Status as on Date:  20 Jul 2020
SN District Total Person Under Surveillance (Cumulative) No. of Persons Completed Observation Period (14 Days) No. of Persons Under Surveillance Total Persons Under Surveillance Sample Collected & Tested Sample Positive Sample Negative Patient Recovered Patient Went Out of State Death
Facility Surveillance Home Surveillance
1 Dhalai 5656 5003 129 524 653 10342 516 9826 250 1 2
2 Gomati 6096 5507 0 589 589 14143 472 13671 261 1 0
3 Khowai 3651 3365 4 282 286 4772 264 4508 157 0 2
4 North Tripura 13546 12809 15 722 737 22726 168 22558 61 0 6
5 Sepahijala 7392 6867 0 525 525 10964 795 10169 628 0 1
6 South Tripura 6357 5912 69 376 445 12746 208 12538 141 1 1
7 Unakoti 2829 2734 24 71 95 4443 109 4334 80 0 0
8 West Tripura 12269 10772 71 1426 1497 34029 561 33468 267 5 1
Total 57796 52969 312 4515 4827 114165 3093 111072 1845 8 13
Last 10 Days Graph