On April 18, 2020, 17 new COVID-19 confirmed cases were registered in the republic:
- Osh Oblast - 5,
- Osh City - 1,
- Naryn oblast - 11 cases.
Among the new cases, 4 are women, 13 are men.
The total number of confirmed cases in Kyrgyzstan is 506:
Jalal- Abad region - 93,
Osh region - 140,
Osh City - 74,
Chui region - 28,
Bishkek City -102,
Batken region - 5,
Naryn region - 56,
Issyk-Kul region - 8.
Of the registered positive cases, 270 are women, 236 are men.
Distribution of registered COVID-19 cases by age:
- Children under the age of 15 years - 50
- Of these, under 1 - 3
- 16 – 19 yrs - 14
- 20 - 35 yrs - 126
- 35 – 55 yrs - 191
- 55 yrs and older - 125
Currently, there are 371 people staying at hospitals, 12 patients of them are in serious condition, 6 of them are in intensive care units. The condition of the remaining patients is assessed as moderate or satisfactory.
There are no COVID-19 cases registered in health workers for today.
So, the number of health workers diagnosed with COVID 19 remains the same - 116 cases.
16 patients with the previously confirmed COVID-19 diagnosis were discharged from hospitals with negative test results during the day :
Bishkek City - 4,
Jalal – Abad region - 12
By now total of 130 patients were discharged as recovered throughout the country.
The number of cases with fatal outcome - 5
Total number of samples received for testing (since 5.02.2020) is
31 460
Total number of tests performed is 30 868
Total number of tests performed during the day – 1 850
The number of contacts with laboratory-confirmed Covid-19 patients –is 7 738 [number of contacts may change subject to epidemiological investigations’ results]
- Close contacts (I category) - 1 663
- Other contacts (II category) - 6 075
Total of 1075 people are under medical observation in Kyrgyzstan.