now asking everyone to take the following steps:
- Vulnerable people must prepare to self-isolate as soon as possible, and no later than the middle of next week, and for the foreseeable future until advised otherwise.
- Everyone needs to implement social distancing now, reducing any non-essential social contacts.
- Anyone now arriving in the Islands must self-isolate for 14 days.
- Think about your travel within the Islands – specifically, those living on West Falkland and outer Islands. People will need to make choices about where they wish to live during this difficult time. If you have issues regarding housing, FIG will work with you to help identify solutions.
We are asking you to do this, to protect the vulnerable and prevent them from becoming ill and to slow the spread of infection within the whole community.
During the next week and following weeks, we will be implementing further actions and advice. We will be updating the public as these are put into effect.
These will include:
- Restrictions on all non-essential travel both internationally and locally.
- Possible changes in attendance to schools and nurseries, which will be implemented gradually in the next few weeks.
- Revised arrangements on the use of FIGAS and Concordia Bay.
- Changes to the delivery of health services. This includes changes to the way KEMH will operate. We will also introduce increased medical visits to Camp.
- Contacting those vulnerable people we know of and providing further advice.
- A range of measures to support the Falkland Islands economy, including businesses and staff, are being developed and will be announced in due course.
Vulnerable people definition
Vulnerable people are people aged over 70, and/or with diabetes, people with heart disease, people with lung disease, people with decreased immune systems, and pregnant women. If you are unsure if you fall into these categories, please call KEMH on 28000.
What to do if you feel unwell and are worried you might have COVID-19
If you have flu-like symptoms, phone the Hospital on 28000. Staff will provide advice. DO NOT come to KEMH directly.
The symptoms of COVID-19 are:
- a cough
- a high temperature
- shortness of breath
- aches and pains in muscles and joints
Please remember the importance of good public health hygiene measures:
- Always cough and sneeze into a tissue and dispose of the tissue safely in a bin and wash your hands afterwards. If you do not have a tissue, sneeze and cough into the crook of your elbow.
- If you are unwell with any infectious illness, please act responsibly and stay away from people and crowds and isolate yourself as much as possible.
- Avoid close contact with people who appear unwell and avoid sharing personal items.
- Wash your hands regularly with soap and water for 20 seconds or use a disinfectant, especially after coughing and sneezing, and always before handling and consuming food and after using the toilet.
- Elsewhere on this page you can read guidance on self-isolation (see a 10-tips sheet in our downloads below) and social distancing. Printed material will be distributed at the Post Office and available at other points such as local businesses over coming days.
What is social distancing and why is it important - 20 March 2020
Social distancing includes ways to stop or slow the spread of infectious diseases. It means less contact between you and other people.
Social distancing is important because COVID-19 is most likely to spread from person-to-person through:
- direct close contact with a person while they are infectious or in the 24 hours before their symptoms appeared
- close contact with a person with a confirmed infection who coughs or sneezes, or
- touching objects or surfaces (such as door handles or tables) contaminated from a cough or sneeze from a person with a confirmed infection, and then touching your mouth or face.
So, the more space between you and others, the harder it is for the virus to spread.
Please see below documents for more information.
The Falkland Islands Government has announced a new air travel advisory, and outlined the terms on which it may assist cruise ships seeking to repatriate passengers.
The COVID-19 virus continues to spread rapidly around the world, and restrictions on air travel are being introduced by many countries.
The Falkland Islands Government air travel advisory is:
All passengers arriving into the Falkland Islands by air are expected to isolate themselves for a period of 14 days if they develop symptoms after arrival which brings them within the following description of a suspect case, and to call KEMH on 28000 for advice.
A suspect case is:
A person with a fever AND one or more of the following symptoms
- Cough
- Shortness of breath
AND no other explanation that fully explains this.
It is the very strong recommendation of the Government that in light of the growing international border restrictions, foreign nationals seeking to leave the Falkland Islands do so on today's (March 18) LATAM flight.
The Falkland Islands continues to follow the World Health Organization guidance that to close borders would be ineffective, and in fact hamper needed assistance, such as medical support.
Cruise vessels will only be permitted to call into the Falkland Islands if:
- All those on board have been on board for a minimum of [10] days, and
- No-one on board is suffering from symptoms consistent with them being a “suspect case” for Covid-19, according to the WHO definition.
Cruise vessels will be permitted to disembark passengers only for the purposes of allowing those passengers to return home in accordance with arrangements agreed between the Operator and the Falkland Islands Government, for example by direct charter flight.
In relation to other vessels – calls into the Falkland Islands of other vessels (such as cargo vessels and fishing vessels, and passenger vessels with no passengers on board) will be permitted, provided no-one on board is a “suspect case” as the WHO defines that term.
Disembarkation will only be allowed in very limited and specified circumstances.
The vessel and harbour staff should seek to maximise social distancing and follow public health advice.
Decisions around the Falkland Islands Government’s response to the global COVID-19 pandemic are under extensive discussion by the Legislative Assembly.
The Members of the Assembly, his Excellency the Governor, and senior Falkland Islands Government officials have held talks on Tuesday, March 17, ahead of policy decisions later this week by Executive Council.
The Falkland Islands does not have any confirmed cases of COVID-19, but it is expected the virus will eventually arrive in the islands.
The meeting actioned a new air travel and cruise ship advisory (SEE ABOVE).
Other areas of policy discussed have included:
- Further preparations by the health service to handle cases.
- Medevacs and overseas medical treatment.
- Welfare measures to support those people who might find it challenging to cease work because of self-isolation requirements.
- Planning for care of remote populations.
- Falkland Island Government policy around such issues as sick leave, and annual leave.
- Steps to work with business around issues they will face from COVID-19.
Executive Council is meeting more often to speed decision-making and will consider policy on these and other areas. Decisions will be made public as they are finalised.
The Government has made public the Falkland Islands Infectious Diseases Plan, which sets out how it will respond to a serious disease outbreak.
The Government is preparing for the eventual arrival of the COVID-19 virus here, given its rapid spread globally.
The Government has developed, and Executive Council has approved the Plan which can be viewed at https://www.fig.gov.fk/assembly/public-papers/executive-council-papers/send/423-04-march-2020/2632-35-20p-falkland-islands-government-infectious-disease-plan
Protecting Your Workforce During COVID-19
The government has today published guidance for the building sector on operating under COVID-19 conditions.
These are exceptional circumstances and the industry must comply with the latest Falkland Island Government advice on COVID-19 at all times.
The Site Operating Procedures are based on Public Health England (PHE) guidance and information provided by the Falkland Islands Government Chief Medical Officer;
Anyone undertaking construction activities during the COVID-19 pandemic needs to ensure they are protecting their workforce and minimizing the risk of spread of infection. This includes considering how personnel travel to and from site.
This guidance is intended to introduce consistent measures on construction sites of all types and sizes, in line with the Government’s recommendations on social distancing and ensure employers and individuals make every effort to comply.
Essential Travel Application
BFSAI have stringent restrictions in place and are working hard to reduce movement from MPC to Stanley; this is in order to limit travel to that which is essential only
FIG has explored options around the introduction of a process so that essential travel is specifically authorised, this will support efforts already in place by BFSAI
FIG have decided to jointly sign registrations under this scheme.
The scheme is intended to reduce travel between the two population centres and thereby minimise the risk of COVID19 across the Falklands..
Anyone travelling from MPC must have written authorisation with them.
People travelling in from Camp may get stopped, in which case they will be offered advice on social distancing.
Persons who use the MPA road for reasons, such as travel to and around Camp, do not need to register.
The form below is for anyone wishing to make an Essential Travel Application. In relation to the registration process itself enquiries should be addressed to your employer in the first instance or pa.desis@sec.gov.fk
Support Package Applications Now Open
Applications can now be made for the Falkland Islands Government’s support package that was announced on 25 March 2020 for private sector employers with employees, as well as the self-employed who have been affected by the COVID-19 pandemic.
The Government is doing this to reinforce and support the strong public health action which the Falkland Islands Government is taking to protect the population and minimise the social and economic impact of this challenging issue.
How to apply:
Application forms along with other guidance are available through:
Falkland Islands Government - Here
Falkland Islands Development Corporation –
The Falkland Islands Development Corporation (FIDC) is tasked to develop the commercial sector of the Falkland Islands by being one of the principal partners delivering the Economic, Rural and Tourism Strategies.
If you need assistance filling out the forms, contact Sian Davies, Business Development Officer, at FIDC telephone 51211.
Relevant documents will be translated into Spanish and Filipino and posted to the websites within the next few days.
The package provisions apply to the following categories.
- All employees with symptoms who are advised by KEMH to self-isolate for 14 days will continue to be paid by their employer (regardless of whether they are entitled to leave or sick pay). Employers will be able to seek reimbursement of the costs of this measure from the Government, up to a cap of £1,250 for the 14 calendar days per employee for the period of isolation.
- All self-employed people with symptoms who are advised in writing by KEMH to self-isolate for 14 calendar days will similarly be able to claim a sum of up to £1,250 for the 14 calendar days of self-isolation.
- All “vulnerable” self-employed people who are advised in writing by KEMH to self-isolate for an initial period of 3 months, and who are unable to work from home, will be able to claim a sum of up to £2,500 per month for the period of isolation.
- All “vulnerable” employees who are advised by KEMH to self-isolate for an initial period of 3 months, and who are unable to work from home, will continue to be paid by their employer (regardless of whether they are entitled to leave or sick pay). Employers will be able to seek reimbursement for this measure from the Government, up to a cap of £2,500 per employee per month for the period of isolation.
- When private sector employees without symptoms are
- a) advised by KEMH to self-isolate due to a household member being symptomatic with a fever and with that household member having been advised by KEMH to self-isolate; or
- b) advised by the government to stay home due to being classified as a non-essential worker.
- and who in both instances cannot work from home, they will continue to be paid by their employer (regardless of whether they are entitled to leave or sick pay) for a period of up to 14 days.
- When self-employed people without symptoms are
- a) advised by KEMH to self-isolate due to a household member being symptomatic with a fever and with that household member having been advised by KEMH to self-isolate.
- or b) advised by the government to stay home due to being classified as a non-essential worker,
- and who in both instances cannot work from home, they will be able to claim a sum of up to £1,250 for a period of up to 14 calendar days.
All funds will be considered taxable and subject to the usual deductions from payroll.
If employees or self-employed persons are able to work from home during any period of isolation, we would expect them to do so and not to claim re-imbursement from Government.
These measures are designed to ensure that everyone can make the right choice to take necessary public health measures, for the benefit of all, whilst ensuring that the impact on the economy is minimised.
The Government will be announcing further measures to assist the private sector more generally within the next several days.
In addition, the Government continues to offer a range of benefits and allowances to Falkland Islands residents through the Department of Health and Social Services.
COVID-19 Frequently Asked Questions
This information was last updated on 17 March, 2020.
Symptoms of COVID-19
The symptoms of COVID-19 are:
- a cough
- a sore throat
- a high temperature
- shortness of breath
- aches and pains in muscles and joints
But these symptoms do not necessarily mean you have the illness.
The symptoms are similar to other illnesses that are much more common, such as cold and flu.
What preparations have been made for COVID-19 in the Falkland Islands?
The Falkland Islands is able to respond should a case of coronavirus be suspected.
The Government has been reviewing and updating its infectious diseases planning.
KEMH Hospital has an isolation facility and is capable of treating patients with severe complications from COVID-19.
The hospital also has plans in place for isolating a larger area should it have admissions of any sort requiring such facilities, along with all the necessary clothing, and control of infection procedures.
How COVID-19 is spread
Because it's a new illness, we do not know exactly how COVID-19 spreads from person to person.
Similar viruses are spread in cough droplets.
It's very unlikely it can be spread through things like packages or food. It is thought that viruses like COVID-19 can live outside the body for up to 72 hours.
How can I avoid catching COVID-19?
There are things you can do to help stop viruses like COVID-19 spreading.
- cover your mouth and nose with a tissue or your sleeve (not your hands) when you cough or sneeze
- put used tissues in the bin immediately
- wash your hands with soap and water often – use hand sanitiser gel if soap and water are not available
- try to avoid close contact with people who are unwell
What should I do if I feel unwell?
Staff at KEMH will assess if you need medical help and advise you what to do. Do NOT go to the hospital but ring 28000 first if:
- you think you might have COVID-19
- you've recently been to a country or area with a high risk of COVID-19 (see Travel Advice further below)
- you've been in close contact with someone with COVID-19
What is the advice on those returning to or travelling to the Falklands?
Updated April 7, 2020
Executive Council has approved measures to restrict non-essential visitors to the Falkland Islands, in order to help delay the spread of the COVID-19 virus here.
This measure will seek to protect the local community and reduce demand on the King Edward VII Memorial Hospital.
This means that visitor permits will not be granted.
This does not affect returning residents - individuals holding Falkland Islands status, PRP, work permit holders, and resident permit holders. Nor does it affect BFSAI personnel and MoD contractors.
Only by exception may persons outside of the above categories be permitted entry; this is on a case by case basis for a specific reason and only if approved by the Principal Immigration Officer.
The number of confirmed cases around the world has risen sharply in recent weeks. The World Health Organization acknowledges measures that restrict the movement of people may prove temporarily useful in places with few international connections and limited medical capacity.
They are advised to be short in duration and proportionate to the risk to public health.
This measure will ensure that residents and key workers can continue to come to the Islands whilst minimising any unnecessary travel.
Separate measures are already in place around the management of arriving travellers, to ensure that they isolate from the community for an appropriate period on arrival.
Due to the current suspension of the LATAM services from Chile and Brazil the implications of these changes currently fall mainly on the South Atlantic Airbridge connection which is still operational.
Travellers that fall outside of the categories listed above will not be permitted to travel on this service unless this is approved in writing by the Principal Immigration Officer in advance.
These restrictions apply to all travellers who require a visitor permit regardless of how they wish to travel to the Falklands, whether by air or sea.
Around the world, international restrictions on visitors have been applied, and so this proposed move is both proportionate and in-step with the response of other nations.
Executive Council will review these measures no later than 31 May 2020 in order to determine whether they remain appropriate.
• If you have any questions please email the Customs & Immigration Service at immigrationofficer@customs.gov.fk or telephone +500 27340.
This travel advice is subject to change.
What steps are taken for a suspected COVID-19 case in the Falkland Islands?
When health authorities are aware of a possible case, or cases, there is a clear process that is followed.
If it is thought possible or probable that the person or persons may have been exposed to COVID-19, testing would be carried out, while the person or persons would be asked to self-isolate.
At this stage, test results can only be processed in the UK, and thus results may take a week or longer to receive.
Those who may have been in close contact with the person or persons in question would be contacted and provided with advice by health authorities. It is possible they would be asked to self isolate, even if they are feeling well.
Self-isolation and contact tracing are well-established international practices used to impede the spread of an infectious disease.
Why can't we test in the Falklands?
COVID-19 can currently only be verified through testing at a specialist laboratory. New testing platforms are being developed internationally that would allow us to test here at KEMH, as we do currently for three common forms of influenza.
However this is still considered to be months away from being available globally.
The Falkland Islands has a very strong relationship with the NHS in the UK and is able to access world class lab facilities. Samples are routinely sent to the UK all year round by KEMH when local testing cannot identify the cause of a health problem.
What is self-isolation?
If there's a chance you could have COVID-19, you may be asked to stay away from other people (self-isolate).
This means you should:
- stay at home
- not go to work, school or public places
- not use public transport or taxis
- ask friends, family members or delivery services to do errands for you. If you are unable to access such support, then you should advise health authorities so that more assistance can be organised.
- try to avoid visitors to your home – it's OK for friends, family or delivery drivers to drop off food
You may need to do this for up to 14 days to help reduce the possible spread of infection. See below for specific guidance around self-isolation for each of our community groups.
Specific advice on self-isolation for different groups
Úpdated 6 April 2020
The Government has strengthened guidance around Self-Isolation and Social Distancing, to reflect that there are a number of distinct groups being asked to act responsibly and self-isolate for the good of the community.
Each group has different reasons for being in isolation, and the guidance is specific to each
Here are the groups currently being advised, and guidance to them.
1. Quarantine
If you have recently arrived in the islands you must self-isolate for 14 days just in case you have Covid-19 and don’t realise it. Some people who have Covid-19 don’t feel ill but we don’t want to take the risk that you could infect others around you.
So you are self-isolating for the protection of others.
In practical terms this means that you should not be leaving your house for any reason You should be asking other people to do your shopping etc and leaving this on the porch for you.
If you live with other people then you need to be able to live separately from the others in the same house. This means
• Being able to have a separate bedroom and bathroom
• Always being able to be 2 metres apart from other people if you are in the same room
• Cleaning all surfaces after you have touched them
If you can’t do this then you either need to quarantine yourself somewhere else or the entire household must quarantine together. If you want more help with this please contact KEMH on 28000
2. High risk individuals
Due to a multitude of factors, such as age and underlying health conditions, you have been identified as being at high risk of developing complications if you were to contract Covid-19 and so have been asked to self-isolate for 12 weeks.
So you are asked to self-isolate for your own protection.
This means
• Stay at home – ask for help in getting groceries etc and get these left on the porch. Do not go to school, work or public areas.
• Separate yourself from other people in your home, particularly if they are not self isolating. Ideally be in a separate room with the windows open.
• If you have two bathrooms then use a different one. If not then you should use it last ideally and clean it afterwards if possible.
• Wash your hands regularly and thoroughly.
• Avoid sharing household items such as cups, glasses, towels, bedding etc.
• Do not have visitors in your home.
• You can go out for a walk in the fresh air if you stay 2m away from other people. Try not to share a car. If you do share a car then open the windows.
3. Symptomatic Individuals
Due to your symptoms we believe that you may have contracted Covid-19 and so you are asked to self-isolate for a minimum of 14 days, which must include at least 7 days symptom free. (You also need to contact KEMH to report your symptoms and get further advice re the need for a swab etc).
So you are asked to self-isolate for the protection of others.
This means that you should not be leaving your house for any reason, apart from brief exercise or a drive in your car, alone. You should be asking other people to do your shopping etc and leaving this on the porch for you.
If you live with other people then you need to maintain social distancing from them WITHIN the household. This means not sharing a bed and ideally not sharing a bathroom. If you do have to share a bathroom then you need to clean it regularly after each use. You should also be regularly wiping down common high touch surfaces such as light switches etc.
If it is impossible for you to socially distance within your household then you either need to quarantine yourself somewhere else or the entire household must self-isolate.
Can I go outside for exercise?
If you have been advised by KEMH to quarantine you should stay at home and not go outside for exercise until your quarantine period is over.
If you have been told by KEMH that you are high risk and need to self isolate for up to 12 weeks, you can go for walks, but practise social distancing and avoid public spaces. If you need support for your essentials, please contact KEMH on 28000.
If you are symptomatic you should not leave your home for any reason, apart from brief exercise alone and maintaining strict social distancing from others.
If you are not self-isolating you can go outside for exercise maintaining strict social distancing protocols.
Can I go for a drive?
If you have been advised by KEMH to self-isolate because you are high risk or symptomatic you must remain at home but can go for a drive, ideally alone or if you must share a car try to maintain social distancing and have the windows wound down.
Everyone else in the community has been asked to reduce non-essential activity so it is important to remember to always practice social distancing when out e.g. if possible minimise the number of people in vehicle to be able to maintain social distancing. Also drive with the window wound down.
I have returned on the Airbridge and am in quarantine - can I go out for a walk or a drive?
We would ask that you strictly isolate for 14 days, in practical terms this means that you should not be leaving your house for any reason.
Treatment for COVID-19
There is currently no specific treatment for COVID-19.
Antibiotics do not help, as they do not work against viruses.
Treatment aims to relieve the symptoms while your body fights the illness.
You'll need to stay in isolation away from other people until you've recovered.
Health authorities will stay in contact, monitoring your care. They will make any decisions regarding whether you might need a higher level of care in hospital.
Who is most at risk of COVID-19?
People of all ages can get COVID-19. Older people, and people with pre-existing medical conditions (such as asthma, diabetes, heart disease) are more likely to become severely ill with the virus.
Everyone should follow simple measures to stop viruses like COVID-19 spreading, for example by washing their hands often with soap and water.
Can I catch COVID-19 off parcels from overseas
There is currently no evidence that you can catch COVID-19 from parcels and letters. Viruses like COVID-19 cannot live for very long outside the body.
Can I get COVID-19 from food or takeaways?
There is currently no evidence that you can catch COVID-19 from food.
But it's always a good idea to wash your hands in soap and water or use hand sanitiser gel before you prepare or eat food.
Should I wear a face mask?
Facemasks play an important role in clinical settings, such as hospitals, but there’s very little evidence of benefit from their use outside of these settings. You should only wear one if advised to do so by KEMH.
Instead, you should practise social distancing when out, and remember always to wash your hands thoroughly after returning home. This will protect you much more than wearing a facemask.
Do gloves offer protection?
Not necessarily, regular handwashing offers more protection than wearing gloves.
If gloves are worn, they can become contaminated by touching COVID-19 if it is on a surface you touch. So if they are disposable, take them off before re-entering your home and dispose of inside. Then wash your hands thoroughly. Non-disposable gloves for the same reasons need to be thoroughly washed after use.
Is there a vaccine for COVID-19?
There is currently no vaccine for the COVID-19. The virus is so new and different that it needs its own vaccine.
Simple hygiene measures like washing your hands with soap and water often, and avoiding people who are unwell, can help stop viruses like COVID-19 spreading.
Do I need to avoid public places?
If you have been advised to stay indoors by KEMH you should avoid public spaces. Everyone else in the community has been asked to reduce non-essential activity so it is important to remember to always practice social distancing when out for essential trips (shopping, banking, exercise).
Information you can use
Here is more information you can read. These can be downloaded and printed out.
The material covers:
Covid-19 - What you need to know
Feeling Unwell Poster
A COVID-19 information leaflet
All about flu
Information for schools
Information for hotels and lodges
Social Distancing
SPANISH COVID-19 Latest Updates
FILIPINO COVID-19 Latest Updates
Useful links concerning COVID-19
The following links cover the latest global information and from the UK.
World Health Organization information is here: https://www.who.int/emergencies/diseases/novel-coronavirus-2019
National Health Service information is here: https://www.nhs.uk/conditions/coronavirus-covid-19/
UK Government latest information and advice: https://www.gov.uk/guidance/coronavirus-covid-19-information-for-the-public