Status as on Date:  19 Jul 2020
SN District Total Person Under Surveillance (Cumulative) No. of Persons Completed Observation Period (14 Days) No. of Persons Under Surveillance Total Persons Under Surveillance Sample Collected & Tested Sample Positive Sample Negative Patient Recovered Patient Went Out of State Death
Facility Surveillance Home Surveillance
1 Dhalai 5579 4979 76 524 600 9907 497 9410 248 1 1
2 Gomati 6047 5400 0 647 647 13405 432 12973 249 1 0
3 Khowai 3559 3370 4 185 189 4718 261 4457 134 0 2
4 North Tripura 13546 12777 15 754 769 21212 152 21060 57 6 0
5 Sepahijala 7364 6845 0 519 519 10756 768 9988 612 0 0
6 South Tripura 6326 5868 65 393 458 12200 199 12001 138 1 1
7 Unakoti 2831 2732 31 68 99 4269 103 4166 80 0 0
8 West Tripura 12161 10661 71 1429 1500 32822 479 32343 241 5 1
Total 57413 52632 262 4519 4781 109289 2891 106398 1759 14 5
Last 10 Days Graph