COVID-19 Statistics in Kyrgyzstan as of July 1

As of July 1, 2020, 439 new confirmed COVID-19 cases were registered in the Republic:

In Bishkek – 195 cases,

In Chui oblast – 175 cases,

In Osh city – 5 cases,

In Osh oblast – 5 cases,

In Naryn oblast – 10 cases,

In Jalal-Abad oblast – 24 cases,

In Batken oblast – 13 cases,

In Talas oblast  – 12 cases.

Out of 439 new cases – 4 (0,9%) are imported, and 435 (99,1%). are local.

In total, 5735 confirmed cases of COVID-19 infection are registered in Kyrgyzstan. Of these:

In Bishkek – 2292,

In Osh city – 656,

In Batken oblast – 90,

In Jalal-Abad oblast - 360,

In Issyk-Kul oblast – 129,

In Naryn oblast – 494,

In Osh oblast – 489,

In Chui oblast – 907,

In Talas oblast  – 78,

Among arrivals from Sol-Iletsk city RF  – 119,

Military from RF  - 100,

Arrivals from RF – 21.

Among medical workers, 49 new cases of COVID-19 were registered during the day. The total number of medical workers diagnosed with COVID-19 is 879 cases, of whom 4 medical workers were discharged from hospitals during the day with recovery. In total, 446 medical workers were discharged with recovery in the Republic.

Of the registered positive cases, 2,958 were women and 2,777 were men. Among the new cases-235 women, 204 men.


   At present, there are 750 people with previously confirmed COVID – 19 in all hospitals in the country, 93 of them are in serious condition, including 19 in intensive care units. In moderate condition – 351 people, in satisfactory condition-306 people, not hospitalized/self-isolated at home-2480 people.

Over the past day, 73 patients with previously confirmed diagnosis of COVID-19 were discharged from hospitals in the Republic:

In Bishkek – 30,

In Chui oblast – 13,

In Osh city – 20,

In Osh oblast – 1,

In Naryn oblast – 2,

In Jalal-Abad oblast – 7.

At discharge, the results of coronavirus tests are all negative. In total, 2443 patients were discharged with recovery in the country.

During the day, 5 deaths from coronavirus infection were registered in hospitals all over the country. RCIH – 2 patients (man, 57 years old. man 67 years old), CTH-1 patient (woman, 72 years old), NOOH – 1 patient (man, 60 years old), Moscow TH – 1 patient (man, 70 years old). A total of 62 deaths from COVID – 19 were registered.


     Conducted research in the last day - 3,281

Number of contacts with persons who had laboratory confirmed Covid-19 – 21 145 [the number of contacts may change during epidemiological investigations]

При выписке результаты анализов на коронавирус у всех отрицательные. Всего за все время выписано с выздоровлением по стране 2443 пациентов.

За сутки в стационарах республики зарегистрировано 5 смертей от коронавирусной инфекции. РКИБ – 2 пациента (мужч, 57 лет. мужчина 67 лет), КТБ – 1 пациент (жен., 72 года), НООБ – 1 пациент (муж., 60 лет), МосковскаяТБ – 1 пациент (мужчина, 70 лет). Итого всего зарегистрировано – 62 случая смерти от КОВИД-19.


      Проведено исследований за последние сутки      -  3 281

Количество контактных лиц с лабораторно подтвержденными больными covid-19 – 21 145 [количество контактных может изменяться в ходе эпидемиологических расследований]
