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Precautions to Avoid Risk of Cold-Related Illnesses and Injuries in Extremely Cold Weather
  • Date2017-12-13 19:44
  • Update2017-12-13 19:44
  • DivisionDivision of Strategic Planning for Emerging Infectious Diseases
  • Tel043-719-7261
  • 2,502

Precautions to Avoid Risk of Cold-Related Illnesses and Injuries in Extremely Cold Weather [Dec. 13, 2017]

Person in charge: Lee Hee Il (Division of Strategic Planning for Emerging Infectious Diseases, 043-719-7261)

□ In response to the recent cold snap warnings, The Korea Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (KCDC, Director Jeong Eun-Kyeong) has urged the public to take proper precautionary measures to prevent cold-related illnesses and injuries*.
   * Cold-related illnesses/injuries : refers to all illnesses and injuries caused by direct exposure to the cold (hypothermia, frostbite, etc.)

□ KCDC has released cold-related illness and injury surveillance data gathered from 524 emergency rooms across the country. The data shows that there have been 41 cases of cold-related illnesses and injuries, including one death*.
   * 63 year old male due to hypothermia on December 7th .

 ○ According to surveillance results from December 1st to December 10th, the most common cases regarding cold-related illnesses and injuries involved hypothermia* (73.2%), with the majority aged 65 and over. 34.1% of all individuals were under the influence of alcohol.
   * Hypothermia : a condition that occurs when body temperature falls below 35℃ and does not return to normal

□ KCDC emphasizes the risks of cold-related illnesses and injuries during the winter season, but reminds the public that these can be avoided by taking proper precautions. The KCDC urges all individuals to check daily weather forecasts, pay attention to cold snap warnings, and dress accordingly before going outside.

 ○ It should be noted that elderly individuals with chronic conditions (hypertension, CVDs, diabetes, etc.) are at a greater risk of hypothermia when exposed to extremely cold weather.
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