Press Conference
December 8, 2020
Press Conference held by Minister of Health, Labour and Welfare, TAMURA Norihisa, Tuesday, December 8, 2020, 11:02 a.m. Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare.
※Please click the "subtitles" in the video button, and you click the “Settings” afterwards, and choose English among "Subtitles/cc" to see English subtitles.
Past Ministerial Conference
1.The Basic Policies
○Basic Policies for Novel Coronavirus Disease Control(Revised on May 25, 2020)
On May 25, 2020, the analysis and assessment was conducted again and the implementation of emergency measures are deemed no longer necessary; therefore, the lifting of the state of emergency was declared.
Basic Policies for Novel Coronavirus Disease Control by the Government of Japan (Summary)
○Basic Policies for Novel Coronavirus Disease Control(Revised on April 16, 2020)
On April 16, the areas under declaration of state of emergency were expanded to all 47 prefectures. The Basic Policies decided on March 28 have been revised.
Basic Policies for Novel Coronavirus Disease Control by the Government of Japan (Summary)[116KB]
○Basic Policies for Novel Coronavirus Disease Control(Revised on April 7 , 2020)
With the declaration of a state of emergency on April 7, the Basic Policies decided on March 28 have been revised.
Basic Policies for Novel Coronavirus Disease Control(Revised on April7,2020)[123KB]
(Summary Version)Basic Policies for Novel Coronavirus Disease Control by the Government of Japan[42KB]
○Basic Policies for Novel Coronavirus Disease Control (March 28, 2020)
On March 28, “Basic Policies for Novel Coronavirus Disease Control” decided by the Headquarters for Novel Coronavirus Disease Control.
This Basic Policies present measures to be taken so that the government, local governments, and the people will work together to have an accurate grasp of the situation and further advance countermeasures against the novel coronavirus infectious disease.
(Summary Version)Basic Policies for Novel Coronavirus Disease Control by the Government of Japan[42KB]
○Basic Policies for Novel Coronavirus Disease Control (February 25, 2020)
On February 25, “Basic Policies for Novel Coronavirus Disease Control” decided by the Headquarters for Novel Coronavirus Disease Control. This policy summarizes the measures that are currently being taken and the perspectives of possible future measures to be taken to respond to future development.
Basic Policies for Novel Coronavirus Disease Control[151KB]
(Summary Version) Basic Policies for Novel Coronavirus Disease Control[103KB]
【Press Conference】Basic Policies for Prevention and Control of the Novel Coronavirus
On March 2, Government Officials and Experts held a press conference on the case of the coronavirus at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Japan. Conducted by:
SAHARA Yasuyuki Senior Assistant Minister for Globel Health, Minister’s Secretariat, Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare
SUZUKI Tadaki M.D., Ph.D. Director, Department of Pathology, National Institute of Infectious Diseases
OSUMI Yo Deputy Director-General/ Deputy Assistant Minister, Consular Affairs Bureau, Ministry of Foreign Affairs
KAMOSHIDA Naoaki Assistant Press Secretary/ Director, International Press Division, Minister’s Secretariat, Ministry of Foreign Affairs
INATSU Toshinobu Immigration Services Agency/ Deputy Director, Border Management Division
NODA Hiroyuki M.D., Ph.D. Councilor, Coordination Office of Measures on Emerging Infectious Diseases Office for Pandemic Influenza and Infectious Diseases Preparedness and Response, Cabinet Secretariat
Please refer to the YouTube video as follows;
YouTube video:Basic Policies for Prevention and Control of the Novel Coronavirus
2.Understanding the situation of infection
By notification by physicians under the Infections Diseases Control Law, grasp suspected disease carrier and conduct examination if it is deemed necessary by physicians.
If carrier is confirmed, conduct active epidemiological investigation based on the law and identify those who have been in close contact with the infected person.
For those who have been in close contact with infected person, the measures for preventing from spreading infection are being conducted by requesting to monitor own health condition and to refrain from leaving residence, etc..
We decided to apply medical insurance to the PCR test (on March 6). This makes it possible for medical institutions to request directory to private laboratories without going through public health centers, and further utilization of the examination capabilities of private laboratories will be achieved.
【Press Conference】The case of the coronavirus
November 4,2020
On November 4, a press conference on the situation of the COVID-19 was held by Related Ministries of Japan.
Please refer to the YouTube video as follows:
YouTube video
Figure1 : Is the number of confirmed cases of COVID 19 in Japan higher than other countries?[532KB]
Figure2 : No.of positive cases[421KB]
Figure3 : Japan’s Response to the Novel Coronavirus Disease (Whole aspect)[474KB]
Figure4 : Verification of New Technologies(Yokohama Stadium: Oct. 30th Nov.1st)[621KB]
Figure5 : Resumption of Cross-Border Travel and other measures[229KB]
【Press Conference】The case of the coronavirus
September 30,2020
On September 30, a press conference on the Response to the Novel Coronavirus Disease (COVID-19) was held by Related Ministries of Japan.
Please refer to the YouTube video as follows:
YouTube video
Figure1 : Resumption of Cross-Border Travel and other measures[219KB]
Figure2 : Overview of the Relaxation of Measures for the Capacity of Events (provisional translation)[155KB]
【Press Conference】The case of the coronavirus
September 1,2020
On September 1, a press conference on the Response to the Novel Coronavirus Disease (COVID-19) was held by Related Ministries of Japan.
Please refer to the YouTube video as follows:
YouTube video
Figure1 : Changes in the number of individuals requiring hospital treatment, critically ill individuals, and newly reported cases etc.[1,981KB]
Figure2 : Resumption of Cross-Border Travel and other measures[234KB]
Figure3 : Re-entry of foreign nationals with the status of residence(Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Japan HP)
【Press Conference】The case of the coronavirus
August 5,2020
On August 5, a press conference on the Border Measures to Prevent the Spread of the COVID-19 was held by Related Ministries of Japan.
Please refer to the YouTube video as follows:
YouTube video
Figure1 : Resumption of Cross-Border Travel and other measures[180KB]
Figure2 : Phased Measures for Resuming Cross-Border Travel(Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Japan HP)
Figure3 : Re-entry of foreign nationals who possess the status of residence(Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Japan HP)
Figure4 : Process and Required Documents for Re-entry(Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Japan HP)
【Press Conference】The case of the coronavirus
July 13,2020
On July 13, a press conference on the situation of the COVID-19 was held by Related Ministries of Japan.
Please refer to the YouTube video as follows:
YouTube video
Figure : The New Phase of Covid 19 Response in Japan (2020/7/13)[1,124KB]
【Press Conference】The case of the coronavirus
June 25,2020
On June 25, a press conference on the situation of the COVID-19 was held by Related Ministries of Japan.
Please refer to the YouTube video as follows:
YouTube video
Figure 1: Regarding refusal of landing to prevent the spread of COVID-19(novel Coronavirus)[88KB]
Figure 2: Specific examples of cases where permission for re-entry may be granted due to being special exceptional circumstances corresponding to individual situation in relation to the measures for denial of landing relating to prevention of the spread of the novel coronavirus (COVID-19)[126KB]
Figure 3: Updates on COVID 19 in Japan[2,432KB]
Figure 4: Phased Measures toward Resuming Cross-Border Travel[139KB]
Figure 5: Update on Responses to the Novel Coronavirus Disease[412KB]
【Press Conference】The case of the coronavirus
June 1,2020
On June 1, a press conference on the situation of the COVID-19 was held by Related Ministries of Japan.
Please refer to the YouTube video as follows:
YouTube video
Figure 1: Basic Policies for Novel Coronavirus Disease Control by the Government of Japan (Summary)[456KB]
Figure 2: Guidelines for Lifting State of Emergency[1,284KB]
Figure 3: Japan's COVID-19 Response (2020/6/1)[2,475KB]
Figure 4: Overview of the SecondSupplementary Budget for FY2020[860KB]
【Press Conference】The case of the coronavirus
May 21,2020
On May 21, a press conference on the situation of the COVID-19 was held by Related Ministries of Japan.
Please refer to the YouTube video as follows:
YouTube video
Figure :Basic Policies for Novel Coronavirus Disease Control by the Government of Japan (Summary)[522KB]
【Press Conference】The case of the coronavirus
May 18,2020
On May 18, a press conference on the situation of the COVID-19 was held by Related Ministries of Japan.
Please refer to the YouTube video as follows:
YouTube video
Figure 1: Basic Policies for Novel Coronavirus Disease Control by the Government of Japan (Summary)[516KB]
Figure 2: Expert Meeting on the Novel Coronavirus Disease Control Analysis of the Response to the Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19) and Recommendations (May 14, 2020) Summary[790KB]
Figure 3: Novel Coronavirus Control Measures by Region (Conceptual Diagram)[1,662KB]
Figure 4: Updates on COVID 19 in Japan[2,274KB]
【Press Conference】The case of the coronavirus
May 8,2020
On May 8, a press conference on the situation of the COVID-19 was held by Related Ministries of Japan.
Please refer to the YouTube video as follows:
YouTube video
Figure 1: Key Revisions to Basic Policies for Novel Coronavirus Disease Control by the Government of Japan[27KB]
Figure 2: Basic Policies for Novel Coronavirus Disease Control by the Government of Japan (Summary)[168KB]
Figure 3: Expert Meeting on the Novel Coronavirus Disease Control Analysis of the Response to the Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19) and Recommendations (May 4, 2020) Summary[469KB]
Figure 4: Example of practicing "New Lifestyle" [83KB]
Figure 5: Expert Meeting on the Novel Coronavirus Disease Control Analysis of the Response to the Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19) and Recommendations (May 1, 2020) Summary[135KB]
Figure 6: Outlook for Novel Coronavirus Disease Control (Projection)[235KB]
Figure 7: 10 tips for reducing contact[137KB]
Figure 8: Updates on COVID-19 in Japan[656KB]
【Press Conference】The case of the coronavirus
April 23,2020
On April 23, Government Officials held a press conference on the case of the coronavirus at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Japan.
Please refer to the YouTube video as follows:
YouTube video
Figure 1: [COVID-19] Declaration of a State of Emergency in response to the Novel Coronavirus Disease [22KB]
Figure 2: Basic Policies for Novel Coronavirus Disease Control by the Government of Japan (Summary) [114KB]
Figure 3: Updates on COVID-19 in Japan [2,172KB]
Figure 4: Emergency Economic Measures for Response to COVID-19 [48KB]
Figure 5: Changes in the number of passengers going through ticket gates of major stations [396KB]
Figure 6: Analysis of demographic changes in designated prefectures under special caution (as of 15:00, April 22) [395KB]
【Press Conference】The case of the coronavirus
April 8,2020
On April 8, a press conference on the situation of the COVID-19 was held by Related Ministries of Japan.
Please refer to the YouTube video as follows:
YouTube video
Figure 1: Updates on COVID-19 in Japan[2,351KB]
Figure 2: Emergency Economic Measures for Response to COVID 19[423KB]
Figure 3: Revision of Basic Policies for Novel Coronavirus Disease Control (Summary)[146KB]
Figure 4: Basic Policies for Novel Coronavirus Disease Control(Revised on April 7,2020)[123KB]
Figure 5: Basic Policies for Novel Coronavirus Disease Control by the Government of Japan (summary)[42KB]
【Press Conference】The case of the coronavirus
March 31,2020
On March 31, an expert and Government Officials held a press conference on the responses to the coronavirus disease at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Japan.
Please refer to the YouTube video as follows:
YouTube video
Figure 1: Updates on COVID-19 in Japan[2,171KB]
Figure 2: Basic Policies for Novel Coronavirus Disease Control by the Government of Japan(summary)[42KB]
【Press Conference】The case of the coronavirus
March 17,2020
On March 17, Government Officials held a press conference on the case of the coronavirus at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Japan.
Please refer to the YouTube video and figures used in their explanation as follows:
YouTube video:Part1,Part2,Part3
Figures: Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) Situation in Japan[1,249KB]
【Press Conference】The case of the coronavirus
March 10,2020
YouTube video:Part1,Part2,Part3
On March 10, Government Officials held a press conference on the case of the coronavirus at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Japan.
Please refer to the YouTube video and figures used in their explanation as follows;
YouTube video:Part1,Part2,Part3
Figure 1:COVID-19 Clusters in Japan[463KB]
Figure 2:Overview of the Act on Special Measures[416KB]
Figure 3:PCR Testing system[431KB]
Figure 4:Screenshot_COVID19Map_MHLW[1,848KB]
Figure 5:Immigration Control and Refugee Recognition Act[120KB]
3.Measures for preventing outbreaks
In Japan, sporadic cases of small numbers of patients have been observed.
The spread of infection can be prevented by tracing the route of transmission, especially for close contacts.
The important thing is to minimize the spread of infection in the country by preventing one cluster of patients from creating another cluster.
Please refer to the handout below;
Preventing Outbreaks of the Novel Coronavirus [148KB]
Expert Meeting on Novel Coronavirus Disease Control “Analysis of the Response to the Novel Coronavirus Disease (COVID-19) and Recommendations” (May 29, 2020)
Expert Meeting on Novel Coronavirus Disease Control “Analysis of the Response to the Novel Coronavirus Disease (COVID-19) and Recommendations” (May 29, 2020) [1.13MB]
【Addendum】 Japan‘s Cluster-based Approach [585KB]
Analysis and Recommendations of the Response to the Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19) (April 22, 2020)(Summary)
10 tips for reducing contact by 80%[520KB]
Expert Meeting on Control of the Novel Coronavirus Disease Control "Analysis and Recommendations of the Response to the Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19) "(April 1, 2020)
Expert Meeting on the Novel Coronavirus Disease Control :
Analysis of the Response to the Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19) and Recommendations (Exerpt)(As of March 19)
Expert Meeting on the Novel Coronavirus Disease Control "Views on the Novel Coronavirus Disease Control" (As of March 9)
In the Views, Japanese situation as of today (March 9) is not moving toward an explosive spread of infections, and appears to be somewhat holding steady. In addition, regarding measures in Hokkaido, it is difficult to estimate the effect about at least two weeks after the declaration of state of emergency in Hokkaido, and thereafter, the analysis of the effects of this measures is scheduled to be announced around March 19.
"Views on the Novel Coronavirus Disease Control" (As of March 9) [217KB]
【Press Conference】Expert Meeting on the Novel Coronavirus Disease Control
On February 24, Experts held a press conference on the case of the novel coronavirus at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Japan.Conducted by:
Members of Expert Meeting on the Novel Coronavirus Disease
- OMI Shigeru,M.D.,Ph.D., President, Japan Community Health care Organization
- OHMAGARI Norio,M.D.,Ph.D., Director, Disease Control & Prevention Center, National Center for Global Health and Medicine
- KITA Yosuke, Senior Coordinator for Global Health Cooperation, International Affairs Division, Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare
Please refer to the YouTube video clips and figures used in their explanation as follows;
YouTube video clips:Part1,Part2,Part3,Part4,Part5,Part6,Part7
Figure:Number of new symptomatic coronavirus infektion cases and fever reports,by date of onset,Cruise Ship DP,as of February 23,2020[68KB]
Press Conference:Situation of the COVID-19 in the Cruise Ship "Diamond Princess"
Professor, SUZUKI Motoi, M.D., MSc., PHDC, Ph.D., of Infectious Disease Surveillance Center, National Institute of Infectious Disease and Professor, NISHIURA Hiroshi, M.D., Ph.D., DTM&H, of Social Medicine, Faculty of Medicine, Hokkaido University explained the situation based on their analysis using the data obtained on the cruise ship.
Please refer to the YouTube video clips and figures used in their explanation as follows;
YouTube video clips:Part1,Part2,Part3,Part4
Figure 1: Changes in the number of new coronavirus infection cases and fever reports on the cruise ship (as of February 19) [374KB]
Figure 2: Number of COVID-19 cases with symptoms among the passengers on the Cruise ship (by close contact status, as of 02/19/2020) [412KB]
Figure 3: Number of predicted infections from one patient, by generation (Reproduction rate)[182KB]
Message to the people in Japan
1.Characteristics of new coronavirus infections ascertained at present (As of March 28)
<The routes of transmission>
The routes of transmission are generally through droplets and contacts.
In addition, under certain circumstances, such as when talking to many people at a short distance in confined spaces, there is the risk of spreading the infection even without coughing or sneezing.
The risk of occurrence of clusters is particularly high when the “Three Cs” overlap.
1.Closed spaces with insufficient ventilation
2.Crowded conditions with people
3.Conversations in short distance
< Common symptoms and risk of developing severe>
Often, fevers or respiratory symptoms may persist for around one week, and many patients complain of strong fatigue. It has been reported that the period of hospitalization tends to be longer than that of seasonal influenza.
Those infected often present only mild symptoms, which will heal in many cases. The severity of the novel coronavirus disease, it does have the higher risk than seasonal influenza. The risks of developing severe symptoms are particularly high among the elderly and patients with underlying diseases.
2.Prevention Measures and Guide of Consultation
※ Prevention Measures COVID-19 (February 25, 2020 version) [464KB]

※ Eight-point list of precautions to take at home [549KB]
※ Measures against infectious diseases[994KB]
※ Washing Hands[910KB]
※ Coughing Manners[951KB]
The CNN published at 11:00 (Japan time) on March 6
Call centers for foreign tourists
Medical institutions offering assistance in foreign languages
WHO statement on the outbreak of pneumonia in Wuhan city, China
New coronavirus –South Korea
New coronavirus in China
International Health Regulations Emergency Committee on novel coronavirus in China
National Institute of Infectious Diseases
Details on coronavirus and information about pneumonia linked to a new coronavirus reported in Wuhan city, Hubei Province of the People's Republic of China
Wuhan Municipal Health Commission
Guangdong Province Health Commission
Taiwan Centers for Disease Control - CDC
First Travel-related Case of 2019 Novel Coronavirus Detected in United States