As of June 7, 2020, 33 new confirmed cases of COVID-19 were registered in the republic, 23 in women and 10 in men: Bishkek City- 9 cases, Osh City - 9 cases, Osh region - 3 cases, Naryn region - 8 cases, Chui region - 3 cases, Jalal-Abad region - 1 case. Total of 2007 confirmed COVID-19 cases were registered in Kyrgyzstan. Of the reported positive cases - 1 029 are women, 978 – men: Jalal-Abad region - 166, Osh region - 236, Osh City - 232, Chui region - 154, Bishkek City- 531, Batken region - 32, Naryn region - 398, Issyk-Kul region - 18, among the people, who arrived from Sol-Iletsk - 119, among the servicemen from the RF - 100, among the people, who arrived from the RF - 21. 6 new COVID-19 cases were registered among health workers: Bishkek City- 1, Osh City- 1, Osh region - 1, Naryn region - 3. The total number of health workers diagnosed with COVID-19 is 395 cases, of which 2 were discharged from hospitals with recovery today. In total, 275 health workers were discharged with recovery in the republic. Distribution of registered COVID-19 cases by age:
560 people with previously confirmed COVID – 19 are being treated in hospitals of the republic, of which 11 are in serious condition, including 2 in intensive care units; 89 patients are in moderate condition and 460 - in satisfactory. Over the last day, 65 patients with previous COVID-19 diagnosis were discharged from hospitals in the republic with negative test results: Bishkek City- 8, Osh City - 18, Osh region - 7, Naryn region - 30, Jalal-Abad region - 1, Issyk-Kul region - 1. Total of 1 425 patients were discharged with recovery throughout the country by now. Number of tests performed over the last day - 2 713 The number of contacts with laboratory confirmed Covid-19 patients is 8 415 [number of contacts may vary subject to the results of epidemiological investigations] |
1 461 people are being monitored in observation facilities of Kyrgyzstan