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Epidemiological Investigations and Preventive Measures Underway in Response to Norovirus Cases at PyeongChang
  • Date2018-02-07 15:13
  • Update2019-11-18 20:09
  • DivisionDivision of Infectious Disease Control
  • Tel043-719-7127
  • 2,302

Epidemiological Investigations and Preventive Measures Underway in Response to Norovirus Cases at PyeongChang [Feb. 7 (Wed.), 2018]

Person in charge: : Lee Hye-Rim (Division of Infectious Disease Control, 043-719-7127, lhr1234@korea.kr)

◇ POCOG, KCDC, MFDA, and the PyeongChang County Public Health Center are conducting joint epidemiological investigations at the Horeb Odaesan Youth Center in response to cases of diarrhea in PyeongChang
◇ Sanitary inspections of communal dining areas and monitoring of diarrhea patients have been strengthened

□ The POCOG, KCDC, MFDA, PyeongChang County Public Health Center, and other relevant institutions are conducting epidemiological investigations on and implementing preventive measures for norovirus cases at the site of the PyeongChang Winter Olympics.

□ According to the POCOG (Committee President Lee Hee Beom), KCDC, MFDA, and the PyeongChang County Health Center are currently conducting a joint epidemiological investigation at the Horeb Odaesan Youth Center. As of Tuesday, February 6th, they have interviewed 1,025 individuals at the center and obtained samples for further testing.

○ There have been 21 confirmed cases of norovirus infection, all of whom are in good condition and currently quarantined within the center. Other residents have been isolated as necessary based on their symptoms, and further steps will be taken once their test results have been received.

○ Suspected sources of infection include cooking with ground water, contaminated food handlers and consumption of contaminated food products. The MFDA and the Ministry of Environment conducted an initial investigation of the water at the youth center over the course of five days, and tests came back negative for norovirus.

□ Through the patient monitoring system with medical institutions and polyclinics, public health authority received reports of diarrhea patients. As of February 6th, 11* of these patients were confirmed to have been infected with norovirus.

○ They received proper treatment and are currently under self-quarantine at home. Epidemiological investigations are currently underway to determine possible routes of transmission and contacts.
* 8 Korean nationals, 3 foreign nationals

□ Measures are being taken at every level of public health and other relevant institutions to prevent any further spread of infection.

※ As on-site epidemiological investigations are currently underway, additional information and revisions to the above content will be provided accordingly.
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