On April 10, 2020, 18 new COVID-19 confirmed cases were registered in the republic in 7 women and 11 men:
Bishkek City - 6;
Chui region – 8 (Keminsky district - 6, Tokmok City- 1, Alamedin district - 1);
Jalal-Abad region – 3 (Suzak district - 2, Jalal-Abad City- 1);
Issyk-Kul region -1 (Aksu district).
As of April 10, total of 298 COVID-19 confirmed cases were registered in the KR:
Jalal-Abad region (Jalal-Abad City- 4) - 89,
Osh Oblast - 98,
Osh city - 36,
Chui region - 15,
Bishkek City - 42,
Batken region - 4,
Naryn region - 10,
Issyk-Kul region - 4.
As of April 10, 39 doctors were infected with COVID-19, including 5 new cases (Chui - 1, Bishkek City- 4 cases):
- • Bishkek City- 8
- • Chui region - 1
- • Osh region - 21
- • Jalal-Abad region - 8
- • Batken region – 1.
Of the registered positive cases - 154 women, 144 – men;
Age distribution:
- Children under 15 – 34 cases
- Of these, under 1- 2
- 16- 19 - 11
- 20 - 35 - 75
- 35 - 55 - 106
- 55 and older - 72
During the day, 1 death is registered in 87-year-old patient with COVID-19 in Nookat District hospital with the diagnosis of Pneumonia, respiratory failure of the II degree. Concomitant diseases: Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease.
Total of 5 people died of COVID-19 in Kyrgyzstan.
During the day, 9 patients with the previously COVID-19 confirmed diagnosis were discharged from hospitals, with negative test results at discharge (1- in Osh region, 5 - Jalal-Abad City, 3- Bishkek City).
In total, 22 554 samples were received for testing (since 5.02.2020) -
The number of tests - 20 575
The number of tests day - 1 979
The number of contacts with laboratory-confirmed covid-2019 patients is 6047 (the number of contacts may vary subject to epidemiological investigations):
- Close contacts (I category) - 1058
- Other contacts (II category) - 4989