Epidemiological situation with COVID-19 in Kyrgyzstan as of April 9

On April 9, 2020, 10 new COVID-19 confirmed cases were registered in the republic: 3 women, 7 men: 

Bishkek - 

Osh region, Nookat district - 

Osh city - 

Jalal-Abad region - 5 (Suzak district - , Aksy district - 1).

Of the new cases, 2 (Osh city, Aksy district) were identified among health workers, totaling to 34

As of 9 April, total of 280 confirmed cases were registered in Kyrgyzstan. Of the registered positive cases - 147 women, 133 men: 

Jalal-Abad region - 86

Osh region – 98, 

Chui region – 7,

Batken region – 4,

Osh – 36,

Bishkek – 36,

Naryn region – 10,

Issyk-Kul region – 3.


  Age Distribution:
  Children under the age of 15 years - 30

  1. Of these, up to a year - 2
  2. 16 - 19 years of age - 11
  3. 20- 35 - 71
  4. 35 - 55 - 101
  5. 55 and older - 67

The number of contacts with Covid-19 laboratory confirmed patients is 6268 (the number of contacts may vary subject to epidemiological investigations), including:

  • Close contacts (I category) - 1058

      -    Other contacts (II category) - 5210

Since February 5, total of 20 901 samples were delivered for testing, the total number of tests performed - 15 117
