Status as on Date:  18 Jul 2020
SN District Total Person Under Surveillance (Cumulative) No. of Persons Completed Observation Period (14 Days) No. of Persons Under Surveillance Total Persons Under Surveillance Sample Collected & Tested Sample Positive Sample Negative Patient Recovered Patient Went Out of State Death
Facility Surveillance Home Surveillance
1 Dhalai 5526 4865 76 585 661 9333 409 8924 252 1 1
2 Gomati 5977 5387 0 590 590 12837 398 12439 244 1 0
3 Khowai 3554 3352 4 198 202 4599 247 4352 126 0 2
4 North Tripura 13542 12709 11 822 833 19790 139 19651 53 6 0
5 Sepahijala 7327 6807 0 520 520 10466 746 9720 605 0 0
6 South Tripura 6256 5850 63 343 406 11752 196 11556 138 1 1
7 Unakoti 2825 2713 25 87 112 4104 102 4002 80 0 0
8 West Tripura 12024 10535 71 1418 1489 32177 431 31746 237 5 1
Total 57031 52218 250 4563 4813 105058 2668 102390 1735 14 5
Last 10 Days Graph