Status as on Date:  17 Jul 2020
SN District Total Person Under Surveillance (Cumulative) No. of Persons Completed Observation Period (14 Days) No. of Persons Under Surveillance Total Persons Under Surveillance Sample Collected & Tested Sample Positive Sample Negative Patient Recovered Patient Went Out of State Death
Facility Surveillance Home Surveillance
1 Dhalai 5487 4808 76 603 679 8492 299 8193 252 1 0
2 Gomati 5874 5352 0 522 522 11695 353 11342 223 1 0
3 Khowai 3549 3335 5 209 214 4356 232 4124 124 0 2
4 North Tripura 13542 12558 11 973 984 17936 123 17813 48 6 0
5 Sepahijala 7294 6770 0 524 524 10018 690 9328 598 0 0
6 South Tripura 6220 5788 58 374 432 10783 187 10596 137 1 0
7 Unakoti 2821 2701 27 93 120 3682 94 3588 73 0 0
8 West Tripura 11861 10432 51 1378 1429 30509 401 30108 229 5 1
Total 56648 51744 228 4676 4904 97471 2379 95092 1684 14 3
Last 10 Days Graph