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Let's work together to prevent antibiotic resistance
  • Date2017-11-15 09:44
  • Update2017-11-15 09:44
  • Division위기소통담당관
  • Tel043-719-7795
  • 2,291
The Ministry of Health and Welfare (MOHW) and the Korea Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (KCDC) held "The First Antibiotic Resistance Prevention Week Event" at the Seoul Riverside Hotel on Tuesday, November 14, in order to overcome antibiotic resistance.

The World Health Organization emphasizes that efforts to overcome antibiotic resistance are needed in a wide range of areas, including people, livestock, food, and the environment.

In order to expand this awareness, the third week of November every year since 2015 is designated as "World Antibiotic Awareness Week", and it is recommended to carry out a campaign for each country. 

The Korean government has participated in international efforts to prevent and manage antibiotics susceptibility, and has established "National Antibiotics Resistance Management Measures (2016-2020)" covering healthcare, agriculture, fisheries, food, and environment. 

As part of the National Antibiotic Resistance Management Measures, this event is meaningful not only in healthcare but also in the fields of agriculture and fisheries and the general public, by taking part in the implementation of the measures to ensure national policies. 

In this event,  a total of about 250 people including health, medicine, fisheries, and the general public participate in the event and declare "Antibiotic Awareness Week".

The results of the surveys on the awareness of antibiotic resistance by doctors and the general public are announced, and commitment to practice in each field is confirmed.

THe "Antibiotics Resistance Forum" reviewed the implementation of National Antibiotics Resistance Management Measures after the commemorative event, and discuss strategies with the perspective of healthcare, livestock industry and fisheries.

This forum also highlighted the proper use of antibiotics, the prevention of antibiotic-resistant bacteria, and "one-health for all" strategies that include agriculture, livestock industry, fisheries, food, and the environment.

The KCDC is promoting the development and dissemination of standard antibiotic preion guidelines in order to prevent antibiotic resistance development in advance. Also, there is a strategy to reinforce infection control in medical institutions to prevent the spread of resistant bacteria.

The standard antibiotics guidelines are being developed in cooperation with the development of preion support programs so that they can be widely used in the field, and the development of major check indexes and consultation with related institutions will continue.
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