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Latest updates on COVID-19 (Coronavirus)

Published: 22 April 2020
From: Department of Health

The latest news as of 6pm on Wednesday 22 April 2020

49 new deaths and 631 new cases confirmed

  • the HPSC has been notified that 49 people diagnosed with COVID-19 in Ireland have died, bringing the total to 769 deaths (10 deaths have been de-notified from earlier figures)
  • 631 additional cases have been confirmed in Ireland
  • there are now 16,671 confirmed cases of COVID-19 in Ireland

Breakdown of the 49 deaths

  • 26 females and 18 males
  • the median age of the people who died was 87
  • 33 people had underlying health conditions

There have now been 769 COVID-19 related deaths in Ireland.

Breakdown of the 769 total COVID-19 related deaths in Ireland

  • 386 (50.2%) deaths occurred in a hospital setting
  • 50 (6.5%) occurred in Intensive Care Units (ICU)
  • 415 males (54%) and 354 females (46%)
  • the median age was 83
  • the mean age was 69
  • the age range was between 23 and 105

Breakdown of the 327 cases admitted to Intensive Care Units (ICU)

  • 147 (44.8%) people remain in Intensive Care Units
  • 130 (39.9%) people have been discharged
  • 50 (15.3%) people died
  • 271 people had underlying conditions
  • the median age was 60

Breakdown of COVID-19 in community residential settings

  • there have been 302 clusters identified in community residential settings, 179 of which have been in nursing homes
  • there have been a total of 2604 cases identified in community residential settings, 1944 of which have been in nursing homes
  • 412 people have died in community residential settings, 348 of whom were residents of nursing homes

Press release and county-by-county figures

Read the county-by-county breakdowns and the press release here.

Latest charts and maps

You can view a detailed dashboard showing the latest statistics on COVID-19 in Ireland here.

View the latest modelling data

COVID-19 modelling data - Thursday 16 April 2020.

Older updates

View all the updates on COVID-19 (Coronavirus) since January 2020 here.