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KCDC Issues Warning for Influenza Epidemic in Korea [Dec. 1, 2017]
- Date2017-12-01 13:43
- Update2017-12-01 13:48
- DivisionInfectious Disease Control
- Tel043-719-7113
- 2,074
Korea Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (KCDC) Issues Warning for Influenza Epidemic in Korea [Dec. 1, 2017]
◇ Influenza epidemic warning issued on December 1, 2017
◇ Requested influenza vaccination and recommends medical attention should symptoms arise
◇ Recommended observance of personal hygiene via washing hands and coughing etiquette for prevention of infection
□ As the incidence rate of influenza like illness (ILI) patients* exceeds regulatory standards** during week 47 (11.19.~11.25.) the KCDC (Director Jeong Eun-Kyeong) has issued an influenza warning and requested the observance of personal hygiene via washing hands and coughing etiquette for prevention of infection.
* ILI: Sudden onset of fever over 38°C accompanied by coughing or sore throat
** incidence rate standard for influenza epidemic for the 2017-2018 season: 6.6/1000 persons (8.9 persons during the 2016-2017 season)
(Formula for influenza standard: Average percentage of ILI during non-epidemic periods in the last three years + 2×standard deviation)
○ ILI rates were 5.3 persons (out of 1000) in week 45 (11.5~11.11.) of 2017, 6.3 persons in week 46 (11.12.~11.18.), and 7.7 persons in week 47 (11.19.~11.25.), exceeding epidemic standards (6.6 persons).
□ The Center repeatedly requested influenza vaccination for the non-vaccinated even if the epidemic has started for the prevention of influenza infection and its spread.
○ Furthermore, the Center advised making an early visit to the nearest medical center should influenza-like symptoms arise.
○ In addition, schools as well as childcare and nursing facilities should especially be attentive towards prevention and the management of patients.
○ The Center has also emphasized the observance of personal hygiene protocols like adequate hand washing and coughing etiquettes for the prevention of influenza.
■ Attachment: Incidence Rate of Influenza
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