Status as on Date:  21 Jul 2020
SN District Total Person Under Surveillance (Cumulative) No. of Persons Completed Observation Period (14 Days) No. of Persons Under Surveillance Total Persons Under Surveillance Sample Collected & Tested Sample Positive Sample Negative Patient Recovered Patient Went Out of State Death
Facility Surveillance Home Surveillance
1 Dhalai 5767 5152 129 486 615 10756 549 10207 264 1 2
2 Gomati 6229 5521 0 708 708 14804 507 14297 264 1 0
3 Khowai 3720 3415 7 298 305 4938 276 4662 200 0 3
4 North Tripura 13549 12927 0 622 622 23878 216 23662 61 6 0
5 Sepahijala 7431 6900 0 531 531 11253 822 10431 627 0 1
6 South Tripura 6402 5950 69 383 452 13524 237 13287 147 1 1
7 Unakoti 2849 2743 23 83 106 4544 112 4432 80 0 0
8 West Tripura 12380 10923 36 1421 1457 35349 626 34723 283 5 1
Total 58327 53531 264 4532 4796 119046 3345 115701 1926 14 8
Last 10 Days Graph