2020. 3. 8.(일) 12:00 March 8, 2020 (Sun) 12:00

  • 전라북도 Jeollabuk do
    • 확진자 7 (격리 5 격리해제 2 ) Confirmed by 7 people ( 5 isolated, 2 isolated)
    • 자가격리 29 Self-Isolation 29 people
  • 대한민국 Republic of Korea
    • 확진자 7,134 (격리해제 130 사망 50 ) Confirmation 7,134 persons ( 130 people killed, 50 deaths )
    • 의사환자 188,518 188,518 medical patients

코로나19, 함께하면 이겨낼 수 있습니다 Corona 19, you can overcome it together

Together, you can overcome it: 1. Wash your hands thoroughly with soap for at least 30 seconds, 2. Cover your mouth and nose with your sleeves when you cough! 3. Wear mask when respiratory symptoms such as cough 4. Inform medical staff of overseas travel history when visiting medical institutions 코로나바이러스감염증-19 바로가기 Go to Coronavirus Infection-19

Thousand Years of Emergency Jeollabuk-do

오늘의 날씨 Today's weather

2020. 03. 08. (일) 2020. 03. 08. (Sun)

날씨정보 더보기 대기정보 더보기 More weather information More atmosphere information

정지 stop

팝업존 모아보기 Collect Pop-up Zones

정지 stop

  • We call for the active participation of the religious community to overcome Corona19!
  • Provisional Postponement of the National Sports Festival in Korea Please note that this will inevitably be “provisional delayed” to prevent the spread of corona infections, which has recently been intensifying. Opening Period (2020.04.23. ~ 04.26.) → Provisional delay ※ Depending on the progress of infectious disease, we will re-announce the details of the operation period after consultation with related organizations.
  • You can vote from April 18th, 21st (e.g., born before 16 February 200), to vote for the 21st National Assembly.
  • Real Estate Transaction Order Disruption Reporting Center
  • Corona 19, Comprehensive Guide to Economic Support
  • Coronavirus Infections-19 Get instant information!
  • Health mask / disinfectant production and sales must be reported. Subjects to be reported-Manufacturers of health masks and hand sanitizers-Sellers who sold more than 10,000 masks and hand sanitizers on the same day on the same day. · Retail, etc.): unit price, quantity sold, deadline for reporting to distributor-The results of the day until 12 noon the next day
  • Operation of damage report center for small business owners in Jeollabuk-do due to new corona virus 063-711-2012
  • Together you can overcome. New coronavirus We are again! Will overcome.
  • 네이버블로그 Blog

    스마트공장 배움터 - 직접 체험하며 익히는 스마트 공정기술 직접 체험하며익히는 스마트 공정기술글로벌 경쟁시대, 스마트공장은 선택이 아닌 생존의 문제다. Smart Factory Learning Center-Smart Process Technology Learned and Learned Directly Smart Process Technology Learned and Learned Globally in the era of global competition, smart factories are not a choice but a matter of survival. 4차 산업혁명으로 시작된 산업패러다임의 변화에 맞춰 스마트 제조 전문 인력 양성을 위한 플랫폼인 '스마트공장배움터'가 전주 팔복동에 개소했다. In line with the changes in the industrial paradigm that began with the 4th Industrial Revolution, the 'Smart Factory Learning Center', a platform for fostering smart manufacturing experts, opened in Palbok-dong, Jeonju. 도내 기업 성장 도우미'스마트공장배움터'는 4차 산업혁명 기술을 적용한 학습용 생산라인을 구축해 실제 생산품을 제조해 스마트공장의 구성과 운영을 경험할 수 있는 공간이다. 'Smart Factory Learning Center', a growth helper in Tokyo, is a space where you can experience the construction and operation of a smart factory by building a real-world production line using the 4th Industrial Revolution technology. 경기도 안산에 이어 두 번째로 전주에 문을 연 '스마트공장배움터'는 전기자동차 디지털 계기판 주요 제조라인과 강의실, 데이터센터 등이 설치돼 있다. The second smart factory course opened in Jeonju, after Ansan, Gyeonggi-do, has major manufacturing lines, lecture rooms, and data centers for electric vehicle digital instrument panels. 중소벤처기업진흥공단 이한별 팀장은 “연수를 통해 실....... Lee Han-byeol, head of the Small and Medium Venture Business Corporation, said,

  • 네이버블로그 Blog

    코로나 19 생활치료센터 알아보기 생활치료센터에서빠르고 편안하게 치료 받으세요!▶코로나바이러스 감염증- 19선별진료 의료기관 실시간 확인◀글, 사진 = 전라북도청 Find out about Corona 19's home treatment center Get quick and comfortable treatments at the Home Care Center! ▶ Corona virus infection- 19 Selected medical institutions in real time check ◀ Write, photo = Jeollabuk-do

생생TV Vivid TV Self-Contained Eligibility

자가격리대상자 생활수칙 코로나19 자가격리 대상자 및 가족. Self-Contained Persons Code of Conduct Corona19 Self-Contained Persons and Families. 동거인 생활 수칙... Living habits ...