On April 12, 2020, 38 new COVID-19 confirmed cases were registered in the republic. Of these, 25 in women, 13 in men:
Bishkek - 5
Chui region - 3
Osh region - 3
Osh City - 12
Issyk-Kul region - 2
Naryn region - 13
As of April 12, total of 377 COVID confirmed cases are registered in Kyrgyzstan - 201 women, 176 - men:
Jalal-Abad region - 89
Osh region - 119
Osh City- 54
Chui region - 21
Batken region - 4
Bishkek City- 59
Batken region - 4
Naryn region - 25
Issyk-Kul region - 6
318 COVID-19 positive patients are managed at hospitals,
including 11 in serious condition and 6 in ICU.
As of today, 63 health workers got COVID contracted, including 12 with COVID diagnosis confirmed today:
Bishkek - 1,
Naryn region- 5,
Osh City - 6.
Total of 24 885 samples were delivered for testing since 5.02.2020.
Total number of tests performed - 24 356
Number of tests performed for the day - 1 674
The number of contacts with laboratory-confirmed Covid-19 patients - 6537;
Close contacts (I category) - 1178
Other contacts (II category) - 5359
(The number of contacts may vary subject to epidemiological investigations’ results).
10 patients were discharged from the hospital for the last day (5 – in Osh region and 5 – in Jalal-Abad City).
The total number of discharged patients is 54.
1025 people are still under observation in Kyrgyzstan.